The Darkest Temptation ✔️

By Midika

513K 14.6K 1.6K

*Mature Content Warning* I rest both my hands against the table. "I'll go on another date with you, if you t... More



10.1K 298 13
By Midika

Word Count: 1632


I sit on the steps of the porch, looking between the thick boughs of the sprawling trees.

It's nice here. Peaceful.

Keo affirmed that there is no one for quite a distance in either direction. Only a couple weeks ago that notion would have terrified me, but now that I know I'm his mate, and he won't kill me, I like it.

I hear Keo's footsteps before I hear his voice.

"This is where things start getting interesting," he exclaims from behind me, the recently built porch creaking under his weight.

I look back over my shoulder. "Interesting? What does that mean?"

"I have something that should enhance your power," he tells me, reaching his hand into his pocket.

Scrambling up to my feet, curious about what this could be. I always figured I was meant to find my magic myself, so knowing I may have additional help is quite exciting.


He pulls a necklace from his pocket. It had a gold chain connecting to a simple setting for a beautiful emerald.

"Woah, it's beautiful," I breathe in wonder, reaching out so I can touching.

"Uh ah." He pulls the necklace out of my reach. "I wouldn't touch this just yet."

I frown. Is he really going to dangle this in front of my face with the promise of what it could do any not even let me touch it? I'm not in the mood to be taunted today.

"You're touching it," I remind him flatly.

He rests his hand on his chest. "Because I am deeply familar with my own powers. I know when I can and cannot summon them."

I roll my eyes. "I know how to summon my powers, okay?"

"One flippant thought while touching this could send you hurtling into the depths of the ocean if you're not careful," he warns, watching the necklace swing back and forth.

I cross my arms over my chest, huffing out a breath. He's right, and the thought of transporting myself somewhere that I can't get myself out of is a terrifying concept.

"Fine. So what's it for?"

"You will be touching it, but only after visualising exactly where you want to go," he tells me, smiling tightly. He's clearly apprehensive, which isn't promising.

I wrap my arms around myself. "Will it send me far?"

"Maybe. It amplifies your powers."

His uncertainty suggests he is very unfamiliar with how this conduit works. It must have been made especially for someone with my abilities in mind, and must have been what we picked up from Wren in Territory zone.

"That is terrifying," I mutter.

"Do you truly believe I would allow you to touch this if it put you in danger?" He asks, raising a brow. He almost sounds a little offended.

"Keo from a couple weeks ago would," I remind him. Keo from a couple weeks ago would happily send me into danger without a care in the world.

He frowns a little. "Keo from a week ago didn't have a mate."

I clear my throat, shifting uncomfortably. Whenever he gives me that look, I know I'm moments away for forgetting all rational thoughts.

"So where did the magic fuelling this thing come from?" I ask nervously.

Keo sighs. "Someone powerful from another realm. Their blood powers this."

Blood? My stomach turns, wondering how exactly their blood is incorporated into this necklace. Suddenly it's not as beautiful as I once thought it was...

"Please tell me they are still alive," I ask nervously. I don't want to be piggybacking off of a dead persons magic.

Keo tilts his head back and forth, processing my words. "She nearly died, but I had pity."

"You're such a generous person," I mutter sarcastically. Sometimes I forget that Keo has a past, and it isn't exactly a pleasant one.

I've accepted at this point that it's easier not to contemplate it.

"Alright, now, are you ready?" He looks over me, as if physically surveying my likelihood for success. Considering my luck recently, I would assume it's low.

I nod despite myself. "What should I think of?"

"Somewhere you want to go."

I turn in my spot, looking nearby. I can't see much, and I don't know this Territory very well, so whatever exists beyond them is not easy for me to visualise.

"Maybe through the trees?" I ask meekly, unsure if I'll even be able to get down the porch steps, even though I have the additional magic.

"I was thinking to another town. There is one nearby," he tells me, pointing in the direction of it.

Knowing the direction and that it's nearby should be enough to get there. But still, I've never tried to get as far as that I'm such an unknown space before.

"Keo...I'm not capable of that," I remind him, my voice shaking.

He gives me a flat look. "You're doubting yourself again."

"How could I not? This is a big step."

He tilts his head back, exhaling slowly. It's as if he isn't sure how to convey this kind of magic to me. I feel so foolish around him sometimes, especially when I consider how much more life he has lived compared to me.

"You won't even recgonise yourself once you use this. Trust me," he assures me softly.

"What do I do once I'm there?"

"I'll come get you," he promises.

I narrow my eyes. The last thing I need it to end up lost in the forest somewhere with Keo unable to find me. If I transport once, there is a chance I won't be able to again for at least a couple hours.

"You better," I mutter.

He smiles. "Alright. Clear your mind."

Closing my eyes, I draw in a steady breath. Slowly by surely, I allow all thoughts of my environment to leave my mind.

Soon enough, Keo slips the necklace into my hand. The cold metal of it makes me shiver, my fingers tightening around it.

"Now, think about transporting yourself as far away as possible. You should be able to make it to the next town," he instructs calmly.

"You'll meet me there?" I ask softly, fighting to restrain my fear from being obvious to him. It's bad enough that this may not work...I don't want him to think it's my doubt that is the problem.

He smiles assuredly. "Of course."


The setting of the necklace digs into my skin as I visualise transporting myself as far across the Territory as possible with hopes of making it more than a couple feet.

From the necklace, I can feel something within it calling to my magic, coaxing it out.

Suddenly, I free fall down, the world vanishing from around me.

As good as the feeling is to transport myself, not knowing for sure where I will end up isn't comforting. Still, I keep the idea of where I want to land in mind until my feet touch the ground and my eyes open.

This is not what I expected.

I figured I would be confronted with a small, quaint little village surrounded by autumnal trees...not this.

I'm in a village, but all the buildings are haphazardly made of stone, and behind them is a backdrop of sprawling mountains...or are those volcanoes? It's hard to tell, but by the smell in the air, I think it may be the latter.

A cart moves behind me, sending me stumbling forward a few steps.

My heart thumps against my ribs as I turn around, looking down the cobblestone street. This isn't good, I'm not where I thought I would fact, I have no idea where I am.

Still clutching the necklace in my hand, I wander away down the street, brushing past unsuspecting people who are going about their days.

Where is Keo? I must have transferred myself to a different Territory Eight village. Maybe this is one right on the edge, bordering another Territory.

All I know is that my head is spinning.

Pressing my palm to the side of my head, I wander further down until I see someone sitting at the entrance to a store, polishing their shoes.

"Excuse me..." I say weakly, standing in front of him.

He glances up. "Yes?"

"Where am I?" I ask warily. I'm hoping Keo will appear behind me and none of this will mean anything. He will take me back to that small, sweet cabin where I can rest off this throbbing headache and dizziness.

He frowns, wondering why I'm asking. "Territory Thirteen."

My eyes widen. How is that possible? That's multiple Territories away from Eight, which means the magic from this necklace has transported me way further than Keo or I thought possible.

" please no." I dig my hands into my hair, turning in a circle.

Keo will have no idea I travelled this far. He's probably wandering around that village not able to find me, and will have no way of knowing that I travelled this far.

"You don't look so well," he notes, gesturing to my face. I raise my hand, feeling something warm dribble from my nose. When I pull it back, my fingers are covered in blood, my head spinning more just at the sight of it.

Suddenly my legs give out from under me, my knees hitting the cobblestone. The man stands, coming to my aid.

"I need help. I need Keo," I insist, feeling the edges of my consciousness starting to fade away.


"I'm going to pass out," I mutter.

I feel myself collapse into his arms, everything fading to black.


Want more? You can read 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter (:


~Midika 💜🐼

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