𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙚 �...

By Leyah_eroticstories

2.2M 48K 7.5K

❝You Might Be My Angel In Public, But You're My Whore In Bed.❞ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ "Are you ready for me baby?" I n... More

❝𝓒𝓸𝓹𝔂𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 & 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼❞‼️
45.. |PT. 2|
59. | Birth |
60. | Wedding |
Epilogue.. 1♥︎
Epilogue. 2♥︎
{THE END.} Aesthetics-★
New Story Alert🎉⚠️

44. |PT. 1|

27K 605 46
By Leyah_eroticstories

-Treat me right and I'll treat you even better.   ~Enzo

-This chapter will contain images. (maybe about 7)

I felt so bad about yesterday, Elle didn't even come here and she didn't reply back to any of my text messages. I meant my 50 add messages that I sent her, that must be annoying but she'll have to deal with it. 

I woke up this morning feeling down, today's Saturday and I'm going to work. Maybe she'll come by there later?

I sighed while sitting up yawning, I missed her so much. She was suppose to sleep here last night but she never did. I heard my phone pinged with messages, who the fuck keep sending me so many messages? It's too early for this shit.

I got up and went into my bathroom without looking at my phone, I need to get dressed for work. It's already 8:00 and I'm running late.

When I entered the bathroom, I was shocked at what I saw. My bathroom mirror was filled off with notes that made me feel so special.


How did she even get in here? I'm sure she wasn't here last night. Weird!

I kept blushing as I read all of them. 


Wait, is there a special day today? why did she do all this? I kept smiling even when I'm taking a bath. I feel so happy, at least she's not upset anymore.

I finally finished and went out of my bathroom in a towel. I went into my room and brushed my hair in the style I wanted, when I turned around I saw another surprise, two actually. What's going on? 

Now this is getting weird.

I was speechless, she apologized. I saw she picked out an outfit for me to wear and left it on my bed. I looked around the room to see if she's here because she had to be. Unless a ghost did all this. 

I'm so stupid. Of course she's here, the note clearly said to get dressed and meet her downstairs. I quickly get dressed in the clothes she picked out, I hope I look handsome enough for her. I'm so excited, but what about work? forget that shit. 

I need my girl today.

The watch she got me is so pretty, I swear I'll never take this off. I'll even bathe with it on, okay I'm just joking, but to receive these things makes me feel special. I don't normally receives gifts so when I do, I get very giddy.

I hurriedly went downstairs after getting ready and I saw my favorite breakfast laid on the table with a note.

 'Enjoy your breakfast handsome, even though you'd enjoy the breakfast between my legs even more. Meet me outside when you're done.'

-Your angel. xo

I blushed reading the note, she's so fucking naughty. I love it, I love her. I ate the food like a starve man and damn was it delicious, my girl cooks amazing food, I swear.

I finished up and quickly went outside to see her, I couldn't wait to see my baby. I saw her standing nervously near the garden, I also just realized that we were in the same thing.

"Hi. You're looking breathtaking, angel and thank you so much for everything." I said to her with a smile and she gave me back one.

"Happy birthday love, I hope you know you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." She kissed my cheeks and I blushed. Wait, birthday? 

"Birthday? today's not the 15th." I said checking my phone.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was indeed the 15th and I saw plenty of happy birthdays from my friends and families. Damn, it's really my birthday. I'm so ashamed that I didn't even realized.

Happy birthday to me. Yay!

"Thank you baby, I didn't even realize it was my birthday." I said embarrassed and she giggled.

"I knew you wouldn't remember." I chuckled as she kissed my lips. "And I'm so sorry about yesterday, the way I talked to you and the things I said, that was so out of line. I just needed something to argue about with you so I wouldn't look suspicious that I was planning something." She said, looking at me with regret.

"It's all good angel, so what are we doing today?" I asked as she took my hands leading me out of the house.

"We're doing a lot of things today Dari, but they're all surprises." She grinned at me and opened the passenger seat for me. 

"Baby, what are you doing? I should be opening your door for you." I said and she shook her head smiling.

"I already told you we do things for each other, it's not just you alone who should do these things, I can do it too. it takes two to be in a relationship love." She said while going in the passenger seat.

"Thank you, angel." I smiled at her and blushed. God, this girl will drive me insane.


We made it to the waterfall I brought her months ago and I felt at peace. I love it here so much. "I'm so glad we came here." I said as we walk the rest of the way. I took the bag from her and she smiled.

"I knew you'd like it, D." She said, we finally reached and the water was prettier than ever.

We started taking off our clothes and putting on the ones she brought for us to swim. "Come on, let's get in." Elle said giggling as I lifted her up and jumped in the water with her. She screamed so loud that it echos throughout the forest.

"I can't believe you did that." She yelled while laughing and I chuckled, grabbing her legs as she put them around my waist.

"You haven't given me my birthday kiss since morning, baby." I told her and she blushed, kissing me deeply. I moan into her mouth at the sweet taste of her. I started getting hard and I knew she felt it.

"A-Angel." I groaned, gripping her ass cheeks in my hands as she moaned. 

So fucking beautiful.

"Dari, we c-can't. Not yet at least." She said pecking my lips, swimming away from me. Damn, I'm so hard right now. "You look so handsome. God, I want to jump you right now." She said eyeing me up and down lustfully and I almost came right then and there in my swimming trunks.

I chuckled and shook my head at her. "Catch me if you can." I smirked swimming away and I saw her swimming after me in full speed. Damn, why did I ever teach her to swim?

We continued playing in the water together, this day is already going amazing. We came out of the water and dried off getting dressed back into our clothes. The next stop was at a photo booth, we took many funny pictures together that looked so cute.


Now we're in a restaurant eating some food that Elle ordered. It was delicious. Suddenly the waitress came out and put down the plate right in front of me.

"Happy birthday, sir." She blushed and quickly walked away, I heard Elle scoffed and I looked over at her.

"Everywhere we go there's someone who blushes, just by seeing you." She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Sorry baby, and thank you for everything so far." I said as I fed her piece and ate piece as well, she stood up and licked my lips with her tongue slowly, I shivered at the contact.

"You had a little something there." She smirked and sat back down.

"You're such a fucking tease, angel." She giggled which made me smile. 


After we finished eating, we went out and got into the car. "Where to now?" I asked excitedly and she smiled at me.

"You'll love this one for sure." She said making a right turn and I got even more excited wondering where she's going. "Baby, I love everything you have done so far." I told her as I took her hand in mine that she wasn't using, kissing the back of it and watching as she blushed red.

10 minutes later we finally reached but she had blindfolded me so I couldn't see where we were. I heard her got out and came over my side opening the door for me. "Ready to see?" She asked as she stopped me from walking further. I nodded at her and she removed the blindfold.

"SURPRISE." I heard everyone shouted and my eyes went wide seeing everyone here but it went wider after seeing where she brought me, we were at a laser tag. 

Oh fuck, I wanted to come her for a longtime now. I looked back at everyone as they all told me happy birthday. I have the best people around me, there's no doubt about that.

"Thanks everyone." I chuckled happily. I feel so happy these days, I just can't explain it and it's all because of my beautiful angel.

"Let's go everyone, I can't wait." I said dragging Elle with me, too excited for this. This will be my first time coming and I heard it's fun here.

"He's even happier to see the laser tag building than us." Sophie murmured and everyone nodded. 


"Eh, sorry guys. It's not like that, it's just that I-" They all started laughing at my pained expression.

"Chill out hot-stuff, we were only teasing you." Mark and the rest chuckled. Thank God.

I glared at them and continued my walk, leaving them all there as I went in. "Slow down love, the place isn't going to run away." Elle said catching up to me and I waited on the other, they're so slow. I cursed them in my head as I waited.

We all got everything we needed and a man came, telling us the rules and everything. He gave us our guns and vests for the game.

"The Green team includes; Brielle, Larry, Sophie, Jordon, Kira, Luke, Mark and the Red team includes; Enzo, Aurora, Zachary, Ally, Marcus, Lilly, Isaac." We pointed out the groups and joined them.

I'm sad, Elle won't be on my team and I don't think I have the heart to actually shoot her. 


"I'm going to whoop your asses, fuckers." Larry shouted at us and we scoffed. "In your dream, loser." I yelled.

Our team meets up and figures out who will take the lead, they voted that I should take the lead. Of course I'm good with guns.

We put our vest on and tightened the clips in the front and the straps on the side, making sure it's secured. 

Safety first.

We then reviewed the map and picked up our laser guns, ready to start the game. We enter the arena and set up with my team.  We wait until the buzzer goes off to start the game and when it does, all hell broke loose.

I hid behind a wall and started shooting at Larry, I need to take him out first, he's the best. after me of course. We both were trying to kill the other but no one was succeeding. I saw Kira in my line of vision and pull the trigger while aiming at her, it hit her. 


I gained a point and Kira was out. I saw Marcus almost getting hit and I covered for him shooting Mark. He squealed when I killed him and I wanted to laugh at his dramatic state.

"Thanks man." Marcus said and I nodded. Luke shot Lilly and now she's out as well. Fuck.

We played for a while until there were 4 of us left. The Green team only had Elle and Larry. My team had me and Aurora. Fuck this is bad if Larry is not dead yet.

I told Aurora a plan to get Larry Eliminated, She started fake crying and Larry thought she was hurt but as soon as he let his guard down she shot him. 


"That's not fair. YOU CHEAT!" He screamed at us and we laughed as he got eliminated but without knowing Elle shot Aurora before I could even blink. 


I took cover as she tried to shoot me as well, shit that's hot as hell. I wonder if I could fuc-

"Baby, I'll suck your dick if you let me win." She bit her lips, fluttering her eyelashes at me. Shit, shit, shit. Don't fall for it Enzo. I'm so fucking hard right now.

I gulped taking cover. "W-What?" I peeped out from where I was hiding.

"I'll deep-throat you baby, so fucking deep." She smirked from where she was hiding and I froze.

"Y-You will?" I groaned feeling hard, but realized I got shot not a second later. "Wait, you tricked me, you witch." I stomped my feet.

"Men! They're so easy." The girls said rolling their eyes.

"I can't believe you let her trick you over getting your dick sucked." Mark said, glaring at me and I blushed with embarrassment.

"It's not my fault okay, she knew what she was doing." I glared at Elle as she giggled.

They all disappeared leaving Elle and I alone. "Where are they going?" I asked her as I pecked her lips.

"They're leaving and we're going one more place." She said as we made it out of the arena. That was so much fun, I have to come back another day.


She took me to a spa and she got me massages, which was really helpful. Elle made sure to get a male to attend to me after the woman kept touching up my butt. Elle is so funny when she's burning with jealousy.

After we finished, she drove off taking me somewhere else. It was now 6:54 p.m, it was getting dark now.

"Hungry, love?" She asked me from over the driver's seat and I nodded. I was getting hungry now.

"You'll get something to eat soon okay." She told me and I smiled. "Did you enjoy your day?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Angel, this was one of the best days of my life." I told her and she hummed.

A couple minutes later we reached back home and went into the house only to gasp in surprise by the lights turning on and people screaming 'Happy birthday' to me. Everyone was here this time including all our parents.

My parents ran up to me hugging me and wishing me a happy birthday, same goes for Isabelle and the rest of them.

I looked over at Elle and she smiled at me. I know she's the one who organized this party for me. Fuck, I'd be an absolute fool not to marry this girl soon.

I went over to her and picked her up, spinning her around as she laughed. "I love you, angel." I kissed her lips. "Thank you so much."

She kissed me back passionately. "I love you and there's no need to thank me Dari. You're special, I hope you know that." I hugged her tighter.

It was time to cut the cake and when I did, I fed Elle the first bite as everyone awed us, but Larry had to ruin it. "You guys do know that this is not a wedding, right?" He asked and one look from Aurora shuts him up completely.

I got a lot of gifts and food but Elle's gifts were the best above all. The party was amazing but that's what I thought. When our parents left, that's when it turned up.

"Okay everyone, let's get this party started. DJ hit the music." Mark shouts in the microphone and Luke started playing songs, apparently he's good at it.

Everyone started dancing with their partner, having fun. Elle sat me down and was practically grinding on me which created a huge bulge in my pants. She's torturing me and she knows it.

Damn, my girl knows how to move her hips. Hmm, fuck!

"Okay you horny fucks, DJ stop the track." Marcus said over the microphone. Luke stopped it and I can see Aurora pushing Larry away after dancing on him. 

They're so cute.

"Karaoke time." He said putting up a projector showing the songs we need to sing. 

"Birthday boy, you're up first. Get up!" They all cheered me on and I suddenly got shy. It's not that I can't sing because I can, I just never sing in front of anybody before, not even my mom. Only my shower has heard me sing.

"Go babyyy." Elle cheered me on and I got more confident. I went there and took the mic, looking at the song I'm supposed to sing. I started singing, everyone's eyes widened and gasped at my voice. (Backstreet boys - I want it that way)

You are my fire, The one desire, 

Believe when I say, I want it that way, 

But we are two worlds apart, Can't reach to your heart, 

When you say, That I want it that way. 

Tell me why, Ain't nothin' but a heartache, 

Tell me why, Ain't nothin' but a mistake, 

Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, 

I want it that way. 

Am I your fire? Your one desire. 

Yes, I know it's too late, But I want it that way.

"Woah, how didn't I know that you could sing all this time?" I blushed as Elle hugged me.

"I just never sing in front of people, I can get shy you know." I told her as the rest stared at me like they'd seen a ghost. I rolled my eyes.

"Damn, you just got hotter." Marcus said fanning both him and Mark. They do the most, I swear.

"That's my bro, I knew he could sing when I heard him in the shower that one time." Sophie said and everyone laughed. My eyes widened, she heard me? I-

"Okay, let's move on. Brielle, get your pretty little ass up here." That ass is nowhere near little, that's for sure. Mark took the mic from me.

Brielle went up and started singing 'Single ladies by Beyonce', what the fuck? I immediately got up and plunged out the system. It's not that she doesn't sound good, she does but I don't want to hear that song.

"Why did you do that, Enzo Romano." My eyes widened. Fuck, she said my full name. 

RIP Enzo, you'll surely be missed.

"Baby, what type of song is that? I didn't like it, you're not single." I said and the guys laughed at me.

"It's just a song." She rolled her eyes, like I care if it's just a song.

Everyone sang their song, it was fun and the night was filled with laughter. It was now 10:25 p.m and they all left after giving me more gifts.

After they all left, Elle got someone to clean up and then we went to my room. "Go to the bathtub Dari, I'll be there." She shouted from the room, I went and filled it up, took my clothes off and got in. Minutes after I felt her come in with me and started massaging my shoulders. This is so relaxing.

"How was your birthday, handsome?" She asked, straddling my hips while kissing my shoulders. Now I'm hard under her, my cock rubbed against her folds wanting to get in. Fuck!

"A-Amazing, it was the best birthday I've ever had." I said trying not to focus on her pussy rubbing against my cock, but fuck was it hard.

"Well the night is still young, baby." She said in my ears as she licked it, I almost came. I massaged her ass, God I just love it.


I hoped you enjoyed Enzo's birthday. ♥︎

♢The next chapter will be ehem. . . .🥵 Sorry but I have to give Enzo his birthday sex!

🔹Quote of the day/night🔹

-You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.

Be safe!🥰 



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