ONE again, again (hfjone au)

De Airy45

16.7K 303 806

Losing sanity, losing friends, losing lives. ONE is happening again.. again. For slightly over a year, Amelia... Mai multe

A/N thingy;Oops forgot to add this
It begins...
We meet again, we lose again
"Bad Food"
See you again? See you not...
Mirror image
Days Blend
soda bottle
A/N thingy; Announcement I guess!!
Airy's Approval
Epic new cover?!
One-shots book is posted!

the aftermath

684 18 44
De Airy45

(A/N: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 VOTES ON THE STORY!!!! :) THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH FOR OVER 2K READS AS WELL!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!! Also I updated the description of the whole story, yippee!)

TW for this chapter: derealization, hinted character death, mentioned surgery, psychosis, hallucinations

The sun is just setting.

I sit on top of the roof of the apartment building, feeling the cold air against me.

I take a deep breath in, the clean air filling my lungs. And I breathe out. I forgot how calming this sort of thing can be...

Monika suggested trying yoga and Charlotte told her that I used to do it before but stopped. Monika said I should try it again... so I tried it. Monika could tell I didn't like it too much but she said to at least do some other things to calm myself... one of those being what I'm doing now.

It honestly doesn't make me feel better. But it made me relaxed. And Monika says that's good.

Speaking of her... Bryce found out on the news that Gregory, who was my boss at a job for a day and who was somewhat friends with Monika, was found where I last saw him... a day or two after. They were apparently presumed dead since they weren't breathing but he soon glitched on and tried to attack someone and then... disappeared again...? I'm not sure... my memory of it is kinda off...

But besides that... everything is "getting better." I think. 'Cause we're moving to a house soon... yeah... the apartment's really small.

Bryce and Charlotte have the same job because Charlotte isn't aloud to drive cause of her mold treatment- oh yeah. She got the treatment which ended up being a surgery. She refused to stay in the hospital too. Uh... anyway. Liam can't get a job yet and Monika and Bryce and everyone else agreed that I shouldn't get one either. But Airy has a job... he does these little arts and crafts things for parties and stuff.. Liam actually does this too with him in a wheelchair since his legs don't work for some reason. I don't remember why. But Liam goes with to make sure he doesn't freak out or anything. He makes sure no one asks for Airy's name... Airy doesn't remember his real name and only remembers using airy.

Bryce found Airy's real full name. He tried to tell him but Airy... he... started panicking...

I dunno.

I don't wanna look at the past, but I really miss the cave...

I... wonder if I can still go back...

Maybe I will.

But how?

Maybe I'll-

"Scenty!" Charlotte smiles and sits down next to me. "How's it going?"

"How's it... go- it's... it's fine...." I mumble.

Charlotte sighs and scoots closer to me on the ledge. "How do I look?" She asks and I look at her. She still has the stitches but and they'll get out soon. Otherwise, I'm glad the mold is gone. But... I can hardly recognize her. The surgery altered the side of her face that the mold was on. "Ugh. I must look like [    ]." She grumbles.

"You look... nice..." I say slowly as I smile. Charlotte laughs softly.

"Thank you... you look nice too- OH MY [    ]ING [    ], I CAN'T BELIVE I JUST SAID THAT!" She facepalms and she winces afterward. "Ouch..."

"Hmm..." I mumble and I yawn, leaning onto her. I can't see her now... from the way I'm leaning on her... but I feel her flinch and then relax. I feel her put her arm around me.

After a few moments of silence, I decide to ask something. "Char...Charlotte...?" I ask slowly. "Uh... Why do I meet with... Monika...?"

"Oh... Uh... I was hoping you wouldn't ask." Charlotte shifts. She seems uncomfortable so I sit back up and I look at her. She looks me in the eye and flinches. "Um... sorry... let me text Monika and ask if I can tell you..." Charlotte pulls out her phone and moves her fingers on it, waits a minute, moves her fingers on it again, and then waits a minute before setting it back down next to her. "Monika said I can fill you in..." she looks at me and sighs.

"When you first came here back, Bryce wondered what could be wrong." Charlotte pauses and I nod to show I understand. "He and me looked up a lot of things and finally found something. He then, after me watching how you acted for a bit, came to a conclusion and asked me to make an appointment with a... therapist." Charlotte watches me as I stare blankly at her. How do I tell her that I forgot what a certain word she said meant?

"Uh... what was that... word you... said... just then... with the..." I attempt to say but I say it too slowly and I stumble on my words. Charlotte puts a hand on my leg.

"So... I'll reword that last sentence..." Charlotte looks deep in through for a minute before sighing. She looks at me and I look at her.

"I watched you for a little bit to... watch some things you did since Bryce thought you might have something..." Charlotte pauses and I nod to show I understand. "We both then realized you probably have what we thought you had.. so... Bryce told me to make an appointment with a... you know what a therapist is right?" She asks and I shake my head slowly. I think I do. But I'm not sure. Charlotte sighs. "A person who... deals with mental health and-"

"OH..." I mumble. "Yeah.. I knew...."

"Alright. Good." Charlotte sighs. "Want me to continue the story then?" She asks and I nod. This is the most patient she's ever been with me. "Good... so then we invited Monika and she... saw the same things we saw and told us what we thought you might have... that's why she meets with you every day."

"Mmhmm..." I mumble and I lean into her again. "What... is it...?"

Charlotte's breathing pauses for a minute before she then sighs. "You were diagnosed with...


My breathing comes to a stop and I sit back up. No... this... this doesn't mean I'm crazy... does it...?

"I'm... I'm... not... crazy..." I try to get my words out. "I'm... no..."

"You're not crazy!" Charlotte laughs and wraps an arm around me, causing me to lean back into her. "What made you think that?"

"The word... you said had... the word... psycho... in it..." I mumble.

"Oh... well. It doesn't mean your crazy! It just means that... something affected the way you think and..." Charlotte looks away from me. "I dunno. But you're not crazy."

"Then... what... made you... think I... have... it...?" I ask slowly.

"Well, for starters, what you just did is a symptom of psychosis. Speaking too slow or too fast, hallucinations, trouble focus-"

"STOP!" I gasp. Charlotte suddenly stops and falls backward, she puts a hand to her chest and stares at the sky with her eyes wide.

"Scenty..." she whispers. "You almost gave me a heart attack..."

"I'm... I... I don't... have what... you... you said I... have... I..." I attempt to get my words out. Because I don't have what she says I have... yeah. I don't...

"Look, Scenty." Charlotte sits back up. "You ASKED me what you have and I told you. Now don't complain about it."

I turn away from her and I look back at the sunset.

"Why are you... why do you seem... worried... all of a sudden..." I whisper. "Why do you... suddenly... care about me...?"

Suddenly, without time for me to react, Charlotte pulls me into a hug.

I feel her body shake and I hear long deep breaths in. I feel drops of water on me.

She's crying.

I manage to move my arms to hug her back. When I do, her cries turn into loud sobs.

I sit there for a minute before letting my hands fall back to the ground. Am I upsetting her?

"Scenty..." Charlotte says in between sobs. "I'm so scared I might lose you..."

"I'm... I think... I... here..." I mumble. "I'm... not that bad... at... directions..."

This causes Charlotte to laugh a little, I don't know why. But I'm glad she's happy- oh. She's still crying... and laughing at the same time.

Charlotte sighs. "You know... I liked you a lot Scenty..." Charlotte sniffs. "When I first met you, I thought you would attack me or something.. I thought, since you seemed nice, you would attack me for being mean to somebody..."

"After you won one... we both were sent back to around where you used to live... we found each other... and everything was fine." Charlotte sighs afterward. "Until one happened again... again..."

"From the first time I heard your voice on the plane... with Airy's... I knew I would lose you." Charlotte sniffs back another tear. "I knew I would but I kept denying it. I denied it when you forgot who we were, I denied it when you forgot your name, I denied it when you sounded like Airy."

"But now that I'm seeing you in person..." Charlotte then pulls out of the hug but keeps her hands on my shoulder so she can look me directly in the eye. "I know I've already lost you-"

She abruptly stops when she starts to cry again. She then brings her hands away from me and she slaps herself. "Stop being a crybaby Charlotte. You're better than this."

I don't know what to do so I stare at her for a minute... or two... or three... until I put my hand on her leg. She sniffs back the rest of her tears and stops slapping herself. "Thank you..." She mumbles.

She pulls me into another hug but this time...

she doesn't cry.

"YO! LOVEBIRDS! COME ON! WE'RE MOVING TOMORROW!" Bryce yells, startling me awake. Wait. Had I fallen asleep?

"L- lovebird's?!" Charlotte quickly pulls away from me. "[ ] NO! WHY IN [ ] WOULD YOU THINK THAT, YOU [    ]ING MORON??" Charlotte screams at Bryce and he chuckles.

"Nothing! I'm just getting back at you for when you laughed at me for letting Liam borrow my bed when his condition was still really bad!" Bryce laughs more and Charlotte glares at him. "Now hurry and come pack! We're getting a one-story house tomorrow! I found a pretty decent one online that we'll have to renovate. But it's cheap and we'll fit in it!"

"Since when we're you an optimist?" Charlotte laughs.

"Can we... stay out... here... a bit... longer...?" I ask.

Bryce nods. "I'll come back to get you in a few." And he turns back around and goes down some stairs.

I turn back to the sunset and I lean into Charlotte again. She does the same and puts her arm around me.

"Are you excited to start the move?" She asks me.

"Yeah... I wonder... what the house can... be like...." I mumble.

"It's probably all [    ]ing stinky and gross!" Charlotte laughs which makes me smile.

"Maybe...." I watch as Charlotte looks to me and smiles softly. "...what...?"

"Nothing... it's nothing- do you want me o move? Is the rough texture from my surgery upsetting you?" Charlotte suddenly asks.

"No... I want you to... stay..." I scoot closer to her and I put my arm around her as well. She smiles.

I'm glad we're such good friends.

"I... I can't believe I'm going to [    ]ing say this..." Charlotte sighs. "I... like you a lot... AS A FRIEND OF COURSE! [    ]!"

"She's so lying. She definitely loves you."

The voice from... I forget when I started hearing it... but it's nicer now.

"I'm not nice, idiot."

"I... said nicer... than before...." I answer them and Charlotte looks at me.

"Me?" She asks and I shake my head. "Oh! Oh... Okay." She sighs and side hugs me more. "What job do you think you'll get when you start working?"

"Uh..." I think on it but it gives me a small headache. "Ow... uh... I dunno... maybe something that... doesn't need... me to... think... hard..." I mumble.

Charlotte laughs softly. "You seriously got a headache again? It's like every [    ]ing time you need to think you get a [    ]ing headache."

I yawn as I lean into her more. My headache fades and my eyes become heavy.

"If you fall asleep, I can carry you inside." Charlotte whispers and I nod.

I watch the sun finally start to disappear under the horizon. It's... really relaxing... sitting with Charlotte, leaning against her and feeling her arm around me... and feeling the cool wind, not too cool but just the right amount of wind, blowing softly against me...

I think that...

Everything is finally starting to "get better..." and everything is looking up...

Charlotte's mold treatment is working, Liam's condition he was in is getting better, Airy and Liam have jobs... Charlotte and Bryce have jobs... we're all together... We're moving to a big house... I have Monika...

Really... everything seems to be taking a turn for the better...!

I just hope I didn't jinx it...


I can't believe it!!!!
We're already at the end!!!!

I can't believe how much my writing style changed(and I think improved) throughout this story!! :) This makes it- at least to me- feel like I've been writing this story for so long when it's really been around a month!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this story and supported it, it really means a lot to me!

If any of you have any questions I can try and answer them! Even if they are questions for specific characters in the au, I can try and answer them in quotes like the character is saying it!

Also, I'm probably going to make a book of one-shots and things about this au too!

Also, if anybody was wondering about designs from this finale, here they are!!! Also the art is by me!!



"Two" Contestants:

For a clarification: those contestants in scenty's "competition" called "two" were people she found online and thought she brought to her version of the plane... when in reality, the contestants and challenges that she did for "two" were all some sort of hallucination



Monika and Gregory:


Group photo:

And thank you again to everyone that read this story! :) You are all amazing!!!   /pos /gen

You all have made writing this so fun! I really like seeing all of your comments! I'm looking forward to making another story and a book of one-shots and things for this au!!!

Have an amazing day/night! :)

End of A/N)


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