Pretty Boy: Dean Winchester x...


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(Y/n) needs a night off after almost being jumped by two vampires so she heads to the closest bar. She meets... Еще

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:

Chapter 8:

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

After introducing Bobby, Sam, and Dean to the rest of the team I worked with on occasion, they agreed to let us get some sleep. Dean and I had swapped part of the way down to Corpus Christi and I slept in the back seat. After a few hours, I woke up the Dean listening to Metallica with the volume low so he didn't wake me. I leaned up to him, pressing a kiss into his neck. It had scared him half to death. I was snapped back to reality as I climbed into the back of my car, handing Dean my keys. I was exhausted and I knew the others were too. I sat behind Dean and placed my hands on his shoulders, massaging them gently. Dean melted into my touch as he started the car. He drove us back to the hotel and we headed up to our room. I kicked off my heel at the door, tearing off the uncomfortable cream shirt and kicking off the skirt.

"Uh, (Y/n)?" Sam asked, behind me. I held up my middle finger.

"Suck it." I fell face first on the bed closest to the door.

"It's like they're the same person." I heard Bobby say as they peeled off their suits. Then I was out like a light.

Dean's P.O.V.

When we all got in the car, (Y/n) started massaging my shoulders. She treated me so well, better than anyone else had in my life. I drove us to the hotel, walking inside beside her. She unlocked our hotel room and kicked off her shoe, pulled off her shirt and dropped her skirt in the middle of the floor. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Uh, (Y/n)?" Sam asked, he definitely wasn't expecting her to do that. I didn't see it coming, but I wasn't exactly surprised, as she was basically a girl version of me. She flipped him off without even turning around

"Suck it." She said before falling face first into the bed.

"It's like they're the same person." Bobby said to himself. I rolled my eyes as I took off my tie and shrugged off my suit jacket. I heard (Y/n) snoring. I chuckled to myself and glanced over at her. Her boot was still on. I headed over, unlatching the velcro and pulling it off. I put her boot next to her shoe and unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it off and hanging it up. I changed into a t-shirt and changed into a pair of sweatpants. (Y/n) was fast asleep on the bottom of the bed with her legs hanging off. I grabbed her hands, pulling her up higher on the bed. She made cute little noises as she snuggled into her pillow. I could see that her mascara was smudged. I chuckled to myself and placed my hand on her back comfortingly.

"You really like her, don't ya?" Bobby said, leaning on the bathroom door frame. I looked up at him.

"I do." I answered quietly. Bobby smiled faintly and headed over to the bed. I guess Sam was taking the couch, I didn't know if he knew that yet. I climbed into bed beside (Y/n). I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, slowly starting to fall asleep.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke up after about 6 and a half hours. I looked over, seeing Dean fast asleep beside me. Bobby was asleep in the other bed and I assumed Sam was asleep on the couch. I swung my legs off the side of the bed, noticing that My boot wasn't on anymore. I stood, heading to the bathroom. I turned on the water, keeping it on the cool side so it wouldn't hurt my incision. I looked in the mirror, noticing that my makeup was all smudged. I washed it off before climbing in the shower. I washed my face, my body, and my hair quickly. I wrapped myself in a towel and headed to grab my bag. I looked through it, pulling on some sweatpants and a matching tank top. I wrote a note saying I would be back, hanging it on the door as I pulled on my boot and slipped on one of my sneakers. I stuck my wallet, phone, and keys into my back pocket and tucked my gun into my waistband, silver bullets of course, since it was obvious we were dealing with werewolves.

I didn't want anyone to see the gun so I stole Dean's canvas jacket. It smelled like him. I left, heading downstairs and out to my car. I unlocked it and hopped in, starting it. I drove to the closest coffee shop ordering an Iced Caramel Macchiato. I got it and took a sip. It tasted great. I pulled out of the coffee shop drive through, driving around until I found a restaurant that was open. It was a pizza parlour. I parked, heading inside and ordering a large meat lover's pizza for Dean, Sam, and Bobby, and a medium spinach and feta pizza for myself. I also bought a case of beer. I brought the pizzas and the beer back out to my car.

I got in, placing them on the seat and pulling out of the parking lot. I went back to the hotel, I stacked the pizza boxes and put the beer on top, holding my coffee against my chest. I headed up to our room, getting weird looks from the people I passed. I unlocked the door, going inside.

"Jeez, (Y/n), let me help you!" I heard Sam whisper. He took the two boxes and the beer. We placed them down on the table in front of the couch. "Why did you get all this food?" He asked.

"Sorry, I got bored, and I thought you guys would be hungry." I said, smiling at him.

"Is that a Caramel Macchiato?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, did you want one?" I asked, "I can go get you one, the coffee shop is really close by."

"No, it's okay." Sam said, opening up the pizzas.

"Spinach and feta?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's my favourite." I answered, sitting beside him.

"Mind if I take a piece?"

"Go ahead. I said, cracking open a beer.

"Beer?" Dean asked. I looked behind me to see Dean sitting in the bed.

"Seriously?" I asked, turning back to Sam.

"Yeah, it's like his super power." I chuckled.

"Beer and Pizza, Deany." I said. Dean got up, shuffling over and wiping the sleep from his eyes. He sat beside me and grabbed a beer.

"Did you get meat lovers?" He asked. I handed him the large box and he grinned wide as he opened it. He looked beyond it momentarily. "What's that?" He asked, picking up my coffee.

"It's an Iced Caramel Macchiato." I said. He took a sip.

"Shit... that's good." Dean said with a smile.

"No way The Dean Winchester just said that." Sam said, chuckling.

"No, seriously, try it!" Dean said, handing the coffee to Sam. Sam took a sip and his whole face lit up. I chuckled to myself.

"Shit, that is good." Sam said. I chuckled, taking my coffee back and grabbing a piece of the spinach and feta pizza.

"Ew, what the fuck is that? Why does that pizza have green on it?

"Spinach and feta." I said, "Have some." I added, handing it to him.

"Hell no!" Dean said, pushing it away.

"Come onnnn!" I said, "Don't you trust me?" Dean rolled his eyes and took a bite of the pizza I was holding. He pulled a disgusting face as he chewed it, but it slowly morphed into a surprised one.

"What the hell?" He murmured. He took another bite.

"Good?" I asked. He nodded, "Told you." I said, turning back to my beer. We ate our pizza and sipped our beer for a while until Bobby woke up.

"Beer and pizza? Without me?" Bobby asked.

"Sorry, we thought you would like some rest." I said, turning to see Bobby standing up and stretching. He came over to us, grabbing a beer.

"You were right, I needed that- Why is that pizza green?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's good." Sam said. "Even Dean-"

"No I didn't." Dean said, cutting Sam off, apparently he didn't want Bobby to know that he liked the spinach and feta pizza. Bobby rolled his eyes and took a piece of the Meat Lover's pizza, sitting in the chair in the corner of the room.

"What's our plan of attack?" I asked, looking at the clock. It was 9 in the morning. Bobby was about to speak, but my phone started ringing in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was Emily. I answered.

"Hey, are you in your room?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I'm coming over to talk strategy." She said, before I could answer, she hung up.

"Em's coming over." I said. My ears were soon met with the sound of knocking at the door. Dean and I both stood. Dean opened the door and I greeted Emily with a hug.

"It's going to be nice to work with you again." Em said, pulling back and entering our room. I glanced at Dean, nervous because she was kind of a novice in our line of work.

"What was that?" Emily asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, acting like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"I'm a behavioural analyst." Emily answered.

"Fine." I said, "I don't think you should work this one. Werewolves are dangerous, and you haven't done this in years."

"But you're hurt, and I know you could always use extra hands."

"She's kind of right." Bobby muttered.

"Yeah, fine." I said, throwing my hand up. I finished my beer and sat on the arm of the couch, placing down the empty bottle.

"What's the plan?" Emily asked.

"Well, I think we should split up and talk to some of the vic's families." Sam said.

"Yeah." Bobby said.

"Okay, I'll walk the streets tonight." I said.

"Woah, no." Dean said, "You can't run, remember?"

"All the more reason to be the bait, they'll pick me because I'm easy prey."

"No." Emily echoed Dean's sentiment.

"You guys can be there, watching!" I said, "I'll be fine."

"I hate to say this, but it's the best idea we've got." Sam said.

"Sammy, shut up." Dean muttered.

"Sam has a point." Bobby said, "But maybe we should wait until we know more." Dean nodded and stood up.

"Let's get dressed." Dean said. I stood and grabbed my coffee.

"Looks like somebody had fun last night." Em said, noticing my clothes strewn across the floor.

"More like someone stripped and conked out on the bed." Dean said, hiding his smile. I hadn't told Emily that he and I were sort of a thing and I had mentioned not to. I picked up my clothes, heading to the bathroom and pulling them on. I brushed out my hair, coming out and slipping on my nude heel. I tucked my things back into my briefcase and pulled it on.

Sam headed to the bathroom next, changing into his suit and slicking back his hair, then Bobby. Dean was last. He always looked handsome, but more so in the suit. I looked him up and down before turning to look through my bag one last time, slipping my FBI badge into my pocket. Dean stayed with me and I turned around to find him looking at me. I placed my hands on his chest, straightening his lapels gently. He smiled down at me, but I was focused on watching my hands move down his chest. I used the excuse of straightening his lapels, but I just wanted to touch him.

"If you look this good in a cheap suit, remind me to buy you a good one." I murmured. A blush formed over Dean's cheeks. "Pretty boy..." I whispered. Dean leaned down, about to capture my lips in a kiss, he placed his finger under my chin, lifting it. "No..." I murmured. Dean looked up from my lips, meeting my eyes. "Not now..." I turned, pulling back from him and heading out the door. I headed down to my car, climbing in. Emily was in my passenger seat. I started my car. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Agnes Street, I told the boys to go to Baldwin." Emily said. I turned out of the parking lot, seeing Dean climbing into his car. If he feels the same way about his car that I felt about mine, he was excited about getting to drive his baby. "Dean likes you." Emily said. I could almost hear the shit eating grin on her face.

"I know." I muttered, turning onto Agnes street.

"If you know, then why haven't you made a move?" She asked.

"I don't know, man, maybe it's because we have a job to do?" I said, parking in front of the house she pointed out.

"Always focused on the job." Emily said, audibly rolling her eyes. I got out, slipping my gun into the back of my skirt, hiding it with my blouse. It, of course, contained silver bullets. I noticed Emily switching out her gun for the one I kept in my glove compartment. She knows I keep my guns loaded with silver bullets. We walked up to the house, and I rang the doorbell. The wife of one of the men who was killed answered the door. We flashed our badges.

"Hello, I'm Agent Prentiss."

"And I'm Agent Cooper, we're with the FBI." I introduced myself under the fake name on my badge. The wife let us in. After talking with her for almost an hour, we found out that her husband used to run with a local group of 20 somethings who lived to party. He had broken away from the group years ago after they fell in love and got married. I was immediately suspicious of the group, and I made a mental note to talk to the others about it later. The night of his death, the man had gone out to the local bar to watch a football game with some of his old friends. Oddly enough, one of the people he went out with was also killed, heart gone, the whole nine yards. Emily and I left, heading out to my car.

Before getting in, I pulled out my phone, dialling Dean's number and leaning against my car, listening to it ring. He didn't answer. I rolled my eyes, dialling his other number. He still didn't pick up. I dialled his third cell number and waited. He finally answered.

"Hey babe, what's up?" He asked, I could hear him closing his car door.

"Hey, did the person you talked to happen to mention that the vic used to run with a group of 20 somethings?" I asked, perching my hand on my hip.

"Yeah, yours too?" He asked.

"Yeah, but all she could tell me was that another vic ran with them too, and they used to party a lot." I answered.

"Ours told us that they used to party in an alley by Shepherd's bar near downtown." Dean added.

"Awesome, let's get back to the room and talk out our plan." I said, stepping into my car. I drove back to the hotel, seeing that Dean, Sam, and Bobby had beat us there. Dean might have more of a lead foot than I do. Emily and I climbed out, heading up to the hotel room. Emily headed to her room first to switch out all her guns with silver bullets.

I kicked off my uncomfortable shoe and sat on the bed, undoing the velcro on my brace, pulling it off. Sam sat beside me, placing the computer on my lap. He had looked up the bar, but none of the kills had happened around it. He leaned into the computer, pulling up the locations of the kills. Bobby came over, pulling out a map. He had circled the kill sites. They were all relatively secluded areas.

"What we think is that the group of 20 somethings got turned and they-"

"All of them?" I asked, cutting Sam off.

"Maybe not all of them, but definitely more than one." Dean answered.

"How do we ditch Emily?" I asked.

"Why are you so hell bent on leaving her out?" Bobby asked me.

"Because she doesn't know what she's doing and I don't want her to get herself hurt or killed." I answered, laying back on the bed.

"She noticed the signs, she's the one who called us." Bobby muttered.

"That doesn't mean she knows what she's doing, I just don't want her to be a liability." I said back, sitting up. "I still think me walking the alley is our best bet, just the one by the bar, because we still have vics that aren't accounted for."

"No." Dean said immediately. He was standing in front of me. I reached out, taking his hands and looking up at him.

"I'm going to say this one time." I said, he rolled his eyes. "You will not," I looked up at him, squeezing his hands a bit, "will not, let our arrangement impact the way you think about me as a hunter. I can do my job just like anyone else."

"I know that." Dean said, "But, I just don't think you should take any unnecessary risks."

"Oh fuck off, this whole job is an unnecessary risk." I said, dropping his hands.

"She's right." Bobby said.

"Thank you." I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Fine." Dean said, throwing up his hands.

"I need something that makes me look diminutive and girlish." I said, falling back on the bed. Sam took the computer back and

"I love when you look diminutive and girlish." Dean said with a chuckle, sitting beside me

"Shut up, asshole." I joked, rolling my eyes. "I fucking love this job." I said with a yawn. Bobby passed me a beer and I opened it, turning it up and chugging it all down. I was going to have to be drunk if I was going to be bait.

"Do you want the last of the pizza?" Sam asked, turning to look at me from where he stood at the table in front of the couch.

"Fuck yeah." I answered. Sam tossed the box like a frisbee and it landed on my stomach. I opened it, there was a mix of both pizzas. Dean took a piece of meat lovers and I grabbed a piece of the Spinach and feta pizza. "So, how do we ditch Emily?"

(A/n): Happy 2023! 

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