Your Majesty - Loki x OC

By FragmentLunatic

571 49 10

All Freyja wants is to see Odin, King of Asgard, dead at her feet, and she is willing to kill him by any mean... More

1: Politics and Petty Arguments
2: Consequences
3: Raiding a Palace (In Style)
4: Two Bad Options
5: Splendid... He's Angry
6: Calder had it coming
7: Part of a Plan
8: Keep Your Guard Up
9: We All Have Our Secrets
10: I Need a Nap
11: Magic Lessons
12: The Day After Tomorrow
13: Poison Ivy
14: Hello, Mother
15: Don't Hold Back
16: Welcome to Midgard
17: Chocolate Cake
19: Mortals are strange
20: Magic Lessons, Part Two
21: Shopping Spree
22: Remember to be Charming
23: I'm Listening
24: The Dreamwalker
25: Traitor.
26: Mother was Right
27: Monsters
28: Not Another Word
29: The Guest of Honor
30: To Dance or Not to Dance
31: Help me Understand
32: You're a Seer
33: All in favor?
34: I've Always Cared
35: Search the House
36: We Can't Kill Odin
37: Why So Blue?
38: Cold.
39: Go down fighting?
40: May the Royal Challenge Begin
41: Fight or Die
AUTHOR'S NOTE (this will mysteriously disappear later)
42: Massacring My Cloak (For a good cause)
43: We Found The Asgardian
44: King of Jotenheim

18: A Good Day

12 1 0
By FragmentLunatic


All things considered, it was a good day.

Woke up after a good nights sleep, Pepper didn't harass me about finances too much, (It's so unbelievably aggravating when she does that) and Loki has been taken back to Asgard by that mean chick in the red jacket.

Check, check, and double check. Yeah, a good day.

No Loki is a good Loki. At least that's what I told myself as I soared through the crisp, azure sky. The visuals in my helmet were lit up blue as I whistled through the air. Jets roared from my hands and feet, propelling me through the blue.

The crumbling remains of skyscrapers zipped by below me. The display inside my helmet said I was roughly 200 feet above the ground.

"Hey JARVIS," I said, the wrecked form of Stark (now 'Avengers') Tower rising up out of the surrounding rubble. "Will you get a cup of coffee going for me?"

A robotic voice gave me a cheery reply. "Of course, sir. The way you usually like it, I presume?"

"Oh JARVIS," I answered with a smile. "You know me so well."

Let me add a cup of coffee to the list of reasons today is going well. Check.

I dropped a bit of altitude, allowing the ruined buildings of downtown Manhattan to engulf me.

All around, buildings were crumbling. I would bet a fortune that there isn't a window in the city that escaped unharmed. All over the streets, chunks of concrete, overturned cars, glass shards and hunks of metal that used to belong to the Chitauri littered the asphalt.

I'll give Reindeer Games one thing: Even though we defeated him, he did a number on the city.

I felt an involuntary shiver run down my spine at the image of Loki standing there with the woman. She had the same wild, destructive glint in her eyes that Loki did.

"Sir," JARVIS noted. "Your vitals say that your heart rate is picking up. Are you quite alright?"

"All good here." I assured him. "Say JARVIS, what did you think of that whole interaction?"

My AI assistant fell silent for a moment. "I'm not sure sir. She was definitely more flippant towards you than most."

"She's Asgardian." I pointed out as I angled upwards to approach the balcony of Stark Tower. "They have a reputation for being stuck ups."

"This is information I assume you would like to keep confidential?"

My feet hit the balcony with a metallic clang. "Yeah, maybe don't tell Thor."

"Tony, where have you been?" Asked a woman's voice from just inside. I glanced up at her. Red hair pulled back in a ponytail, cobalt blue eyes wide with concern. "You were supposed to be back an hour ago!"

Yep, that's Pepper Potts for you.

"Got stuck in traffic on Broadway." I said casually as a large mechanism I built removed my armor. "You know, rush hour."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Tony, you can fly. Where were you really?"

"Well I ran into our friend Loki." I rolled out my neck as the last weight of my suit was lifted off. "Handed him over to one of Thor's buddies from Asgard."

"You took him on," She said incredulously. "Alone?"

"I know it may come as a surprise to everyone on the planet, but I'm just that awesome." My gaze drifted to the steaming cup of coffee on the counter. "No need to thank me, it's my job..."

"At least he's gone." Pepper stood in front of me as I sat on the counter top. "You said you gave him to another Asgardian?"

"Mhm." I hummed in response as I took a sip of my coffee. Black, just the way I like it. "Real obnoxious, bitchy lady. She basically called me stupid then teleported off with the tesseract."

Pepper stood up on her tiptoes and gave me a brief, soft peck on the lips. "You did good, Tony. JARVIS, get Steve or someone up here."

"Aww," I pouted. "It can't just be us for a while?"

"Someone needs to tell S.H.I.E.L.D to stop patrolling the city as if a foreign army is waiting on America's doorstep."

"Fine." I sighed, taking another sip of coffee. My limbs felt heavy. I couldn't quite get to sleep last night. Ever since I went through that wormhole during the Battle of New York, I've just felt... off.

To my left, the elevator popped open and out stepped my good friend, Star spangled skinny jeans.

Steve was sporting a tight fitting pair that matched with the denim jacket he wore over his t-shirt.

He gave me a stiff nod. "Stark, you're late and your robot interrupted my lunch break."

"Mr. Rogers," JARVIS cut in. "I'd like to add that I do in fact have a name and don't take kindly to..."

"Mute." I interrupted his ranting. "You can thank me later, Cap. I caught Loki and shipped him off to Asgard. You're welcome."

Steve scowled. "How did you 'ship him' to Asgard?"

"Some lady friend of Thor's used the tesseract to take him." I explained, skipping over the part where she already had Loki in her hands and I did virtually nothing. "Threat neutralized."

"Stark," He said slowly, irritation seeping into his voice. "Thor said Loki might have a woman with him."

I scoffed. "When?"

Beside me, Pepper cut in. "It was in the briefing file Fury gave everyone! I thought you had this in mind already!"

"No one reads Fury's briefing files!" I protested as she shoved a black file with the S.H.I.E.L.D emblem in silver on the front at me.

My eyes flashed across the pages inside, my heart sinking as I read.

Loki was last seen in an Asgardian holding cell. It is highly likely that he is accompanied by another Asgardian. Accomplice is female, identity unknown. Magical abilities are probable.


"So, this is awkward." I bit my cheek at the condescending look on Steve's face. "I'd like to argue that it was less Loki had an accomplice and more the accomplice had Loki."

"You," Steve decided. "Are insufferable. Can you at remember what she looked like?"

"Sure," I easily conjured up an image of her in my head. "Pale, brunette girl with gray eyes and angled cheekbones." I took a breath and held my hand up about five feet ten inches from the ground. "She was about yay tall and can insult the shit out of you."

"If magic is probable," Pepper reasoned. "How do we know that is what she actually looks like? Loki can shape shift."

"We have no choice but to assume that's what she really looks like." Steve reasoned. "If we don't then we are right back at square one."

I massaged the bridge of my nose. "This is giving me a migraine. JARVIS, will you get the others up here? ASAP please."

"Does this mean I am off mute now?"

"Just go do it."

If a robot could sigh, this would've been a good time for him to do it. "Right away, sir."

This might turn out to be a not so great day anyways.


"Allfather," The voice of a servant pulled me out of my agitated trance. He bowed humbly on the smooth, stone floor before my throne. "Heimdall wishes to see you."

"Tell him I'll be there shortly." I told him. I slowly stroked my beard as my eyes traced a faint crack in a column, running up and down its length. The glare of the gold in the throne room, though usually pleasing, bore a hole in my eye.

Where could he be?

Loki had already been free for too long. He was a man who could make mischief out of anything he could get his hands on. What could he possibly be doing right now? He and the mysterious sorceress who accompanied him.

The sorceress deserves a bit more thought. I decided. I don't buy it that she kidnapped him. Either she's working for Loki or Loki is working for her. Perhaps it is her magic that is shielding them from Heimdall's  sight.


I stood slowly to my feet, my old joints creaking from thousands of years of use. After straightening my cape out behind me, I proceeded down the steps of the throne and started towards the bifrost bridge.

With every day that went by, the effects of my age grew more apparent. Every ache and pain was like a message from the universe screaming in my ears: My time is running out.

I went out one of the back doors to the palace, ever wary of the riots outside the palace front gates. Certainly any one of those poor, disillusioned Asgardians would take great pleasure in ripping my head from my neck. Whatever I had done, however, to upset them in such a way was a mystery to me.

"Heimdall." I greeted my friend and loyal advisor as I approached. He didn't turn his head but I knew he saw me. "Any news of Loki's whereabouts?"

I stepped slightly in front of him, studying his amber eyes fixed on some point in space, far, far away.

"Your majesty, I have discovered a loophole in whatever magic is shielding Loki from my view." He informed me. His long, dark fingers were curled around the hilt of the bifrost sword.

I kept the impatience from my voice. "What is it, my friend?"

"I cannot view him or the girl directly." He spoke slowly, his deep voice enriching every syllable. "But I can see the impact they have on others."

My feet flew up the steps with all the haste I could muster. "Where are they then?"

"They are on Midgard. The Avenger by the name of Tony Stark encountered them."

"Who would be best suited to go to Midgard?" I asked.

Heimdall thought for a moment. "If you truly seek my counsel, I will tell you to send only Thor. Panic is the last thing needed, especially after Loki's recent attack."

My years had made me wise, but only Heimdall had the knowledge that came with his ability to see all nine realms. "I will consider it. Thank you my friend."

"Of course, my king." He gave me a solemn nod, turning to me for the first time since the conversation began. "You may want to speak with your wife. She and Thor are arguing, you may need to intervene."

I heard Frigga and Thor before I saw them. Their raised voices carried down the hallways of the palace.

"Mother, you can't honestly think that after everything he's done that he is redeemable!" Thor shouted, hand clenched around the handle of Mjolnir. "He deserved to be caged!"

Rage burned in Frigga's eyes. "Have you truly lost all hope that the Loki you love is still in him?" She retorted. "If he weren't in a cage to begin with, he would have no reason to escape!"

"Father, talk some sense into her." Thor pleaded as he saw me approaching. "Maybe she'll see some sense of it comes from you."

A sigh broke free of my lungs as I turned to my queen. "Frigga, we are not having this discussion again."

"Actually, we are." She insisted. Even as I tried to reach out and brush her cheek she pulled away. "You know I'm right. The more you try to contain him the more he tries to break free. Even if you catch him..."

"When." I corrected. "Heimdall says he is on Earth. Thor, I want you to go aid The Avengers in his capture."

"Yes, Father."

I turned to Frigga again. "And as for what I know, I know this: Loki is a killer. It is in his nature to bring ruin everywhere he goes. He is a traitor and not to be trusted and no matter how much you love him, he will never love you back half as much. Monsters aren't capable of something as pure as love."

She staggered back as if she'd been struck. A look of horror crossed her delicate features even as my hate fueled words sank into her soul. "You don't believe that."

"Oh, I do." I returned. "I believe every word of it." And I did. Someone like Loki, someone who craves violence, can never be changed.

I watched transfixed as the burning fury simmered down, replaced by a cool acceptance. She gave one gentle nod. "Is Loki really the monster here?"

Her words sunk in as she turned to walk away, leaving me in a rare state of shock. Before she could go too far, Thor caught her arm.

"Mother," he said gently, gazing down at her eyes which were now shining with tears. "I'm sorry for shouting at you. Is all forgiven?"

Her lips twitched up as she gently kissed Thor's forehead with the tenderness of a mother. "All is forgiven."

Then she was gone.

Thor shuffled awkwardly as I tried to wrap my mind around her last statement to me. Is Loki really the monster here?

"Father, are you alright?" He asked with a note of concern.

I waved my hand dismissively despite the cold creeping into my bones. "Quite. Go to Midgard and bring Loki back. When you return he will be handled accordingly."

"As you wish, Allfather." He pressed one fist against his chest in a salute. "I'll return soon."

As he strode off down the hallway, a strange realization dawned on me. My wife was currently mad at me, one son was a homicidal maniac and the other had to go keep his brother from tearing apart the nine realms.

Quite a family unit, wouldn't you say?

"I need a drink." I said aloud, though there was no one there to hear me.

I dragged my feet as I returned to the throne room. I sat heavily in the golden chair, leaning my head back against its cool surface.

Halfheartedly I raised my hand. With a single snap of my fingers, a familiar presence appeared at my side.

"Yes, my king?" Sigurd asked, an empty tray hanging at his side.

It took me a moment to collect my thoughts enough to answer. All the while, the boy stood patiently at the side of my throne, awaiting my reply.

"If you will, a pint of mead." I ordered. With only a nod of acknowledgment, he was off. A moment later he returned with my beverage.

With a slight smile shrouded by my beard I took the glass. Drinking deeply, I allowed the warming liquid to run down my throat.

"My king, you seem distressed." He said quietly, eyeing me with a curious glimmer in his eyes.

I swallowed my drink. "Loki is missing," I began with a tinge of anger in my voice. "Thor will be searching for him for who knows how long and Frigga is furious. It hasn't exactly been an easy day. So many problems, and I can't seem to fix any of them!"

"Your majesty," he shuffled a few steps, nervously wringing out his hands. "If I may?"

Curiosity got the better of me. Why would a cup bearer bring wisdom to a king? "Proceed."

"A friend of mine once told me that death will come for all of us one day or another. All we can do is make the most of our lives while they last." He paused as if gauging my reaction. "If you died tonight, would you want to die knowing you angered your wife?"

I hesitated. "No, I wouldn't."

"Then, do pardon me if I'm overstepping my bounds, your majesty," He bowed respectfully. "Would it not be wise to apologize to her?"

I was stunned by his words. "It... would be. I did not realize I had such a wise cup bearer in my service." I mused, pondering his words.

"It's not me, your majesty." He said humbly. "A friend told it to me in a time of fear."

"Well, your friend is most knowledgeable." I praised, standing to my feet. "I do think I should like to meet him someday."

"Her, actually." Sigurd corrected with a smile as he collected my empty cup. "And if I had to guess, someday you will."

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