Tell me something i don't kno...

By tumbleweed1D

175K 2.5K 546

lucy's parents died when she was 8 and miss stevenson fosters her but one day she came home and hit her and l... More

tell me something i dont know
tell me something i dont know
telling them the truth
what are we gonna do ??
whos eleanor, danielle and perrie!?!?!?!?!?!?!
his name starts with a J
i love lucy ...wait what??
the flashbacks are scaring me
what do you mean ??
who are you ??
no niall stop
singing to one direction
emily and sara
sleepover of hell
jason killed my parents and he wants to kill me
im officially lucy tomlinson
the scar on my back
did i ask you??
Tea's rea- woah....
murderer in the dark
crying donating and a new song
unconsciousness turns to consciousness
sara+josh= jara
i hate you
love hate and #haylorisback
Undercover agent what?????
new room
brit awards
pizzaaaaaaaaa and pregnant ????
live interview
opening act.... duet with harry
double trouble
twilight saga
Ghost of my past
private tutor.............. WHAT
baby kicks
3 songs 1 show
justin the biebs
show time girlies
i cant be tamed
bad lucy
Rock God
another world
its just a game....
nemily... a mission and...arrested
im sorry....
im going to treat you like a princess
dont be scared
because i love her
marry me ?
world war 3 on Twitter
Jack and Finn and Marcus
do you want to be in our next video
going to the USA
don't touch me
jasons brother
98 times
near death
kiss you
snow in november
off to norwich
I'm just a school girl
sorrys and apologies
birthday party
taywhore is here
marry you
how babies are made ;)
California king
le hotel
idk what to call this yeah..
engaged.... what?
christmas time mistletoe and louis birthday!
Louis birthday
about updates..
Christmas day
what happens next?
are we punk rock yet?
that im so down
Fake Dating

paps are trouble

2K 32 6
By tumbleweed1D

heeeeeeeello hahahaha OMG have you seen irresistable :)


~lucys pov~

"so you gotta get up in the morning morning we got mcdonalds breakfast for you better than anyother bran we drove two miles to get it so you better get up and eat it soo YOU GOTTA GET UP HEY YOU GOTTA GET UP its time to get up...." oh my lord time to fake sleep

"IM UPP" harry shouts from next to me but i still fake sleep

"i cant beleive she slept through my wake up call" haha oh louis

i hear some people leave but i sense someones still here

" lucy babe" its harry

"wake up" i  slowly stir and i turn and touch his nose

"snooze for an hour" and lay back in bed

"no comeone" he picks me up and carries me down stairs


"wait..... you where awake" louis says confused

"yeah its called fake sleep dumb ass"


"no shit sherlock ..... oh my god is that COD"

"yeah" zayn says

"holy fudgecakes let me have a go" i run and jump on the couch and grab the remote

"someone said cake" niall said popping his head round the door

"no but shut your mouth im trying to beat zayn on COD"

"your never gonna beat him hes the master"

"oh well........ DIE YOU DIRTY BARSTARD" yes mini happy dance  i killed someone

" OH MY GOD" i scream ten mins later

"what ??" emily says coming into the room

"I JUST BEAT ZAYN ON COD " and i start dancing round the livingroom

everyone clapped suddenly

" your a beauty and a beat who can-" someones calling me

" hello whos this"

"its sara"

"oh hi you alright"

"yeah.... just your on the news "

"oh my god what channel" i say

"BBC 1"

"okie dokie wanna come round"

"ok on ma way" she hangs up



"NOWW" i order they look scared haha

"the headlines for todays show... one directions louis and niall saved a girl from getting hit by a car the other day and went to harrys house and we have seen a few more girls her age enter the house ... were wondering has the lads adopted this girl whe dont know but we will find out" i switch of the tv just then the door opened and sara entered

"hiya guys i guess youve seen the news um.... so what are we gonna do?" she asks

"LETS GO SHOPPING" and we all run out the house

~emilys pov~

were at the mall but loads of paps are here niall holds me tight and louis anounces about louis adopting lucy

"well..... as you know we saved lucy from getting hit by a car and well.... i adopted her" he says then loads of flashes went were gonna be on the front of news papers tommorow for sure

"hey em you alright" niall asks worried

"yeah .. just when are we gonna tell everyone  about... us" i say concerned

" now" he leans in and kisses me loads of flashes go off and some screams

"well this is my beautiful princess emily and shes also my girlfriend" he annonces

loads more paps come then louis shouts

"RUN!!!!!!!" and we all follow louis

~harrys pov~

everyone is leaving now so its just me and lucys

"so ..." she says i walk up to her shes so beautiful and sexy cue wink

"you look beautiful you always do"

she blushes and i go closer and wrap my hans around her waist she puts her hands around my neck i lean down and kiss her she kisses back and we stand there kissing and i see a flash we pull apart and we look and i didnt close my curtains shit... i think the paps took a picture of us kissing........

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