Encanto (Journey to the past)


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Mirabel's ceremony was sad for several reasons but there was one reason that everyone choose not to talk abou... Еще

The second ceremony
About Ten-Eleven years ago
Present (After casita fell)
Songs for the story: NC
Character info
Dinner tensions again
The triplets
Mica vs Abuela
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros part 2
Learning more
La Familia Sánchez
New visitors
The new generation(not a chapter)
Making plans and meeting the village
Talks and saying adiós
A song from the heart
We're on our way
Journey to the past
Isa, Dolores and Luisa song
Tough calls and explanations
Catching Up
Meet the rest
NAC: Boarding house residents
Preparing for more Drama
Reunions part 2(Can't this family have one quiet dinner)
A New Miracle
Hang in there baby
Dia De Los Padres
Parents day Part 2
Out on the town
Javier's Journal pt 1
Journal pt 2
The Jungle pt. 1
Jungle pt. 2
The End or is it?

Train rides and Stories

34 2 0

Train Station 12:29 pm

We finally made it to the town and we were able to find Tío Carlos. I always wanted to see papa's old home but right now we need to get Antonio's passport down asap. Maybe when we reunite the family we can visit Papa's in their home since they always made the effort to visit our home.

"Vamos Mirabel, our train is coming up,"

"Sorry it's just that I'm so excited this is my first time here,"

"I know what you mean but this isn't just a visit it's a mission,"

"I know and maybe meeting them in person will help me remember them?"

As the sisters continued walking to board the train they see the rest of their travel group on the train. Soon they were escorted to their cars to unload. "So how are Chapa and Parce doing in their crates?"

"They are managing. Hopefully they'll fall asleep during the ride so they won't cause trouble,"

"Attention ladies and gentlemen these are your cars as you can put your luggage on those racks or under your seats. Also, these are where your beds are and this is how you unfold them,"

"Where do we go to the bathroom?"

"There is a communal lavatory over there however if you need to freshen up I must advise you there is only a sink,"

"Gracias Señora, I'm sure well managed till then,"

"I'll leave you to yourselves and I'll be back with your meals in an hour, and dinner will be served at six,"

As she left, the group fell into the seats exhausted.

"Oh I can't believe how tired I am," said Camilo "and it's only noon,"

"We did get up pretty early," said Bruno

"Yeah but we had transportation. Why are my feet so tired," said Isabela.

"Maybe because we are not used to traveling," said Luisa

"Plus we also had to go through all that paperwork for Toñito's passport," said Dolores

"Don't forget we had to keep up with the other trains to get to this one. By the way Dolores how are your ears?" said Mirabel

"There better now,"

"Well, at least now we can relax until we get there. Right?" said Camilo

"Right, Tío Carlos said that this train is scheduled for San Angel so we won't need to make any more detours," said Mirabel


"So now that we're here. Does anyone know what they're going say?"

"Say what?"

"To Angelina, Ignacio, and Javier."


"Well I know the first thing I'm going to say," Isa said with her arms crossed.


"Look I miss them and I want to see them. I do. But when they left things just got worse," she said with hurt in her voice, "Luisa had more work to do. You and Camilo had to take over babysitting. Mama got more tired and Tía was a mess of nerves," she listed causing everyone to look down and remembering all the pressure put on them. "and I tried so hard to make sure we wouldn't fall apart by being perfect. That I ended up pushing every one of you away," she said looking at her youngest sister with tears in her eyes. "They would be disgusted with me,"

Mirabel moved to assure she forgave her sister. "It's alright you were still a kid too," she comforted and hugged her. "And look at you now. You're being your true self they would be happy with how much you've grown," this seemed to cheer Isa up but she still felt bad for how she neglected her sisters.

"She's right kid it wasn't your fault it was mine," Bruno said remembering the past that lead up to that night.


About two years after Angelina quince's mama had arranged for her to meet with the old town matchmaker to help determine a list of possible suitors for her to settle down with.

"Papa, why do I have to I have to entertain this nonsense" Angelina exclaimed "Ignacio and Javier aren't going,"

"Elenita, your grandmother only wants you to be happy," he said cupping his daughter's cheeks. "Beside your brothers are next,"

"Pero Papi, this is marriage were talking about,"

"I know but not for a while now,"

"I just don't get why she can't let me find my own partner,"

"Maybe because you don't get along with most of your peers,"

"Not my fault they all became bobos. Maybe Abuela should teach them to be grown-ups first,"

"Mí vida, you know how my mother is and even if she did she can't control other people's actions,"

"Yeah, even with her being on the council she can't be everywhere at once,"


"dosnet stop her from acting like our powers can,"


"Is this the same matchmaker you went to?"

"Yes and she lead me to your mama,"

"I thought you and mama meet after coming back from a bad date,"

"I did. The person from that date was from the matchmaker and if I didn't go I wouldn't have met your mother,"

"I miss her,"

"I know I do to but she still here," he points to his heart and head then does the same to Angie "and here,"

"When you love someone they stay right here in your heart,"

"I just wish she could've stayed longer,"

They heard the clock ring telling them it's time.

"It's time for you to go,"

"Wish me luck, I love you papa," she ran out the door to meet up with Abuela.


At the Matchmakers house, an old lady is examining Angelina with measuring tape and a notepad. Angie is standing there trying not to be weirded out by this whole process. "Hmm, quite tall for a girl. Very beautiful though"

"She prefers to wear heeled boots,"

"Have some muscles. Quite handy when chasing around those kids,"


"Hips are a bit small but still very good for child rearing,"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Asks a lot of questions." she wrote down and gestures them to sit at the table "Now tell me dear do you cook?"

"Sí, I cover for my tía at our house so she won't have to exhaust herself,"

"Hmm," she jotted down more on the paper. "What do you like to do when your done with your chores?"

"I love reading books and playing music. I also enjoy flying around the sky just to see how fast I can go especially when I race against mí hermanos"

"Angelina your gift is not to be used for such things," Alma scolded her softly.

"I see. Do you have any idea on the kind of man you'd like to marry?"

"I haven't really thought of it. I would hope that they are nice, hardworking, smart, funny and honest,"

"Any physical traits?"

"Looks don't matter to me. As long as they have a good heart plus hygiene we'll get along fine,"

"Well that makes it easy I think. There's a few that,"

"And that they listen to me like my father did for my mother,"

"Alright, I'll be right back I just need to go over my charts," the matchmaker said leaving the grandmother and granddaughter.

"Angelina, I can't believe you're still doing those silly races. You're a young lady now,"

"Abuela, I'm just exercising my wings," 

"You need to be here on the ground with your family helping the town,"

"I still do my chores. I just refused some tasks if there unnecessary,"


"Abuela the person still got it delivered just not by me,"

"And that's another thing. Your birds,"

"Okay so some people are allergic to feathers I remembered to keep a list,"

"Mí Ángel, Your father had a hard time finding his place in the Encanto. I already have Ignacio to worry about. Por favor I implore you take your tasks seriously,"

"Alright Ama" she said and Alma kissed her cheek in thanks. Then the matchmaker came back.

"So who do we have on the list?"

"Well Doña Madrigal there are a couple of possibilities for your nieta,"

"That's great!"

"However I'm not sure if they'll be a successful match,"

"What do you mean?" The matchmaker took Alma to the other room to explain "Señora your granddaughter is a beautiful young woman, she's smart, talented, kind, loyal, and strong. She would make an excellent wife and mother,"

"Then what is the problem?"


After coming back Angelina sees her father and baby prima waiting to greet her. She quickly hugs them and goes to check on her chihuahua. Alma appears greeting her youngest neita with a hug but she had bad news for her son. "Mama, what happened?"

"Everything was fine. The matchmaker said she would make the perfect wife for any young man. An excellent mother and we have a list of possible suitors,"

"Pero?" he asked still sensing something was wrong.

"She also said that Angelina would have a better chance with someone outside the Encanto,"

"well that's not so bad,"

"Brunito, Angelina wants to use this as an excuse to leave the Encanto,"

"Angie is leaving?"

"No, mi mariposa," Alma assured Mirabel before facing Bruno. "Now go get ready for dinner alright I need to talk with your tío," 

"Si, Abuela" listening to her words she watched her little granddaughter remembering how Angelina use to be so easy.

"I wish things were as simple with Angie. Bruñito please I can't handle seeing my babies leave and I'm not there to protect them," 

"Okay Mama, just tell me what happened?"

Village road:

Angelina is walking Poncho trying to take her mind of things. "Poncho, what am I going to do?"

"I know Abuela loves us but sometimes feels like she sees us as gifts and not people." she laments before mocking what Alma said to her and her primas. "She always points out 'its not ladylike' well how would she know she never meet any other magical people," she was starting to get even more angry. "In fact she acts like our powers are hers when they most certainly are not!" she sighed looking into the water stream trying to find an answer "Poncho I hate that she's right that we should share our gift and not scare the villagers. I just wish people didn't give papa a hard time even when we behave it makes it hard" Pocho looks at his owner trying to remind her that her father would take any ire as long as you're happy. "I know Papa would. If only that was enough for Abuela,"

Puedes pensar que ves quien realmente soy
Pero nunca me conocerás
Cada día
Es como si jugara un papel
Ahora veo
Que si uso una máscara
Puedo engañar al mundo
Pero no puedo engañar a mi corazón

¿Quién es esa chica que veo
Mirando directo a mí?
¿Cuándo mostrará mi reflejo
Quién soy en verdad?

Estoy ahora en un mundo donde tengo que ocultar mi corazón
Y en todo lo que creo
Pero de alguna forma le mostraré al mundo
Lo que está dentro de mi corazón
Y seré a 

mada por quien soy

¿Quién es esa chica que veo
Mirando directo a mí?
¿Por qué es mi reflejo alguien que no conozco?
¿Debo fingir todo el tiempo que soy alguien diferente?
¿Cuándo mostrará mi reflejo
Quién soy en verdad?

Hay un corazón que debe estar libre para volar
Que se quema con la necesidad de saber la razón de por qué
¿Por qué debemos ocultar todo
Lo que pensamos
Lo que sentimos?
¿Debe haber un secreto
Al cual estoy obligada a ocultar?

No fingiré todo el tiempo que soy alguien diferente
¿Cuándo mostrará mi reflejo
Quién soy en verdad?
¿Cuándo mostrará mi reflejo
Quién soy en Verdad

She hugged Poncho for listening to her and being her most loyal friend.

After Bruno finish talking with his mother he went to find his daughter and found them sitting on the bench under the tree he and mica used to sit in. He joined her but she just looked down not saying a word. 

"My what beautiful stars we have tonight always shining and burning but they never stay in one place. That's alright when they come back they'll be brighter and more beautiful than ever" he said as he placed a marigold in her hair causing her to smile at his words. 

"Papa, I wouldn't leave without coming back. My home is you and my brothers and the familia. I want to see the world but I don't want to leave you alone," 

"Mí Elinita, do you remember the day I showed you three the tablet," she nodded remembering that it was a changing tablet. "When I saw it I thought you three would leave me but when it changed I realized that you would come back into my arms full of love," 

"But Papi what if we're gone for years and something happens? What then?"

"Since the day you three were born you were special. You became strong, brave, and kind. Everything your mother and I hoped you would be,"

"I just wish Abuela wasn't so controlling. When did she get so tyrannical?" she asked but got no answer "I know she loves us but lately it feels limited. I don't get why she had to stop being my Abuela,"

"Aye, chica. My mother has been grieving for my father for years. That pain changes people. When we lost your mother, mama stepped in," 

"Took over" she corrected.  

"Right. Mama loves you kids so much but she is afraid that if you leave the Encanto she won't be able to protect you," this caused Angelina to think about her Abuela when she was little. How sweet she was to them and how she had to appear that nothing was wrong to keep everything together. She was about to speak up till a loud grumbling noise interrupted her but causing Bruno to chuckle "I think it's time we head back for dinner,"

"Oh, dinner! Tía is going to be so,"

"Don't worry I'm sure she'll understand today was a lot," the father-daughter duo started heading back home with Poncho following them back to Casita.

End flashback

As he finished his story everyone had received their meals even Bruno but he still told it.
"You see, they were always going to leave the Encanto no matter what. We just didn't know when. They stopped talking about it and focused on spending time with you kids," he said finishing his story seeing his sobrinos faces. "They wanted to stay by your sides so much and I know if they could they would have come back,"

"Then why didn't they?" asked Camilo wanting to know why they never came back.

"Because there was a war," said Zano.

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