Blessings, Curses, & Confusio...

Av bambheelee

169K 6.7K 4.5K

Jake couldn't have imagined debuting with someone who seemed so perfect and talented. He also knew that even... Mer



5.2K 188 85
Av bambheelee


'One vanilla latte, one chocolate latte, and two croissants, please' Heeseung said to the cashier.


The pinkish-reddish haired boy turned to his side. Jake's arm was right up against his, their hands intertwined, and the younger was giving him a frown. 'Two croissants is too much. We can just share one.'

'One croissant for the both of us isn't filling enough.' the older said simply, turning back to swipe his card. Jake sighed. Heeseung is a very stubborn man.

They found a small table near the full-length windows of the café, admiring the bustling city around them. Jake pulled out his phone to snap a couple pictures. He didn't want to forget this location. After all, it would become the memory of his and Heeseung's first date.

They sat down and waited for a few minutes before a waiter appeared, carrying their order on a tray. One by one, the waiter set out Heeseung and Jake's drinks and croissants.

'Thank you' Heeseung nodded at the waiter.

'Thank you' Jake repeated, flashing the waiter a polite smile.

'My pleasure! If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to wake up.' the waiter said, bowing slightly at the two.

Jake blinked in confusion. 'Pardon?'

The waiter's friendly smile suddenly disappeared as he began to stare blankly at Jake. 'Wake up.'


"HEY IDIOT WAKE UP!!!" Jake suddenly heard someone yell before a large pillow slammed into his face.

"OW!! What the heck?!?" Jake yelped, throwing the pillow off himself in bewilderment. Then he realized he wasn't in a café at all. He was in his and Jay's room. It had all been a dream.

"Rise and shine, stupid. That's the third time I called you." Jay grumbled. So that's why the waiter's voice sounded so familiar.

The Aussie groaned groggily as he sat up, his blonde hair sticking out in all directions. "What time is it?"

"Time to wake your a$$ up. We have to leave in 15 minutes. Why are you so tired?"

Jake rubbed his eyes sleepily. After their late ramyeon session last night, Heeseung and Jake had gone back to their own rooms to sleep. However, instead of sleeping, Jake had spent most of the night smiling happily like a giddy teenager, replaying those lovely scenes in his head over and over again. He was so excited to finally be together with Heeseung that he had only gotten around four hours of sleep. But Jay didn't need to know that.

"I uh, had a stomach ache" the Aussie lied, hoping his roommate wouldn't question it too much.

"Figures. I didn't cook last night, so I wouldn't be surprised if you made some miserable attempt at food and poisoned yourself." Jay sassed.

Jake scoffed as he slipped out of bed. "No, I ate ramyeon, and everyone knows I cook the best ramyeon in this house."

"You wish, Aussie boy."

"Shut up. You are such a jerk, you know that?"

"Only to you."

Jay threw the Aussie a smug look, to which Jake just rolled his eyes and smiled. Bickering was normal between the two. They always enjoyed joking and teasing with one another; it was their way of showing affection.

"There's stomach relief medicine in the cabinet. You should really stop eating ramyeon at night" Jay said, finally deciding to be helpful.

"Gee, thanks Jjongsaeng," Jake replied sarcastically, his turn to put on a smug smile.

"Shut up."

Timeskip: 8:08am

After the two had finally stopped bickering, they made their way out of the dorm to join the rest of the members in front of one of their company vans. The group's manager drove them to the agency building, where they had their hair, makeup, and styling done, and then they went back outside, this time to where a larger company travel bus was waiting.

"Where are we going, hyung??" Ni-ki asked their manager excitedly. Today, the group was scheduled to film for En O' Clock, and usually when the group traveled by bus, it meant the staff had something really fun prepared.

"We're going to be filming at the beach today," their manager smiled, causing all of Enhypen's tired, yawning faces to immediately light up.

"WAAAA BEACH DAYYY!!!" Sunoo exclaimed, clapping his hands together happily.

The last time Enhypen had gone to the beach was to take pictures for the Odysseus version of their Dimension: Dilemma album. But back then, they hadn't really had a chance to enjoy it much since they had to leave as soon as the photoshoot was finished.

"We should play rugby again" Sunghoon said with a glint of mischief in his eyes, remembering how fun it had been to tackle and catch the other members off guard.

"What will we be doing there?" Jungwon asked, somewhat skeptical that they would get to freely enjoy themselves at the beach.

"We have a couple group activities planned, but after that you can enjoy yourselves however you'd like. This will be an overnight trip, so we've packed extra clothes and rented a house for you all to get comfortable. Just be ready to leave the beach by tomorrow morning." their manager said, earning excited cheers, claps, and thank you's from the members. They then began to load the bus one by one, filling in the seats and preparing for the long road trip ahead.

Heeseung sat down by a window and watched as the members filed in, hoping no one would take the seat he was reserving next to him. He squinted his eyes between the tall members, looking for a specific someone. When he finally spotted the shorter member with blonde hair, Heeseung made eye contact with and signaled to Jake, to which the latter happily skipped his way over.

"Good morning, hyung" the younger said, giving the older a sweet smile.

Heeseung returned the smile and watched fondly as the younger sat down. "Morning, pup. Sleep well?"

Jake was looking extra puppy-like today with his blonde hair in fluffy waves and beige-colored coat (a/n: he looks like the picture at the top hehe). The older had to resist openly reaching out and ruffling the younger's hair in front of the other members and staff.

"Yeah, I was having a nice dream until we had to wake up and get ready" Jake responded, puffing his cheeks in a slight pout.

Heeseung let out a light coo. "Aww, is that so? What were you dreaming of?"

The older then smirked, sneakily placing a hand on Jake's thigh so the others wouldn't see. "Were you dreaming of me?"

The younger's eyes widened and he immediately felt his face get hot. How did he know?


Just then, the bus lurched forward, snapping both of their gazes toward the road.

"Alright everyone, we're going!" their manager announced before finding a seat.

"LETCHEU GOOO!!" Sunghoon shouted as Sunoo sat beside him and laughed.

"JUST YOU WAIT BEACH!! WE'RE COMING!!!" Ni-ki joined, making Jay who was seated next to him glare and slip in his earbuds in annoyance.

"Guys, be quiet" Jungwon tried to calm the other members, but his own face was upturned in a smile.

And as Jake was taking all of this in, Heeseung had moved his hand from the younger's thigh and intertwined it with the latter's, grabbing his attention again. Jake made eye contact with the older, both of them smiling at the warmth and comfort of each other's touch before looking forward again.

This is gonna be a great trip, they both thought to themselves.



found some time to update after finishing some exams ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

some good and bad news for y'all - the good news is i've planned out a lot of the story and have some new chapters waiting in my drafts!! the bad news is uni work is still kind of heavy rn, so idk when exactly the new chapters will be out ㅠㅠ

nonetheless, thank you for being patient with me so far!! i hope you continue to enjoy the story moving forward~


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