Proud to be

By toxmaxdox

62.4K 2K 362

"How can you be proud of who you are with a father like yours?" "It's easy. Just don't give up hope that he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

2.7K 96 8
By toxmaxdox


I waited patiently outside of the hospital wing, constantly wiping my face to rid the tears that had fallen. It was daunting sitting in the unknown. I heard rumours pass from student to student, but I was unaware of the truth. I knew for certain dad was somewhere in the castle, about to get the soul sucked out of him. The minister of magic was here, proving that point further. I paced back and fourth, racking my brain for ideas. Anyone who would know the truth was unavailable right now. Remus was in the woods because he didn't get his wolfsbane, Harry and Hermione were nowhere to be found, and Ron was laid up with a broken leg in and out of consciousness. It was horrid sitting here in the dark. All I knew for fact was that Peter had escaped. He was the only living proof that my father was innocent, and now he was nowhere to be found. Professor Snape had been striding around the halls like a hero. I didn't dare ask him for the truth, knowing it would be useless.

I heard the door open before me and I looked up, hopefully. Maybe it was someone I could talk to. I knew I wouldn't be able to see Harry, Hermione or Ron, but maybe it was someone with some information. Exiting the room was Cornelius Fudge and Severus Snape. I sighed and shook my head, turning away. I made sure that they couldn't see my tear stained face. The last thing I needed was ridicule from Snape.

"Miss Black?" Snape spoke softly from behind me. I turned around and faced him, not really caring what I looked like anymore.

"What?" I spat, causing the Minister to give a surprised look. He surely wasn't used to such disrespect for the Hogwarts professors. Severus was a special case in that matter. The look of him made me nauseous. Snape's eyes scanned my face. He caught sight of my puffy eyes and running makeup. He noticed my shaking form. His lips upturned into an evil smile.

"I take it you heard what's happening to your father, haven't you?" He taunted. My hands clenched into fists and I held back a sob. How dare he ask me that? It was unbelievable that he had such a small heart. A teacher was supposed to care about their students, not treat them like this. Rage bubbled behind my eyes. The room turned red. "Sad, isn't it?" He drawled. The words fell from his lips in a delicate swirl. They fell around my ears and slapped me in the face.

"Keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." I hissed. His eyes didn't move. He was used to my tone. He cast his glance to the minister, tired of my attitude already. "This is your fault." He shot his stare back at me. My hard set jaw and scowl caused him to chuckle.

"Temper, this one." He said to Cornelius. He sounded bored, as if my pain wasn't amusing anymore. My stomach curdled as the words began to form in my head. There was so much I could say to him, so much that would hurt him. They weren't good enough. I wanted something that would penetrate his soul.

"You have been vindictive and cold since the day I arrived here." I started, my strong tone gaining his attention. "You have watched me grow and become the person I am. You said it yourself, I reminded you of my mother since the first time I stepped foot in this castle." His face fell. "You sit here like you're on a pedestal. You sit with pride knowing you've sentenced an innocent man to death. Even now, you can't let her go, you never could. You were angry with my father for making her fall in love with him." He upturned his nose at me. "You hold a grudge older than I am. If you truly cared for her like you claim you do, you would have mercy. You would have mercy on the man she loved. If you can't do it for him, you should be able to do it for her daughter." I made myself stand, leaving my position on the floor. I was in his face now. "Her own flesh and blood." His eyes were full of hatred. "I came here with no opinion on you, yet you already had a deep seeded hatred of me for no good reason. I am not my mother, nor my father. You hate me like I am. You are sitting here, ridiculing a fifteen year old girl for grieving her parent. You hold a power that could change my life, but you are so pig headed that you can't see past your youth." The anger fell from my body. I was in a wrath, now. My hands shook as I pointed at him. "You are a conceited, stubborn, self-righteous bastard. I know exactly why my mother didn't want to be friends with you. She found someone who appreciated and cared for her. That was something you could never do. You are killing a man today, and that just proves her right. Even in death you continue to disappoint her." Tears fell steadily. My body was vibrating. He stared in shock. He didn't believe I had it in me to stand up to him. For once, instead of calling him names, I truly fought back. I was done being a punching bag at the hands of a man who had no right to be hitting. The names and the insults never bothered him, but this? This broke him.

"You have no idea what you're saying, Athena. You don't know your father. You don't know what he's done. You're defending a man out of blind love. It's pathetic." His hard tone faltered as he spoke back. I gave him a humourless smile.

"You're a sick bastard." I whispered. "You will never be half the man my father is." His eyes narrowed, but he didn't have anything to say back. A commotion sounded from inside the hospital wing and the two men shared a look. Without another word, they disappeared into the doors once again. I leaned against the wall behind me. I let myself slide to the floor. I buried my head in my knees as my body racked with sobs. If Snape had any decency in his soul, he would rethink what he was doing.

"Athena." A voice appeared beside me. I felt arms pull me over into the body they were connected to. "You don't have to battle this on your own." Fred spoke, stroking my hair. I let him hold me, not knowing what else to do.

"I have to." I said, crying into his chest. "This is my fight."

"It's not. It's ours, and it always has been. I love you." He said, like so many times before. "Things will work out."

"What if nothing is supposed to work out for me, Fred?" I paused, shimmying out of his grip. I faced him now, staring into his eyes. "Maybe it was supposed to be like this. I was never meant to have a mother or a father. Maybe this is punishment for what I've done in a past life. It was made to happen this way for a reason." I fought. My emotions were controlling me. Words were falling out like crazy.

"Why would bad things happen to such an amazing girl? You deserve a family just like the rest of us. You deserve a chance at happiness." He cupped my cheek in his hand.

"I don't know, Fred. It just doesn't make sense." We sat there for a while. A silence fell between us like a curtain. For once in our years of friendship, I had nothing to say. Our tension broke as George joined us, sitting on my other side. They each took one of my hands, making me believe I wasn't alone. George didn't speak. He didn't have to. His presence was enough. Dumbledore strode past the three of us and into the hospital wing. We followed him with our eyes, unsure of the severity of the situation. He walked with intent, clearly having thoughts weighing in his mind.

The twins continued to hold my hands as we waited. Madame Pomfrey exited her room, followed by the minister and Snape. As they passed, the professor sent a look of disgust my way. I knew whatever I said had hurt him. It was evident in his expression. Soon after, Dumbledore walked out. He informed them they could go back in. When they were out of earshot, he focused on me. His wisdom was bestowed in his features. He held a look of pity in his eyes as he watched.

"He's in Professor Flitwick's office. Do not get yourself caught." He smiled warmly at me. "You know what to do." I gazed with admiration at the headmaster. His words gave me hope. As I stood, the twins mimicked my actions. The old wizard gave us another look over before he spoke again. "I believe you." He said softly, and I closed my eyes. The words gave me peace of mind.

"Thank you, professor." He waved me off.

"I know you needed someone to say it." He said. I smiled, and he nodded his head. I returned it, and we began sprinting down the hallways. The stairs seemed to go on forever as we tackled them. Eventually, the charms classroom came into view. George stopped, looking at Fred and I. He was going to stay behind and let me have my moment. I silently thanked him, and took my boyfriends hand.
When the door creaked open, I heard a heartbreaking sound.

"I'm innocent!" My father begged from inside.

"I know." I responded, firmly. He looked up at me and gave a relieved breath.


"Dad." I walked over and collapsed onto my knees beside him. "What have you gotten yourself into?" I asked, pulling him into a hug. His arms folded around me in a protective embrace. I let him hold me, and he finally gave me an answer.

"I wish I knew." He paused. "Athena look at me." I mustered the strength to look up at him. His face held hurt, and vulnerability. He knew what was going to happen, but he didn't want me to see it.

"Every time I look at you, I can only see your mother. Be proud of that, Athena. She was an amazing woman." He said, taking my face in his hands. Tears began to swell in the corners of his eyes. There's a good chance tonight will be my last real night with you. I want you to know I love you, no matter what." He said. "You will always be my biggest accomplishment. I regret every day not spent with you." My breath caught in my throat.

"I love you too, no matter what. You'll always be my dad." I placed my hands over his. "I have never been angry at you for what happened. You are the strongest person I know." I tried to choke back tears.

"Shh, don't cry. It's okay." He said, brushing the hair from my face. "We'll be okay." I did the exact opposite of his words. Painful sobs fell from my mouth. My chest ached at the man in front of me. The man I would never get to know.

"You're gonna be okay. We're gonna save you, dad. You'll be okay." I assured him.

"You can't do that. I just need you to stay safe, okay? Stay in school, don't do anything you'll regret, and be proud of who you are. Moony raised you better than I ever could have. Tell him thank you for me." He paused as a tear fell down his face. "I love you, but you need to go now."

"I'm not leaving. You can't make me." I spoke frantically.

"You need to. Please, don't argue." He said, pulling me into another hug. "Athena, go!Remus will take care of you." He ordered.

"I know he will, he always has! I want my dad now. I want my actual father!" I cried. My complaint reminded me much like a child who couldn't get their way.

"You can't have me, Athena." He told me, pained. "I made a stupid mistake, and I'm paying for it. I wanted to watch you grow, to raise you in my home. I wanted to be there for every milestone, every heartbreak and skinned knee. I wanted to watch you grow into the young woman you've become. I hate myself because I couldn't. You need to leave, and let me go. I don't deserve the love you have for me. Trust me, Athena. You'll be okay." finished.

"I love you." I wailed. "I will until the day I die."

"I love you, Athena. You were the best thing that's ever happened to me." He finished as Fred approached us. "And you," he pointed at the redhead. "Take care of her for me." He pleaded. Fred gave a sorrow nod, and reached out to grab my hand.

"Let's go, Athena." Fred said, helping me up. "If the ministry catches you here, you'll get in trouble."

"Dad," I started. He looked at me but I couldn't finish. My heart ached too much to say anything else. Fred pulled me from the room and away from the scene. George had waited outside. His expression revealed empathy as they led me back to the common room.


"Athena?" A small voice asked from the door of my dormitory. I buried myself in the covers, annoyed with the disturber. I didn't care what they had to say. They repeated my name, causing me to peak my head from under the duvet.

"What?" I asked, my voice betraying me with a crack. I saw Hermione standing in the doorway. She inched her way closer to me, eventually sitting on my bed.

"He's okay." She spoke, placing her hand on top of mine. My stomach twisted with discontent.

"Since when have you considered soulless okay?" I questioned, spitefully. I figured she would be the last one trying to reason with me.

"No, really, Athena. He's okay." She chided, not having my attitude. I turned away from her and faced the wall.

"Just stop." I said. I didn't want to hear any lies come from her mouth.

"Athena, I'm telling you the truth. We used the time turner, and saved him. He's fine and so is Buckbeak!" She said. I looked back at her, eyeing her wearily.

"He's okay?" I whispered. She nodded, coaxing me out of bed.

"Please tell me this isn't some sick joke?" My mistrust was evident. She shook her head.

"I would never do that to you. He's okay, Athena. He flew away on Buckbeak, he went into hiding. Remus is back, too. He's not coming back next year. Everyone found out about his... secret." She explained.

"I kind of figured that would happen."

"Tell him I'm sorry about that, would you?" She asked, sheepishly. I gave a small smile. My chest had started to lose the weight on it.

"Of course, he's probably over it already. Not one to hold grudges, he is." I said. She gave me a nod, looking apologetic.

"The twins and Harry are in the common room, waiting to see you." She said. I took a deep breath and found the strength to stand. I had been crying for so long, I had started to get sick. I had a headache, my stomach hurt, and I was dehydrated. When I was firmly on my feet, I let her lead me downstairs.

Fred was instantly at my side. George wasn't far behind, either. I didn't want a pity hug from them. I didn't need it. My father was alive, and for that I was okay. I pushed them away and pulled Harry into an embrace. He needed it more than I did. "You've been through a great deal, kid. I'm so proud of you, Harry. Thank you two so much. I can never repay you for what you've done." I told him. He smiled, not feeling the need to respond. I sat in my usual seat by the common room fire and the others gathered around me. "So, why don't you tell me exactly what happened."

The two third years broke out into an extremely complex story, making sure to tell me every detail. I laughed at their enthusiasm. They had a way of making every troublesome time seem exciting. "And that's pretty much it." Harry said, coming to a close. I couldn't help but smile at his ending. After all the trouble they went through, that's all he could say.

"That's some story. How's Ron?" I responded, watching them.

"He's good. A bit lonely in the hospital wing, but good." Hermione said, smiling. There was something more behind that smile, I just knew. She talked about Ron like I spoke about Fred in third year. I refused to believe it was anything more than friendship, but look where we ended up. The twins had already been down to visit him, making sure he was alright.

"Well George," Fred started.

"Well Fred." the other answered. I grinned as I looked at my best friends. The love I held for them was above many things. They were my family. They held my hand through every hard time, and picked me back up after every tear. They were beside me for every laugh and every triumph. We may not have been related by blood, but we had a bond that could never be broken. They were my people.

"I think it's time to celebrate." They said together. They jumped up and headed to their dormitory. The three of us stayed behind, giggling at their foolishness. I shared a look with Hermione. She saw the way I looked at them. It reminded her of how she looked at Harry and Ron. Her and I were a lot alike. The redheads returned within minutes. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at them.

"You two seriously brought Butterbeer back here and left it to sit until you had something to celebrate?" I questioned. My boyfriend gave me a sly smile.

"Oh no, my dear. We always have Butterbeer." Fred said, kissing my cheek. "And firewhiskey for us later." He whispered in my ear.

"Oi! No PDA!" George exclaimed, causing me to laugh. I placed a kiss on Fred's lips and looked at his twin. He scrunched his nose in distaste.

"Don't be jealous, Georgie. I know you're sad that he got me and you didn't." I teased and he waved me off, used to my antics.

"We just need Ron here, then we'd have our own little family." Harry smiled. I thought about his words, and gave him a nod of agreement.

"I like that. My own family." I said quietly, a small grin ate at my face. "I only have one problem with that! Even if we are a family, I'd like to keep my last name. I'll admit, I'm pretty proud to be a Black." I said.

"I think that would be just fine," Fred said, placing his lips on mine once more. I thought I could never be happier than I was at that moment. I wished it could last forever.

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