A Chance To Make Things Right...

Por Mavaezz_taetae

342K 18.9K 3.1K

(completed)✅ "I love you "--Taehyung "No you can't ... Don't waste your time on me cause I'm already dead "... Más

Part : 1
Part : 2
Part : 3
Part : 4
Part : 5
Part : 6
part : 7
Part : 8
Part : 9
Part : 10
Part : 11
Part : 12
Part : 13
Part : 14
Part : 15
Part : 16
Part : 17
Part : 18
Part : 19
Part : 20
Part : 21
🔸Important 🔸
Part : 22
Part : 23
Part : 24
Part : 25
Part : 26
Part : 27
Part : 28(🔞)
Part : 29
Part : 30
Part : 31
Part : 32
Part : 33
Part : 34
Part : 36
Part : 37💗
Part : 38
Part : 39
Part : 40
Part : 41🔞
Part : 42
Part : 43
Part : 44
Part : 45
Part : 46🔞
Answers of QNA
Part : 47
Part : 48
Part : 49💗
Part : 50
Part : 51
Part : 52 💗THE END

Part : 35

5.4K 381 151
Por Mavaezz_taetae

“you what ?” Hoseok couldn’t  belief his ears .. he must be hearing things .. for sure ..

“I’m pregnant, doctor. Three weeks to be exact.”


A nerve breaking silence.

Sometimes it can give you a moment of peace and sometimes it eats your sanity out. It can be very useful when you actually need it but the pretty boy didn’t need it now.

“Wow. Well then, um... congratulations.”hoseok said recovering from his shock state ...

“Thank you doctor.”

Jungkook heard him sigh. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

“Ask away.”

“How?” Hoseok questioned.

Jungkook gulped inaudibly. “T-There was this man...” he made some hand motions to try to explain what actually happened but fail to do so.

“I know.” The pretty boy looked at him, surprised. “I met him when you left. He seems like a nice guy.”

Jungkook didn’t t say anything.

“Did you tell your parents?” hoseok asked

The pretty boy shook his head.

“That man, jimin, did you tell him?”

He shook his head again.

Hoseok pinched the bridge of his nose. “How long have you known?”

“One week.” He mumbled.

Hoseok sighed again. “Did you at least inform the father?”


Hoseok started nodding his head profoundly. “Okay, okay. Are you planning to tell your parents?”

Jungkook shrugged himself. “Maybe. Someday when I have the courage to forgive them, I’ll tell them.”

Hoseok looked at him in disbelief and then shook it off quickly. “Okay. I can understand. How did you feel when you found out?” he asked the pretty boy cautiously which made jungkook ‘s eyes dilute in confusion.

He placed his hand on his belly. “It’s been a long time since I felt something so nice for myself. I felt happy and suddenly complete.”

Hoseok gave him a tight lipped smile. “That’s good. I’m very happy for you.” Something told the pretty boy that that he was  not glad,

But he didn’t  care about his opinions. Not anymore though because he won’t be Needing to see him again after today.

Hoseok finally picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee. “Tastes really good.”

“Thank you.” jungkook said monotonously.

“Are you going to tell him soon? Taehyung, wasn’t it? Are you going to tell him?”

Jungkook’s jaw clenched in irritation when he heard the name, but he hid it with another charming smile. “I don’t want to stress myself by thinking about this now. I’ll think about it later.” He said nonchalantly.

Hoseok feigned an apologetic look. “Oh. I’m sorry for asking, but I have another question. How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant?”

Does this man has a memory problem? Perhaps a hearing problem? He had already asked the pretty boy this question. Why was he asking the pretty boy again?

“Happy.” he answered. “After a long time, I am happy.”

Hosrok sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose again. “I can’t believe this.” he muttered under his breath.

Jungkook’s narrowed. Does he has a Problem?

Hosrok sits up straight and gave him a stern look. “I still don’t believe a single shit you’ve just said to me except you being pregnant.”

“Excuse me?” jungkook blurted out in shock. “Do you have a problem?”

“Yes. It’s you!” he snapped. “You are not happy. You are not seeing the reality and you’re hiding from it by believing that you are happy! This is not happiness. This is madness.”

Jungkook look at him in disgust. “How dare you?”he seethed. “I guess you are just not able to Believe it. I am pregnant and happy.”

Hoseok shook his head. “You’re not. Let me tell you something Mr jeon in my seven years of experience I can easily identify a person who is stable, mentally and emotionally, and I’m telling you. You. Are. Not. Happy.”

He scoffed. “I thought you came here as my Friend and not as my therapist.”

Hoseok flung his arms in exasperation. “Well then I changed my mind! I am absolutely disillusioned by the way you are behaving right now. You are not seeing the truth.”

“What truth?!” Jungkook snapped.

“That you are not happy!”

“I AM HAPPY!” he shouted, “After two years, I finally found a new purpose in my life and I’m happy for it. Why can’t you understand?! I did everything I was Told to do. I went to that damn wedding! I changed my diet and even agreed to go to preschool to spend time with children because you thought that it might help me! Well guess what? It did nothing! You hear me? Nothing. Now, I’m telling you myself that there has been a huge impact on my life and it’s good, you don’t believe. It!”

“Because you don’t see the actual reason for your so-called happiness.” his therapist growled. “You’re pregnant jungkook, I’m very happy for you but that’s not it. You allowed a man to get close to you, to touch you and you still haven’t realized it or else I should have heard you crying and begging for a punishment from your man behind the ring, just like you did last time. You didn’t even say his name in the past hour.”

“I don’t want to think about it, it’s stressful and it’s not good for any of us.” The pretty boy argued.

“The more you do not think about it, the more you stress yourself jungkook.” hoseok argued back. “Did Taehyung force you? Raped you?”

“NO!” Jungkook gasped.

“Then? You must have allowed him. Why did you allow him? Won’t that be cheating on haein?”

“It is!” the pretty boy felt the tears falling on his face. “I don’t know what happened to me that night! I ran away to busan to beg for his forgiveness but got nothing!”

“That’s because he’s gone!” hoseok shouted. “Dead and buried six feet under the ground for years. You are alive, but for the love of God, wake up! Look around you jungkook, you have people that still care about you and you pushed those people away from your life.”

Jungkook covered his ears in frustration and shook his head vigorously. “Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!”

“You are not happy because you’re pregnant.” hosrok declared. “You should be happy because you finally allowed someone into your life, someone who cares about you, got you pregnant and you got your old self back.”

“No, I should not!” jungkook screamed. “Stress is not good for me and you’re stressing me. Leave!” he pointed out the main door.

“Is that why he’s gone from here?” his Therapist questions. “You told him to Leave, did you?”

The pretty boy’s  jaw was clenched almost painfully and he was ready to go violent on his therapist. “Of course, I did and I’m very proud of it.”

“Fine.” hosrok nodded his head in understanding. “Tell me Jungkook, about the new life growing in you, does it not deserve a father’s love? A father’s care and support?”

Jesus. What does hoseok want from him?!

“Of course it does!” jungkook sobbed. “But it’s not fair to haein!”

There was an uncomfortable atmosphere which had enveloped him in an uncertainty. He didn’t want to think about. This. Not now. Not today. He wanted to focus on the life growing inside him,  but the man in front of him won’t let him.

“You know, he would have learned to let you go.” his therapist said after a moment of silence. Jungkook looked at him in disbelief. “If he really loved you, he would have let you go. You have had enough suffering jungkook This is your chance, your only chance to carry on with your life, without him.” Hoseok explained

The pretty boy shook his head. “No.” his answer was simple and clear.

Hoseok sighed in exhaustion. “Then this child doesn’t deserve to be born into this world if it’s own mother is living in the the past.”

Jungkook ‘s breath hitched and he stopped breathing after that. He felt like somebody had squeezed his heart and left it there. Itself to rot. Exactly how he felt when he heard about haein’s demise.

There was no way he was going to let anything happen to this child. It his  blood.

“Think,” hoseok whispered softly. “You went into the kitchen, a place which you used to loathe, you got that smile back on your face which is something your loved ones craved to see, you have a glow on your face and you finally started to care about something in your life without even thinking about the man behind your ring. You don’t even need my help anymore.”

The pretty boy’s tears stopped flowing from his eyes when he slowly started realising something.

“And you know why, but you were too adamant to see it.”

I’ll make you alive again.

A new tear escaped from his eye. It was strange with a strange reason. His fingers trembled as he took it out from his face and rubbed it between his fingers.

He was amazed. How did he not see it?

Taehyung actually did what he said.

Jungkook had already gotten into a very serious consequence. That consequence which he had been avoiding like a plague since the wedding.

How did it even happen?

Then let’s make it right.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and took deep breaths to release all that tension. Which was pent up in him then placed his hand on his stomach in a very protective manner.

“I-I can’t do this. This isn’t fair to Taehyung . I couldn’t even get over my past and I don’t want to destroy his future with my dark past .. he deserves better , he deserves someone who can light up his life not a darkness like me ... And i-i might not be  able to l-love him.”

Hoseok got up from the couch, kneeled in Front of the pretty boy and grabbed both his hands.

“You have had enough, jungkook. Do it for your own happiness. If this guy (haein),” he lifted up Jungkook’s left hand, stroking his ring , “really loved you then he would have wanted your happiness whether it’s with him or without him. I mean that’s what sacrifices in love are, right?... your child is  you second  gem ...and Taehyung is your light jungkook... don’t let it slide ever ... He is your port key of your dark life Jungkook”

A second gem? A second Life? A second chance? Is that even possible?was it possible that a man who appeared out of nowhere handed the pretty boy a gem and then walked away because he told him so?

Had he become too dumb? Too selfish? He covered his mouth in shock when he realised it.

His lips quivered and he nodded his head profoundly. “I-I guess this is the last time. We’ll be seeing each other.”

Hoseok chuckled. “Oh God, I hope so because if I see you ever again, it means that I have failed in my job.”

Jungkook Wiped his tears hastily and got up from the couch. They stood near the front door then hoseok turned around and gave him a sympathetic smile.

“I won’t tell your parents about this. It’s not my position to say so.”

He couldn’t say anything. He had become Dumb. He was always dumb.

“I hope you get the life you deserve Mr jeon , goodbye.” hoseok whispered and left.

The pretty boy closed the door of his bedroom and sighed in exhaustion. He took a step ahead but stopped when he saw the sight in front of him..

His heart pained when he saw the ruined.

Ultrasound on the floor.

He didn’t even realise that he had saved his Recent ultrasound from the orange juice and left the old one to get ruined. He went on his knees to pick it up from the floor and stared at it in agony.


These  days were busy  for the pretty Boy .he tore off the list he had made for himself and his baby and made a new one with many more goals.  His works only in weekdays , but during the weekends, he explored his neighbourhood which was something he never did. He learnt that his neighbour was actually an army wife who gave birth to a boy a few months ago and her husband was currently posted in hannam . The boy was too adorable and kept rolling in his crib.

He remember the elder saying this to him and he remember how easily he ignored it.

In the mornings, he would fight his morning sickness and at nights he would fight his nightmares. They were hell. It never stopped scaring him. He now knew that they mean nothing but somehow they do scared him.  He focused on completing his impending work and cases and that was when he did the craziest thing.

He sold the house. Huh!!

He sold that house which had so many broken memories, tears and his screams that he had lost count of. Sure it had given him some new memories with someone else, but he didn’t want to stay there anymore.

Not when there was nobody living with him anymore.

It got sold quicker than he had actually imagined. He guess it had a nice demand. He knew that his parents had heard about this because the property was his, but his father had initially bought it in his name because he was too distraught to even think about anything else at that time.

Yet he hadn’t heard from them.

Instead he bought a four bedroom apartment with an open kitchen, which was only a few blocks away from his office. It had a nice view of a park where he could see people walking and children playing.

He felt at peace when he first saw it so  he Bought it.

It was difficult, too difficult for him to pack up everything and leave again knowing that he won’t be opening a specific box anytime soon. At least heh Won’t try to.

He cried when he kept those photographs and ultrasounds inside the box and cried more when he taped it.

Then he went to the kitchen to eat some eggs. And cried again when he saw that he ran Out of eggs.

So he guessed things had been going fine.

He was trying or at least he was trying to try.

Trying to make some time for himself, for theirselves first before he leave

He Visited museums, parks, bookstores, watched and cried in a lot of movies and did everything he could do because that was what he used to do.

He Went for regular checkups and had the most beautiful, visible moment with his baby. Here was a thing, he had had three check ups till now but he had thirty ultrasounds.

It turns out it was quite fun to get ten Copies on every visit.

Everything was going fine then one morning he had the third biggest surprise in his life.

He slept with a flat stomach and woke up with the most beautiful bump he had ever seen.

It was so small and cute that he wanted it to be there with him forever. Obviously that was not possible. He hadn’t done his maternity shopping yet because he cannot do it alone. It was not fair to both of them, so he continued wearing his old shirts. Some showed the bump very vaguely while some didn’t and that  was exactly what he needed with him

Because it was time to set things right for Real now.

He didn’t know why he was doing this but after he realised a few things, things which he thought were impossible, he had to take the opportunity. Maybe it’ll change his life forever or maybe it’ll ruin him in a few days, but at least he could say one thing.

He tried.

So here he was, almost eight weeks pregnant, wearing a loose shirt with at pant and fidgeting his hands while waiting for the person to open his door.

Why in the world was his  heart beating so fast that it was making him nervous which in turn made his palm sweat?

He took a step back in surprise when the door opened and the man stood in front of him, probably shocked to see him .

“H-Hi, jimin.”

Jimin's expression turned into something unreadable. It looks like he had just taken a bath. His blonde hair  was dripping wet and he was wearing a nightshirt with a pyjama.

“Can I come in?” Silently, jimin slowly nodded, opening the door wider for him to enter.

Jungkook had  never been to jimin’s place. He just Knew where he lived because he was The one who had given the pretty boy his  address When they moved to inchon saying that he Could ‘crash over’ any time he wanted.

Jungkook never ‘crashed over’.

He sat on the couch and looked around. Impressive. That was the only word he could think of. He had absolutely no idea that jimin had a great taste in interior designing.

The thing was, he had no knowledge about jimin.

“Would you like to have anything? Black coffee or tea?” jimin asked after a dreadful, long silence

“No.” Jimin sat in front of him. “How have you been?”

Jimin scoffed. “Fine. No thanks to you though.”

The pretty boy bit his lips nervously. Why do had  a feeling that jimin was  getting ready to strangle him?

“What do you want, Mr jeon?” jimin growled, shooting glares in his direction. “Aren’t you supposed to be in your office right now?”

Jungkook gulped inaudibly. Jesus, jimin was intimidating him . In three years, he had  never seen him so angry.

“I came here to talk.”

“Oh!” Jimi faked a gasp. “You left your work and came here to talk to me? I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t want to talk to you.”

Jungkook groaned mentally. This was actually Tougher than he thought.

“I want you back.” He blurted.

Jimin rolled his eyes. “I’m not some property that you want back.”  The pretty boy sighed in exhaustion. He was trying to make an effort here! Jimin should at least try  to cooperate with him.

“jimin,  I-I am sorry.” jimin rolled his eyes again which in turn made jungkook lose his patience. He flung his arms up in exasperation. “Fine! There I said it! I am sorry. I shouldn’t have fired you, but I was so angry at you that firing you was the only option I saw. I realise my mistakes now. It wasn’t your fault. You said what you thought it was the best for me but i don’t give a shit about it now! I have bigger things in my hand and I want my only friend back with me.” He finished.

“W-What?” jimin stammered.

“What? I said I don’t give a shit about it now. I should pr—”

“Not that, you dumb bitch!”

“Then what?” the pretty boy questioned innocently.

Jimin pointed a finger in his direction. “Abou-About that only friend thing. You said something about that. Say it again.”

Jungkook frowned, not realising why he wanted to hear it again. “I want my only friend back.”

Jimin's eyes pop out of his sockets. he started cursing under his breath and got up from the couch. He then touched jungkook's forehead, his cheeks and neck with the back of his hand and checked his pulse. “It’s normal.” he mumbled to himself

And sat beside the pretty boy. “Am I really your only Friend?”

Oh. Jungkook realise it now. This had to be the second most awkward moment in his life. He never told jimin that he was his friend. Jimin was the one who kept saying that he was his friend.

Well, shit.

Jungkook averted his eyes and nodded meekly. He heard jimin sigh loudly.

“Why are you here, jungkook? Don’t give me your ‘I want you back’ shit. I’m not believing it.”

The pretty boy took out his phone and keys from hia bag and placed them on jimin' lap.

“What is this?”

“My phone and office keys.”

“Wow. I didn’t see that.” jimin said sarcastically. “Why are you giving me this?”

“Are you currently working somewhere?” jungkook asked him, completely ignoring his previous question.

Jimin bit his  lip nervously. “I...I have given some interviews but haven’t got any response yet, but with your recent fame and my experience, I should get in somewhere.”

“Good. You got a promotion. Congratulations.”

“Oh no! You don’t fire me for an unnecessary and absolute barbaric reason then break all sorts of contact with everybody only to stand in front of my door and say that I have got a promotion! I spent three years working for you.  Do you know how many buckets of ice cream and chicken I ate? I don’t even know! I felt like I was going through a breakup. You are a psyc-“

“I’m pregnant.”jungkook deadpanned.

Jimin’s jaw dropped on the floor “ y-you what ??”

“im pregnant jimin”

“-you dumb bitch. Haven’t you heard of a condom? It’s a rubber thingy that is wrapped around a man’s thingy before you go bangy. Is it Taehyung’s?”

Jungkook bit back his smile. “Yes. Taehyung’s.”

Jimin nodded in understanding. “Why are you here?”

“jimin, I’m leaving.” jimin opened his mouth. “Don’t you dare show up at the airport like last time.”

“Where are you going?”

“I want you to stay here and look after things.” jungkook said, completely ignoring his previous question again. “I want you to take over my job.”

Jimin's body became rigid and his mouth was opening and closing like a fish. “jimin, I have committed many mistakes and I am trying to put an effort to rectify them, so here I am. Begging for your forgiveness.” He grabbed both of his ears. “Sorry, jimin.”

No response. That midget Jimin kept staring into empty space.

“jiminiaaaaaa.” The pretty boy sang.

“Fine.” jungkook huffed. “I’ll stay like this then!”

“That’s emotional blackmail.” jimin grumbled. “Fine. I forgive you. You realized your mistake and that’s the main part.”

The pretty boy grinned in triumph which made  jimin eyes pop out of their sockets again then the pretty boy gave a tight hug.

“Oh, fuck!” jimin  screamed. “No hugging. No hugging! I’m not a hugging material!” Finally, jungkook broke off the hug. “What is wrong with you?! I think your hormones are going inside your head. Don’t you ever hug me again.”

Jungkook smiled sheepishly. “Maybe. It’s all that Jerk’s fault.”

Jimin laughed. “Remind me to whack his. Head when I see him next time.”

“Sure will.” he chirped.

Jimin laughed again. “Jesus. What the hell is wrong with you, jungkook? I am hallucinating and I need a pinch because you are grinning like a fool.” So the pretty boy pinched his arm. “Ow! Damn you!” he glared at the pretty boy and rubbed his arm.

Jungkook smirked. “Didn’t you say that you needed a pinch?”

Jimin shook his head. “Something is wrong here. Very, very wrong. What the hell happened to you?”

He placed his hand on his stomach and stroked it. He smiled when he felt that incredibly small bump.

“Life happened.”

Jimin frowned. “I still don’t get it.”

So jungkook told him everything and he literally mean everything. He felt like they were two long lost friends, gossiping and catching up with each other.

It felt good and  he couldn’t  believe that he didn’t see this before. “So what now?” jimin asked as soon as the pretty boy finished telling him everything.

“I will leave.”

”I’m coming with you.”

Hw grabbed both of jimun hands and placed them on his lap. “No, you’re not. You’re gonna stay here and look after things for me.”

“What things?”

“jimin, I’m handing over my job to you. All my clients and cases to you.”

“Aw hell no! It’s official, you are crazy. I-I can’t take it. Do you even realize what you just said?! You handle senators, local politicians, millionaires and you recently got your first case of a billionaire. You can’t just leave it all and hand them over to me! I am was just your assistant. I can’t handle everything. No! Wherever you’re going, I’m coming with you.”

Jungkook yawned like a cat. “Are you done?”

“Yes. I’m not gonna take it.”

“jimin, you have a degree and you know how I work. You are the only person who can do this. You are done being an assistant. Time to take a step ahead in your career.”

Jimin shook his head in response.

“You won’t be alone. You’ll have someone to help you.”

He shook his head again.

Jungkook sighed. “I’ll make you the godfather of my child.”

“When do I start?”

The pretty chuckled. “In two days.”

Jimin rested his head on the pretty boy’s shoulder.

“How long will you be gone?”

“Don’t know. If things don’t go as planned, I’ll be back by next week, but Then I’ll be needing you more than ever.”

Jimin nodded. “I’ll always be there for You.”

Jungkook’s lips trembled and he couldn’t control. Himself, so he started crying. Jimin gave him a weird look. “jungkook, why are you crying?”

“Idon’tknow! Icryateverything. YesterdayIlostmysocksoIstarte dcryingformylostsock!” he cried. “Itisstillmissing!

Jimin let out a short laugh. “I did not understand what you said, but it must have been painful.”

Jungkook sniffed. “It was.”

Suddenly his eyes diluted in confusion. “jimin, did you tell your parents about this sudden surprise and departure of yours?”

Jungkook bit his lower lip and mumbled, “No.”

“You dumb bitch!”

The pretty nodded. “Yeah, I’m a dumb bitch.”

Jimin grinned. “sure you are a bitch.”

The pretty boy smiled and rested his head above him. “I am.”

“Will you tell them?” jimin questioned.

Jungkook sighed in exhaustion. “Someday. I’m still mad at them, but when you feel that the time is right, just tell them.”

Jimin sat up straight. “M-Me? I’m not gonna tell them. Uncle will butcher me and bury me next to puppy jungkook.”

The pretty laughed. “He won’t. I’m trying to make things right in my life, jimina, he’ll understand. They gave me enough space for the past few weeks and it helped me a lot. They have to be more patient then maybe one day I’ll stop by and see them.”

Jimin nodded profoundly “Don’t worry I’ll manage.”


“You’re going after him, aren’t you?”

The pretty boy hummed in response.

“You know there are chances of ninety percent that he’s going to run for the hills, seven percent that he might faint on the spot and three percent that he might...you know, after what you said to him.” jimin made some weird hand movements.

Jungkook said the two words which hold his uncertain future. “I know.”

Jimin held his hand and traced the ring on his finger. Jungkook packed everything, but he couldn’t gather up the courage to take the ring out of his finger.

He did everything but he couldn’t do this. He Just couldn’t.

“Just-Just promise me that no matter what happens, don’t let that smile disappear from your face. It has become. Too precious. If things don’t go as planned, keep that smile up for me.”

The pretty boy brushed jimin's hair with his fingers. “I’ll try my best.”

“Good.” jimin hummed.

They stayed like this for what it felt like hours and talked more about things. Jimin touched the pretty boy's small bump and said that he will start storing up candies and games from tomorrow after he leave so that he could start him training for the ‘cool godfather’.

When jungkook said that the candies would expire, he said he’ll buy more.

Jungkook showed him his ultrasound and gave him a copy which jimin kept refusing, but ended up laughing when he said that he had and with he had twenty nine more with him.

Soon it was night and they bade each other goodbye and promised to keep in touch no matter how long the pretty boy was gone. He walked out of jimin's door when he heard jimin call his name.

He turned around and saw jimin leaning by his door with an amused look on his face.

“You know, you are very clever, Mr jeon.”

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “Why so, Mr park ?”

“You spent an entire day with me, ranting about every possible thing you can rant about, but you didn’t tell me one thing.”

Jungkook smirked when he understood what he was talking about. “May I know what it is?”

“You’re going after him, but you didn’t tell me where you are actually going.”

The pretty boy  .  “ Daegu , his hometown.”


A/N : you gotta be kidding me ??? 5k words????

Okay i want feedbacks on this chapter or else imma take long time to update next chapter...

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