COTE: Koenji What if

By user20487131

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Classroom of the elite, except Koenji knows about the white room and the masterpiece of the white room. In ot... More

Vol. 1 Chapter 1.1 - An unsettling start
Vol. 1 Chapter 1.2 - Convincing the class
Vol. 1 Chapter 1.3 - Introductions
Vol. 1 Chapter 2.1 - Convenience store
Vol. 1 Chapter 2.2 - Reflection
Vol. 1 Chapter 3.1 - Exercise
Vol. 1 Chapter 3.2 - Cafeteria trip
Vol. 1 Chapter 4.1 - Failed invitation
Vol. 1 Chapter 4.2 - Kushida's request
Vol.1 Chapter 4.3 - Club fair
Vol. 1 Chapter 5.1 - The bets
Vol. 1 Chapter 5.2 - The (Swimming) Race
Vol. 1 Chapter 5.3 - After the swimming race
Vol. 1 Chapter 6.1 - Kushida's Plan?
Vol. 1 Chapter 6.2 - Superiority complex vs Superiority complex
Vol. 1 Chapter 7.1 - Practice test
Vol. 1 Chapter 7.2 - A group hangout
Vol. 1 Chapter 7.3 - Judgement day
SS - Sudou Ken - Exercise
Vol. 1 Chapter 8.1 - A little scare
Vol. 1 Chapter 8.2 - Scam artist
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.1 - Preparing for group study
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.2 - Group studying
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.3 - False accusation
Vol. 1 Chapter 9.4 - Group bullying
SS - Satou Maya - Regrets
Vol. 1 Chapter 10.1 - Expulsion
Analysis of Volume 1 so far
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.1 - Setting up Hirata's group study
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.2 - Hirata's group study
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.3 - Ayanokouji's lament
Vol. 1 Chapter 11.4 - Gym buddies
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.1 - The midterms
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.2 - How to deal with a stalker 101
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.3 - Date?
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.4 - Albert vs Ryuuen
Vol. 1 Chapter 12.5 - Exam results
SS - Horikita Suzune - Disappointment, Disownment, Defeat
Vol. 1 Side Note
Vol. 2 Chapter 1.1 - Social media
Vol. 2 Chapter 1.2 - Trauma
Vol. 2 Chapter 2.1 - The next Vice President of the Student Council
Vol. 2 Chapter 2.2 - Invitation to the student council
Vol. 2 Chapter 3.1 - Another change to the school rules
Vol. 2 Chapter 3.2 - Boredom
Vol. 2 Chapter 3.3 - A bet in class 1-C

Vol. 1 Chapter 12.6 - Confrontation

934 35 12
By user20487131

Horikita told me and Koenji to come to the back of the school building. I originally wanted to be the one confronting her, but this also works. But while I am heading there, I made a call to Chabashira.

"Hello Ayanokouji." Chabashira said.

"Thank you for helping me out there. There was just one little detail I would like to confirm. But for now, it was very helpful for you to give wrong messages to the class like that."

"Indeed, I was a little puzzled at first as to why you wanted me to say that the likes of you, Koenji and a third person in class A were compensated generously by the school for getting above full marks in one of the exams. To think that all these defects in class D thought that they could be compensated as well by getting full marks like how you guys were compensated in the practice test. The school obviously knows the circulation of the cheats. And it looks like Horikita has just realized how far behind she truly is with that statement. Achieving 100% isn't enough to be at the top in this school."

"I would also imagine that no sane person would waste their points to buy an extra point like that either. Also, your timing was excellent, sensei. You made sure to reveal Sudou's expulsion as soon as Horikita tried to ask me about how me and Koenji obtained that 1 extra mark." I added.

"Indeed. After all, actions do speak louder than words. Also, I personally think that you should have been compensated. You, Koenji and that third person in class A. This is just my perspective, not as a teacher."

"That third person is the little detail I would like to ask about. Although you seemed to have already implied it, do you know if she visited the teachers office and also bought a mark?"

"Yes, she did. She came into the office a little later than you guys actually. You could say that it was her challenging the likes of you and Koenji, a declaration of war. It was also her demonstrating her superiority in class A. There is a schism, a battle for leadership of class A and Sakayanagi is asserting her dominance in the class. I wouldn't be surprised if she has took over already."

"I see." 

That must be why she sent out Kamuro to scout out whether me and Koenji were going to buy a point or not. That way, she would then buy a point for herself.

It is pretty much a statement, saying that she can also do the same thing we did. She has the points and the knowledge to test the rules and find loopholes. And in addition, this will even help her solidify her position as class A's leader.

In a sense, she is doing something similar to what Ryuuen did, testing the school rules and finding the loopholes in the system. These acts are what distinguish the likes of Horikita to competent people like Ryuuen and Sakayanagi. Even Hirata is on the right path towards understanding the point system.

However, Sakayanagi does sound quite troublesome, I have attracted some unnecessary attention already. But, for some reason I felt excited by this.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, I hope that we will be able to cooperate like this in the future as well."

"Perfect, I'll see you tomorrow in class." 

"By the way, you will also hear some very good news tomorrow in homeroom."

"Well I will be looking forward to that. Bye Ayanokouji-kun." 

"Bye." I then cut the call.

I went to the location that Horikita requested. 

"Where is Koenji-kun?" Horikita questioned.

"Who knows." I said.

In reality, he and Manabu are actually around the corner, about to listen in to this conversation, ready to come in when the time is right.

"Uhg, fine. Now tell me, why are you doing all of this? Why did you give me the cheats? I know that Hirata used the cheats for his study session, but why did you give them to my tutor group before he revealed the cheats? Why didn't you tell me that the practice material you gave me for my tutor session were the cheats to the exam?"

"First of all, the cheats to the exam were given to me by Hirata. He was the one who bought them. To make it easier for you, he gave you the cheats so that there weren't really many ways for you to mess up teaching them for the tutor session you wanted to do. If the idiot trio knew about it being the cheats, they would have just crammed the day before. If you had known about the cheats, your pride wouldn't have accepted it due to the bet we made, even if going through it would have greatly helped the three of them."

In reality I actually told Sudou that they were cheats, but he still came regardless.

Also, I lied about the fact that Hirata gave me the cheats. I was the one who gave Hirata the cheats. I made Hirata take credibility all for this exact moment. 

I had to reveal and explain to Hirata about some things I didn't want to reveal just because I wanted Hirata to take credit for the cheats. This includes my involvement in the Kushida situation, as well as the bullying plan that the idiot trio and Satou attempted. I revealed a lot of information to a potential enemy for this very moment so that she can't ask around to see if it wasn't the case. There shouldn't be any way for Horikita to know I was the one to buy the cheats, only suspicions.

"W-what? He did? But I thought that you were the one who got them. But, why did he go so far to let me tutor a group on my own?"

"He wanted to give you a chance. A chance to form relations with some of the members of the class. To make allies in this class and form important connections. Perhaps even a chance to make a friend. He sacrificed a few days of going through the cheats with the rest of the class just to give you a chance. But you gave up faster than it took for me to say this sentence."

I joked around a bit with that last sentence. But still, this was something serious.

"All you did was mope about and give up almost instantly, pushing everyone away from you after realizing that it will take a little bit more work than expected. You didn't even consider the consequences that could have arisen had they gotten expelled, and only realized the consequences after Kushida got expelled. Your actions of not tutoring them could have costed the class of ever getting to class A, if it wasn't for the fact that Hirata is in this class. We haven't even been staying at this school for two months and yet our chances to get to class A were already almost completely ruined by you. And here, I thought you wanted to reach class A. You certainly did get distracted by our silly little bet."

"But those idiots had no drive, they just got lucky that they had the cheats from Hirata. And Sudou even failed his English test. I did see them go to Hirata's study group initially. And I heard that Hirata obtained the cheats as well, so I assumed that they were planning to go to Hirata's study group and study from the cheats in those study sessions. However, clearly they crammed the night before after giving up with Hirata's study group as well, just like how they gave up almost instantly with my own tutor group. They surely should have gotten full marks if they didn't and stuck with Hirata's study session." Horikita rebutted.

She really had no idea what happened.

"Don't just assume that they didn't go to the study sessions. In fact, if you had even visited in person to any one of Hirata's study sessions out of concern about those three, you would have realized that Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou chose to keep working and attended every one of Hirata's study sessions. You should have at least checked to see if they were still attending the sessions just in case, as by your own words they gave up on your session, so there was a chance they would give up on his session. They had the work ethic and the drive to save themselves, you just didn't see it. And you gave up on them prematurely and chose to instead focus on beating me and Koenji in the midterms, thinking that they were all safe because of the fact that they were attending his sessions and had the cheats. Even after hearing about the consequences, you didn't make much of an effort at all to help save them, or even at least check up on them enough to ensure for a fact that Hirata could handle it from there. Instead all you did was focus on trying to get 100% in all your tests."

I paused for a few seconds for Horikita to comprehend the information.

"To put it simply, Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou didn't give up on themselves. They gave up on you. That's the difference. Hirata gave up on you as well. You were only a hindrance to their motivation, and yet they persisted despite it. By your own words, you are no better than Sudou when it comes to giving up." I said.

This point was rather brutal, but Horikita was also extremely blunt back during the study session. I used the same point she incorrectly made about the likes of Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou back onto her.

"Furthermore, Hirata found a workable solution tailored to help them specifically, by getting the cheats. He even worked on their fundamentals and study skills and didn't focus solely on memorization. He thought of a way which would even help them. You considered them unsalvageable after encountering the slightest of difficulty with tutoring them, and yet Hirata not only got cheats, but worked on their fundamentals even though they didn't need to. He was thinking long term, about ways to not rely on things like cheats in the future. He saw through their perspectives, that's why he understood what was necessary in order to save them. You aren't able to see through other people's perspectives, expecting far too highly of them. As if they will be able to instantly understand what you are tutoring them."

"And he even had a back up plan in case if even everything he did so far failed. Even though the back up plan failed, he at least tried something that could have had a realistic chance of working. He thought rationally about what Koenji did with that ridiculous purchase, instead of thinking that it was just some stupid purchase and dismissing it. He adapted it into something truly special that had the potential to save someone. To buy a reversal to an expulsion, that's what he thought of after seeing what Koenji did. He even understood that the average marks would increase and told everyone about that beforehand. That's why he thought to include this additional plan, accounting for the increase in the passing mark." I added.

Not only Hirata thought of a very realistic way of getting everyone to pass, he put in the extra effort just in case to ensure everyone would pass.

Also, I actually told Hirata about how the school calculated the pass marks, but I let Hirata take the credit instead to add to Hirata's superiority over Horikita.

"And to think, after you had given hope on them almost instantly, all you did was focus solely on beating me and Koenji in the midterms, letting Hirata do all the dirty work of saving them instead, thinking that would be enough. Even though you understood that there were massive consequences for them to get expelled after giving up hope on them, you didn't bother trying to help them despite it. It was your goal to reach class A, but you got distracted, blinded by your own superiority complex. You chose to be selfish and focused on a silly little bet. That is your superiority complex coming in, losing yourself in your own goal just to prove two people in your class that you are superior. And despite focusing everything, all your efforts on this bet and even having cheats, you couldn't even win a single bet. You can't do anything useful to help the class, you can't even help yourself. You are worse than defective, you are a liability to this class."

I paused for a few seconds for her to comprehend this information.

"While you have only been preparing on getting 100% for the tests, Koenji and I had been preparing to go past 100% this entire time. If you want to be at the top of this school, you can't just settle for 100%. You have to go beyond that."

I sighed to myself and paused for several seconds.

"That's why your brother sees you as a disappointment. A disgrace to the Horikitas, a disgrace to the student council president. To think that the younger sister of the student council president of such a prestigious school is in the lowest class, class D. You aren't even the best student in the lowest class, despite acting all high and mighty. The class should have been the focus, not the silly little bet. You should have focused on getting to class A. Even Hirata is better than you. Even Kushida is better than you. You are worse than defective. You are a complete hindrance to the class." I said.

"...However, there were two things of use that you had. One of which were your private points. At least I have gotten your private points now, it would have been wasted on you. That was one of the only valuable things left on you. But now there is nothing as your other use had already been used up." I concluded.

We don't have an allowance as of right now, so the only thing that Horikita had left to her usefulness really was the points. But now she is nothing.

"...I admit that I am not better than the likes of you and Koenji. But you guys are freaks. And also, how is Kushida better than me?"

She seems to have acknowledged that at least Hirata is better than her, despite not saying so directly. There was no way she could after everything that Hirata did, or at least what she thinks Hirata did.

However, she still hasn't realized the threat that was Kushida.

How disappointing.

"I see, you still haven't realized it yet, haven't you?" I said.

"What? What do you mean? I don't understand. The only things she did was fail to make friends with me in the café with that set up of hers and got herself expelled."

"Indeed, she certainly is far behind, now isn't she, Demon-boy?" A person said behind me.

It was Koenji.

"I guess she will be in the dark then. Even you must have figured out why Kushida is far superior than Horikita over here, right?"

"Indeed I have. How pitiful that Horikita-girl doesn't even realize her place at this school. Even I have to congratulate Kushida-girl's acting skills. Also, I heard everything about your failures. I was just around the corner, listening in this entire time." Koenji remarked.

"So that's where you were. Also, sure, her personality was a fake, but that just further proves my point. She failed to keep up her fake personality and got herself expelled." Horikita added.

"Suzune, you are horribly mistaken." Another person said behind me.

It was Manabu.

"Nii-san?" Horikita said with a look of shock.

He sighed to himself, and then looked at me.

"I was also around the corner, listening in this entire time next to Koenji. Anyways, excellent work Kiyotaka. You have far exceeded my expectations."

"Thanks, Manabu."

The younger sister flinched twice when we said our first names to each other.

"...Why are you saying his first name?" the younger sister questioned.

"Hmmm? We are just good friends. Nothing special. We are just at first name basis." I replied.

This really struck a nerve inside the younger sister. Here, the younger sister wasn't even able to start a conversation with her older brother throughout the entirety of her time in this school. And here I am acting all friendly with her older brother.

Manabu has acknowledged me, but he hasn't acknowledged her.

"Anyways, it is fortunate that I didn't have to spend too many points. It looks like your class was very successful in passing the exams for the most part. Only one person was below the pass mark in one of the exams, and by one point as well." Manabu mentioned.

"Indeed, it also helped with showing how exactly I got that extra point to your younger sister." I replied.

"Also, I am certainly impressed with Hirata's work so far. He is absolutely far above the likes of her." Manabu added.

Horikita was watching this conversation unfold. She hasn't been able to meet her older brother the entire time she has been at this school. And now here I am on first-name basis with her older brother. 

Even though he is a few meters away from her, she is still so far out of reach from him. And she didn't dare to close the distance.

"It appears as if her spirit hasn't faltered completely yet, unfortunately. But at least she should have learnt something from this." I said.

"That is fine. Has she realized the reality of the Kushida situation yet?" Manabu asked.

"No, she hasn't. Even Koenji realized what happened despite not even being a part of the operation. At the very least, she did realize that Kushida is from the same school as her, but only after Kushida was expelled. How disappointing." I added.

Manabu sighed heavily with his left hand on his forehead. He then cleaned his glasses.

Horikita was staring at us, wondering what we were all talking about. 

I turned to the younger sister.

"I made a deal with your older brother to test if you have changed, and to teach you a lesson about knowing your place in this school. In return for giving you an absolute defeat, destroying your spirit, taking away all your private points, he was willing to lend me enough private points to save everyone who was at threat from expulsion due to the midterms."

Manabu then turned towards his sister.

"Suzune, I didn't think you'd follow me this far. And yet, you are still the useless girl I saw back during junior high. You haven't changed one bit in the last 3 years. Or perhaps, you have become worse, you have become a liability. You've always fixated on following me, and as a result you didn't notice your glaring flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a massive mistake."

"T-that's, that''re right. But...but, but I'll reach class A right away! I'll do it---"

"You possess neither the abilities nor the qualities needed to reach class A. Even after all this, you still think you are capable of doing so? Even if this class reaches class A, it will most certainly not be as a result of your own actions, but by Kiyotaka's actions instead."

The younger sister couldn't say anything to this. Manabu stared at the younger sister with no hint of emotion. It was like he was staring at an uninteresting object.

"Leave this school immediately. So that you won't be a stain to Kiyotaka's class, so that you won't be a stain to my position as the student council president, so that you won't be a stain to the Horikita name."

"... ... ...No, I won't. I will reach class A."

"I see then. If that is your decision, then I won't force it. But, I am also free to make the decision to not consider you as family any more." Manabu concluded.

The younger sister fell to the ground.

Manabu then turned away from the younger sister as if she wasn't there anymore.

"By the way, Koenji-kun, there is something I would like to discuss with you." Manabu said.

"Hmm? Are you referring to 'that' ?"

But before Manabu could tell Koenji what he wanted to discuss, the younger sister looked towards me and wanted to say something, so Manabu held off from what he wanted to discuss.

She had tears in her eyes.

"...Wait, did you purposefully let the set up, the plan Kushida made back in the café to make friends with me, fail on purpose? Someone like you wouldn't have left all those massive holes in that plan of hers." 

She has begun to realize. Finally, took long enough. 

However, it looks like tears were flowing freely from the younger sister's eyes. Her voice was hoarse.

That last sentence that Manabu said must have really hurt her. He doesn't see her as family anymore.

The cracks are starting to show from her, but she attempted to hold back the tears.

"Did you also make the study group fail as well? Why didn't you make an attempt to salvage it? Why didn't you choose to take sides? It goes directly against what you said, about protecting your friends."

She attempted to say this while wiping away the tears.

"You only just realized that now? You really are far behind." I remarked.

"W-what? But why would you mess with her plans? Sure, she was being annoying but she was only trying to be friends with me, but still?"

"She was trying to investigate you."

"What's your basis on that."

She figured out that I screwed with Kushida's plans, but she is still unable to discern my true motives and Kushida's true motives.

"Somehow, you didn't even realize she came from your own school until only after Kushida got expelled. Why do you think she never told you she was from the same school as you? I noticed that before you did and yet you come from the same school as her. The first suspicious thing I noticed about Kushida was that she knew your name despite the fact that you didn't give a self-introduction. Did that thought ever ring in your mind?"

"N-no. No it didn't." Horikita looked shocked upon hearing this.

"In fact, I had to ask your older brother to see if he recognized Kushida to confirm my suspicions about her being from the same school as you. And he did. He confirmed that Kushida was from the same school as you. That is also how Manabu realized that you followed him at this school. That is why I continued my investigation of her, her actions were very suspicious. The very fact that she is also in class D is also a major red flag despite her academics, physical abilities and social prowess. She should have been in class A. She is class A material on the surface, just like Hirata. And after investigating her some more by foiling her plans of investigating you and investigating other parts about her, it turns out we discovered the fact that her whole personality was fake. As a result of that, I got her expelled after she tried to expel me for discovering her dirty little secret."

"W-w-what? You were the one who got her expelled?"

To think she didn't even notice the fact that Chabashira looked at me for a split second upon saying that she won't reveal who was the one Kushida tried to frame for a crime. Even Hirata noticed, and most certainly Koenji did as well.

"In other words, if she found out that you knew she was from the same school and remembered her, she would have most certainly have tried to expel you too. You didn't even realize that an enemy was trying to expel you this entire time."

I once again sighed to myself. 

Horikita's ignorance to the entire Kushida situation is very alarming, despite the fact that she was such a massive part of it.

"To put it simply, the reason why Kushida is superior to you is that you didn't realize she was trying to go after you, so she was able to disguise her intentions well enough for you to not even notice her true motives. She didn't want to actually make friends with you, she was just trying to see if you knew her dirty little secret. And if you did, she would have expelled you at all costs, even willing to frame you as a criminal like she attempted to do with me. That's why she is superior to you. She outsmarted you and tricked you to the very end. Her own failures were as a result of my own direct intervention."

I paused for a few seconds to let Horikita speak. 

Horikita couldn't respond to what I said. So instead I continued.

"Kushida was a threat to the entirety of class D. The only helpful thing, other than the private points you once had, that was helpful to me was for you to be bait for her to accidently leak her true intentions for me to foil her plans. You didn't help with anything else. You couldn't even tell me she was from your own school until after her expulsion, I had to ask your older brother for that information. This is why you are no longer considered useful to me, or even to the class anymore. You can't act as bait, or produce points anymore. You can't even be considered as deadweight as you have actually negatively impacted the class due to the tutor group. You are a complete hindrance to the entirety of class D." I concluded.

"Hmph! To think that outside observers such as myself and Ayanokouji-boy were able to deduce this, and yet the very target herself wasn't able to figure this out. You had the most clues out of everyone here, Horikita-girl. How pitiful. It looks like Ayanokouji-boy here saved your sorry ass from expulsion." Koenji added. 

His expression turned sour for the first time at this school upon saying this.

"Although, Ayanokouji, I do have to congratulate for everything you have done so far, very, very impressive. You are certainly a beautiful existence." Koenji then started applauding with a smile.

"It was a shame that I wasn't able to help with your plans and record Kushida for you. I would have very much enjoyed to see that encounter, and perhaps even have the chance to extort her of all her points as well. However, I have been very busy in the backgrounds, after all."

"Indeed, that is what I would like to talk about, Koenji-kun. That class transferal system you discovered must have only been implemented this year, as even I didn't realize such a system was a thing. To think that someone discovered such a system this early on as well, due to your own exhaustive search. Excellent work, Koenji." Manabu said.

Class transferal system? What are Koenji and Manabu talking about?

"My, my, it looks like you didn't figure it out then, Demon-boy?" Koenji said.

Koenji then showed his student ID card.

"Look at the student ID card number. To put it simply, some students have the same student ID card numbers. They come in pairs as well and are from different classes. For example, my pair is in class B. I think you should be able to figure out the details from there. Although, unfortunately I haven't convinced my pair in class B just yet for this class transfer. So I won't be able to compete against you directly, just yet." Koenji said with a fearless smile.



... ... ...

So that's why Koenji was tutoring class B. He was trying to find an alternative, easier, quicker way to move classes, to discover a system to move classes so that he can challenge me. That was his true motive.

This also explains why he wasn't completely averse to the idea of class D and class B forming relations with each other, to help convincing his pair in class B. 

That must also be why Koenji, Kanzaki and that one other student were hanging out with each other quite a bit.

I doubt that Kanzaki is Koenji's pair, because only Koenji and Kanzaki would have hanged out with each other if that was the case, not the third student.

In other words, Kanzaki wants Koenji to be in class B. This must have also been what Koenji meant when Koenji said that Kanzaki is the only person in class B that he could even hope to make a deal with, to make background deals with.

Also, why would Koenji reveal this system to me? Is he trying to get me to do it as well? Only one of us need to do the class transfer. Perhaps he wants me to use it as a proof of concept to show his own pair that this is possible. Also, by doing class transfers for class D, I could make class D more favorable to switch to if I got someone valuable in class D, especially to fill that hole that was left over when Kushida got expelled. I do want Koenji to move classes as soon as possible though so this is favorable to me.

"Done thinking? Anyways, unfortunately I have only found two realistic ways of class transfer. The first way was to just buy it outright, but that will take too long, as we both know. This second way is the way I am trying to go for now as it is clearly the superior option."

This first method is the main reason why Koenji wanted to work with me to scam the seniors, who are most certainly hoarding lots of points compared to the 1st years. It was so that we could work together to get as many points as possible, as quickly as possible, for either me or Koenji to transfer.

It looked like Koenji got impatient and went ahead to find another method, which he did. It also allows him to keep all the points he has gathered so far as well. Even 20 million points is quite unreasonable for Koenji to achieve, for at least until a few months has passed. He creates such an ungodly amount of points. To think that no one has transferred classes in the history of this school using 20 million points, and yet Koenji is here who would have been able to realistically do so in a few months. 

And yet, Koenji still chose to also pursue a potentially quicker method that might have not even existed. What a monster. What a freak.

... ... ...However, Koenji must have asked around and figured out that no one in the history of the school has ever had a class transfer, a single student moving between classes. As a result, he deduced that the school must have wanted to see something special happen, an actual class transfer for the first time at this school. In other words, allowing the implementation an easier system, another method for class transferal to shake things up, to make history at this school. That must be the main motivation as to why Koenji even decided to bother finding something that may have not potentially even existed. Because, there was a chance the school had something hidden after seeing the first method of just buying a class transfer not being used before for the entire history of this school. That would have been the only reasonable assumption to make for an otherwise potentially pointless, exhaustive endeavor.

"By the way, Koenji. Do you want to join the student council? Just your discovery of the true intentions of the S system back during the first day is certainly more than enough to have made you qualified for the position."

"Hmmm, well I have considered it, but as a temporary join. After all, it could help with transferring to another class by being in a greater position of power. Speaking of which, why haven't you invited Demon-boy over here?"

"Well that's because Kiyotaka is already in the student council."

Koenji then smirked. He probably already could deduce that I was going to do this.

"Yes, tomorrow it will be publicly announced that I will be the other Vice president of the student council, alongside Nagumo who is also currently the other Vice president. I will also be campaigning for the position to be the next President of the student council against Nagumo's own campaign. This was the deal I made in exchange for Manabu helping me deal with the Kushida situation."

Koenji then laughed majestically.

"You can be my third method, boy. In fact, I can assist you with your pursuit to become the next student council president, using my connections with the senior girls." Koenji said.

"Is that why you hang around with them and date them?" I questioned.

Have I finally discovered why any girl would even like Koenji? Let alone, date him?

"Pah! Of course not! They were hanging around with me before I had even considered moving classes! My natural looks and overwhelming talent drew themselves towards me and I simply accepted their beautiful presences." Koenji said. 

He then swished his bangs to the side in an elegant manner.

Guess not. I honestly still have absolutely no clue as to why they like Koenji. But I guess that will forever be an unsolved mystery.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to deduce the conditions necessary for the class transferal to occur." Koenji added.

"By the way, Kiyotaka. I would prefer it if you were to cut back on your antics with the seniors. It will make things more difficult regarding the other deal you made with me,  as you will be needing to gain enough supporters for your campaign to become the next student council president. Even I am not sure that with my support, I can change their minds fully. That shouldn't be an issue with you though, Koenji." Manabu said.

Being Vice President gives me a lot of useful perks that other students do not receive. However, this also means that Nagumo has the same useful perks.

It is rather annoying knowing that Manabu isn't able to just replace Nagumo from being Vice President, and demote him from his position. Manabu doesn't have the permission to do so from the school. That would have caused a massive uproar amongst the 2nd years if Manabu did have permission. But even if Manabu could, Nagumo was still allowed to start a campaign while not even being in the student council.

In other words I have to compete against Nagumo no matter what now that I am aiming towards being the next president of the student council.

"That will make my life more difficult, but oh well." I replied.

"Well alright then, it looks like all our affairs are done now, from the looks of it."

Usually Manabu is the type of person to not say good bye. He almost always leaves after noticing the conversation has reached its conclusion, without saying anything. But since Manabu is quite friendly with us, he said that as if to say bye in a friendly way.

The ending to this conversation ended up being a lot more light hearted despite what happened just before. Speaking of which...

Before Manabu could leave, I noticed something and immediately closed in on the younger sister. She tried to distance herself, but I didn't allow that to happen.

I put my fingers on her chin and lifted her head up. After struggling a bit, she chose to not resist.

I looked deep into her eyes with my own eyes.

There is darkness in her eyes. How nostalgic.

At this point, Horikita should see me as a very eerie person.

I then backed away.

"Yes, that should be everything." I said.

"Well actually, it has been 3 weeks now, demon-boy! That means your suit is ready. After this, how about we pick up that suit of yours right now?" Koenji said.

"Sounds good."

Manabu chuckled a little after hearing this little exchange.

I then left with Koenji to head off to Keyaki mall.

But before I was gone, I looked back at the Horikitas. He stared at her younger sister for several more seconds before leaving.

How cruel.

When I was out of sight, I told Koenji something.

"Hey Koenji, I am going observe the younger sister for just a little longer. I'll be right back."

"Sure thing." Koenji then pulled out his mirror and started his never-ending beautification ritual.

I observed Horikita from a distance.

She was still on the ground.

But now, she started to cry.

She was bawling her eyes out now.

A scream of agony followed right after.

She held out for so long, holding back the tears, and even had a moment where she cracked a little, but managed to push back the tears until she was finally alone.

It must have been such a long time since she has last cried at all.

Something that was suppressed for far too long finally flowed out. It was overflowing.

She had went to this school to reunite back with her brother after not having seen him for 2 years.

And now when she finally reunited with him for the first time in 2 years, she had been disowned by him.

All those suppressed feelings finally came out.

She had failed everyone.

She had failed her brother.

She had failed herself.

Side Note: In "Vol. 1 Chapter 7.2 - A group hangout", that is where Koenji starts the order for a custom made suit for Ayanokouji. And now it is all ready.

Also, the class transferal system is easily one of the biggest changes to the story. This is how I am going to make Koenji and Ayanokouji compete directly against each other in the future.

I also plan on sticking with the original pairs that we know of, the actual canon pairs that already exist in the original light novel. Although we don't know what Koenji's pair is, I am just guessing he does and put his pair in class B. To be honest, any class would have been fine but class B is the easiest option for me to choose.

The class transferal system by the student ID card number pairs is actually something that is hinted at in the hidden plot of volume 11, and future volumes give further evidence of this.

The explanation for why can be found by looking it up, although you can also read it down below, but it will also use explanations from volumes in the 2nd year, so don't read it if you haven't already read the 2nd year series up to Year 2 Volume 7. 

The third method Koenji is talking about is also explained, but that reason uses spoilers from the 2nd year series as well, using Year 2 Volume 6.

Read at your own risk.

Some of you might not know this, but in the original light novel there are actually people who share student ID card numbers. In fact, this is what Ayanokouji discovered back in volume 9 when he realized Kamuro and Ibuki had the same number. And after consulting Manabu, he naturally investigated it thoroughly as that is in his character to do so. That is where he must have discovered how the system works. Furthermore, Sakayanagi also found this out in the volume 10 hidden plot when she referred to it as 'that'. She knew that Yamauchi and Katsuragi had the same number as well and attempted to also get Katsuragi expelled by getting Yamauchi expelled. Unfortunately, it didn't work like that so she wasn't interested in it anymore.

Now, as for why this is a class transferal, this is quite head canon but it explains the hidden plot of volume 11. To put it simply, Ayanokouji in volume 11 asserts as a fact that he would be able to get a better result than Ryuuen did against Ichinose, despite the fact that Ryuuen absolutely dominated against her in that exam, getting 5 out of 7 wins. Ayanokouji also does not lie in his inner monologues, he just has a lot of 'ifs' and 'buts' in his monologues. The fact that Ayanokouji asserted very clearly in his inner monologue is the major hint to the existence of this hidden plot, despite only being a one line hint. In other words, there must be some way for Ayanokouji to get a better result than even Ryuuen did. And that is where Kanzaki comes in, the king of hidden plots.

Kanzaki actually betrayed Ichinose by teaming up with Ryuuen in the zodiac exam in volume 4 as one of the hidden plots in volume 4. You can read up more on this by looking up online about the volume 4 hidden plot. There were many clues alluding to this fact as well, clues that are present even in the latest volumes. He has seen how Ichinose's class isn't going to be succeeding and as a result he chose to resort such tactics and succeeded in letting Ryuuen reduce class A's class points and maintain class B's class points. In fact, even in the latest novels Kanzaki has seen just how bad his class has fallen. Ayanokouji figured this out as well. 

Knowing this, Ayanokouji could actually threaten Kanzaki by revealing he betrayed Ichinose's trust, so that Kanzaki will betray class B once again by giving their time table to perfectly counter any of class B's events. The rules even make this possible as well. This is in direct parallel to what happened in volume 6 when Kushida turned traitor. But there would have to be a reason for Kanzaki to comply. As it wouldn't matter as much if he is outed as a traitor if he doesn't believe in his own class succeeding anyways.

However, there is something extremely important to note in this series. Whenever blackmail is used in this series, enticement always follows right after. This is seen in how Karuizawa had the enticement to latch on to a new parasite from Hirata to Ayanokouji and even from Ayanokouji to Ryuuen. Even Kamuro had the enticement that if she worked under Sakayanagi, she could find school life a lot more entertaining. Even Chabashira's blackmail was enticed with her 'protecting'  Ayanokouji from getting expelled by his father. And that is where the explanation of the student ID card number system comes in.

Out of the four student ID card pairs that we know of, one of them is Kanzaki and Kaneda. Kaneda is in class C, Ryuuen's class. In other words, Ayanokouji could actually convince Kanzaki to jump ship just like what he wanted to do back in the latest volumes, to class C. This way, Ayanokouji would be able to get a better result than what Ryuuen got by enticing Kanzaki to join class C to get a better chance to be in class A. The fact that Kanzaki is one of the only 4 pairs to exist and the fact that his pair is also in class C, in Ryuuen's class suggests this very idea that the author intended this hidden plot.

Although this hidden plot combines many different hidden plots and makes it quite head canon, I am using it anyways. This hidden plot could very well be the way Ayanokouji moves to a different class. In Year 2 Volume 6 right at the end, Ayanokouji wants to move class and this could very well be one of the ways Ayanokouji to move classes. Gathering 20 million points would be extremely difficult by himself. However, if he transfers once he is in class A and trades his place with another student from a lower class using this method, it is possible.

Also, the author has shown that he is willing to build up secret plots from many volumes ago. A great example of this is the mysterious caller in volume 9. In Year 2 Volume 6, they approach Ayanokouji again behind the door. We still haven't confirmed who exactly it is, but we can deduce that it is likely to be the 1st year class A student Ishigami. Both of the secret plots started off in volume 9 and have yet to be fully explained.

Another thing to mention is that the reason why Koenji said that Ayanokouji can be his third method for class transferal is because if Ayanokouji becomes the next student council president, he could introduce a system that would make it much easier to transfer between classes, such as the class transfer ticket that Nagumo has introduced in the 2nd year. This is just another precaution if Koenji is forced to use up a lot of points at once, or is unable to convince the other person in class B for the class transferal. I didn't include this point up above as the class transfer ticket is a system introduced in the 2nd year series.

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