Oranges; Sinbad x Reader

By Higashikata_Heika

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"If love was a fruit, it would be an orange. A circle of sections are held together, but are separate - makin... More

-+- Author's Page -+-
The First Voyage
The Second Voyage
The Third Voyage
The Fourth Voyage
The Fifth Voyage
The Sixth Voyage
The Seventh Voyage
The Eighth Voyage
The Nineth Voyage
The Tenth Voyage
The Eleventh Voyage
The Twelfth Voyage
The Thirteenth Voyage
The Fourteenth Voyage
The Fifteenth Voyage
The Sixteenth Voyage
The Seventeenth Voyage
The Eighteenth Voyage
The Nineteenth Voyage
The Twentieth Voyage
The Twenty-First Voyage
The Twenty-Second Voyage
The Twenty-Third Voyage
The Twenty-Fourth Voyage
The Twenty-Sixth Voyage
The Twenty-Seventh Voyage
The Twenty-Eighth Voyage
The Twenty-Nineth Voyage
The Thirtieth Voyage

The Twenty-Fifth Voyage

517 23 9
By Higashikata_Heika

"So, you're headed out into the unknown again?" The black-haired stick of salt spoke, bored out of his mind. Back in the black void, still intertwined after all of these years. "You know... I was really starting to get used to the idea of you not plaguing my dreams with your ugly face."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you." I mocked coldly, as we sat across from each other. Around us, as usual, was darkness. We were the only color in the void; however, I would have much preferred if it was just me.

"Bullshit! I'm probably a highlight in your pathetic life!!" Huffing a little again, I wished this conversation to be over, "So where are you headed this time, hm? Somewhere interesting I hope." I opted to not answer him. At this response, he scoffed, "I'm trying to be civil, Island Princess. The least you can do is meet me halfway."

"We both know that us being 'civil' to one another died a long time ago." Finally answering him, Judar grinned evilly. "I'll indulge you somewhat. I've met far more interesting people then yourself." He knew my games well. Scoffing again, he stared away from my figure and toward the void. Unlike the many clothes he once wore when we were smaller, he, instead was wearing a black crop top and black harem pants. It didn't seem very dignified to me, but I wouldn't question it anymore than I had to. "You're a magician aren't you? Have you figured out why our dreams are still interconnected?"

"Nope, and I don't plan to anytime soon." He spoke, making me raise an eyebrow. One glance was all it took to make him laugh hysterically like a mad man. Though it was not out of humor. It was mocking and condescending, "You are still a pest, just as you always were!" Glaring at him, Judar continued, "I'm not going to bother figuring it out because of one simple fact~" He cooed, circling around my figure amusingly, before taking my chin, "Mainly because I couldn't fix it even if I wanted to. Our wavelengths are intertwined. There is no playing with fate on this one. Now time for your weekly execution~" Taking out his wand, he waved it around frivolously, "Now, how to kill you this time~" Judar mumbled, "Oh, what the hell! Something quick will do the trick!" A stab through my stomach then I woke up with a start.

'I hate him with my very being...' I grumbled mentally, before attempting to return to sleep, however, this would not come to fruition. Giving up ten minutes later, I got dressed into my blouse and leather pants, before leaving the room silently. Meeting a couple sailors, I nodded in their direction, before making it to the edge of the ship. No matter how many times Judar would 'kill' me, I would never grow used to it. Sometimes, I would feel annoyed. Other times, my stomach would empty itself of its contents from the gruesome death. Most of the time, my eyes wouldn't shut for the rest of the night. Lately, we haven't been plaguing each other's dreams. It was more of a quick occurrence.

Standing by the edge, my eyes focused on the water below the ship. It moved beautifully with the wooden craft as I felt almost relieved at the sight. The smell of the ocean breeze took hold of my senses, as I stood out by the tip. A figure approached me slowly, as my eyes stared out to the horizon. "Beautiful. Is it not?" Jolting up, I turned to face the amber-eyed sailor. Feeling flustered for a second, I nodded my head before staring out to the waters again. Stars hung above us, dancing in their own little way. "Couldn't sleep?"

"I... woke up from a nightmare." I answered simply, before staring up at him. Sinbad's eyes had already gazed into my own when they made contact. "What about you?"

"Believe it or not, I was working on some more paperwork." Something in me thought he was joking, but I didn't want to deny the possibility of Sinbad being responsible. Humming in response, my eyes moved away from his own and moved down to his neck. Though it was dark, I could make something out. Part of his skin seemed miscolored compared to the surrounding surface. It was horizontal and appeared to have been wrapped around his neck at some point. "Is something wrong?" He questioned, before my attention was drawn away.

"Nope! I don't believe so!!" This caught Sinbad off guard, however little. Leaning his lips down to the cone of my ear, I quaked from his hot breath.

"You're lying again, aren't you?~" Sinbad cooed out, staring at the profile of my face. Turning a little to get a better look at him, I realized that our gazes were much closer than I first thought. (E/C) met amber. Such close proximity that I couldn't help but make out the details of his irises in the dark. Our faces drew near as the human urge to fall into his embrace encircled me, however, I managed to snap myself out of it. A large red hue painted over my face.

"W-What ever made you think that?!" I attempted to argue, as he returned it with a smirk.

"You're truly terrible at speaking a nontruth. After all, you gave it away just then by overreaction and a stammer." His laugh suddenly made me a little weak in the knees, but I ignored the feeling for being called out in such a way.

"I'm a Priestess, a-and a church official! Lying is out of the question!" I brought in, but this only made his let out another chuckle. Bringing my gaze back to him, I watched his expression with intrigue.

"Then why did you just do it?" He questioned.

"You love teasing me, don't you?" I couldn't come up with a proper answer, knowing that I've been caught indefinitely.

"It certainly is adorable to watch." The urge to throw back a remark was powerful, but I just couldn't think of anything that was witty in one way or another. Besides this, I couldn't help but melt when he called me adorable. "So, what were you staring at so intensely?"

"My intentions were nothing but pure Sinbad! I promise on my life!!" I freaked out, before calming myself down. About to lift my finger toward my neck to signify what I was paying attention to, I stopped. Like most things, he probably wasn't prepared to talk about this supposed scar yet. 'Maybe it is the dark playing with my eyes...' I thought, staring away. "... The dark was just playing with my eyes is all." There was a moment of silence, as Sinbad stared on with mild concern. And here he thought him and I were finally having a moment.

"(Y/N), what is it?" Sinbad spoke.

"I think I'm just-"

"No thinking! You had something to say, so speak your mind!!" He gripped my shoulders harshly. All I could do in the moment was stare at him blankly, unsure how to feel. After realizing the situation, he let go, and scratched the back of his neck, "My apologizes."

"It's alright..." I let out, coming up with something that might satisfy him, "Um... all I was going to ask was... if I could spend some time with you inside. The night brings a chill, after all." He seemed confused why I wouldn't want to ask this, before I answered, "I... get these nightmares every once in a while. In each one, I die a new way from the same person. He has magic, so the cause of death never truly gets repetitive. As much as I want to say I'm not scared of death, I must admit that I'm lying. So... I get scared." Turning to face him, I gave him a quick smile, "This time, I don't think I'm able to go back to sleep. And it appears that you can't sleep either, so why not keep each other company for a little while."

"Alright then... let's go inside." Back to his office we went. Making it there, I sat down on my favorite couch, while the King sat next to me. The moment was pretty awkward considering that Sinbad just needed to start talking to not make it so. I debated about starting a conversation with him, however, nothing would come out either. Staring down, I noticed that Sinbad's hair was pretty tangled.

"What are you looking at?" He asked innocently, as I pointed at his ponytail in a childish manner. "... Yeah, I guess it is pretty messy, huh?" Standing up from my spot, I searched around the room, before coming across his vanity. There, a brush lay untouched. Staring back at the male, he seemed pretty confused about what I wanted to do. Then it struck him. Sinbad took off his turban and feathered jewel, before turning away from me. Running my fingers through his hair quietly, I ruffled the strands a little. 'He has so much hair...' I thought, having not noticed it before. Starting at the bottom, I brushed out the first few tangles, watching the hair move with great fascination.

"Sorry..." I spoke up finally, starting my move the brush a little higher.

"What for? I didn't feel a tug..." I continued to brush his hair out slowly and sensually. His amber eyes stared back a little attempting to see my expression.

"I like doing this sort of thing when I'm tired. My apologies if you feel awkward, Sinbad." I murmured out, not paying attention to much else.

"Don't feel sorry or inclined to apologize. I find this quite enjoyable." The longer I brushed, the more I grew tired. 'His hair... is so soft...' I thought to myself, allowing delirium take over my senses. Sitting up a little to reach his scalp, I attempted to not be inappropriate in anyway, but it really was a too late for that. As I got out the final snarls, I hummed a random song softly, filling in the void of nothingness. The tune was so soft and calmly, that I fell asleep right then and there.

Sinbad jolted a little when he felt sudden weight rest against his back. Turning to face me, the purple-haired sailor was met with my sleeping form, which brought a soft smile to his face. In a swift movement, he held me bridal style before carrying me to my temporary room. Tucking me under the blankets, he left feeling small butterflies in his stomach. He was sure that he should hit the hay as well.

The next morning, I woke up feeling tired yet refreshed at the same time. My eyes scanned the area, not remembering much from the night before. Sitting up, I yawned loudly, before realizing I wasn't in my nighttime gown. Instead, my blouse and leather pants. 'Right... I was with Sinbad last night...' Not having time to get my thoughts reordered, a knock resonated off from my door. Shooting out from my bed in a frenzy, I quickly tried to manage my hair before my door opened slowly. Instead of being greeted by Sinbad, a familiar Fanalis stood in my doorway. "O-Oh, good morning Masrur. I hope you slept well." A simple nod and grunt was my answer, but I didn't mind it all too much. "Did you need something?"

"Sinbad requests your company."

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