
By Reinsjustvibing

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[COMPLETED] Please don't read this it's really bad and I don't even like countryhumans anymore to be honest... More

Quick A/N
Chapter 1: Enemies with a Mutual Friend
Chapter 2: A Slightly More Pleasant Duo
Chapter 3: A Strangely Named Restaurant
Chapter 4: Ghosts Don't Scare Me, But This One Does...
Chapter 5: Roses
Chapter 6: Secrets
Chapter 7: Jealousy
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: Options
Chapter 10: Friends Or Just Allies?
Chapter 11: BRICS
Chapter 12: An Incorrect Assumption
Chapter 13: Love, Germany
Chapter 15: Messed Up
Chapter 16: A Desperate Attempt
Chapter 17: Your Sister
Chapter 18: Shut Up and Kiss Me Already!

Chapter 14: A-Marching We Go

347 9 8
By Reinsjustvibing

It has been WAY too long since I've last updated so I'd like to explain myself!! I don't wanna stretch this though so just read my comment under this paragraph. <3

"That's surprising, I never expected you two to have met," Japan admitted.

"He is my biggest trading partner, he surpassed even America back in 2017," China said. Germany smiled.

"Even before that we were good friends."

"And you never told me?" Japan crossed his arms.

"We didn't think you would care," China sighed.

"My big brother and best friend are friends! I think I should know that!" Japan argued.

"You shouldn't care about what happens in my life, focus on your own! Although, it isn't like you have one anyways," China replied. A knocking on the door.

"Can I help you, Lithuania?" Japan asked.

"Oh yes. I heard Germany was here," Lithuania smiled.

"What do you need me for?" Germany sighed.

"This is from Poland. I ought to be on my way now," Lithuania explained. He then left hurriedly from the doorstep while Japan closed the door behind him.

"A letter? Why can't she just text you?" China asked, invading Germany's personal space. On accident, of course.

"It's more sentimental when something is handwritten and in material form. In stupid terms, it's a different vibe," Germany explained while he opened the letter.

"You think I'm stupid?!" China sobbed, overreacting on purpose as he stumbled backwards and clutched on to the couch, his mouth wide in an angry expression of shock.

"I'm too tired for this," Germany sighed.

"Well then at least read the card to us!" China begged.

"Read it over my shoulder if you have to," Germany sighed. And that's exactly what China and Japan did.

Dear Germany,

I received the letter you sent me. I accept your apology, and I hope me not being able to deliver this to you personally doesn't affect how you perceive the sincerity of this letter. That having been said, I'd prefer it if you didn't share the rest of this letter with anybody. Germany shooed the others away. I understand that you have a lot going on and that you've expressed that you never truly knew how it felt to be loved, and I can tell that you don't know what to do with yourself. I remember feeling that way once, so I'd like to tell you that no matter what happens, we'll always be friends... or more. Anyways, I should be released today! I'm super excited!

Love, Poland.


As Germany walked side by side with his friends through the city, he saw a tall man wearing a black hat with floppy ears and fur on the inside. He automatically assumed that he knew who it was and he went up and shoved the man.

"Germany! What was that for?" Sweden yelped while he balanced himself.

"Oh sorry Sweden! I thought you were somebody else... are you okay?" Germany mumbled.

"No worries. I understand if you thought I was Russia."

"Yeah it's just the hat..."

"No worries, it happens a lot. This isn't a Russian hat though."

"Alright, bye!" Germany sighed.

"Pfft, what was that?" China laughed.

"Shut up! You would do the same thing! You already know what he did."

"What did he do? I remember he told me about confessing his everlasting love for you, but other than that I'm unaware."

"You were part of the problem. How do you not know?"

"I'm confused."

"Look. America showed me this picture..." Germany began, taking out his phone. He pulled up the picture of the two and China gasped.

"That never happened! He was staying at my place because he got wasted, but we didn't do that!"

"...typical America. I suppose I should believe you over him. He's the kind of guy to do something like that, if you didn't already know."

"I suppose so. Where are we going anyways?" China wondered.

"Well I'm headed to marching band practice, you guys are welcome to watch," Germany explained.

"You're in the Country City Marching Band?! You're an Axolotl?!" China exclaimed.

"That's what they call us," Germany sighed.

"What do you play?" China asked.

"Flute. I play the waldzither in the symphony, though," Germany said.

"That's so cool!" China said.

"The waldzither isn't a very popular instrument," Japan mumbled.

"Neither is the balalaika, but nobody judges Russia for playing that."

"Balalaika is a folk instrument."

"And waldzither is my national instrument," Germany replied sternly, ending the argument. "We're here. You can sit on the edge of the field if you'd like to watch."

"Hey hey! How's our score flutist?" Cuba yelled from across the field as he ran towards Germany, leaving his large snare drum behind.

"I'm doing alright, you?"

"I'm great! You know it's nice to have a European country in the band, most of 'em are just in the orchestra, classic folks they are," Cuba sighed.

"I'm not quite as old as the others," Germany laughed. Japan and China decided they should run over to the edge of the field- like Germany had suggested- before Cuba could see them. Just as they sat down, Mexico rushed over to Germany as well.

"Buenos días, Alemania!" Mexico smiled.

"Guten tag!" Germany responded as he shook Mexico's hand. He wondered why he was so popular with percussionists- Mexico played the xylophone.

"You practiced your solo yet?" Mexico asked.

"Not yet, haven't had the zeit," Germany responded, unknowingly slipping into his native language. 

"Not a problem amigo, you were never one to need to practice anyways," Mexico put a hand on Germany's shoulder, and then so did somebody else, who casted a large shadow from behind Germany. He turned around and almost broke his neck looking upwards, and his face showed an expression of nothing but shock.

"You're... in the band?" Germany asked, his eyes wide.

"Oh yeah! He joined a few days ago, he's already good enough at the music, but this is his first rehearsal," Cuba explained.

"What do you play?" Germany asked, straightening himself out. He adjusted his glasses and fluffed his hair that came down to just above the middle of his neck. His hair had a wavy texture.

"French horn. You expected me to say tuba. I understand," Russia responded, not even bothering to tilt his head downwards. He just stared down with his eyes.

"Eheh... alright, I think we're getting started soon..." Mexico stammered. Just then, the conductor blew his whistle, which meant to get into formation. None of them wore their uniforms to rehearsal, and thankfully none of them had to, because Russia's uniform was so big that it still wasn't done yet.

"Alright! We will do a whole run through, starting with The Queen Medley, since you should have Ode to Joy down already. We will also be adding a new song, in honor of our new member. You can pick up the sheet music to practice with at the end of this session. Begin!" The conductor, The Federated States of Micronesia- or Micro, or Micronesia, for short-, ordered. They had arranged a flute solo during The Queen Medley for Germany to play. He would play a certain part of Another One Bites the Dust around twelve and a half minutes into the medley, but the part was modified to be more challenging- more impressive. He was considered the best flutist in all of Country City, which demanded respect from other players, especially competing flutists like Cambodia and Togo.

The band played through the entire showcase starting from The Queen Medley all the way to the finale, which was topped off with a duet between Germany and the percussion section.

"Great work today! You may all grab your sheet music from the stands over there. There's a special stand for Russia's sheet music, since he'll have a solo. Have a good day!" Micro called. Everybody packed up their instruments while Germany sat down to swab his flute. Russia walked over to him.

"I really liked your solo. I didn't know you could play like that," Russia smiled as he emptied his spit valves. Germany gagged as if he had never seen a spit valve being emptied before. Russia chuckled at his expression.

"No olvidas de saludarme, Alemania! Recuerdas que pasó la última vez que olvidaste?" Mexico could barely cross his arms as he lugged around his heavy percussion case.

"Goodbye, Mexico," Germany giggled. Last time he forgot to say goodbye Mexico showed up with his xylophone keys all messed up and made Germany fix them. How petty.

"I don't even know what he said," Russia sighed.

"It's not any of your business anyways," Germany replied sternly, still mad at Russia. He just wanted an excuse to act up so that he could let all his anger out.

"Did I do something?" Russia asked worriedly. He received no response except for a glance from the corner of Germany's eye as he locked up his case and began to leave. Russia immediately ran over to him, not even feeling the weight of his french horn. "Please just tell me. No. What I meant is, whatever I did, I'm sorry, and I love you. That's what I meant."

Germany smiled softly as Russia. You couldn't stay mad at him for long, as long as he liked you.

"Can I walk you home?" Germany asked.

"I'd love that," Russia replied.

They walked side by side through the city, laughing and joking around. Once they got to the hospital they saw Poland walking out with Lithuania and Czechia by her sides. Poland seemed to notice them and she looked their way, waving frantically. Germany smiled, and Russia saw that this was the perfect time to put his and America's plan into action.

"Hey Germany," Russia began.

"What's up?" Germany replied rapidly, looking back up at Russia.

"You know I love you, right?"


"Good," Russia said, proceeding to pick Germany up so that he could be tall enough to come just face to face with Russia. I think you can guess what happened next.

Poland's heart sunk in her chest as she watched from across the street. Czechia, however, didn't feel anything. She had convinced herself to just... not love him, just for her friend. She valued Poland more than anything, and that's why she immediately went to comfort her. She hugged her friend tightly and averted Poland's gaze from Germany and Russia to Czechia. Lithuania proceeded to block her view while he watched the two in disgust. Disgust that Germany could betray her like that and disgust that he had done it while she was hospitalized. 

When Russia finally let Germany down they both looked over to Poland, Lithuania, and Czechia. Germany realized what he had just done, and he gasped. He shook his head. It's no use, she hates me already... he thought. But he couldn't have lied to Poland anymore, no, that would just be leading her on. Thanks to this thought, Germany realized something.

He truly did love Russia.


Buenos días, Alemania = (literally) Good day, Germany // this phrase is often used as a form of good morning or good afternoon.

Guten tag = Good afternoon/Good day

Zeit = Time

Amigo = Friend (masculine, amigos [plural for amigo] can also refer to a group that has both masculine and feminine persons, or just masculine. This rule goes for most other forms of referring to a group, such as 'ellos' and 'vosotros' [which is most commonly used in Spain])

No olvidas saludarme! Recuerdas que pasó la última vez que olvidaste? = Don't forget to say goodbye to me! Remember what happened the last time you forgot?


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