Different universe, new me (...

By CraziiFanWriter

19.9K 503 175

The war between Olympus and Gaia is over. The demigods finally wanted a normal life, Percy wanted to be with... More

Why is it always me
What happened
Blessings explained
After so many years we still try:
Fast A/N:
The mission:
It all started with a pen:
Independence day
The meeting:
Another Earth meeting:
New story:
Homefront Part 1:
Homefront Part 2:
School trip:
New team:
The League of Shadows and more secrets:
Rise from the dead:
Mission and first...Kill?!

Not quite dead:

429 19 11
By CraziiFanWriter

Hii guys I'm back, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter have fun! 🤩

§ Dream §

As I opened my eyes I saw myself standing in-front of a huge gade with images of death it was truly not a pretty sight to see, I still decided to open the doors and walked into a huge hallway. As I kept walking I realized it wasn't one of Percy's memories since I still in my own body and I was still wearing my jeans and AC/DC shirt that I got from Jason. { 😂 I'm sorry I just really like the band I think Jason would to so I made this up} After coming to another massive door that I also pushed open I found myself in a huge throne room, there were two thrones one made out of bones and the other one was a nice flowery throne. In de throne made of bones sat a man that had shoulder length black hair he wore a black suit with a red tie. Somehow this place and the man looked familiar. Then it clicked I have been here already, wel Percy has, this was the underworld, Hades' palace to be exact. The man from when I was in the Pit, this man is Hades, I'm surprised it took me so long to figure that out.

''Lord Hades?'' I asked carefully he may have helped me ones but that doesn't mean he is happy I appear in his palace. Hades looked up surprised that there was someone else with him in the room, his eyes widened even more when he saw it was me.

'Perseus? How are you back here I thought that you were on that other earth without any memories?' He asked bewildered. ''It's Richard or just Dick it doesn't really matter. So it is true that on your earth I was Percy Jackson, that does explain the dreams and why you would help me in the Pit, thank you for that, really.'' I said gratefully. Hades seemed to understand what just happened.

'Yes, well I wouldn't want you going on a killing spree and going slightly insane now would I nephew. And I guess those dreams are confusing in the beginning, but yes on this earth you were known as Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, savior of Olympus. I can't say much more it is for you to figure out and I suggest you don't tell any of the Demigods who have come to get you back to this earth. Because I have a feeling you don't want to leave your new family, you need to figure out what you want and when you are ready for a new and very dangerous adventure. Just know that your friends won't give up either.' Hades explained, everything he said was true I don't want to leave my brothers, Bruce or anyone of my family, but on the other hand if I had a whole other life before this one, I want to know it.

'' Uncle, I can call you that right?'' I asked he smiled and nodded. ''Well you are right I will figure this all out first before I tell Annabeth and the rest but I still want to know one thing. When I saw you in the Pit you told me that your blessing wouldn't be concealed any more what did you mean by that?''

Before he could answer my surroundings changed, I was in Percy's body now. I looked around and found myself on the tip of a huge mountain.

I lied on the ground my hound spinning. I looked up and saw a girl with silver eyes, auburn hair and a silver hair piece with a moon on it, could this be Lady Artemis I thought. She held the sky and looked exhausted. 'Run, boy' she told me. 'You should run!' I realized a man was coming my way, Atlas, I somehow knew. I looked around for Riptide but found out it was gone.

'Die, little hero' Atlas yelled. He raised his javelin to impale me. 'No!' Zoe yelled. And they started to fight. I realized I wouldn't stand a chance, but I knew someone who might stand a chance.

''The sky'' I told the goddess. ''Give it to me.''

'No boy,' Artemis said. 'Her forehead was beaded with metallic sweat, like quicksilver. 'You don't know what you're asking. It will crush you.'

''Annabeth took it!''

'She barely survived. She had the spirit of a true huntress. You will not last so long.'

'' I'll die anyways.'' I said. ''Give me the weight of the sky!''

I didn't wait for her answer. I took out Riptide and slashed through her chains. Then I stepped next to her and braced myself on one knee -holding up my hands- and touched the cold heavy clouds. After that everything went so fast, my friends were fighting while I held the sky. Zoe got thrown against black rocks, I wanted to shout her name, help her, but I couldn't speak or move. Artemis seemed pissed and started battling Atlas, after some time she send him flying and saw him coming down on top of me and I realized what would happen. I loosened my grip on the sky, and as Atlas slammed into me I didn't try to hold on. I let myself be pushed out of the way and rolled for all I was worth. The weight of the sky dropped onto Atlas's back, almost smashing him flat until he managed to get to his knees, struggling to get out from under the crushing weight of the sky. But it was too late. 'Noooooo!' He bellowed so hard it shook the mountain. 'Not again!'

Luke and Thalia were still fighting but when Luke fel from the cliff I looked for Artemis and saw that we had ran towards Zoe.

''Artemis!'' I yelled.

The goddess looked up, her face almost as grief-stricken as Thalia's. Zoe lay in the goddess's arms. She was breathing. Her eyes were open. But still...

'The wound is poisoned.' Artemis said.

'The stars,' Zoe murmured. 'I cannot see them.' I tried to get ambrosia or some nectar but I knew it wouldn't work, we were too late.

Artemis took us on her chariot Thalia tried apologizing to Zoe. ' It's my fault,' Thalia said, blinking hard. ' You were right about Luke, about heroes, men -everything.'

'Perhaps not all men,' Zoe murmured. She smiled weakly at me. 'Do you still have the sword, Percy?'

I couldn't speak, but I brought out Riptide and put it in her hand. She grasped it contentedly. 'You spoke the truth, Percy Jackson. You are nothing like ... like Heracles. I am honored that you carry this sword.' A shudder ran through her body.

''Zoe-'' I said.

'Stars,' she whispered. 'I can see the stars again, my lady.'

The last thing I remembered before I woke up was Artemis turning Zoe into the huntress constellation.

§ End Dream §

As I woke up I saw that the sun was already setting and sighed. Again a memory where a friend died. I decided to climb back into my room and got into the shower. After I had dressed myself I looked in the mirror and stared at my hair, it had a white, silver streak in it. Not like Jason has, his is more white grayish, mine is white with a shine like the stars. It must be from holding the sky I thought. I remembered that Annabeth had the same streak in her hair in my memory after she let go of the sky.

I sneaked into Jason's room to get his black hair coloring spray to hide my white, star touched streak. My family already worries enough I don't need them to worry about something I can't really tell them yet.

As I  silently returned to my room I heard someone yelling my name from the stairs,  I got up and opened my door looking at Tim who looked worried. ''What?'' I asked smirking. 'You idiot you scared us we couldn't find you anywhere we thought you-'

'' That I what, was out hurting people and loosing my mind. Don't worry I'm still fine, like I have already told you guys a million times.'' I said while walking out of my room towards the dining hall to get some of Alfreds delicious food. As I walked in I saw that Alfred was putting the food on the table he looked surprised to see me. 'Master Richard everyone is looking for you where have you been?' I'm really happy that Alfred believed me when I said the Pit didn't affect me like it did with Damien and Jason. I just gave him a reassuring smile which he returned. Not even ten seconds later Damien, Tim, Bruce and Jason came rushing in the room. 'Please, don't run in the halls.' Alfred said sternly. I just cracked a smile as they all apologized at the same time.

'So Dick are you sure you are ready to go to school tomorrow?' Bruce asked. I just rolled my eyes at him. ''Yes, Bruce how many times do I have to tell you guys that I am fine.'' I said with a hint of anger in my voice. ''Thank you Alfred the food was delicious, but if you would excuse me I have to go.'' Normally Alfred would have said no, but with what happened yesterday he let me go.

As I walked in the gardens I kept thinking about Zoë who died protecting Lady Artemis and saved a lot of people. As I sat down by the lake I thought about how Hades had mentioned that his blessing isn't concealed anymore, it worries me, what does his blessing do. I decided that it would be good to practice my new water powers and started to create all kind of figures. I made some little daggers from the water and tried to freeze it, it took me a long time to get it right.

I didn't realize the time so when I finally decided to go back to the Manor it was already evening. I walked into the kitchen to find Alfred there making dinner.

' Master Dick it's nice of you to join me, master Bruce and your brothers are out on patrol you can still join them if you hurry up.' Alfred said smiling. ''No I'm good, I will go to sleep early tonight I have school tomorrow remember.'' I answered smiling.

Next morning

When I woke up I put on my school uniform and went downstairs for some food.

'Morning Dick, ready for school?' Bruce asked. I nodded and took some food with me. ''If it's alright with you I will take my motor to school?'' I asked him and as he said yes I walked to the garage and took off to school.

Annabeth POV:

It was Monday already, it has been two days since we found out that Percy died, we have been looking for a way to get back home or to contact Lord Hades but without any luck. We decided to just go to school today and try to continue like nothing happened.

To say the least it has been hard, we always knew Percy wan't gone just on another earth but now. As I walked out of my room I saw Sally, she has by far been the worst of us all. Her son died and now there was no way of getting him back. Lord Poseidon has been comforting her but it didn't really help. Nico, Jason and Leo walked to me and as we got ready Poseidon offered us a ride to school.

When we arrived at Gotham Academy we started to walk towards the entrance when we heard a motor driving into the parking lot. We had never seen it before but is was a very cool looking motor, it was a dark blue colour and the boy who rode it has a matching helm.

When the boy took the helmet off his hair was a mess but what shocked us was when he turned around it was Percy or well Dick, same person technically. As we were looking shocked he walked past us and said good morning with a nice smile and then walked up too Barbara.

''Nico, what the hell just happened. He's alive, he's alive! '' I said laughing I never thought I would see him again. But two days ago he died how is he not dead? This is so confusing but that doesn't matter now, the import part is that he's here, he's alright. I looked at my friends who looked confused but also just as happy as me.

I started looking around for Poseidon but he was already gone. ''Guy's we have to find Poseidon we have to tell him before he sees Dick walking the school halls, he has to know he isn't dead like we thought. '' They nodded and we rushed into the school to find 'Peter'.

Dick POV:

As I got to the school I saw Annabeth, Nico, Jason and Leo watching me wide eyed, what was their problem? I wanted to ask if they were ok, but then I saw Babs looking at me with a worried look so I walked past them and said goodmorning and decided to talk to them later.

''Hey Babs how are you doing?'' I said casually. Then I realised that it was a mistake when I saw her face turn from worried to anger. oh oh now I had done it.

'Don't hey me, and I should ask you how you are doing.' She said already sounding less angry. 'So...?'

''What? Oh yeah I'm fine I don't feel different at all. Talia said it's a miracle but it's true.'' I assured her. Babs looked unsure but accepted my answer. As we walked towards our first class I saw Annabeth walking out of mister Jackson's office, or as I know now Poseidon the actual god, it's still so weird all this new information.

''Hey Babs I need to talk to Annabeth I will see you in class ok?'' Babs nodded and I walked towards Annabeth.

''Hey Annabeth, are you ok? You looked troubled earlier.''

'Oh hey Dick, no I'm fine now I just found out that I was wrong about something and and it just confused us a little. Everything is fine now.' She said while giving me a smile which I returned.

''Alright let's go to class then.''

As we walked in class we both took our seats and so the rest of the day continued, it was long and boring. At the end of the day I walked outside when I saw the four Demi-gods talking with 'Peter' and I walked up to them.

''Hey guy's. I wanted to ask you something. Next weekend is my birthday and as usual my dad is throwing a party and I wanted to invite you all. Most of the time it's boring but sometimes something fun happens and I think if you all come it could be even more fun.''

'Yeah sure that sounds like fun thanks for the invite Dick.' Jason answered while the rest of them nodded in agreement. ''Alright see you tomorrow guy's.'' I smiled and walked towards my motor and drove away.

Wayne Manor

' Master Dick, good to have you home again. Master Bruce asked to see you in the cave, it seems the Team has a mission and he agreed to let you come with.' Alfred said as I got home I gave him a grateful smile and walked downstairs into the cave where Bruce had already his Batman suit on. 'Get changed I have a mission for the Team and team Argo. You can choose what suit you want to wear but I suggest you go as Robin as the mission is in one of the rougher places in Gotham.' Batman said and I nodded and changed into my Robin suit.

''Thank you for letting me come Bruce.'' He turned around. 'I trust you when you say that you are fine, but if anything changes please tell me so I can help.' He said giving me a warm smile. I gave him a firm nod and we walked into the zeta-tube towards Mount Justice.



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