Blink and you'll miss it

By Tonkatsu__

108K 1.8K 1.1K

Hi. It me the author. I like RWBY, I also like reading fan fiction. Figured I'd try it out my self. I did thi... More

Chapter 1: Not so Little Red... Scythe...
Chapter 2: Making friends?
Chapter 4: Falling very very fast!
Chapter 5: Tis but a scratch!
Chaoter 6: Pieces in play
Chapter 7: A new team
Chapter 8: One of the boys
Chapter 9: One of the boys pt2
Chapter 10: True strength
Filler: Surprise!
Chapter 11: Not something to be ashamed of
Chapter 12: I'm sorry.
Vol. 2 Chapter 1: FOOOOOD FIIIIIGHT!!
Vol. 2 Chapter 2: Just say it...
Vol. 2 Chapter 3: Plans in motion
Vol. 2 Chapter 4: The plan falls apart
Vol. 2 Chapter 5: Unrequitted
Message from me to you
Vol. 2 Chapter 6: A moment of rest
Vol. 2 Chapter 7: The night they remember
Vol. 2 Chapter 8: The coolest History teacher in... history...
Vol. 2 Chapter 9: Never a dull moment...
Vol. 2 Chapter 10: For Vale
Filler: Boys night
Vol 3 Chapter 1: Fight
Vol. 3 Chapter 2: Family
Vol. 3 Chapter 3: The question
Vol. 3 Chapter 4: Fairy tale.
Vol. 3 chapter 5: The night they want to forget
Vol. 4 Chapter 0: A rough patch.
Vol. 4 Chapter 1: Life goes on
Vol. 4 chapter 2: The long road
Vol. 4 Chapter 3: Rogue Encounter
Vol. 4 Chapter 4: Savior
Vol. 4 Chapter 5: For myself
Vol. 5 Chapter 1: Mistral
Vol. 5 Chapter 3: But at what cost?
Vol. 5 Chapter 4: Almost whole again.
Vol. 5 Chapter 5: Early bird
Vol. 5 Chapter 6: First blood
Vol. 5 Chapter 7: Hate
Vol. 5 Chapter 8: For Haven
Vol. 5 Chapter 9: The hardest battle yet
Vol. 6 Chapter 1: Motherfuckin Grimm on this Motherfuckin Train!!
Vol. 6 Chapter 2: Long way
Vol. 6 chapter 3: Side quest begins
Vol. 6 Chapter 4: What are we doing
Vol. 6 Chapter 5: IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!
Vol. 6 Chapter 6: High tension
Vol. 6 Chapter 7: Reconciliation
Vol. 6 Chapter 8: Operation Yoink
Vol. 6 Chapter 9: Brothers
Vol. 7 Chapter 1: A warm welcome

Vol. 5 Chapter 2: Huh?

997 20 3
By Tonkatsu__

Nora: "Did he age backwards?"

Jaune: "He's possessed!!"

Ren: "Or reincarnated."

(Y/n): "He's the second coming of Zwei! Did Zwei die?!"

Ruby: "Ohhhh isn't it weird?!"

Oscar sits in the arm chair looking on in fear as the rest of the group lean in toward him staring.
Oscar continues to stare in fear as the older teens stare down at him trying to figure it out.

Oscar looks down.

Oscar: "It is very weird, yes..."

Qrow: "Ok! Ok."

A much more sober Qrow appears with a mug in his hand, trying to calm the curious teens.

Qrow: "Let's all just take a second, and remember this is all very overwhelming for everyone."

The teens look back to Oscar and jump back with nervous expressions.

Oscar: (to Qrow) "Thanks."

Qrow then takes a seat on the couch next to Oscar's arm chair. (Y/n) takes a seat next to Qrow, Ruby and Nora have taken a seat on the couch perpendicular to Qrow's, while Jaune and Ren remain standing.

Oscar shares a brief look with Ruby, who giggles, causing Oscar to blush.

Oscar: "Ah, sorry! (he briefly looks away) It's just I've never really met Huntsmen and Huntresses before."

Ruby: "Well, uh... we've never met a person with two souls! So, first times all around."

Oscar smiles and chuckles at Ruby before he hears Qrow clear his throat.

Qrow: "Not to break up the whole 'getting-to-know-you' game, but we need to have a talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick, kid?"

Oscar: (groans) "Yeah, okay. Just so you know, I'll still be here."

The members of Team RNJRS look at him in confusion. Oscar then lowers his head and closes his eyes. Suddenly, a green and white aura shines from his body for a moment, Oscar opens up his eyes, which are now glowing, and he smiles. When he speaks, they all hear a familiar voice overlapping with a bunch of other voices, including Oscar's.

Ozpin: "It is so very good to see you again, students."

All of Team RNJRS share brief looks of confusion.

Jaune: "Wait what just happened?"

(Y/n): "Did he just..."

Ren: "Professor... Ozpin?"

Ozpin speaks in his normal tone of speaking but in Oscar's voice.

Ozpin: "Correct. And though I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present mentally. He's merely handed over the control, so to speak."

Oscar: Just don't make us do anything embarassing...

Ozpin: "I'm afraid this all must be very perplexing."

Nora: "And alarming, and bizarre, and just really kind of hard to believe overall!"

Ozpin: (chuckling) "It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor."

he starts to frown

Ozpin: "I know you've all been through tremendous hardship already. I'm sorry."

Ruby: "I mean, it's not your fault."

Ozpin: "It's all my fault."

Qrow stands and returns to the kitchen to retrieve something. Ozpin continues.

Ozpin: "I told you once that I made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet, and I wasn't exaggerating. I'm... cursed. For thousands of years, I've walked the surface of Remnant, living, dying, and reincarnating in the body of a like-minded soul. The Professor Ozpin you all met was not my first form, and clearly wasn't my last. It's... an extraordinarily strenuous process on everyone involved."

Jaune: "So who... what... are you?"

Ozpin: "I am the combination of countless men who've spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant."

Qrow comes back and hands Ozpin/Oscar a cup of tea.

Ozpin: "With every rebirth, my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed, but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the Gods, because I failed to stop Salem in the past. But we must stop her now."

Ruby: "And how do we do that?"

Ozpin: "We start... by ensuring the safety of the Relic of Knowledge."

Nora stands excited with a gleam in her eyes.

Nora: "This is perfect! We were stuck at a dead end, but now, we can just take little cute boy Ozpin to Lionheart and have him set things straight!"

Ozpin: "Please don't call me that."

Qrow: "We're not sure that's the best idea."

Nora pouts and groans and goes back to sit down next to Ruby and Ren.

Ren: "But I thought the Headmasters all took their orders from you."

Ozpin: "That was the intention. Four lieutenants I can trust, especially during times of reincarnation. But Qrow told me about your meeting with Leonardo."

he gets up and walks towards a painting of Mistral)

Ozpin: "He isn't just behaving irrationally, he's disobeying specific instructions I had left him. Something's wrong. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I don't want to rule out any possibilities, either. No one outside of this room knows that I've paired with Oscar, and I think it may be best to keep it that way."

Qrow: "Play things close to the chest until we get a better hand."

Ozpin: "Precisely. Now, we have two steps ahead of us."

he turns around to face the rest of the group

Ozpin: "The first is enlisting the aid of more Huntsmen."

Ren: "But the Mistral council—"

Qrow: "Doesn't own every Huntsman in the Kingdom, and I've been here enough times to know where we can find some more."

Ozpin: "So long as they're trustworthy."

Qrow: "You can trust them to put up a good fight. I'll throw together a list tonight."

Qrow kicks his feet up on the coffee table. The table breaks soon after as one of the legs snaps off.

(Y/n): "Oh no! Our table! It's broken!"

Nora: "Good luck with that."

Qrow groans as he cleans up his mess.

Ozpin: "After that, we can move on to step two."

Nora: "What's step two?"

Suddenly, Ozpin has The Long Memory in his hand.

Ozpin: "Getting you four into fighting shape."

Team RNJR once again exchange looks of confusion.

Ruby: "But, uh, we already know how to fight."

He suddenly raises his cane and points it at Ruby.

Ozpin: "You can only fight so long as you have Crescent Rose, but you're still lacking in hand-to-hand combat."

Ruby: "Well, uh, yeah."

Ozpin points at (Y/n)

Ozpin: "Your style relies on surprising your opponent using your semblance. While you may have once been more than capable of handling a prolonged duel, with your new found weakness..."

He points it his own eye for emphasis.

Ozpin: "You will need a work around."

(Y/n) nods in affirmation.

The cane is pointed at Jaune.

Ozpin: "Mr. Arc, I'm glad to hear you've improved, but sorry to say, you've yet to unlock your Semblance. All of you still have a-ways to go before you're ready to pose any real threat against Salem and her forces. And though Oscar can give me temporary control, he'll need to strengthen his body and his Aura."

Internal Oscar: Wait, what?

Ozpin: "He'll inherit my muscle memory in time, but practice will expedite the process.

Ruby: "But if Qrow's out looking for Huntsmen, then who's going to teach us?"

Ozpin suddenly uses his cane to launch himself into a back flipping barrel roll, landing perfectly on the armchair spinning his cane at high speeds.

Ozpin: "Well, I believe I was the Headmaster of Beacon Academy."

All of Team RNJRS have various looks on their faces. Ranging (heh get it) from surprise, to awe, and dumbfounded.

Ozpin: "We have approximately one month before classes resume at Haven. If Salem were to plan an attack, it would make sense that it would occur prior to students' return. It's not much time, but it's better than nothing."

He stops twirling his cane.

Ozpin: "Just don't expect me to go easy on you."

Suddenly he glows green again. He blinks before losing his balance flailing his arms to try to remain on his feet, unfortunately he falls back taking the arm chair with him.

Oscar: (groans) "You've gotta be kidding me."

(Y/n): "Man down!"

He rushes over to aid his poor armchair. Oh and Oscar too of course.

The rest of team RNJRS and Qrow just stare dumbfounded.
Time skip brought to you by chibi (Y/n) and chibi Ruby fanning and shaking a drunk chibi Qrow.

Ruby throws a wide right hook that Oscar blocks with near perfect form. He's forced to duck as Ruby throws a wide kick with her left foot at his head.

He stands back up going for a left uppercut thats back stepped by Ruby. He goes for a right hook that's blocked and a left that's also blocked. An annoyed Ruby goes for a charging Rught straight. Oscar ducks crouching down and Ruby nearly loses her balance as she misses.

She recovers and dashes behind Oscar as he stands to face her.

Jaune, (Y/n), Nora, and Ren watch in silent amazement as they watch the spar.

Jaune: "Man, Oz wasn't kidding. Oscar's picking up on this stuff fast."

(Y/n): (facepalming) "And Ruby still leaves her guard down for too long."

Oscar suddenly winds back and delivers a hard punch to Ruby's face.

(Y/n): "See?"

Ruby looks up at Oscar visibly angry.

Oscar: "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

With a yell, Ruby hits Oscar back and he lands a few feet away on the ground as Jaune, (Y/n), and Nora wince at the sight.

Ruby: "Ha! Yes! I did it!"

She looks at Oscar who's still on the floor.

Ruby: (concerned) "Oscar?"

(Y/n): (yelling from a distance) "Congrats Rubes, you managed to beat up an infant."

Ruby: (waving her arms) "Why can't you just be proud of me!!"

(Y/n) responds by sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry at her.

Mental Ozpin: You forgot to engage your Aura, again.

Oscar: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Mental Ozpin: Because this method makes you less likely to forget.

Oscar groans and stands to his feet.

Mental Ozpin: Mind if I give it a shot?

Oscar stiffens and glows.

Ozpin: "Not bad, Miss Rose. But Oscar doesn't have the years of training that you do. Or I do."

Oscar's body shimmers green as Ozpin engages their Aura. Jaune and Nora realize what Ruby is in for. Oscar determinedly approaches Ruby.

Ruby: (nervously) "Oh, ha, well, maybe we should uh... take a break."

Ozpin attacks Ruby with a few punches aimed at her head, forcing her onto the defensive until he lands a blow to her face which knocks her back several feet. Ozpin closes the gap with a leap and kicks her in the face. Ruby leaps at Ozpin to throw a left cross which Ozpin evades by ducking and retaliates with a headbutt from below.

Nora: "Ouch."

Ozpin: "The next time you want to throw a left cross, remember to push off with the appropriate foot. And as always, do be aware of any openings."

Ruby: (strained as she sits up) "Gooooot it."

Ozpin gives control back to Oscar, and he falls to the ground on his hands and knees panting and exhausted.

Ruby: "Oh! Hey. Are you okay?"

Oscar: "How is this so exhausting?"

Ren: "Your body isn't used to this kind of training, not to mention generating a defensive Aura on your own. It takes intense concentration at first, but in time it will become second nature, allowing you to deflect attacks and gradually heal your wounds. After that, you can begin focusing on your Semblance, whatever that may be."

Oscar: "Semblance?"

Nora: "You know! Like your very own superpower! Everybody's got one. It's just a matter of finding it and mastering it. Ruby moves super fast, Electricity makes me stronger, Ren can mask emotions, (Y/n) summons teleports things, and Jaune... can, uh, um. Hmm."

Jaune: "I can't do anyth—"

Ruby: "Jaune's like you!"

Ruby grabs Oscar's hand and drags him over to us.

Ruby: "He hasn't found his Semblance yet, but we all know he will. And you will, too. We all just have to try and help each other get stronger."

Oscar: "Cool."

Ren: "A common philosophy is that a warrior's Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your Semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who don't see a connection at all."

Nora: "It's hard to know when you know sometimes. Ren's Semblance was unlocked from intense stress."

Ruby: "And mine kicked in during training one day."

(Y/n): "Similar to Ren."

Oscar: (to Nora) "And what about you?"

Nora: "Oh. Struck by lightning. Didn't die. Craaaazy Thursday."

(Y/n) is taken aback by this.

(Y/n): "Wait what?? I never heard this story."

Jaune: "I just don't understand what's wrong with me. I train. I meditate."

(Y/n) places a hand on Jaune's shoulder.

(Y/n): "Hey, you'll get it ok? But not by thinking like that."

Oscar's eyes glow momentarily as Ozpin takes control of his body again.

Ozpin: "Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over. And the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you're willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen."

Ruby: (smiling) "Then let's get back to it."
A/n: Little update, ya boy got a promotion at work woooo... unfortunately that means I won't have as much time to write so I'm sorry if I go a few days not writing, we'll have too see. I don't know truthfully these chapters are kinda slow even in the show itself so it works ok with my schedule changes but I like them. Any time they have a chance to sit around and hangout and train I enjoy it. Anyway that's all for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed and as always, take care and have a good one. Cheers!

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