On Stage [Farkle Minkus]

By sebxstixnstxn13

4.6K 146 0

"I don't know, I guess I just belong up there on stage." Girl Meets World Post Season 3 More

01 - summer
02 - summer job
03 - movies
04 ~ bakery
05 ~ sleepover
06 ~ auditions
07 ~ painting sets
08 ~ coffee
09 - preparations
10 ~ performance
11 ~ back to school
12 ~ weekend
13 ~ after school
15 ~ movie role
16 ~ thanksgiving break
17 ~ winter break
18 ~ grandparents and christmas

14 ~ project and date

80 6 0
By sebxstixnstxn13

Harley came over after school.

Cassie and Harley were paired up for a project for class. They had the creative liberty to present their project in any way they want to.

They decided that it was a fun idea to create a video for the class.

Knowing the video will take a long time to make, they decided to go ahead and start on the other homework before getting started. They had to figure out what they were going to talk about and plan it out before they started recording.

Thankfully, they had two weeks to turn it in and had some time to plan everything out and record and edit it if needed.

"Alright," Harley said when they finally got around to planning out the video, "what do we have to do for the video?"

Just when Cassie opened her mouth to respond, her parents came home.

"Hey, Harley," Scott greeted the fifteen-year-old.

"Hi, Harley," Robin greeted him.

"Hey," Harley said, smiling and leaning back on his chair.

"How are you?" Robin asked.

"Good," Harley said.

"Are you two hungry?" Robin asked.

Cassie and Harley looked at each other. At that moment, they realized how hungry they were. They hadn't eaten anything from school.

"I'm taking that as a yes," Robin said.

Cassie and Harley laughed nervously.

"Alright," Scott said, "what do you want?"

Cassie looked at Harley.

Cassie had no idea what she wanted, but since Harley came over, it only seemed fitting that he chose dinner.

"Uh," Harley said, uncertainly.

"Do you guys want something from the deli?" Robin asked.

Cassie's and Harley's eyes lit up at the mention of the deli.

"Alright, I'll call them," Robin said.

She pulled out her phone and called the deli for a pick.

As soon as she was done placing the order, she left with her purse.

Cassie and Harley went back to planning out the video. They looked at the rubric and planned everything around the rubric.

They went over the notes they took in class, the notes from the reading, and the annotations they took.

"What are you two doing?" Scott asked, leaning over Cassie's shoulder at the notes.

"We have a project," Cassie said.

"And we're going to record a video for the class," Harley said.

"What are you going to talk about?"

"Um, it's this book we're reading," Harley said.

"We're pulling out the notes we took to talk about," Cassie added.

"When is it due?" Scott asked.

"Two weeks," Cassie said.

"Yeah, and we need time to record and edit," Harley said.

"I think we did everything we needed today," Cassie said.

"Yeah," Harley agreed. "We can record it on Saturday?"

"Yeah, yeah," Cassie said. "We can. The editing will take some time."

Harley nodded in agreement.

Robin came back with the sandwiches.

Cassie and Harley cleared up the table.

Cassie took all of her things to her bedroom and Harley packed his things in his backpack.

They rejoined Cassie's parents at the dining table and had dinner.


Saturday rolled around.

Cassie and Harley were able to figure out a time to work on the project.

Cassie had her date with Randy on Saturday and agreed with Harley they were going to work on the video.

"So," Randy said, "how was your day?"

"Good," Cassie said.

Randy had taken her to the sushi bar where he worked out. Since that's where they met, Randy thought it was a good idea to have lunch there. Cassie thought it was a little weird, but she didn't voice it.

"What did you do?" Randy asked.

"Um, I got coffee with my mom," Cassie said, "and... that's it so far."

"What? Do you have any more plans today?" Randy asked.

He sounded a little stunned.

"Um, yeah," Cassie thought it was a good idea to be honest with Randy, but she wasn't so sure anymore.

"What do you have planned?" Randy asked, leaning forward.

"Oh, um, I'm going to be working on homework with Harley," she said.

"Oh," Randy shifted in his seat.

"What?" Cassie asked.

"Nothing," Randy lied.

Cassie glanced towards the door.

"What's wrong?" Randy asked.

"N - nothing," she lied.

Randy gave her a look.

"You think Farkle is going to come in, aren't you?" Randy asked.

"Kinda," Cassie said.

"You like Farkle?" Randy raised his eyebrows.

"No," she denied.

She kept her voice steady.

Randy leaned back.

Randy sighed.


"I genuinely thought... do you like me?" Randy asked.

"Yes, I do," Cassie said.

Cassie genuinely liked Randy. He was a nice guy. He seemed like he genuinely liked her.

Randy smiled a little.

"So, I like you," Randy said, "you like me."

Cassie's heart was pounding.

"I see us going somewhere," Randy continued. "Do you? Be honest."

"I think I need a little more time," Cassie said. "I need more time to figure it out."

"Oh," Randy said, disappointedly.

Cassie changed the subject. She didn't want to talk about this anymore. She wasn't sure how she felt for Randy. She liked him, but did she like him the way he liked her?

The date went on.

Randy told her about his school and everything that was happening there and in his life between the last time they saw each other and now.

Cassie sat there and listened. She gave her input whenever Randy paused, looking at her expectantly.

After the lunch date, Cassie couldn't help but feel relieved. As the date went on, the thought of working on the project sounded more and more appealing. She didn't want to work on it, but it sounded better.

"How was your date with Randy?" Harley asked when he came over after the date.

"Horrible," she admitted.

"Horrible?" Harley repeated, surprised. "I thought you liked Randy?"

"I thought I did," Cassie said, "but I guess not."

"Oh," Harley said. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Cassie assured him. "It's... we're only fifteen. There is time."

"That's true," Harley said.

"Do you want to get started on the project?" Cassie said.

"Yeah, let's get started," Harley said.

They went over everything they wanted to talk about in the project.

They had just set up the camera in the living room when Zoey and Gabe came over. 

"You guys working on the project?" Gabe asked.

"Yeah," Harley nodded.

"Do you guys need help?" Zoey asked.

"We just need to record the video," Cassie said.

"Here, we'll be behind the camera," Gabe offered.

"Thanks," Harley said. 

Zoey and Gabe helped them with the setup.

They stood behind the camera and watched as Harley and Zoey talked about the book. 

Between them going through the notes and now, they made some extra notes and some points to add to the video. They wanted to make sure that their video wasn't too short, but long enough that they met all the criteria. 

After they were done, Harley put his camera into its bag. Harley said he'll edit it and will send it over once he was done for Cassie to let him know what to change.

Cassie told him to let her know if she needed to do anything else for the project if needed.

Cassie, Zoey, Harley, and Gabe hung out at Cassie's house. 

Zoey, Harley, and Gabe stayed up until after dinner. 

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