||Tertiary|| (discontinued)

By XStarVibezX

12.4K 222 278

⚠️This is a Blue X Green story! Don't read if you don't like the ship!⚠️ Green and Blue both have crushes on... More

~ Memory 1 ~
~ A somewhat usual day ~
~ Discovering love & Purple ~
~ Confronting Red ~
~ Healing wounds ~
~ Black?! ~
~ Memory 3 ~
~ Red returns?! ~
~ Together? Together! ~
~ Memory 4 ~
~ What the hell. . .? ~
~ Talks & Confessions ~
~ Memory 5 ~
~ New Kill mode?! ~
Sorry :(

~ Memory 2 ~

819 14 9
By XStarVibezX

Memory two!
This will be a Angsty chapter so read at your own risk.
- Third persons pov -
It wasn't new for the blind creature at all, the hurtful insults that the children would say to him every time they come here. Though the words still stung, they still hurt him deeply, but he knew the kids didn't know any better. . .right? Surely they don't mean to say those things to him, right? He let out a quiet whimper. His thoughts backtracking. What if the kids did mean it? What if. . .Green didn't want to think like this anymore, he wanted to look and think positive like. . .


He wanted to be cool, amazing and perhaps a little bit of a Star like the blue creature. He wanted to be like him, but how can he? He was just a blind freakshow. . .just like the kids would say to him on a daily basis, he hated every second of it. Though somehow. . .deep inside of him felt like he deserved it, he didn't know why or how. He hadn't done anything wrong, has he? He was just doing his job for the scientists, he had been taking some kind of pills for his stage fright that he forced himself to agree to take. He also agreed to perform next to the star, Blue himself, so what the hell was he doing wrong?

He just wanted to do everything right! He was doing everything right, wasn't he? He felt tears rolling down his face. What was he doing? He shouldn't be crying! Creatures like him shouldn't be crying! But how can he stop? He just wanted to do everything right, he just wanted to make the scientists' proud of him just like how they are proud of Blue. He wanted to impress them. "Those other scientists sure do like stressing you out little one." Green let out a startled squeak, hearing a somewhat familiar voice.

It was that strange scientist named Red. Well, he sounded strange anyway. "I - I'm sorry. . .I - I. . ." Green trailed off, his voice shaking. He didn't know what to say, he didn't want to be punished. He knew none of the scientists' meant any harm, they were only trying to make this place better. "No need to apologize." Red sounded strangely calm. "What seems to be troubling you, hm?" The blind creature felt his tears being gently wiped away, he let out a quiet whine. "I - I just. . .ha - hate being blind. . ." Green mumbled.

He heard a quiet chuckle. "You know. . .I could help you with that." Green perked up, looking towards the direction of Red's voice. "That is, if you want me to." Red shrugged. "W - What do you mean you could help me?" The blind creature asked, sounding a bit hopeful. Could Red really help him? With what? "Well to fix your blindness of course." The sentence sounded genuine, and actually lifted more hope inside of the green creature than it should've. "R - Really?!" He squeaked with slight excitement.

Red smirked. "Yes." The response was all Green needed to try and hug the scientist's leg.

If only Green knew. . .
- March 5th -
. . .It was his fault. He could feel the blood of the children all over him. . .his mouth and his claws especially, it was his fault. He swore he could still hear the bloodcurdling screams of adults, kids and teenagers in the distant. Or was that just him hearing things? He felt his heart racing, he could smell the sickening smell of blood filling his nostrils, if he had any. However there was one scent that stood out to him the most that made him freeze with pure dread and horror. . .

Red's scent.

Green felt his breath hitched. "R - Red. . .?" He whispered, his breathing becoming heavier every minute, he wasn't even sure if Red was in the . . .room? Where was he? He hesitantly moved a arm across the floor but only felt a new texture against his fur. Metallic floor? That was. . .new? He felt even more terrified. "Oh. .Green, you're awake." Red's voice alone was just enough to spook the poor green creature even more. He had never felt this terrified in his whole life.

And it couldn't be true. . .he didn't kill the kids did he? Surely they're still alive and had gone home! R - Right? "W - Where. . .where are all the kids?" He asked, his voice shaking. "They left." Red's response was cold, as if he didn't care or something. "T - They left. . .?" Green could hardly believe what he was hearing. "T - They all left. . .?" His heart racing even more. He could still taste the sickeningly sweet taste of blood in his mouth. That can't be true, can it? Surely Red was right!. . . .

No. . .Red wasn't telling the truth. Why would he say that if. . . .if Green had blood coating his fur and everywhere? "T - Then why do I taste and smell blood. . .?" He asked softly, tears forming in his eyes. The question made Red freeze up, and Green could've swore he smelled fear. He would've been confused if he wasn't so focus on a answer. . ."T - That's just ketchup." Red's response was suddenly nervous but before Green could respond, he heard a familiar voice.

"Boss! My eye hurts still!" . . .Blue? Blue? Blue was okay! Though the blind creature was concerned now, what did Blue mean by his eye hurting? What had happened in the party room that he couldn't see? He couldn't even see still! Red. . .Red had lied to him. There was no way to fix him, wasn't there? "R - Red. . ." Green spoke but he realized Red wasn't here after a few moments of silence.

The blind creature didn't know what to do. And why did Blue say 'boss'? Were the scientists killed? Had he killed a scientist or two himself? Green sat down, pulling his knees to his fluffy chest. Tears still running down his face, he shut his eyes tightly. Sobbing quietly to himself. He couldn't think about anything except for blaming himself and Red. He wished he could've fought it better, he wished he wasn't so naive and hopeful when it came to his blindness being fixed. How can he be so stupid?! He just continued to sob.

I mean. . .what else was he supposed to do? He was so fucking terrified of Red and himself. "Okay, I'm back." He lifted his head, looking towards the direction of Red's voice. "Come on, you'll be sharing a room with Blue till I get your room set up." Red growled, grabbing Green's arm and dragged him through who knows what to reach Blue's room. As much the blind creature wanted to bite him or anything, he couldn't. He was so fucking terrified. However, he was. . .whimpering. "And keep your whining down." Red hissed.

When the two reached Blue's room, Red left and slammed the door behind him. Scaring poor Green. "Green! Are you okay?! You're covered in uh. . .red stuff!" Blue squeaked, running over to the blind creature and pulled him into a hug. Green just. . .hugged him back, sobbing into Blue's chest. He wished the blue creature wasn't so dumb and actually knew but. . .the way Blue acted. Did Blue really not remember what happened? Where was Orange? He hadn't heard of the small creature in a while even before today. . .w - was Orange. . .dead?

The thought made Green bury his face in Blue's chest, his grip around Blue growing a bit tighter. He could feel Blue's paw gently rubbing his back in a attempt to calm him down. He felt someone's head gently rubbing against his side, was that Orange? "O - Orange. . .?" He choked through his sobbing. He heard a soft animal-like noise from the smaller male, who continued to rub his head against Green's side. . .thats when the blind creature realized, the two didn't remember. . . .

Was he really the only one that remembered?. . . .
Well that was Angsty as fuck. It made me tear up ackkk——

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!^w^

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