Encanto (Journey to the past)

By BiancaGradaille

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Mirabel's ceremony was sad for several reasons but there was one reason that everyone choose not to talk abou... More

The second ceremony
About Ten-Eleven years ago
Present (After casita fell)
Songs for the story: NC
Character info
Dinner tensions again
The triplets
Mica vs Abuela
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros part 2
Learning more
La Familia Sánchez
New visitors
The new generation(not a chapter)
Making plans and meeting the village
Talks and saying adiós
A song from the heart
We're on our way
Train rides and Stories
Journey to the past
Isa, Dolores and Luisa song
Catching Up
Meet the rest
NAC: Boarding house residents
Preparing for more Drama
Reunions part 2(Can't this family have one quiet dinner)
A New Miracle
Hang in there baby
Dia De Los Padres
Parents day Part 2
Out on the town
Javier's Journal pt 1
Journal pt 2
The Jungle pt. 1
Jungle pt. 2
The End or is it?

Tough calls and explanations

32 1 1
By BiancaGradaille

We finally arrived at San Angel. Now we just have to figure out how to explain all this without getting killed.

"Well, that was an interesting trip," said Bruno

"I know right first time visiting Tío Augustín's family and now we're in a new town," Camilo said.

"I can't believe how many were there," said Dolores.

"Don't they visit though?" asked Miguel.

"Yes, but not all at once," said Luisa.

"Still the train ride was fun I got to sleep in one and eat in it," said Antonio.

"Tonito you did that in the wagon on the way to Tio's," said Isabela.

"Yeah but the train was bigger and had a bano," said Antonio.

"And as much fun the experience was. I would still like to freshen up in a full bathroom. So what is the next step El Capitan," said Camilo.

"I'm going to call ahead. Do not wander off. Just stay at the benches till I get back. alright?"

"what about Chapa and Parce?"

"We'll claim them after I make the phone call, alright? So stay put," Zano went to the phone booth to make the call.

Zano pov
As I dialed the number I kept watching the sitting Madrigals everything around them seemed like a new adventure and that's how they'll stick out.


"Hola, mama,"


"Zano, this is your father speaking. Now tell us where you are right now! and we won't ground you for the rest of your life!"

"I get it! Were at St. Angel's first train station the one. Yeesh, we're fine! Wasn't even my fault the pájaro gato decided to drag me unto another one of Miguel's attempts to find his parents,"

"Aye, Miguel," Manolo sighed remembering how the preschooler tends to wander off. "At least you called us but it's been more than a day where were you two?"

"You know that place in Colombia that the triplets grew up in,"


"That's where the bird brain took us,"

"WHAT? so you saw the village did you?"

"Dad, focus. Right now Miguel and I need to get home,"

"right, of course, everyone has been so worried we'll drive over to get you right away,"

"thank you. oh, and dad we're going to need a big ride,"


"Let's just say that when we left the Encanto seven tagalongs joined us, eight if you count the jaguar,"


"One of them is Bruno,"

"Hello? Hello? Papa?" I asked trying to see if he was still there. As I turn to check the group I see two are missing. "oh come on! I gotta go pa. I'll see you later,"

Time skip
Mirabel and Miguel are in front of a booth to claim Chapa and Parce. Dealing with the process of Bueracicy.

"Name?" asked a man in business attire.

"Mirabel Madrigal" she answered.

"Sorry don't have you here,"

"Can you at least check the last name? I mean how many people have jaguars?"

"Miss please step behind the line"

"How about Sanchez? are there two jaguars under that name?" asked Miguel.

"Yes, there are and one of them is black," the man confirmed.

"That's them"

"Great just show proof of ID and you can sign for them,"

"I just told you my name,"

"Yes. Madrigal. However, the jaguars are under Sanchez, Zano. And the only Madrigals that are allowed to claim them are listed right here," he showed them the list. "Look you seem like nice kids so why don't you wait over there while we call Señor Sánchez," he pointed to a bench and the duo reluctantly complied not seeing another way.

"Ugh!" Groined Mirabel, "Why would anyone want to work at a train station? There's so much paperwork,"

"I guess we should have waited for Zano?"

"You think?" They turned and saw a disgruntled Zano with arms crossed.

"Oh, hey Zano," Mirabel said with an awkward smile "how long were you?" He cuts her off by raising his hand in a stop motion. "Miguel why?" He asked.

"We were just going to get Chapa and Parce. The pet claim wasn't that far" Miguel said.

"Don't be mad at him it was my idea" Mirabel said trying to defend him.

"You're already on my list hombrecita, so don't make it worse!"

"Hey! You watch your tone I may" she was interrupted by a disembodied voice.

"Zano Sanchez, por favor ven a reclamar a tus mascotas que están listas para reclamar."

"Wait here I'm going to get the beasts," he said as he moved but then turned to them, "Do not leave this spot until I get back,"

"Sheesh, what a grouch is he always like that?"

"Only when we do something that annoys him,"

"Oh, like?"

"I guess having to watch kids that forget to listen,"

"I can see why he would be frustrated by that. Still, he should remember your only in preschool," she said rubbing his head. "not even old enough to get a gift yet,"

"Zano says me and my primas act older than we are," he said with his head down "we always get in trouble sometimes but I guess I mess up this time"

"Hey I'm you wanted to find your Abuelo and now because of you were going to reunite with his kids" she assured him while hugging him.

"Okay I got the cats," said Zano pushing two crates on a trolly. "Now let's go I left your family by themselves"

Back with the Madrigals

"So what should I say to them?" asked Antonio. "Do I call them cousins or by their first names?"

"You can start with hola" Joked Camilo.

"Why do you ask hermano?" asked Dolores.

"I never knew I had other cousins and they have kids my age," he said.

"Oh, that's right until now you been the youngest Madrigal," said Bruno trying to comfort his nephew.

"You'll always be our baby primo," said Isa.

"That's not why I'm nervous. I never had relatives that were my age before," the young animal lover said. As they heard this the older madrigals tried to relate but they couldn't. Bruno's a triplet. Isa and Dolores are only a few months apart. Luisa, Mirabel, and Camilo are of different ages but each is a teenager.

"Oh," Dolores said as she hugged her baby brother, "I see. Antonio I never realized how lonely you felt? How you still felt?" she noted sensing he felt like this for a while but just never realized it.

"I never thought about it before but when I saw the old pictures. It made me wonder what it would be like growing up with family my age?" he said. "What if they don't like me 'cause we didn't grow up together?"

"Antonio you remember when you finally met Tío Bruno?" said Luisa.
"What did you feel at that moment?" asked Camilo.

"Surprised 'cause everyone thought he left," he turned to Bruno. "Curious, because you were talking to Mirabel about saving the miracle," he added.

"Did you feel afraid when you finally spoke to me, a missing relative you never meet before?"

"No, I thought you were funny and I liked how you had rats for pets not many people do,"

"Well there you go primo, all you need to be is yourself," said Isa.

"She's right. Miguel already likes you and he never even heard of you before. At Least you got one estranged cousin in your corner"

"Camilo," said Luisa.

"Hey I'm just saying, aside from our older primos, we are meeting total strangers in an unknown land"
"He does have a point," said Bruno.

"Glossing over the inevitables, all of us are nervous about this reunion but at least we're all together," said Isa.

"That's right Tonito. So just be your sweet self your family will support you all the way," said Dolores as she and Camilo hugged their little brother.

"Parce!" Antonio exclaimed in joy seeing his jaguar friend pull up in a crate along with Chapa followed by Zano, Mirabel, and Miguel. "Alright now that we're all here. Mirabel. C'mon my dad is getting us at the front entrance" Zano said to the group as he loads some of their bags onto the trolly. "so where do we go now?" asked Mirabel. "C'mon I know a shortcut," answered Zano leading them to the meet-up.

Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez are waiting outside in a rented minivan to escort Zano and his guests. one of them pacing back and forth.

Manolo Sanchez Pov

"Manolo calm down, you're going to burn a hole in the street," said Maria.

"I can't help it, Maria. If Zano hadn't called us we never would have known where they were," I said.

"I would. I placed a tracker on him," she said.

"When did you-" I almost asked. "Never mind the point is they could have gotten hurt or worse and we wouldn't know," I said frantically until Maria held my hand making me look at her.

"I just worry for that boy," I said remembering the day his parents-

"Miguel is a sweet boy with a noble heart you know how it is? And Zano is there to help,"

"Oh, Zano I just wished I could understand that boy better,"

"Manolo he knows his family loves him. Just give him some time,"

Then we heard a bunch of voices talking to each other asking questions almost boarding on bickering. We turned to see Zano and Miguel. With them is a middle-aged man in a green ruana. Three young Ladies each in different colors. One of them is muscular. Miguel is talking to a boy in warm colors. two teens with curly hair quite similar twins perhaps thought the girl wore glasses.

"Look just let me do the talking and I'll-"

"ZANO!" We both shouted as we ran to hug our son.

"Mami, Papi, your already here," Zano said.

"And Miguel your alright," said Maria going to hug him.

"Hi mama Maria," Miguel said timidly greeting his surrogate Abuela.

"We're so glad you boys are safe. Now, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" she yelled. "Do you have any idea how grounded you three are?"

"Pero Mama, I was just walking when Chapa dragged me on Miguel's missing family mission," Zano tried to explain.

"We figured since Jorge, Raul, Gabi, Lala, and Lulu had no idea where you were?"

"I'm sorry it's all my fault. I asked Chapa to help me and I swore the others to a pinky promise till I got back," Miguel said. "Señora please I assure you we made sure these two got home safely," said a middle age man. 'Is this Bruno?'

"Miguel you had us worried sick and Forgive me but who are all of you? Maria asked them. Then pointed to the man "you look somewhat familiar?"

"Oh well I'm-" Bruno said nervously at the women intense gaze. I don't blame him Maria can be intimidating.

"He's Miguel's grandfather, Bruno Madrigal. the one I mentioned in our call" Said Zano.

"The triplets' father? The Fortune teller? That's you?" asked Maria softly to the man who she still made nervously.

"yes that is me," said Bruno. "And these are my nieces and nephews," he gestures to the children behind him. As they stepped closer to greet us I noticed that they look similar to the triplets' photos of their family. Zano nodded.

"Oh my, Manolo they look just like," Maria said as she noticed as well.

"I see that, though their a little older," I said which caused their confused looks.

"um, care to explain what you're talking about?" asked the curly-haired teen with warm colors.

"Oh sorry, we were referring to the pictures the triplets have of you,"

"Like the ones Miguel brought?" asked the youngest of their group.

"That's right," she said. "Now I think we should finish this conversation at home,"

"Sí, you all had a long journey to get here. Vamos, we have everything set up for you," I saw them get their stuff and stopped them "oh don't worry we shall load up the car. Zano comes," I said taking a bag and opening the trunk. As we moved out of sight I turned to Zano. "Do they know about it?"

"It didn't come up," he said.

"This is going to be a long talk," I sighed.

"Here are the rest of the bags" we turned and saw the young lady Luisa carrying a lot of bags.

"Oh, gracias for the help, you didn't-"

"We came here unexpectedly and I wanted to do my part"

"That is exceptionally courteous of you and don't worry you're our guests let us be the hosts," I said. She smiled and with the last of their bags packed including the cats in the crates. We all entered the van and they all had a look of amazement. The youngest commented how it's like a train and a carriage into one. Makes sense since the triplets explained the village has been hidden for 50 years.
'I hope they're ready for this'

Mirabel's pov
I look out the window seeing how different it was from Encanto so many people and lights. I wonder what we'll say to each other when we get there.
"Hey Mariposita we're here," said Zano getting out of the car.
I turned and see we stopped in front of a building. That must be where the triplets live.
"Okay, the moment of truth"

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