Encanto (Journey to the past)

By BiancaGradaille

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Mirabel's ceremony was sad for several reasons but there was one reason that everyone choose not to talk abou... More

The second ceremony
About Ten-Eleven years ago
Present (After casita fell)
Songs for the story: NC
Character info
Dinner tensions again
The triplets
Mica vs Abuela
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros part 2
Learning more
La Familia Sánchez
New visitors
The new generation(not a chapter)
Making plans and meeting the village
Talks and saying adiós
A song from the heart
We're on our way
Train rides and Stories
Journey to the past
Isa, Dolores and Luisa song
Tough calls and explanations
Catching Up
Meet the rest
NAC: Boarding house residents
Preparing for more Drama
Reunions part 2(Can't this family have one quiet dinner)
A New Miracle
Hang in there baby
Dia De Los Padres
Parents day Part 2
Out on the town
Javier's Journal pt 1
Journal pt 2
The Jungle pt. 1
Jungle pt. 2
The End or is it?


54 3 0
By BiancaGradaille

"Okay, so not only does Tío Bruno have children. He now has grandchildren,"

"That's one way to put it,"

"I think we need to talk about how Bruno's kids are married and not once did they send us an invitation," huffed Isa with her arms crossed.

"Isa, you saw how Abuela acted they probably left for the same reasons we were breaking," said Luisa.

"Well it still would have been nice to kept in their lives," she argued.

"Isa, I know when they left you felt hurt believe me we all did," said Dolores.

"Except me for some reason. I just straight up forgot and I don't even know why?"


"At least you still have memories of them, not one thing has come back from talking about them."

"Don't worry prima, tomorrow well ask Tío to look and see how we can restore your memory."

"Are you sure, I don't want to interrupt his time with his Nieto, I want to give them space."

"I know but this is something that shouldn't be put off."

"Dolores is right sis, I might have been jealous but I want you to remember all the fun times we had together."

"All right but only if Bruno is on board and he picks when he can Do it."

"Now that we have a plan for Mirabel's memory. What are we going to do for Dolores?"

"Oh, that's right your dress. C'mon, I'll show you what I've done so far, luckily it didn't get ruined from the crash."

They laughed and when Mirabel shows them the dress, "Oh Mira, it's beautiful," she said in Awe.

"Thanks, now Dolores I'm going to need you to model it with the jewelry Abuela bought for you," The bespectacled Magrigal asked the bride to be.

After a few minutes of helping her put it on, "Okay, so how does it feel?"

"Feels great! I love the designs on it," Dolores said.

"The necklace brings it together," commented Luisia.

Isa nodding in agreement,"Yeah."

"Great, What about the sleeves, I still don't know which season you want to have your wedding on?"

"We have our hearts set on a spring wedding. Its the season of new beginnings,"

"Aw, that's sweet,"

"Okay so keep it medium?"

"Or short, thanks to mama I'm used to any temperature,"

"We'll it's your dress and I want you to be comfortable in it,"

"We'll right now it's perfect how about we go over the bridesmaids dresses,"

"Alright you change while I get my sketch book,"

"Okay so here are some ideas I got from seeing others wedding photos that had bridesmaids,"

"Traditionally they have to be designed to not to divert attention from the bride, but I'm not one to make ridiculous outfits, unless asked directly from the person who is going to wear it," Mirabel explained, "Now Luisa, I was thinking of a simple design that compliments your chest..." she shows her sketches.

"This is interesting,"


In Antonio's room. Miguel is amazed by how big it is and how it's made like a jungle. "This is amazing and all these animals live with you?"

"Yeah, we'll sometimes, they like to live in the jungle so they don't over work the miracle,"

"I understand. It must be so cool to talk to animals,"

"It is. I love animals and I'm glad I was gifted to talk to them however I never meet a jaguar like you Chapa," he said to the magical cat.

"Chapa's a Jaquin. A creature with the body of a jaguar and the wings of a bird,"

"What other animals are there?"

"I don't know if they exist but there are many creatures that look like a combination of different animals,"


"Looks like you two are getting along,"

"Tío Bruno, did you know that there are animals called hybrids?"

"I have heard stories of such creatures but have never seen them,"

"That's okay neither have I. Except Chapa, but he was given to my parents."

"So Miguel, your my Nieto."

"Sí, and this are my parents," Miguel pulls out a photo of Javier and Blanca and gives it to Bruno. "This is a copy of their wedding photo. Papa wanted you to have one,"

"Gracias, this is a wonderful gift. I'm glad to have met you."

"Abeulo Bruno, I didn't just came here to deliver this photo."

"Oh what is it then Miguel?"

"I need you to- to- come back home with me,"

"Miguel I would love to-"

"So you'll do it!"

"I would but I can't leave now I just returned to my family,"

"But tío Ignácio and tía Angelina are your family too. And Lala and Gabi. They want to meet you too. And Papi,"

"I understand Miguel. I miss my children everyday and I'm sure your primas are just as wonderful as you but I need time to think about this,"

"Okay Abuelo," he sighed.

"In the mean time how about I tell you a story I use to tell your father and tíos when they were your age"

"Yeah!!" Both boys were exited to listen to this story especially when the rats came to act out the scenes.


Meanwhile back in Mirabel's room the girls were startled when they heard a male voice. They turn to see Zano standing in the doorway bag in hand.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Mirabel.

"Relax Annabel, I just came to deliver your sister's stuff from her room that she might want."

"It's Mirabel,"

"Right, my bad," dismissed Zano.

"Dolores, why didn't you say anything?" Isabella quietly asked her observant cousin.

"I didn't hear him," she said surprised with herself at how he was able to bypass her hearing.

"Wait you went though my stuff?" Accused Luisa.

"No, your casa managed to move some of your stuff into a bag. Sorry for not stopping them but I dont know your rules for this kind of thing," the platinum teen explained.

"Oh okay if it was casita then no harm done," The strong woman replied.

"Anyway thank you, Luisa, for lending me your room, I promise to leave it clean when we leave tomorrow," Zano said as he gave Luisa her stuff.

"What do you mean by tomorrow?" Asked Mirabel, finding the boys claim a bit hasty.

"Look you've all been nice. Despite how you greet your guests,"

"You crashed into my room," she defensively noted.

"Whatever. Fact is I still have a life and so does Miguel,"

"But Miguel is a Madrigal and he looked so happy to see his grandpa,"

"Look I know how important meeting the oldman is for him. But coming here was a mistake, and leaving with no word was a mistake. We need to head back home or I'm grounded,"

"I think that's up to Miguel" argued to the black wearing teen. "Miguel still wears pampers" he retorted back. "¿Que?"

"Forget it. We're heading back in the morning after breakfast and I'm getting a map. Good night," Zano left the room to sleep leaving the girls to think over his words.

"So what are we going to do?"

"As much as I hate to say it they can't stay here. They have a family that's outside the Encanto and we can't keep them here with no way of communicating,"

"Well, whatever happens we won't find out till tomorrow maybe we can work something out?"

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