Good Girl Gone Bad (Zayn Mali...

By niallworan

288K 6.6K 936

(I started this when I was fourteen, so don't judge me. LOL. It's cringe-worthy at first.) Madeline Grace was... More

Good Girl Gone Bad (Zayn Malik Fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
It's Up!!

Chapter 15

8.8K 218 66
By niallworan

FINALLY UPDATING! (: sorry that it was a long wait, but I babysat all weekend and something came up yesterday so now I'm updating! WOOOO.



It's been one week. One week since I last talked to Grace. Well, heard her voice, at least. I have thought long and hard about the situation Grace and I are in. I would've thought she would have been back by now.

I was currently sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea. I haven't been myself lately and I just really miss Grace. 

Also, it's been tense around the house since Harry admitted that he liked Grace. I mean, I don't like my best mate liking my girlfriend. It cause a lot of drama bad tension and the house just hasn't been the same since then.

Since I have been coped up in the house for the past week, Niall insists on taking me to a frat party one of his friends are throwing. I really didn't want to go, but Niall wasn't giving me a choice. 

Finishing my cup of tea, I got up from the table and hiked up the stairs, going to my room and immediately getting into the shower. Maybe it was a good thing I was going out tonight. I needed to not think for one night and let the alcohol overcome me. Niall would keep an eye on me to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.

Once I was out, I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked back into my room. I stood in front of my closet and looked through all the clothes hanging on the hangers. I decided to wear some light blue jeans, a white shirt, and a red and blue plaid shirt. I got dressed and looked in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair, smoothing it out and decided on leaving my hair down. I then left the plaid shirt open.

"Ya ready, man?" Niall asked, stopping the doorway of my room.

"Uhhh, yeah." I said, turing around and following him outside to the car.

I got in the passenger seat and waited for Niall to start the engine. When he did, I stared out the window, watching everything pass by. 

I really do miss Grace. But, I was giving her the space she needed, even though it was killing me. 

Niall and I made small talk along the way until we finally arrived to the frat party. All I wanted was something strong to drink; something to numb the pain in my chest. 

As soon as I walked in, a familiar smell clogged up my nostrils. I looked to my left, seeing a group of people passing around blunts and smoking them. Also, the smell of alcohol filled the air as well. It was bringing back some bad teenage memories when I was in Bradford. I made a note in my head to not go over to the group of people. It's been two years and I'm not going back to that. No way in hell. 

I didn't realize I was staring until a guy looked back at me. "You want a try?" He asked me, holding out the blunt.

I shook my head, "No, thanks." I said, walking away. 

I finally spotted Niall and I grabbed a drink. I tried to stop my eyes from wandering over the group again. The smell was so intriging that I wanted to go over there and take a drag. One simple drag wouldn't hurt, I thought.

I walked back over the group and sat on the couch. "Ahh, so you changed your mind?" The same guy asked.

Shrugging, I said, "One drag wouldn't kill me." 

The guy smiled and nodded, giving me permission. I started rolling the grassy-looking weed into the blunt. Once it looked about right, I lit it up and took a long drag. The smoke rolled off my lips, causing my eyes to shut. 

In a couple minutes, all my worries would be gone.


Zayn never left my mind, no matter how hard I tried. Everytime I would read a book or listen to a song, he would always there. Maybe I made a mistake by leaving and not speaking to him until I got back. The thing is...I don't know when I would be back. Yeah, I miss my parents but it's so peaceful here. No drama. 

I have my time with my sister, her husband, and my nephew, Jake. Jake was the sweetest and cutest little boy I have possibly ever seen. I would babysit him whenever Britney and Darren wanted to go out and have a date night. I didn't mind it at all because Jake and I had fun baking cupcakes and cookies late at night.

Tonight was one of those date nights for them. Jake was taking a nap in his room, while I was downstairs in the living room, watching tv on the couch. Nothing was on so I left the channel on Toddlers and Tiaras. Those little girls were such divas.

About an hour passed when my phone vibrated. I grabbed it off the arm of the couch and unlocked the screen, reading the text message. It was from Harry.

From: Harry.

Hi, love. What are you doing? Xx

I replied back.

To: Harry.

I'm watching tv at my sister's, why?

I instantly recieved a text back.

From: Harry.

Come outside. Xx

Why was Harry outside and why did he come visit me? I thought.

Sighing, I stood up from my spot and walked to the door, opening it. Harry smiled, "Hey, stranger!" He said.

I laughed, "Hi!" I said, "Why are you here?" I asked curiously.

Harry looked at me and smirked, "What? I can't come visit my best friend?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Come in." I said, opening the door more. Harry stepped in and took his coat off, placing it on the coat rack beside the door. "Would you like anything to drink?" I asked, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a cup out of the cupboard.

"Uhh, yeah. Tea would be great." He said, watching my movements. 

Luckily, I already had a pot of tea fixed so I poured some in his cup and handed it to him. "Thanks." He said, taking a sip. I nodded.

I motioned for Harry to walk to the living room with me and he did. I sat in my original spot while he sat beside. "Are you here by yourself?" He asked.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I'm watching Jake." 

"And Jake is...?" 

"My nephew." I said, a small smile planting on my lips.

He looked at me as he set his cup of tea on the coffee table, "I didn't know you had a nephew." He said.

I laughed, "Neither did I." 

It was quite for a moment until Harry broke it, "He misses you, you know?" 

I was a little taken aback, "W-What?" I asked.

"Zayn. He misses you, Grace." He said, looking down at his hands as his curls flopped over his eyes. "We all miss you. I miss you.." He finally said.

I looked down at my hands as well, "And I miss you guys too, but I'll be home soon." 

"When?" He asked, his voice of tone changing. "It's been a week. You said you would only be gone for a couple of days."

"I have been." I said, "I'm just not ready to go back and face my father."

Harry shook his head, "You know you could've stayed with us, right? Instead of travelling two hours away late at night."

I nodded, "I know, but I needed to talk to someone and Britney had been in the same situation as I am in now..." 

Harry just nodded. I bit my lip, forcing myself to ask. "Where is he? Zayn, I mean." I looked at him.

He looked at me, "I think he's at a frat party with Niall." He said.

He's at a party..without me. Having more fun than I am. He's drinking. What is he doing? No, Grace. You trust him, right? "Oh..." was all I could say.

"Don't worry about it, Grace. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Even if he did, I would kick his ass." Harry said, placing a hand on my knee.

A laugh escaped my mouth, "Why are you so protective over me, Harry?" I asked, curiously. I have been notcing how Harry was always protecting me. 

"Well...because.." His voice drifted, "I like you." He said the last part quietly.

"What?" I said, looking at him.

He nodded, "Yeah, Grace. I like you. I have always liked you, but you never saw it. That's why I have been so protective of you over the years. I didn't want anyone to have you, but you have Zayn now..." 

"Does Zayn know this?" I asked, still processing everything he had confessed.

He nodded, "Yeah and he was pissed. He was about to kill me." 

 I felt bad. Harry had liked me over the years and still does, while all I see him is as a best friend. "D-Do you feel the same way about me...?" Harry asked.

I looked down then back up at him, shaking my head. "No.." I said quitely, wiping a tear away that had fallen from my eyes.

Harry looked down and clenched his jaw. "Harry, I love Zayn. You're my best friend. Things like that don't happen."

"It could happen!" He said, standing up. "Did you ever think what it would be like if we were together? Because I sure as hell do. And Zayn is probably fucking a girl right now because that's the kind of person he is."

"You are wrong!" I said, standing up. My body was inches away from his. "Zayn would never do that to me! He loves me."

"And I love you! God, did you ever wonder why I didn't have that many girlfriends? It was because I was waiting for you." He said, taking my hands into his. "Because I love you and it hurts seeing you with someone other than me..." 

I looked into his green eyes that were now filled with tears, "Your his best friend. Don't let me ruin your friendship. If I had known you liked me, I would have thought about it before dating Zayn." 

He looked at me as I wiped away a tear that ran down his cheek, "W-When Zayn told me you guys had sex, I was furious. I wanted us to share that special moment, especially since it was your first time."

"You're my best friend, Harry. That's all you'll ever be. I'm sorry..." I said, removing my hands from his.

It hurts to see Harry like this..I have never seen him this way. It hurts even more knowing that I caused him that pain. 

I wasn't expecting what happened next. All of a sudden, Harry's lips crash into mine, his hands holding protectively around my waist. I squirmed, finally getting out of his grip. "I think you should go..." I whispered, our foreheads against each other.

He slowly nodded and walked passed me, "I will always you." He said as he closed the door behind him.

What the hell just happened?!

Uh-oh! Looks like Grace can't get away from drama. So, what team are you? Are you Team Grayn or Team Garry?

Let me know!





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