
By Stupidifed333

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The White Mask Terrorist Threat is ever rising. Six does something Rainbow has never done before: recruits a... More

Kade Summers Character Profile
Chapter One: Beguiling Introductions
Chapter Two: Preliminary Preparations and the Mysterious Enigma
Chapter Three: Card Games and Operation Go, Go, Go!
Chapter Four: Date Night
Chapter Five: To Tame a Mole
Chapter Six: Ghost of the Past
Chapter 7: Operation Entrapment
Chapter Eight: The Never-Ending Downpour
Chapter Nine: Revelations
Chapter Ten: The Hunter
Chapter Eleven: Operations O'Plenty Part 1
Chapter Twelve: Operations O'Plenty Part Two
Chapter Thirteen: Operations O'Plenty Part 3
Chapter Fourteen: Ops O'Plenty Part 4
Chapter 15: Ops O'Plenty Part 5 (Final)
Chapter Sixteen: Homecoming
Chapter Seventeen: Birthday Bash
Chapter 18: Bar Night
Chapter Nineteen: The Shrink
William "Billy" Biddeford Character Profile
An Announcement
Side Story: The Hammer and the Scalpel
Chapter Twenty: Phase Two Prep and Valentines day
Chapter Twenty-One Scorched Earth Phase Two Part One and New Waters
Chapter Twenty Two: Operation Scorched Earth Part Two (Cont.)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Operation Scorched Earth Finale
Chapter Twenty-Five: Subterfuge
Chapter Twenty-Six: Building Up
Chapter 27: Double Edged Swords
Chapter 28: Nights Like This

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pursuit of Happiness

452 12 2
By Stupidifed333

0700 Hours

March 15th, 2018

Herefordshire, England

Hereford Base, Infirmary

          Ela watched Kade's sleeping face, his mouth filled with tubes and every other manner of medical device. She could hardly remember what had happened after she'd been subdued by the White Mask. All she knew when she woke up, she saw Kade in the chamber, a look of resolution on his face that she'd never wanted to see. Once ventilating the gas off into an isolated containment chamber, they'd taken his body out surprised to find he was still alive; granted in a comatose state. He'd been in quarantine for roughly eleven days. As soon as his room was clear, she'd hardly left, holding his hand as tight as she could. Aruni had filled in the blanks for her while she couldn't visit, and her heart only broke more. She knew him well enough to know he'd made that decision for the sake of his comrades and the mission. He was an honorable man to the end, and she wanted nothing more than to see his eyes open once more. The door opened and closed behind her, but her gaze didn't waver. She hadn't given the nurses a choice in terms of working around her. She wouldn't leave his side, no matter what. She knew he'd do the same for her. She felt a hand on her back and instantly recognized it as Zofia's. She leaned into her sister's hand. Her support had been invaluable but they both knew nothing short of Kade waking up from his slumber was going to quell her heartache. Still, as her sister, Zofia knew she needed to look out for Ela, even if she didn't like it.

"El. You need to come with me. You've barely eaten. Hardly slept. You haven't showered. Please, siostra, come with me," Zofia pleaded, (translation: sister) her voice soft and filled with care. Ela wanted to ignore her sister at that moment, but she knew she couldn't. Usually, when she was right, Ela had a hard time saying no. if she did, she came off as bratty and childish and that was not how she wanted to appear, especially not to Zof.

"Okay. I'd feel better if someone was watching him, though," Ela murmured. When Ela slowly got up to leave with Ela she noticed Nokk in the doorway.

"I'll keep watch, El. You'll be the first to know if anything changes," she said. Ela felt a pang of guilt. It was also childish of her to assume she was the only one hurting from all of this. Nokk had felt particularly distraught once Kade's status had been confirmed as Kade had relegated her to assisting Williams and Wells with the evacuation of civilians. Ela didn't have to think too hard to know what Nokk was likely thinking. That things may have been different if she was there. That with one more person present, things just might have gone differently.

Zofia brought her to their shared dorm room (shared, at least, before she and Kade grew serious). Alfons had Mary playing with Frost and IQ in the common room so for the moment, the room was theirs. Ela stepped into the shower while Zofia went to get her food. Ela felt numb. Until Kade was confirmed dead or alive, she felt like she was in purgatory. She was stuck in place, like her entire body was encased in quicksand. Still, she washed herself, she knew Kade would want her to do at least that much. Once she finally got out Zofia had gotten a hot meal and prepared a fresh set of clothes, some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Before too long they were sitting on Zofia's bed, Ela nibbling at the grilled cheese sandwich Zofia had made her. It was something she'd often made for her as a child.

"Kade is strong, Ela. He will pull through and wake up. I know it," she said, conviction filling her voice with stern optimism. Ela wanted to believe her. More than anything. He'd been through hell and back time and time again. This time was different. It was always different. It was always worse. Kade never took breaks, never slowed down, and was only relentless in his pursuit of the mission. Naturally, following the trajectory, the stakes would only continue to climb. Had time and circumstance finally caught up with him? She wanted to say something. To agree with Zofia. At the very least, put some of her worries to rest. She couldn't. however. The energy just wasn't there. Zofia seemed to pick up on that, sitting next to her in a comfortable silence, her arm wrapped supportively around Ela's shoulders. As she ate at her sandwich, a thought suddenly struck her like a bolt of lightning. She rapidly scarfed down the rest of the sandwich, Zofia eyeing her sudden hurried demeanor with an arched brow.

"What is it, Ela?"

"I just remembered something. I need to go to the spire. I'll be back," Ela said. Zofia could see something in the way Ela looked. She watched silently as her sister threw on a jacket and left. Whatever it was, she hoped it would help at least stabilize her dear little sister.

Ela stalked towards the spire with a purposeful gait. The cold was brisk, but she didn't care. When she got inside, it was cold and dark. Robbie had spent pretty much every night in the hospital, checking in on Kade's condition just as often as she had been. With a more measured, relaxed pace she went to Kade's side of the bed and opened the drawer to his nightstand. Sitting there was a small, worn, leather-bound journal. She'd seen Kade writing in it on multiple occasions but had never asked what was in it. She decided early in the relationship that while she loved learning things about Kade, she didn't need to know everything. The same applied to her. She gingerly picked up the journal, the small object felt heavy in her hands. She opened the first page, the journal very clearly a diary spanning multiple years. The first entry was dated nearly two decades ago-he'd started writing just after his first deployment. She smiled. It was the same Kade she knew today: logical, serious, and observant. However, there was a general optimism that coated his words that Ela hadn't detected in the current day Kade. She lost herself in the entries, small stories contained in each page that would take her far, far away. Some were stories he'd told her. Others not. There were even entries that gave her more insight into Benji and CJ, Kade's two closest friends from the marines. She took pause when her name jumped out at her from the page.

I'm deployed to something a bit different now. The Rainbow Six Counter Terrorism Initiative. Quite a mouthful but they're different from anything I've ever seen. The operators even more so. Their files don't quite do them justice. Elzbieta Bosak is quite the fiery one. I believe she and the others will be instrumental in the fight against terror.

Ela was surprised by the brevity of the entry. Then again, she remembered his first few days of his transition into Rainbow weren't the smoothest. She may have been partially responsible for it, but Kade never held grudges. She then came across a more recent one.

Ela makes me wonder if I deserve this. To have all I have, to feel loved and appreciated by a spirit as bright as hers. In light of all my sins, it almost feels wrong. Perverse. But then, she enters my hemisphere and suddenly I don't care if its right or wrong. I know I can no longer imagine my life without her. She is enriching beyond belief. I can't even begin to describe how lucky I am. For now, I won't. I need to keep my focus on the mission, yet I find it quite the challenge when my little spitfire is around.

Ela felt tears prick her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to hear him say those tender words to her. The door to the spire suddenly swung open. It was Robbie, pale and out of breath. One look in Robbie's eyes told Ela all she needed to know. Kade had awoken.


          When Ela got just outside his door, she stopped herself. She could hear the voices in the room. She knew there were several people surrounding him, least of all Doc who was likely just trying to do his job. She knew the last time Kade had been in the infirmary Gustav had gotten somewhat annoyed at her somewhat obstructing him from his responsibilities. With the unknown side affects of his exposure to the chimera virus, it wouldn't do to get in Doc's way. She finally stepped into the room; hands held behind her back. Kade was up, smiling and talking just like she knew he would be. She noticed, strangely, that the greyish streaks in his hair were all but gone. The starting of wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes had also seemingly disappeared. His left arm was still bandaged, Ela not savoring Kade's reaction to what it now looked like. Doc had begun shooing everyone out except Robbie and Anna-Anna being his attending nurse. Kade smiled warmly when he saw Ela.

"Obudziłem się, moja miłość," Kade said (translation: I have awoken, my love), opening his arms towards her. Her upper lip quivered as she fell into his arms. Doc looked at Kade, then back at his clip board, scribbling notes on occasion.

"Vitals appear vastly improved from the last time we took them. Minor physical changes have also been observed. Anything else you can tell me, Kade?" Doc asked. Kade blinked a few times before a look of realization seemed to overtake his face.

"It would appear my eyesight was repaired. I have no glasses on, yet my vision isn't blurry. Anything side effect from my survival, it seems," Kade said. Ela blinked at him in surprise. He was certainly handsome without glasses, but it would take time for her to get used to him without them. Doc scribbled some more on his clipboard.

"Hm. Interesting. We'll need to get some blood work going to get the full picture of what's going on. Anna, if you could unwrap his arm so we can document any changes, please," Doc said. Anna slowly undid the bandages, Kade not showing any signs of pain or discomfort. Ela held back the urge to shudder as his arm was revealed. It was blackened up to the elbow. Red, veiny tendrils traveled up and down it that glowed with a faint, ominous light. Kade raised his eyebrow.

"Strange. It doesn't feel any different. Which, seeing how it looks, is rather strange in and of itself," Kade said, treating what Ela thought to be a very serious issue as a minor inconvenience. Doc didn't appear very satisfied with his response either, judging by the deep frown on his face.

"Not exactly the response I expected after seeing the x-ray pictures, but we will be running test daily for the foreseeable future until I know exactly what is going on with you. I do not think I need to tell you what that means, Doctor Summers," Doc said gravely. Kade chuckled,

"Yes, of course, Gustav. If you didn't ground me, I'm sure Six or Harry would. Otherwise, I have no other symptoms or ailments to currently report." Doc nodded in approval.

"Okay. I want you here 0900 hours sharp tomorrow, clear? Also, ring me if you feel anything strange," Doc said.

"You will be the first to know. I'll see you first thing tomorrow." Doc nodded, clearly satisfied with Kade's willingness to listen to his advice. Too many of his typical clienteles would shrug off his advice, assuring him they were fine, and any medical intervention was unnecessary. That would be until they'd be right back on his table because they hadn't listened to his advice. He left the room, Anna giving Kade a quick peck on the cheek before following right behind him. Robert punched his shoulder softly,

"Built tough, just like Ry. I'll see you tonight, brother," he said. Then, there were two. She was laying next to him in the infirmary bed, cushioning her chin on his chest and looking up at him.

"I'm glad you're awake, my love," she said, tears springing to her eyes. He smiled down at her, letting out a chuckle.

"Yeah, me too," he said, the chuckle turning into a laugh, which they both shared. Kade hugged her close as she laughed and then cried. He certainly had the hospital smell, but she could still detect a faint scent of pine and pipe smoke. It smelled like home, and she thanked all the lucky stars above that she could be with him like this again once more.


          It was later in the afternoon they laid in bed, happy to simply soak up one another's presence. Doc had advised against "illicit activities" until he had a better understanding of how the virus had affected Kade. Not that it mattered much to the couple. Just being together was more than enough. Ela shivered as Kade's fingers slowly made their way through her hair. Her head lay on his chest, a satisfied smile on her lips as she struggled to stay awake.

"I wanted to apologize, Elzbieta. You thought I'd given up in that chamber. If there was any other option than just sitting there and accepting my fate, I would have tried it. I believe the grief I saw on your face that day will haunt me for a long, long time," Kade said. Ela felt a pang of hurt in her chest.

"Please, Kade, don't feel guilty for that. I was mad with grief. I hardly knew what I was saying. I know you did all you could."

Kade kissed her head.

"I know. For now, we'll keep it in the past, where it belongs. What's important now is how we move forward and tackle the problem of Romeo Alverez," he said, lightly tapping her shoulder as a signal that he needed to get up.

"I'm going to put some coffee on. Would you like your usual?" he asked. She nodded, stretching before getting up to join him. As he waited for coffee, Ela watched him from a stool by the island as he scribbled some notes on a notepad. He wore a simple t-shirt and jeans-something of a rare sight for him-which gave Ela a shuddering, tingling feeling of desire. Art was her passion outside of combat and it was no coincidence that every man she'd every entangled with had some sort of tattoo on their body. Along with everything else that Kade was, it was a welcome bonus that he was covered in the things. It made her want to get some with him.

"What are you writing?"

Kade looked up, Ela still unused to his face without his glasses.

"Oh. Just some notes for my agenda for tomorrow. My emails tell me I have some candidate interview, therapy appointments, a conference call with Nighthaven, and finally a briefing with Six," he explained. Ela smirked, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

"And your appointment with Gustav, yes?" she said coyly. He turned in her grasp, lifting her chin to his face. His lips tasted cool and fresh, like a fresh breath mint.

"That too. People will be here tonight, Robbie told me he kept the fridge stocked and fresh while I was gone, would you like to be my sous chef?" he said. She smiled,

"I'd love nothing more, szef kuchni." (Translation: head chef.)


          Just as the sun was beginning to set, Ela and Kade had finished preparing the Spire. The food was set out on the island, the fridge was filled with drinks; the harder stuff sitting on the counter. Kade had started the wood stove and a light party mix chosen by Ela played softly in the background. Candles were lit, the beer pong tables were set up, and the spire was ready for company. Ela had decided on a short black dress she'd worn out before, the wood stove would keep everyone warm from the chill. Kade had gone with a simple white button up and black slacks. If Kade was a snack, she'd eat him right up. His hair was a perfectly even crew cut, styled just right. His tattoos and dog tags peaked out from the dip in his shirt, the sight alone making Ela lick her lips in anticipation. She could also tell from the sideways glances Kade threw her way that he was having very similar thoughts. Ela stood by the counter, taking a sip from her gin and tonic watching as Kade adjusted seating arrangements and made last minute touches.

Her idle thoughts began to wander what things might look like in their own house. With their own family. Separated entirely from the worries and struggles of the current day. She shooed the thoughts away. Now wasn't the time. As long as she was a soldier, she could only take things day by day. Suddenly, a knock was at the door. Robbie and Anna entered, all smiles.

"Shoulda texted me, bro. Anna and I would have been happy to help," Robert said as he hung up his jacket. Kade waved him off.

"I appreciate it, Robbie. You were there, it's not like I'm infirm. Just have something strange going on with my arm," Kade said, waving around his blackened appendage with no apparent difficulties. It was clear from the look on Robbie's face that it would take some time for him to get used to the arm's new appearance. Anna seemed entirely unfazed, however. Her golden-brown hair was tied in a double knotted braid that fell around her shoulder. A simple lilac sweater and cream-colored leggings; the simple style speaking to her easy going, pretty nature. Robert had always opted for a more casual clothing, jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt being his usual going-out attire. Anna approached Ela with a kind smile, her arms opening for a hug. Ela squeezed tight. If she could describe hugging Anna in a particular way, it would probably be like hugging a really soft pillow or a life-sized teddy bear.

"It's good to see you in higher spirits, El. Would you mind pouring me one of what you have? I've completely lost the ability to pour my own drinks since nursing school," she said. Ela laughed as she turned towards the counter.

"Thank you, Anna. It felt like an eternity waiting for him to wake. I will pour for you all night Mój drogi przyjacielu," Ela replied.

"Thanks. I can't lie, I have no idea what you just said," Anna admitted, Ela inwardly kicking herself.

"It means 'my dear friend,' you look cute tonight by the way," Ela responded. Anna giggled,

"Aw, you're too sweet. You, on the other hand, look like a complete knock out. Thinking of getting frisky tonight with Dr. Summers?" she asked, a conspiring tone to her voice. Ela felt a blush rise to her cheeks, almost pouring too much gin in surprise.

"A-anna! I-I wouldn't...well...perhaps," Ela admitted sheepishly. Anna accepted the newly made drink with grateful hands. She shrugged.

"Doctor Kateb made his recommendation purely out of an abundance of caution. If you and Kade take the proper precautions, there should be no issues," Anna said, Ela simply nodding in embarrassed silence. Anna laughed at her in a good-natured way.

"Being a nurse, I'm fairly open and honest about that kind of stuff. Drives Robert crazy because he's a little more shy. Kade actually walked in on us once," Anna revealed, making Ela gasp.

"Tell.Me.Everything," Ela said, her voice excited and bubbly.

Kade and Robert watched their significant others from across the room. Robert had a Samuel Adams beer while Kade had made himself a whiskey sour.

"It's kind of crazy to me how the best thing to happen to us in a long time ended up coming from the worst thing to ever happen, you know?" Robert said. Kade nodded.

"You got that right, Rob. Anna seems to be getting along well with everyone," Kade agreed.

"Big time. This is the most alive I've seen her in five or six years, Kade. I think change is what we needed, I just wish it didn't have to come at the cost of losing Ma and the guys," Robert said. Kade nodded in solemn silence. Robert took a long sip of his beer.

"Let's not wallow in the past tonight, though. You got the dart board up?" Robert asked. Kade gestured to the wall above his desk.

"Alright, I'm gonna get my ass handed to me but someone's gotta represent the average joe around here," Robert said. As he and Kade got ready to start, another knock and entry. Warden, Nokk and Maverick had made their way over. Now that party was getting started. In a move that surprised both Maverick and Kade, Nokk went almost straight over to Anna and Ela. The men shared a look with raised eyebrows. Nokk had never been one for "girl talk," even Ela had shied far away from it in the past. The transformative power of comradery couldn't be underestimated. Maverick shrugged.

"Let's let 'em be. I call Robbie on my team. Kade, you get Collinn," he said. Warden laughed.

"Aw hell, Erik. You just sealed your fate, son. I've seen this man play darts, only people that're gonna beat us is that crazy Scotsman and the Russian sniper; even then not by much," he said. Kade put a friendly hand on Warden's shoulder.

"Some trash talk is good, Collinn. It'll be even better once you get yourself a drink. There's everything you need on the counter over there. Even some Buffalo Trace whiskey too. Special order," Kade said with a wink. Warden's grin went from ear to ear.

"Whisky is the way to every midwestern American man's heart, Kade. You're already on a roll tonight, keep it up and I just might start to like you," the new operator joked. Maverick nodded to Kade in thanks as he went to get his own drink. He could see Warden's eyes linger on Ela but he smiled as Ela glanced and winked at him. He was one lucky man.

          As the night progressed, the spire filled with more and more smiling, laughing faces. The Russians had gathered around the coffee table and invited any and all to join. The Brits had started a tournament and promised poorly made trophies as a reward for winning. Meanwhile, the Americans were having a beer pong tournament with an equal promise of trophies made exclusively of red solo cups. To that end, all guest were either competing, mingling, or dancing in the middle of the room. That's where Kade and Ela resided. Joining them was Aruni with Warden, Pulse with Valkyrie and Ash with Thermite. Kade could also see William standing shyly at the edge, Dokkaebi seeming to try and get him to join her. Kade caught Ela's eye and jerked his head towards the young couple. She smiled and nodded. Ela went over and yanked William to the floor, Dokkaebi mouthing a "thank you" her way. Ela loved dancing with Kade without question. He certainly wasn't the best, but he didn't care. She could tell he was just happy to be with her and that's all she needed. She would reward him in kind by remaining as close as humanly possible to him while they were on the floor. He twirled her around, brought her low and kept her close, kissing her as many times as he could get away with. Eventually, they had to give their bodies a break and went over to the island get themselves new drinks and water. Aruni and IQ joined them as Warden and Blackbeard had teamed up for a round of beer pong.

"Enjoying yourself, Apha?" Kade asked. Her grin was wide as she brought a twisted tea to her lips.

"Most definitely! Kali would be green with envy if she saw this!" Aruni said.

"Sounds like the poor girl needs to learn how to have some fun!" IQ yelled, the music markedly louder than when the party started. A sudden thought came to Kade. He stood on the island, clicking the music off for a quick moment. Eventually, the noise died as everyone looked around to find out what was going on.

"First-" before Kade could continue William lurched towards him,

"Woo! Yeah! Kade the man!" he burst out, Dokkaebi forcefully grabbing him by the collar and leading him towards the bathroom like a toddler. A raucous laughter ensued before that too, died out.

"First, I wanted to propose a toast to those who accompanied me to Metropolitan college. With your efforts, we prevented what could have been the worst act of terror on American soil since nine-eleven. To them!" he said, everyone raising their glasses, cups, and cans to the heroes of the hour. Maverick then stood, a little unsteadily, on the nearest chair he'd been able to find.

"And I just wanted to-hic-raise a drink to the baddest, coldest. Toughest motherfucker walkin' the earth right now; Kade fuckin' Summers!" he said, a cacophony of cheers, whoops and hollers. Kade tried to wave it off but to no affect. Once the cheers died down, he spoke once more.

"One final toast, my friends, to our new additions. Collinn, callsign Warden, and Apha, callsign Aruni. To them!" Kade didn't let the silence come again before playing the music once more and signaling the continuation of the party. Ela could feel her buzz grow stronger and stronger. She wanted to stop, but it was one of those nights. The kind that you didn't want to end no matter what. The rest of the night was somewhat of a blur for Ela. More drinks, competition, and dancing before she looked at the clock on the wall, which read two am. She looked around, realizing she was sitting alone at the island, shoving chips in her mouth by the handful. She slowly put the chips down when she saw Kade standing, leaning against his desk, a mischievous grin in his eyes. She was amazed by the fact he didn't look the least bit affected by all the alcohol he'd consumed. Likely another side affect of the virus.

" long have you been there watching me do this?" Ela questioned, hating how hard she had to try to keep her speech even and clear.

"Not long, my love. Just long enough for me to appreciate you in all your beauty he said, pointedly eyeing her up and down. She smirked.

"Join me in the shower, then. You can appreciate me all you want in there," she said, flirtation laden in her voice. Kade smirked back.

"As a gentleman, I will escort you there myself," Kade said. She giggled as he picked her up, the drunk pole immediately planting kisses on Kade's faces. While Kade hadn't dreamt during his short coma, he had no doubt he would have dreamt of nothing but her. She tore at his buttons as they entered the bathroom. Kade was surprised to note that William hadn't left a mess. That, or Dokkaebi did a good job cleaning up. He sat her down on the bench next to the shower, bending down to look at Ela eye-level.

"Continuing in the gentlemanly direction, I need to ask. Are you sober enough for this?" he asked. Her emerald eyes, which were somewhat hazy, instantly sharpened. She seized him by the collar and kissed him hard on the mouth. It was anything but sloppy, showing Kade rather directly that she was more than fine. It wasn't long before clothes were on the floor and the water was flicked on. With her heavily buzzed state, every touch of Kade's fingertips felt like a grenade going off on her skin. Her moans were loud, but she hardly cared. It was only her and Kade. At that moment, anyone else could get bent. His hands were slow and methodical, taking great care with the bar of soap she'd picked for herself. She'd always felt the two were in sync when it came to certain things. When it came to love making, Ela never had to tell Kade when to go fast or slow. He just knew. Which was surprising, considering his lack of any history before her. The shower had a dampening affect on her buzz, which she didn't mind. Being clear headed for what came next was preferred. After some time, they moved to the bed, low candlelight and firelight accenting the unnatural glow of Kade's arm. Kade's blackened arm felt like bark against her skin, but he was careful to keep it mostly away from her. She wouldn't have cared but his effort was appreciated. His lips and mouth had the intoxicating taste of lemon and whiskey, she released a low moan when he made his way inside. His movements were slow and rhythmic, almost hypnotic. Pleasure rolled over her in waves, like she was in an ocean of desire, being carried away by the whimsical waters. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear as his hands worked wonders, pleasuring her below waist before moving to tease her erect nipples. She gasped as he entered again without warning, the waves of pleasure climbing higher and higher in the beach of her mind. She was getting dizzy and knew she was close. She could feel it closing in on Kade as well. Her legs locked behind him.

"Do. I don't care. Do it," she gasped out, letting out a cry of ecstasy as they climaxed at the same time. She slowly lowered her legs and dug her nails from his back. He collapsed next to her, his breath relatively even compared to her labored ones.

"'s can't...have more stamina...than me," Ela said. Kade laughed, pulling her close. He kissed her head.

"Don't worry about that. I'm going to light a cig. Want to share?" he said. She smiled, nodding yes. She'd smoked some in her youth but had dropped the habit in the interest of her health. Kade was likely immune to any negative effects of the cigarette, and Ela only had them sometimes after sex. Currently, it was an arrangement that worked. Kade lit the stick with a candle from his nightstand.

"Kade?" she asked as he took a drag. He held the smoke in before releasing it, offering it to her.


"I...I read your journal. While you were asleep. I...I wanted to know if you meant the things you said in it. About me."

She sucked the smoke in, releasing it quickly. The silence before the answer to a question always drove Ela up the wall. She lightly kicked him in the skin.

"Say something. Please."

Kade took the cigarette back, a short sigh escaping his lips.

"I knew you'd likely read it eventually, regardless of my blessing or not. Let me tell you something," he said, putting the cigarette in his ashtray on his nightstand before turning to face her in the bed. He pulled her closer to him, so their faces were mere inches apart. It made Ela realize fully just how much younger the virus had made him look.

"You've changed much in my life, Elzbieta. My outlook, my plans, my philosophies, all of them spread out to sea thanks to you. I've found them all again, but adjustments have been made. Not one of them don't involve you. I don't want to imagine my life without you. I can't. I'll do anything to keep you here with me. My arms, my legs, I'd give them all in a heartbeat if it meant you'd stay. That will not change. That is a promise. There's also one more promise," he said, turning back to his nightstand before letting something hang on a chain in front of her face.

"This is my mother's engagement ring. She didn't get a fair shake, my father being who he was. I'd like to do right by her and this ring. As soon as the White Mask have been toppled, I'll be putting this ring on your finger. Until then, I ask you wear it around your neck," he said. Ela felt tears prick her eyes as she lifted her hands to her face. She slowly accepted the ring. She'd study it more in the morning light. She gingerly placed it on her nightstand, catapulting herself onto Kade, wrapping her arms around him as tight as she could muster.

"I love you, Kocham cię na zawsze," she whispered (translation: I love you forever).

"Always," Kade replied. This was the pursuit of happiness fulfilled. 

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