The Girl At The Vampire Pet S...

By The-Unknowngirll

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Moonlight is from a vampire pet shop and she gets brought by a sexy bloke And he takes her back to his house... More

The Girl In The Vampire Shop.
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop... Chapter 2
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 3
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop...Chapter 5
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop chapter 6
At The Vampire pet Shop...Chapter 7
The Girl At The Vampire pet ShopChapter 8
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 9
The Girl At The Vampire pet ShopChapter 10
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop chapter 11
The Girl At The Vampire pet ShopChapter 12
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 13
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 14
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop. Chapter 15
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 16
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 17
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 18
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 19
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 20
The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop Chapter 21
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 22
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 23
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 24
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop. Chapter 25
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 26
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop. Chapter 27
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 28
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 29
The Girl At The Vampire Pet Shop Chapter 30

The Girl At The Vampire pet Shop...Chapter 4

309 6 2
By The-Unknowngirll

It's bin a hour since Hunter gave me away to jenson, yes the jenson that looked like he was going to suck the life out off me.
Why couldn't he just give me to blaze or better off back to the vampire shop telling them that I was unwanted now, but no he gave me jenson out off all the people he had to choose from what was he trying to do get me killed.
I don't know what will happen to me now.
Would I see Hunter again?
All off a sudden jenson pulls me out off my thoughts and said my cage is ready

Really jenson a fucking cage?

Your my pet and you will be treated like one

What am I a fucking dog ?

Nah your my new toy to play with?

Are you kidding me okay I will go in my cage after all I'm your new pet and it's your say or no say

Before jenson shown he where the cage was he asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him and i agreed like a dummy but that's because I don't want to be beaten because jenson is the type off vampire to do that.

Jensons pov

I only brought moonlight to piss off blaze as I think something is going on between them both and so did Hunter, don't get me wrong Hunter was going to give her blaze but changed his mind when he remembered what I told him when he was locked in the cage, after we arrived home I made my way to my bedroom to set up moonlights cage, after 5 minutes off me doing all that I made my way into the living room were moonlight was. She was sitting on the sofa in deep thoughts
What was she thinking about?
I pulled her out off her thoughts and told her, her cage was ready I had to laugh with what response she just said,
Does she even know who's she's talking too?
Does she even know what I'm capable off ?
No she doesn't so she needs to pipe down a little before something happens to her.
After she had a little paddy I asked if she wanted to watch a movie and to my surprise she agreed.I might just choose a Halloween one I told her the snacks are in the cupboard go and grab some I be right back I need to get my pet and off I went to get her lavina come on we are watching a movie

Why are we watching a movie with her for she doesn't even belong to you jenson

Actually I say different

What you talking about?

I brought her so she belongs to me now hush your mush and get in that living room before I grab you kicking and screaming.

Back in the living room we all watch the movie in silence and I could hear faint snores in the back ground I look over to lavina and it wasn't her so I looked over to moonlight and she was sleeping I paused the movie and went over to her a picked her up and took her to my room and placed her in my bed once back in the living room I sat down and watched the movie again and as you can tell lavina started with her shit

Why does she get to sleep in your bedroom?

Because that's where I put her, you got anything else to say to me?

Why couldn't she just sleep in the cage next to mine?

Because she don't need to don't like it fuck off to your cage

I didn't say I didn't like it, it seems off that your treating her different to what you did with me

Your my pet I'm your master I will treat you how I want to treat you now shut the fuck up and watch the movie

Ohh look one rule for one and another rule for another it ain't fair

At the point lavina pissed me off so I got up and dragged her to her cage and locked the door " you can stay in here until I say otherwise"

I made my way back to my bedroom and seen that moonlight looked comfortable so I didn't move her I just went to the opposite side off my bed and got in.

I was rudely awoken by someone shouting "please don't hurt me stay away from me"
I looked to see who it was and it was moonlight having a bad nightmare I woke moonlight up but she sat up screaming please Hunter don't hurt me again I will do anything for you just please don't,

Why is she saying that he's hurt her , he told me he didn't he only told me that he drank her blood too much I didn't think off it that much because I knew Hunter couldn't control his blood thrist so I thought it was by accident

I put my arm round moonlight and told her it's going to be okay no one is going to hurt her she gave me a hug and said thank you

Moonlight tell me what you mean Hunter don't hurt me again?

Oh nothing it was just a silly dream

Can say that without crying?

It's nothing don't worry about it

It ain't nothing when you just made me nearly shit my self

Oh jenson I will tell you

Well go on I ain't got all night

Okay so the reason Hunter was locked in the basement is because he slapped me in front off a prostitute and basically had a go at me so I packed my bags and ran off, I ended up at blazes house I asked blaze if I could use his toilet and he agreed and that's when I cut my self blaze kicked the door in and healed my arm he took me home and him and Hunter started to fight blaze went to my room and hugged me and that's when Hunter slapped me again and drained my blood but he drained it too much to the point where I died.

He did fucking what ?

You heard me

He told me something different

Oh I bet he did

I pulled moonlight in for another hug and told her everything will be okay we both laid down and I cuddled her until she went bed and that's when it hit me I treated her like shit and she gone through all that on her own and Hunter fucking lied to me, I need to treat moonlight right to make her feel safe with me I can't do what he done to her I ended up falling a sleep with moonlight still in my arms.

I woke up feeling warm, I looked at the time and it was 9 am and I could feel a strong arm across my waist I gently turned over and jenson arm was across me.
Does he know he cuddled me ?
Does he remember anything I told him last night?

I woke jenson up to move his arm but he pulled me closer.

Shh moonlight I'm enjoying this moment

What are you doing ?

What does it look like?

Ermm it looks like your cuddling me

Well done moonlight I will give you a gold star when we get up out off the bed

I couldn't help but laugh

Why was he being so nice too me it's not like him?

As I'm laying in bed jenson started to tickle me I laughed so hard that i farted

He laughed and called me a dirty bitch we both got up and made our way to the kitchen he put on the kettle and offered to make breakfast but i told him I would do it and that he can get lavina out.

I'm not letting her out until later I want to spend some time with you

Please jenson let her out I don't want her to think something is going on when there ain't

Well you have a point give me a minute and I will be back

As he walked past me he whispered in my ear that he liked the cuddle and that we will talk later, some reason I'm seeing a different side to him and I'm beginning to like it, it seems he listened to me last night and something in him changed.

Jenson came back and lavina came following in behind

How would you both like your eggs ?

I would like mine sunny side up please hun

Okay jenson, what about you lavina ?

Obviously cooked you retard

Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean

Moonlight don't worry I will sort this out once and for all

No jenson it's fine I bet she didn't mean it

Oh she did mean it,

Oh look at that jenson rescuing moonlight I wonder what happened to you both last night

What you talking about lavina?

Oh you know his pets sleep in a cage and not in his bed

Nothing happened I was asleep and that's all

Well why was you both laughing this morning for I heard it

Are you fucking taking the piss lavina she's had a rough few weeks and I tickled her to make her happy

Jenson you never do that to me it's always do this do that why is she so different then me

Oh ffs lavina get your head out off your arse and hear your self right now you sound like a jealous retard

I'm not jealous jenson I just don't like how your treating her different

Have you heard your self

I told jenson to calm down and he did

Omg jenson see what I mean she tells you to calm down and you did something happened last night I can tell

I shouted that nothing happened and that I will be in my cage tonight if that makes her feel better but there's only one thing my cage is in jensons room

Jenson stood there laughing and said no you ain't moonlight your in my bed

Lavina got up and walked towards me to try and slap me but I've learnt my lesson if someone try's and touches me that I fight back

I got hold off lavinas arm and punch her in the face
I could her jenson laugh and say go on moonlight you show her who's boss

Was he really treating me different? If he is why is he?

Lavina backed off and walked a way and said you will pay for this, before I know it jenson had her by her throat and told her

If you lay one finger on moonlight I will kill you my self do I make my self clear

Yes sir I'm sorry sir

Good girl now go and tell moonlight how you want your eggs or you will be eating like a dog from a bowl
I couldn't help but laugh I'm sorry but that was funny I know I shouldn't laugh but I did.

A few hours went past and jenson comes in to the living room and asked what I was watching

Oh hi jenson I'm just watching a romantic movie I'm sorry I should of asked you

Don't be silly moonlight you can watch what you want as long as it ain't porn

Porn you kidding me

No I'm not kidding we can watch porn tonight in bed for some pointers if you want

Very funny I think I will pass thank you

Your loss anyway I only wanted to ask if you want a tea

Oh yea please if you don't mind

All we heard from behind us was lavina saying yes please master I will have a tea

Get it your self what am I your salve

But your making her one

But nothing if you want a drink go and make it your self

I wonder how much she heard, I hope she didn't hear jenson saying we can watch porn tonight in bed or that will cause some shit has I can tell her likes him, then again who wouldn't like a bad guy,
They are protective after all.

A few hours went pasted and I'm starting to get hungry again I asked jenson if it's okay if I can order a pizza as I can't be arsed to cook for my self,

I don't mind but I could cook us dinner or I will pay for the pizza

No jenson it's fine I will pay and anyway we all deserve a night off cooking every now and again

You keep your money moonlight I will buy it us

I'm just going to get lavina to see if she wants pizza and get her to come and sit with us

No just leave her

Jenson I'm not going to do that


I got up and went to lavina and asked if she wanted some pizza as jenson is paying and she agreed

We both went back to the living room and she told jenson what she wants on her pizza

Can I have ham and pineapple please sir

You what, who puts fruit on a pizza

Well I do sir

Lavina just no eww that's nasty why don't you go for a meat feast

Because I don't want to

You do what I say

I told jenson that was enough and he told lavina he was sorry

She looked over to me and said thank you

The pizza arrived and we all sat down and ate it , jenson got out some bored games and we all had a laugh and just had a good time and you can tell lavina had a great time spending time with jenson. I got up and said I'm going to my cage now as I was really tired
Jenson looked at me and said okay

I wasn't tired I just want to give them some space to sort things out, but no that didn't last after 10 minutes jenson walked in the room and saw me in the cage he asked what I was doing and told him I'm in the cage has that's what pets do
He laughed

What you laughing at

The fact that you got in their when I want to have a chat with you and watch a movie

Well we can have a chat and watch a movie while I'm in my cage

Don't think so get out and sit on the bed

Have you ever done this with lavina

What no

So why me why am I being treated different

Because I want to know you more

You know everything about me from when I was hunters pet And it looked like you wanted to drain the life from me

Well that's me sugar

I don't know anything about you jenson

All I know is that your a total twat at times but I'm seeing a different side to you

I'm a man full off mystery

I laughed what do you want from me jenson

I want a friend, I want to become your friend

As the night went on we spoke and I got to know him a lot more

He was like me we both had a horrible up bringing where blaze was his parents favourite child and he was the out casted child I now feel sorry for him

We both watched a movie in bed and as usual I fell asleep in bed next to him.

We both woke up to him having his arm around me again

Oh god I'm so sorry jenson I should of went back to my cage

Don't be silly we was just getting to know each other and watched a movie it's not your fault that you can't stay interested in a movie for more then 10 minutes

I told jenson I'm going for a shower and that's what I done

As I'm in the shower jenson comes running in like he's just seen a spider

What you doing here I'm in the shower

I know that silly I'm going toilet

Your doing what

You heard me I'm going to the toilet

Really we ain't even friends

Well if I'm not your friend why am I in here taking a shit while talking to you while your in a shower

Wow that's what best friends do jenson

Well I guess that's what we are we are best friends

I chuckled to my self

As I was washing my hair I could smell something really nasty

Are you taking the piss jenson that stinks

Well no shit it's going to smell like roses off cause it's going to smell I am having a shit

I laughed at him, I thought to my self well this is it we are becoming close friends as he's on the toilet I got out the shower

Ooo want to give me a view

No jenson I'm not

Oh come on one little flash won't hurt

No jenson

Suit your self I won't ask again

Good, we both started to laugh again, he got up and wiped his arse i could see his you know what his penis

Ermm jenson couldn't you wipe you arse sitting down I can see your penis as I'm facing the mirror

What am I a lady, no I can't wipe my arse sitting down as my balls get in the way

Well I don't want to see that

Well turn round then

I can't because I would actually be facing you

Well that won't be a bad thing would it

Jenson hurry up and get out.

A few more weeks past and me and jenson are becoming closer who would off thought that because I didn't.

As me and jenson sat on the sofa laughing and throwing pillows at each other there was a knock at the door

Lavina get the door and tell them to fuck off

Yes sir

Ermm master it's your brother

What the fuck don't keep him waiting let him in

Yes sir

What you doing here blaze ?

I was coming to see if you want, wait what is moonlight doing here?

You was coming here to see what blaze?

Oh a drink but again what is moonlight doing here?

Oh I will have a drink with you is Hunter going to be there?

Yes and again what is she doing here?

Oh she's my new pet well I wouldn't say pet anymore

What you mean anymore?

Oh you know

Wait your together?

Wait eww no, blaze why would you think I would be dating him ?

Lavina pipes up oh because your always in his bed and you can't keep your hands off each other.

Really lavina your a bit jealous jenson even told you to stop being jealous
As I was talking jenson had to pipe up yeah me and moonlight are sleeping together

Your doing what shouted lavina

Omg we are not sleeping together

Yes your are

We ain't

Blaze me and jenson ain't dating we are friends

Haha did I say dating not really what I meant was me and moonlight are best friends if you don't like it my front door is behind you.

Well cheers jenson just make people hate me .

Well not really if no one can take a joke then they need to piss off

Anyway blaze if we are going to have a drink with that dickhead I want moonlight to come

Wait why you calling him a dickhead for he ain't done nothing wrong

Oh really now your sticking up for him do you even remember what he done to her

Well who could forget I was there and wait she even told you

Yes she did and ever since that day we have bin coming closer as friends so if we are going out so does moonlight

Well okay but we can't leave your actual pet here because it won't be fair because you have bin treating her different lately

Wait how do you know that blaze the only people who knows that was me jenson and lavina unless she told you and that's why you randomly shown up and asked to go for a drink
Because you would off bin the hunters house these pasted few weeks and seen in wasn't there

Well yes but he told me you was back at the vampire shop,

Jenson started to laugh oh he lied to you as well wow he must really hate her

No he doesn't and if your bringing moonlight I'm taking lavina

Suit your self she's a little jealous And wait about your pet blaze

She will be with me as well i won't leave anyone behind

So wait you known for ages that I wasn't there but you haven't seen jenson until today because lavina what messsged or rang you

No she was on the phone to rose crying about how jenson was treating her different because you was here so I came to see for my self

Jenson starts to laugh
Oh look blaze to the rescue lavina cry's blaze comes running like a knight in shiny armour here to save the day and comes to rescue the damsel in distress

I started to laugh

What you laughing at moonlight oh nothing really just that what jenson said about you Is actually true

You never used to be like this moonlight you was always nice

I am nice it just shows who your true friends are and clearly your not one off them anymore

I didn't mean too moonlight I just didn't think he would sell you to jenson

Well you would off if you continued to come round here like you used too

Hunter told me not too

And you didn't see any red flags in that

I didn't think

You never do think I can't do this right now blaze

Jenson I will be in your room getting ready thank you for inviting me out

It's okay moonlight what are friends for

I chuckled and went to get my ready,
Once I was ready I walked back to where the boys was I told them I'm ready and they turned round

Oh wow you you look stunning

Yeah you don't need to tell me blaze

Jenson walked up to my and put his arm round me you looked beautiful I'm glad we became friends

Thanks jenson that means a lot to me

Soon enough lavina comes in

Master do I look great

Yeah yeah if you say so

Trust blaze to have a say

Oh lavina you look breathe taking

Oh blaze thank you that's so sweet off you too say

Okay so I just throw up on my mouth a little

Jenson started to laugh, are you okay moonlight

Yeah , why wouldn't I be ?

Nothing just that you bin pissed off since blaze arrived

Well wouldn't you be if he listened to that twat

Well yeah that's true

Come on ladies let's get the night started

Me a lady never I'm a full on male don't forget moonlight you seen my penis in the shower

Really jenson I want to live you know

What you talking about

Look at them two if death stares could kill me I would be dead by now

God guys it's a joke she never seen my penis in the shower well not exactly she was sorting her hair out in the mirror when I stood up and wiped my arse

Oh great jenson your making it worse let's just go out could we

At the night club we all meet up with Hunter

What are they doing here boys

Oh jenson had to invite her

Her got a name blaze have you forgotten already it's "moonlight"

And if your wondering why lavina and rose are here it's because blaze invited them so before you start your shit with me start with them two as well but anyway Hunter only wanted to tell you one thing thank you for letting jenson buy me, to be honest he's become a really close friend off mine so I thank you from the bottom off my heart then I walked to the bar

Jenson a word now

What you wanting Hunter and little cuddle you look a bit pissed off

Well you could say that

Awww who's pissed on your cornflakes

Don't fuck around with me jenson you only had her to keep an eye on her not to befriend her don't forget she's mine pet

Well technically she ain't she belongs to me so if I want to befriend her I can do up yours dickhead oh and thanks for lying to me

Lie to you how

When you was locked in the cage I know why now

Who told you,

Moonlight did when she woke up screaming because off her night mare

Wait what you mean she told you

Oh yeah she was in my bed gotta go can't talk right now need a dance

Don't you dare go anywhere

Too late bye dickhead

Hunters pov

I just wanted a lads night out because I ain't seen jenson or heard from him since he bought moonlight off me, but he's a worst friend why would he be sleeping with her, why would he do this to me I always thought it was bros before hoes, since he's bin with her he's changed and I don't like it one bit, but then again what does she see in him he's a complete twat he used to act werid and he's was always looking for some random bird on the dance floor to feed from but he ain't he's just got her and took her to the dance floor, oh god she looks absolutely breathe taking tonight okay stop Hunter you can't do this to your self I need to get out off here I can't do it seeing her brings back so many memories about how I treated and used her I need to find blaze and tell him I'm going home.

Blaze a word

What's up Hunter?

I need to get out off here

But why we have only just arrived?

Did you know jenson is sleeping with moonlight?

No he ain't there just close friends

He said there sharing the same bed

Yeah that's because she falls asleep fast

So nothing is going on

No Hunter I don't think so anyway but lavina thinks different

You just said there wasn't but now you don't know what is it blaze?

I don't know lavina says there always together coming out the bedroom at the same time always sitting on the same sofa and she's caught them cuddling a few times

Can you do me a favour please

Yes Hunter what is it?

Can you go round his house everyday to keep an eye out and report back to me what you see

Yes but your making me a spy

Yes blaze your a top secret spy

Oh boy get in this is the best night ever, yea I will report any changes but I've got to befriend her back

You are friends ain't you?

Not exactly she had a go at me because I didn't know she was there

Oh that's females for you they don't know when you sip it Anyway I'm going home I will see you tomorrow for the details

Roger that Hunter

Piss off blaze I'm now thinking this was a mistake

No no it ain't I will see you tomorrow

As I'm walking to my car I couldn't help but feel guilty why can't I tell her the truth

Blaze pov

The nights young and the girls are looking just fine tonight I might have a cheeky little feed, maybe get them in my bed just for the night. I don't know just as yet tho
I sat at the bar watching jenson touch moonlight all over while they are dancing
Are they actually sleeping together? Nah they can't be she still looks like a virgin
But they are sharing a bed after all and if it's anything to do with jenson then it's should be true, but don't jump to conclusions I will just ask her my self I just need to know because it's killing me not knowing, but first let me ask lavina and rose if they want a little fun tonight,

After that I went to moonlight and asked if she can have a catch up with me to make back up because I don't want to loose her as a friend

Moonlight can we chat ?

Ermm yeah we can I need a drink anyway,

At the bar and we both just grabbed some drinks

What you want blaze ?

Nothing I want my friend back

Okay consider us friends again

Okay but I need to ask you something ?

What is it blaze ?

Jenson going around telling Hunter that you two are sleeping together?

What no have you seen him

Well yeah I have to see him he's my brother

What do you take me for blaze a slag?

No I didn't say that I just mean I hope you haven't slept with him

No I haven't blaze
How come your asking me this for ?

Because jenson told Hunter?

Yeah to piss him off, but why did you turn up and jensons house for?

Because lavina told me some things and I wasn't happy

No I ain't sleeping with jenson never have never will he's just a close friend to me now, and what ever she told you is a lie, yeah we do share a bed thats because I don't have a room now I have a cage but I have nightmares in it so jenson let me sleep in his bed, I was in the shower when he came in for a shit,

What a the cuddling on the sofa

We was watching a scary movie and I got scared so I hid my face in his chest doesn't mean we was cuddling, I want to go home blaze please take me

Okay let's get you home

As we was both walking back to jensons house my phone started to ring and it was lavina

What you want

Me you and rose had plans tonight

Oh yeah the plan has changed it's never going to happen

Where are you blaze

I'm going back to jensons with moonlight

Are you taking the Piss

Errrmmn no I don't think I am actually gotta run it was nice hanging with you

I swear I will kill her everyone always at her feet oh moonlight this moonlight that

Are you hearing your self stop being a jealous bitch you sound like a controlling girlfriend and I ain't got time for that

Blaze wait

I can't hear you, what did you say my phone is buzzing listen buzz buzz buzz bye

Back at jensons house moonlight offers to make me something to drink

What you want to drink blaze

Erm a tea please

Coming right up go and sit on the sofa and I be right there


Moonlights pov

Oh how I missed blaze he was a kind lad but he listened to Hunter about not coming round to his own brothers house and why was lavina ringing him about me for I knew she liked jenson but lying about me is taking it to far does she want me to go because I will go I can't be doing with jealous people I know vampires can't have sexual relations with humans but I'm no slag I don't sleep around well I only slept with Hunter 3 times and that's way before I knew that anyway I'm glad blaze is here because I missed him so much and we need a good catch up
As we was sitting on the sofa taking the door unlocks and walks in
Jenson lavina and rose

Jenson look at me and smiled you could see a sign off relieve in his face, I wonder what happened

Rose and lavina didn't look happy at all they all looked like they had slapped arses which to be honest is so funny because I know full well they both hate me that the boys treat me different to what they are treated but I can't help that I don't want to be treated differently but I can't help it if the boys want too I told blaze I'm going to bed and I hope to see him tomorrow and he told me he be round no matter what as I walked in the bedroom jenson was laying on the bed topless and to be honest he was good looking he had a 6 pack and a v line okay moonlight no just no get that thought out your head he's your friend, jenson can I ask you something

Yeah sure go ahead

When you walked through the door why did you look so relieved for?

It because I thought Hunter took you back home and I can't loose you

What you mean

Your my best friend moonlight I never let anyone get close To me let alone let a pet share my bed I think tomorrow I will let you have your own room it will be for the best because I don't know if I can control my self anymore

Okay I understand well In that case I will sleep in my cage

Don't your fucking dare I said your having your own room not your sleeping in your cage

Where is all this coming from

I seen the way you looked at Hunter I could see you was still hurt and that you miss him

I'm hurt I don't miss him he treated me like dog shit what's to miss from that nothing

Come here moonlight I want a hug

Has he hugged me I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and jenson was no where to be seen and the next thing you know I hear shouting and it sounds like jenson and lavina was arguing I've bin here a few months now and this is the first time I heard it, I walked out off the room and lavina was throwing glasses at jenson, is he really going to let her get away with that I looked at him and I could see he's getting angry I told lavina to get out but she wouldn't listen

Lavina get out now

I'm not listening to you

Lavina get out now

Your not my owner he is so I'm not going out because you told me too

Well suit your fucking self get killed I don't care anymore I tired to tell you to get out but too late enjoy what's going to happen to you

As soon as I said that I moved to the side and jenson comes running passed me and jumped the counter and grabbed lavinas throat he pinned her against the wall and shouted at her, I told jenson to wait I be right back I'm just getting my popcorn and a chair then he can carry on he looked over his shoulder and started laughing

What she wants to act like a baby and not listen to me when I tell her to get out before you do something crazy but didn't listen

So I'm doing something crazy I'm sitting back and watching the show because I don't give two fucks anymore because I'm not helping her out after all the lies she's told blaze.

What you mean all the lies she's told blaze?

Oh you know the lies and why blaze actually turned up last night why dont you ask her jenson

What is moonlight talking about lavina

I don't know master she's lieing

Moonlight tell me now what lies is she telling blaze

Let her tell you

She's lying master she's trying to ruin me

What is moonlight talking about

I don't know sir please let me go please I'm begging you

I got out my phone and played the recording of me and blaze talking,

See I told you she lied, she lied about us sleeping together

Are you fucking joking me right now lavina do you want to get moonlight killed?

Well if I get you back for my self then yeah I'm trying to get her killed

As soon as lavina said that I grabbed a knife off the counter as throw it at her okay lucky it missed but I was hoping it wouldn't because she's just pissed me off, jenson let her go quickly and came running towards me and hugged me

Are you okay

What was you thinking you could off killed her

That what I was aiming to do but my aim is shit that's why I can't play call off duty

I'm serious moonlight

And so am I, I wished it never missed I'm fed up with all the lies she's ruining mine and blazes friendship and her and rose are enjoying it.

Anyway why was you both arguing for

Oh she's pissed because you get your own room I looked at lavina and laughed

Haha I get my own room and your still in the dog cage haha I'm his favourite person and you ain't

You could tell she was pissed but that what I'm aiming for you treat me like a dickhead get treated like one back

Anyway as much as I was enjoying the show I've got to get dressed because blaze will be there any minute and we are watching movies
Oh and lavina clean this mess up,

You heard her clean up and keep your hands to your self

Yes sir I will do sir

A few minutes went pasted and blaze walked through the door

What happened here?

Moonlight throw a knife at me

Moonlight you done what

The fuck blaze don't take her side she pissed off jenson she wouldn't listen to me when I told her to move her self because jenson was getting angry she didn't move he got her he asked if she was trying to get me killed she said yes so I throw a knife at her and missed to be honest I was hoping it would off got her then I wouldn't have to deal with her shit anymore yet again she tired lying to you

Your a total bitch moonlight you always get what you want

Carry on lavina and next time the knife ain't going to miss

THe door slams open and to my surprise Hunter walks in

Hunny I'm home

What you doing here Hunter

Oh you know to see my bitches were are jenson and blaze

Blaze is in the kitchen and jenson is getting my room sorted

Me and Hunter walk in the kitchen

Well well well what happened in here

Oh there's a funny story about that Hunter

Tick tock blaze I'm waiting

Ohh just someone throw a knife and her aiming was shit so she missed

Keep laughing blaze and the next time it will be aimed at you

Wait moonlight you throw the knife

No shit Sherlock and it missed

Hunter started laughing

That's why you don't play video games with us men because you would actually get us killed

Keep laughing and you be next

Ok kinky I be waiting

Watch your tone Hunter

No but really what happened

Lavina pissed off jenson she wouldn't listen to me, she lied about me and jenson sleeping together when we ain't she's trying to get me killed so i throw a knife at her and it missed I wished it didn't but it did

That's my girl, I will teach you your throwing skills

Keep dreaming Hunter

Next thing you know lavina started with her shit

You have jenson, blaze and Hunter wrapped round your finger ffs your the biggest slut going

Hunter blaze and jenson jumped the kitchen counter and pinned her against the wall again

Calm down lads no need to hurry I ain't got my food yet

Now continue the show

Hunter laughed and told lavina if she ever treats me like shit again he would kill her him self

She ran off the her cage crying, okay to be honest I'm loving all off this but come on all three don't need to be protective it's kinda a turn off because they act like protective big brothers.

Soon enough Jenson blaze and Hunter walked into another room to talk

I wonder what they was talking about

Hunters pov

I'm glad jenson and moonlight ain't sleeping together I don't know what would happen if it was true but to be fair if lavina try's and get moonlight killed I would kill the silly bitch my self after all I still care for moonlights safety even know she don't live with me anymore but I need to talk to the boys

Right lads there's a problem

What's the problem Hunter

Blaze jenson we haven't had a night in together we're we sit and play call off duty and drink beers

That's a good point we ain't done it for a few months

I know blaze that's why I said it

Well you have a reason to play it now

And what's the reason jenson

We need to teach moonlight her throwing skills because she's shocking with the knife

I like to see you tell that to her face jenson

No no it's okay I will let you tell her Hunter I want to see you get punched by her

Oh you would love that wouldn't you but anyway got to shoot I've got a meeting at the hotel later so I be back later on tonight

I told moonlight bye and that I will see her later that night..

Blaze comes walking out off the room

Hi blaze you okay?

Yeah I want to know if you want to go in your room to watch a movie

Yeah sure but what did you all talk about

Oh playing video games and having a drink tonight

Oh that's sounds fun, come on my room is this way

We watched the movie and I put my head on blazes chest because I was tired..

Blazes pov

Has moonlight sleeps on my chest I couldn't help but feel protective off her and I don't know why all I know is my feelings are coming back and I need to keep them to my self

Later that night I leave moonlights room to go play games with the boys but Hunter never shown so I went home.

Days went past and me and moonlight was spending so much time with each other and I could tell I'm falling for her.

Moonlight i need to talk to you

What you want to talk about

I'm falling for you

You can't

I can't help it tho

A vampire can't date a human

I never said we would date

So why you telling me this for

I want to kiss you

You can't

No one would know

Blaze you can't it's against the rules

What people don't know won't hurt all it is, is a kiss

Blaze pulled me up to him and kissed me I want to stop but I can't because it felt so right so good

Blaze stop we can't

I'm sorry moonlight it's okay

We can do something but it won't be us dating

What is that

We can see each behind peoples back lavina and jenson knows that we are friends and they know we watch movies so they won't walk in

Okay blaze we will try this

A few months later everything is going really well with me and blaze and no one thinks anything is going on we haven't had sex yet and that's because I don't want to because the last time I done it so early I got used and I don't want that and we both don't want to make the girls jealous

Later that day at dinner jenson told us that Hunter coming round and he has a special guest coming over

Oh I wonder who it is.

The night now falls and Hunter comes walking in he looks at me and smiled .

He comes walking over

Moonlight a word


In private in your room please

Okay this way

What you want Hunter

I miss you moonlight I need you

Who's your special guest

Don't change the subject

I'm not it's bin months Hunter and your telling me now that you miss me, you sold me not the other way round.

Hunter storms out and gets drunk

I look over to Hunter who's tapping his glass ladies and gentlemen I've got something to tell you all now they have arrived

What's that shouted jenson

Hunter asnswered the door you see guys this is my new pet Lucianna

Are you fucking with me he gets him self a new pet

Oh yeah she's not just my pet we are also in a relationship and have bin for a few months

Oh now you are taking the piss he told me vampires don't date humans it's forbidden why just why does it happen to me, now it confirms he did use me and that's the only reason I ain't had sex with blaze.

The next minute blaze stands up to talk

Okay if Hunter can Comfirm his relationship I've got something to tell you all

What's that blaze

Me and moonlight have bin seeing each other the the last few months

You what

Jenson I can explain

You can explain your fucking self now

Hunter you ain't got a leg on

Moonlight how long has this bin going on

It's nothing to do with you Hunter you sound jealous

Rose and lavina piped up

I told you she was a slut

Keep it up girls remember lavina I nearly killed you

Next thing I know Hunter jumps the table to punch blaze but I quickly jumped in front off blaze and got punched my self,

Ffs why did you get in the way

Because your a dickhead

What did you call me

A dickhead and look your girlfriend don't understand why your acting the way you are

It's nothing to do with her part from me and you

There's no me and you Hunter

Hunter pulls me into another room

What you doing sleeping with him

What you doing dating your pet

I asked first

Yeah and I asked second

Don't fuck with me

I'm not but remember what you told me

No I don't remember shit

Well then

Well re jog my memory for me

You told me vampires don't date humans

Yeah well I do what I want when I want

You do that Hunter I really don't care

So how many times you slept with him

I haven't

Well my girlfriend is better in bed then you

That's alright but does she know that your using her

I'm not so how many times have you and blaze had sex

We haven't because I don't want to be used the way you used me I gave you my Virginity

Wait what

You heard now get the fuck out my face before I punch you in like you just punched me

I didn't mean too you jumped in the way

But you still did

The door opens and blazes walks in

What you going here your my friend my brother
Why would you do this too me

What you going on about Hunter you two never dated

I know but your sleeping with her

No I ain't she won't have sex with me we only cuddle and kiss and that's it

Hunter pov

My heart stank because that's what we did every night why him why my best friend out off all the people these too I can't do this I need to go

I grabbed lucianna and left.

Moonlights pov

It's bin a few days now since we all seen Hunter me and blaze decided we would tell people we broke up because it caused so much trouble but we lied why couldn't they all accept me and blaze was together it ain't fair

Moonlight a word

Yes jenson

Me and lavina are going out don't think about having anyone round your hear me

Yes sir

Yes as you can tell jenson turned on me since that night to be honest I miss the laughs with him

After them too left I messages blaze to come round and he did we decided to sit in my bedroom as I'm tired and wanted a cuddle

I woke up and hour later and had a bath blaze walks in and asked if he could wash my back I agreed and let him he started to kiss me



I want want you

What you mean

I need you

I don't understand

I want to take it to the next level

Are you sure

Yes now come on

Blaze grabs a condom and slides it on

Blaze sits down in the bath and I climb on top off him to start riding him and the next thing the door slams open

What the fuck are you doing
I told you no one is allowed round and you just disobeyed my orders

Jenson I can't explain

No you told me you broke it off both off you did

It was a lie

I love you moonlight I fucking love you

Jenson your like a brother to me

I don't care get out off the bath now

Okay sir

As I got out jenson pulled me to him and bite my neck oh shit here it again

What you fucking doing let her go

Jenson didn't listen

Let her go now

Jenson finally let's go and moonlight falls to the floor

You fucking killed her jenson

I don't care she deserves it

Get out now

I rang over to moonlight lifeless body and healed her

I need to ring Hunter to say his goodbyes he needs to tell her

I picked her up and placed on her bed

I looked over the house and jenson and lavina was no where to be seen had that dickhead done a runner

I rang Hunter and let him know what had happened and that he needs to bring his blood bags and hurry the fuck up

Within 10 mins Hunter comes running through the door and connects moonlight up for a blood transfusion

What the fuck happened

Jenson caught us about to have sex and he went on one saying he's in love with her

Where is he I'm going to kill him

You can't him and lavina have done a runner

Blaze fucking do one this is your fault

Hunters pov

What have I done I shouldn't of done this come on moonlight I need you I need you to live please wake up baby come on

I didn't know blaze was still here and heard that he called me a dickhead and fucked off
But I didn't care all I want is moonlight but she wont wake up this can't be the end off her life I need her more then ever now

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