A Chance To Make Things Right...

Mavaezz_taetae द्वारा

342K 18.9K 3.1K

(completed)✅ "I love you "--Taehyung "No you can't ... Don't waste your time on me cause I'm already dead "... अधिक

Part : 1
Part : 2
Part : 3
Part : 4
Part : 5
Part : 6
part : 7
Part : 8
Part : 9
Part : 10
Part : 11
Part : 12
Part : 13
Part : 14
Part : 15
Part : 16
Part : 17
Part : 18
Part : 19
Part : 20
Part : 21
🔸Important 🔸
Part : 22
Part : 23
Part : 24
Part : 25
Part : 26
Part : 27
Part : 28(🔞)
Part : 30
Part : 31
Part : 32
Part : 33
Part : 34
Part : 35
Part : 36
Part : 37💗
Part : 38
Part : 39
Part : 40
Part : 41🔞
Part : 42
Part : 43
Part : 44
Part : 45
Part : 46🔞
Answers of QNA
Part : 47
Part : 48
Part : 49💗
Part : 50
Part : 51
Part : 52 💗THE END

Part : 29

6.9K 365 96
Mavaezz_taetae द्वारा

A/N: my ladies send gentleman?? Well brace your self for the angst .... Bcz shit is about to happen ....

he left.

Jungkook left.

The pretty boy left and didn't tell anybody about where he had gone.

Taehyung woke up almost late in the morning, alone in The pretty boy's room. he thought that The pretty boy must be in his study, but no, he wasn't and that's not all.

His study room was left open. In two months, the elder did notice that Jungkook always keeps it locked.

he checked the kitchen and found everything out of its order. The utensils on the floor, glasses broken, all the cabinets and drawers open and everything thrown out of it. The pretty boy destroyed the whole place. he didn't even leave refrigerator.

Jungkook's shirt was still in its place though.

Fallen on the floor.

How did The elder slept through all of this?

he thought...he thought they finally made some progress with each other. he thought that maybe after last night The pretty boy might give him a chance with him and Taehyung might actually tell him... he is in lov---

but guess he was wrong.

Very, very wrong.

Last night was the best night of his life. To have The pretty boy in his arms, trembling in need and the way Jungkook moaned his name to go faster and faster was...wow.

Jungkook was a prince. A prince who needs to be worshipped every way possible.

Taehyung wants to worship him every way possible. every day and every night.

Maybe later because there were bigger things in his hand right now.

It's been three hours since he woke up, two hours since he started panicking like a teenage girl who lost her earring and an hour since he has earned a punch from jimin.

Currently, he was pressing an ice pack on his face while the people in front of him shoot glares and making faces at him.

There's also a paper kept in the coffee table which Mr jeon brought from his hospital. All of us their sitting in the couch with a very dense atmosphere surrounding them.

There's also a man with them. The elder has never seen him before, but he was guessing he knows Jungkook.

"We gave you one chance with our son, Taehyung, one chance. You actually screwed it up." Mr jeon growled.

Did Taeyang also mention that jimin beat the truth out of him regarding what actually happened last night?

No? Well then, he did. Taehyung also have very aching muscles and he thinks he has broken one of his ribs.

That midget was strong.

The elder has few embarrassing moments in life, nothing compared to this. He clearly remembered his first embarrassing moment.

he accidentally wore his mother's panties when he was a kid. he was only three at that time but he do remember it. Cute little boy with very fat cheeks. There was this family he don't remember who they were their neighbors. They had come to their home for dinner and he-trying to be the big boy he thought he was told his mom that he can take a bath on his own.

Thirty minutes later, he was having dinner and that's when he felt itchy.

"Mama, my pee-pee itchy." The three-year-old of him whined.

"Aw, your pee-pee itchy? Let's check then." Mrs Kim picked the toddler kim up and instead of taking him to the bathroom, she took him to the kitchen. She took off the toddler's pants and then burst out laughing.

Mr kim father walked in and starts coughing irrevocably, trying to control his laughter. The very curious neighbors had also walked in with his father and also started laughing.

The lil 3 years old teeheeing was still very much confused and was sucking his thumb.

Then he heard a click of the camera.

he still has that photo with him. There were few other moments in high school and college but nothing beat this, until now.

Mrs jeon pouted. "Jongsuk! It's not the boy's fault."

Mr jeon cursed under his breath and gave the elder another glare.

"We should focus on what Jungkook has done today and not what he did yesterday." The man said sternly.

Taehyung got curious. "What did he do?"

"Why don't you see that paper and find it yourself!" Jimin snaped and starts coughing. The man handed him a glass of water.

Taehyung gave him a look then picked up the paper and read it. his heart dropped on the floor when he saw The pretty boy's name written in his own handwriting.

"he came around at eight in the morning. Took the form and filled it, requesting that he would like to be the donor of the latest patient possible." The elder's jaw clenched and his grip tightened. "Thirty minutes later, I get a call from my assistant about this. When I rushed into my hospital, he had already left."

Taehyung's eyes were still glued to the paper, going through the boxes he had ticked so beautifully then he scoffed. "he didn't tick the heart. I wonder why."

"I believe we all know why." Jimin seethes. "It's our fault."

Taehyung closed his eyes and exhale loudly then with a blank look on his face, he tore the paper into bits and pieces.

he just tore away the organ donation form The pretty boy filled and blew it away.

"There. Done. Now he's not going anywhere. I'm going to ask questions now and I want you," he point his finger to the man sitting across him, "to answer them."

The man gave him a smile. "Sure. Ask away."

"Who are you and why are you involved in this?"

The man sighed irritably. "My name is doctor Jung Hoseok. Jungkook has been my patient for the past four months."

"What?!" the elder screeched. "he goes for therapies?" he asked everybody in disbelief. They all nod their heads.

"Unbelievable." he mutter. "Why wasn't It informed of this?"

"Because Jungkook has not come to my office for the past two months due to his certain incomplete task which was given by me." Hoseok explained. "And I believe you have been living here for two months?"

The elder nodded his head, unable to speak more.

he knew that his parents were quite mad at him. They gave him their trust and he broke it.

It all started when he first came here and had that dry humping with his sweetiepue. After The pretty boy left the house, Mrs and mr jeon dragged him to the dining room and demanded him for answers. he told them that he was

just here to visit his sweetiepie but things kind of went out of hand between them.

First, they asked him a lot about The pretty boy in the wedding so he told them how they actually met at the wedding, how Jungkook behaved with everybody and how the elder took care of him when he got drunk. There was no way that he was gonna tell them about The pretty boy's failed attempt to seduce him and their kiss, but he gave the details about his useless blabbering and screaming.

They wanted to know The pretty boy's behavior. Taehyung found it very weird and he hesitated then jimin explained to him their reason.

"Taehyung, we are tired. Jungkook, he was not like this. We know that he has suffered a lot in his life, but we are trying to help him. It pains to see him like this. Can you ever imagine what it feels like for a father to see his only blood admitted to his own hospital because his son tried to take poison in his system and ended up having a seizure when he

only saw the name on the wedding card?!"

Silently, Taehyung shook his head. He felt a pang in his heart . hearing his sweetiepie's several suicidal attempts.

"You don't know how much I got scared when I caught him taking an overdose only three days ago!" the elder's heart stopped beating after he heard this. "he's in pain Taehyung, but he doesn't realize that he's putting all of us in pain. he thinks that he has nobody else in this world. I want my friend back, Taehyung. These people here want their son back. We want him back Tae. Did anything else happened during the wedding?"

The elder knew what these people needed. he still can't get it out of his mind, so he told them about how The pretty boy held a baby in his arms and threatened her, Jungkook's sudden liking of his cookies and then Taehyung saved the best part for the last.

Jungkook's smile. All of them listened to him in amazement and rapt attention. When he was done, Mrs jeon gave him

one of her smiles while mr jeon walked away to some room.

"Wow. I remember the last time I saw him smile. It was a night before everything went wrong. he was glowing. I miss that very much now." The elder simply nodded in response. "Thank you for sharing it with us."

"Taehyung, boy where are you staying?" Mr jeon asked him from nowhere.

"The hotel couple of blocks away. Don't remember the name." Taehyung said nonchalantly.

"Good. Get your bags, you're staying here now."

The elder knew that he didn't have a choice so seventy minutes later, he was standing in the living room with his two bags.

"Tae, son, have a seat. We need to discuss a few things." Mr jeon gestured to him to take a seat beside him. The elder silently sit down.

Suddenly, he had second thoughts about coming here. he still didn't know what was his actual reason. The shop thing was just an excuse for something which he didn't know yet.

"We want you to stay with our son as you both established a certain relationship with each other." Taehyung scoffed

mentally. "We have been staying with him for some time now, watching over him, trying to find any sort of change in

him. I know that he has certain feelings of hatred towards you-"

"You got that right. Carry on."

"-but I know that he sees something else in you. I know my son, he's just like me. Hardworking and stubborn. he is not easy to go with but he takes his time. It took his weeks to open up to his beau, this time he might take months with you. Just promise me to be patient with him and won't let him make any wrong decisions."

Now the elder knows why he actually came here, how could he forget it?

he grinned only by thinking about the fun he was going to have here. "Don't worry. I'll try my best."

"One more thing. If you see some changes in his behavior, do tell us. It's really important." Taehyung frowned. Do they

want him to stalk their son everywhere?

"Why?" he asked.

"I'm trusting you in this. Don't ask me why." Mr jeon grumbled and left.

Now, it all made sense. They were only looking out for the pretty boy. Whatever he told them about Jungkook, they would say it to the man in front of him. he had not visited the doc in two months so the doctor kept an eye on him through him.

There wasn't much to tell. The pretty boy would ignore him and only have breakfast with him. Nothing new.

Nothing new till last night though.

These people knew that Jungkook won't be visiting the doctor anytime soon. They are clever. Very, very clever.

"Uh...okay. I guess." To be honest, it felt a bit weird. didn't understand how but it does.

"Don't you guys think we should be searching Jungkook? If you guys forgot." Taehyung muttered the last sentence under his breath.

All of them looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Did he say something wrong?

"No." Mrs jeon deadpanned. "I know my son and I know where he has gone. It's the only place he can think of after what you guys did."

Taehyung's scowled when he got the hint about the place. "Then what are we doing here?" he growled, "We should be

going after him."

"We will, but not now." Jimin said. "Do you want more ice?"

Taehyung simply shook his head and went to his room to pack his bags.

he turned off the ignition of the car and got out of it. he looked around and found nobody walking around. It's almost night now. It took him a lot of time to reach here. The flights back in Inchon were getting delayed a lot and he had to make a deal with Namjoon only to borrow his personal jet.

The elder have never been to a cemetery before. Luckily he never got a chance to visit anybody here. People come here to visit their dead loved ones, he is here to take back a live one. he pushed the gates open, echoing a loud screech sound everywhere.

(A/N: horror film vibes lol)

How was he even going to find his sweetiepie? he didn't even know if his sweetiepie was here or not.

he did the most basic thing ever. he started roaming around, going through all the stones and inscriptions written on it.

How big is this place?

Very big.

Fifteen minutes later, nothing. he sighed in exhaustion and continued his search. Even though Jungkook might not be here, at least he will meet the guy. he believes they really need to talk.

Well, he will be doing the talking actually.

he took a turn and stopped dead on his track. Jungkook is sitting on the ground and staring at the stone in front of him. he was not moving at all.

Cautiously, Taehyung took his steps towards him and stood behind him. his arms stretched out and touched the pretty boy's shoulders. Jungkook jerked in sudden contact, his eyes popped out from his socket in shock. Not in the million year he expected the elder to show up here out of nowhere, he pushed the elder's hand away. The elder took a step back. Jungkook stood up and turned around, giving him a deathly glare.

"What are you doing here?! You can't be here!" he burst in anger and gave Taehyung a push. Taehyung stumble back but don't fall.


"Don't Kim. Just don't! Can't you see? I don't want you here. None of us do. You're ruining everything!" he cried. The elder try to approach him but he pushed him again.

What's going on with him?

"I have had e-enough Taehyung. I'm tired of your dramas and I want you to leave!"

"What are you saying man? You leave without informing anybody back home and you're telling me to leave?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

The pretty boy's eyes were red in tears and his dress was all muddy. "Yes. I didn't leave anybody mister Kim. I am home!"

"When will you open your eyes Jeon?! Look around there's nobody here except us. You are going back to Inchon." The elder growled.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Where I go is none of your damn business!"

"It is my business now!" the elder growled again..

Jungkook scoffed. "Oh really? Since when?"

"Ever since I made you mine last night!"

Jungkook gave him a look of pure disgust. "Made me yours? My goodness Taehyung, in which world have you been living? You didn't make me yours."

"How can you say this after we made love last night? I thought things would change between us now." Taehyung felt his heart scattered into pieces...

The pretty boy's bid bambi eyes shown in fury. "We didn't make love Taehyung. What we did was just a pure wild fuck."

Taehyung's jaw clenched in anger. He came closer to the pretty boy's arm and pulled him towards him a little to harshly , making the pretty boy yelped in pain.. his grip was tight as death "Don't you think that we should talk properly? After you cool down?"

Jungkook yanked himself from the elder, "You wanna talk Kim? Fine! Let's talk." he sat on the ground and gave the elder a weird look of his teeth. "So, how was it?"

"W-What?" the elder shocked the demon between the pretty boy... he would lie if he says that he was not scared at all at that time.

"The sex, the fucking, whatever you wanna call it, how was it? Was I up to your expectations? How did it feel when I finally moaned that pathetic name of yours like you said at the dinner that night?"

The elder kept staring at him in disbelief. This man here was not the Jungkook he knows. This man was not his sweetiepie . This was someone else.

"Probably had the best time of your life, didn't you? Finally got the man you wanted in bed. I was probably a challenge for you, right? So hard headed and stubborn, won't even look at you and talk to you. Isn't that right taehyung?" he spat.

What nonsense was this man saying?

"Aw, what's the matter Taehyung?" Jungkook cooed with fake enthusiasm. "Did I leave you unsatisfied? I swear I tried to do my best, but I think I might have gone a bit out of practice because the last time I jumped into the bed with somebody was my own fiance! The same fiance you made me cheat on countless times!"

"Are you done?" Taehyung asked coolly. "You were not any sort of challenge to me, sweetiep-"

"Don't call me that! I hate it! I will speak now because I have had enough! You don't know how it feels like to live with the burden of guilt. After I met you, i-it just kept adding and adding on my shoulders till last night."


"You wanna know what I wished for last night?" the pretty boy's eyes met the elder's and Taehyung gulped when he saw the anger in them.

"I wished that I had never met you."

The going to be the one who will be thinking logically now. Jungkook was mad at the elder and mad at himself too. Whatever he was saying right now was his anger and Taehyung can't do anything except wait for him to cool. down.

But his words hurt. A lot.

"That's sad. Your wish can't be fulfilled." Taehyung said sarcastically.

"I know. That's why I'm leaving next week." Jungkook growled looking at him.

Taehyung smirked. "Really? How? By donating all your organs except your heart to needy patients and then finally joining that guy behind you? Amazing." The pretty boy's expression became unreadable.


Taehyung 1

Jungkook 0

"You might wanna change your plans though. I tore away the form very beautifully. You should have se-oof!" Taehyung landed on the ground.

"How dare you to interfere in my business?! How dare you! You have no right in my life." Jungkook got up and cried and gave hard punches on the elder's chest.

Wasn't he the one who was running his fingers on the elder's yesterday?

(A/N: Taehyung you pervert focus !

Taehyung : hehe sorry mavae... !)


"Why are you so interested in my life?! Huh? What I do to myself is none of your concern! You hear me? None of

your fucking concern! Why are you so...so...ugh! I hate you for what you have done to my life!"

Tae finally gathered up the courage to speak. he grabbed Jungkook's arms and pulled him closer to him. and he whispered the words in his ear.

"But I love you."

Jungkook's body turned rigid and he stopped struggling.

"I-I don't know when or how it happened, but I fell for you. Really hard. I know that you don't love me, but give me one chance. One chance to-argh!" the elder grabbed his nose for his dear life and groaned in pain.

Jungkook breaks off from his hold and blew another punch on his face.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THIS?! IN FRONT OF MY OWN FIANCE?"he screamed and tried to give the elder another punch, but Taehyung rolled off and get up quickly, still holding his nose and slightly wincing in pain.

Instead Jungkook gave him one of his deadliest glares. The elder tried to approach him carefully but he backed away.

The pretty boy's lips trembled. "No! Don't touch me! You did enough damage last night."

Taehyung stood back. Suddenly, he realized that he made a mistake. he skipped a step on the ladder the pretty boy had drawn out for him which resulted in his great fall. he was back on the ground and the height of the pretty boy's walls

had increased more.

he shouldn't have said it. It was too soon.Too soon for him.

But what he said was true. he had fallen for the pretty boy. he guessed he was a gone mad when he saw him for the first time at the dinner months ago, but the elder confirmed that he was a gone man when he saw his smile. He wanted to see his smile everyday, but he became greedy and wanted to be the reason of his smile.

He didn't even realize when and how it happened. he had to get those feelings off from his chest so he ignored the pretty boy yet he couldn't.

It was too soon.

Fuck! he really screwed it up.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have said it. That was not right of me."

Then suddenly he heard Jungkook's laugh. He thought it would be the sweetest sound ever but instead it was a sinister type of laugh. he throws his head back and laughed loudly.

"Love? Are you out of your fucking mind Kim?" Tears pooled in his eyes and soon they fell on his face. Taehyung controlled the urge to wipe them right away.

he can't wipe them.

At least not today.

Jungkook choked on his sob. "That was absolutely not right of you. I don't l-love you. The only person I love is six feet beneath me and I can't wait for the day I'll say those words to him again."

they fell into this uncomfortable silence while the elder waited for him to stop crying.

"Tae-Taehyung?" he called the elder after a few minutes of silence. "Can you do me a f-favor?"

Taehyung didn't like where this was going.

"Yes." He replied.

The pretty boy sighed loudly and got up from the ground. he dusted off his knees and arms and looked at the elder with an emotion which was so surprising for the elder.

"Can you walk away from my life? Please?" he begged. "Just turn around and leave. It's for your own good. I have told

you before, there's no future with me. I am already ruined, I don't want to ruin you."

You already did.

he wiped his tears and looked straight into the elder's eyes. "You have your whole life ahead of you k-Kim. You have your shops and I'm sure you have people who need you in busan. Go back to them and move on."


he hiccuped. "Move on from whatever you feel towards me. You'll never be happy here, Taehyung. Trust me, I know. Just leave and don't come back." he motioned the elder to leave, but the elder stayed still.

Jungkook sighed irritably. "I said LEAVE!" Taehyung flinched but gathered his emotions "i-I w-won't leave you .. you got that I won-"

"you said you love me right ?" Taehyung was cut off by the pretty boy.. he nodded after ward.

"then you really loved me ever then leave me and prove your love.."

Taehyung felt as if he cant breath anymore ... his breath stuck into his throat ... prove his love ?? by leaving the pretty boy ???

" Jungkook please don't-"

Jungkook fell on his knees and put down his hands on the ground and kneeled in front of the elder ..."please leave and l-let m-me free f-from m-my b-bur-rden p-pl-l-ease.. Tae-Taehyung" he sobbed furiously ..

Taehyung fisted his hands turning his knuckles white ... he looked upside to prevent his own tears that were threatening to fall..

He wiped his own tears harshly .... He shown once that he will never cry in his life and here he goes ... his sweetiepie making him do things that he never wanted to do ... not to fall in love and not to cry ..

He clenched his jaw and looked down the crying mess who was still kneeling in front of him ...

The elder kneeled down as well and put his both hands to the pretty boy's shoulder and made him sit properly on the ground ...

Jungkook looked up and met with those brown eyes that holds a unreadable emotions now ...

Taehyung slowly wiped all the tears by his palm and cupped the pretty boy's face gently .. they locked their gaze for sometimes .. a light breeze was flowing ... the elder tucked a fallen strand behind the pretty boy ...

"you really want me to leave ?" he asked lowly ...

Jungkook nodded his head not able to form any words ...

"is there no any other way ?"

"these is no any other way "

Taehyung gave him a tight lip smiled " can I kiss you for the last time ?.."

Jungkook panicked ... hearing that ...

"please" The elder whispered.

Jungkook nodded ...if one kiss means life time no Taehyung then he was down for it...

Taehyung grabbed the pretty boy's nape and smashed his lips on the pretty boy's once..the kiss was heated and passionate.. as if the elder poured his all emotions into that kiss the pretty boy could not help but feel every bit of it ... never in his life Jungkook ever felt like this by kissing someone ,,, but Taehyung made him felt this.... The elder bit down Jungkook's lower him and made him gasped in the kiss , he took and opportunity and shoved down his tongue and started to taste the each and every nook and crane of the pretty boy ...

After kissing for the good couple of minutes they broke the kiss as they need to breath.. the elder rested his forehead against the pretty boy .. he pulled back later and looked straight into those bambi eyes that holds the thousands of stars ... he felt like he was stargazing ...

Taehyung smiled sadly ," I love you Jungkook , my sweetiepie ... and I'll love you till my last breath ... if going away from you makes you happy then fine I'll do that for you ... but remember one thing this man right here .." he stopped and pointed his finger towards himself "loved, loves and will keep loving you .."

"Taehyung will love his sweetiepie ,Jungkook , forever and ever ... " with the elder stood up and turned around to leave ..

Jungkook chocked on his own sob ,, it would be a complete lie if those words didn't make his heart flattered ...

His own heart was aching painfully ... he didn't knew why ? didn't not he was the one who wanted the elder out of his life? Why the hell his heart was behaving abnormally...

Taehyung halted in his path , he sighed loudly , said" I hope you don't regret this day Jungkook" he didn't need to turn around to see the pretty boy was looking his back and crying ...

He suppressed his urge to turn back and wipe those tears away from the pretty boy' pretty boy but he knew the moment he would turn he wouldn't able to walk away ever ...

He didn't bother to wipe his tears that were started to fall again.. and he left the place with a heavy heart ...

A/N : long ass chapter..... I swear these chapters are getting longer and longer... As I had to put everything in one single chapter...

Well done forget to vote and share your thoughts 🤍

Umm you guys can follow me 👉👈 you know to support me a little ❤️

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