Her return

By NiallFictionx

1.1M 32.1K 2.8K

Him: "I've been looking for her for centuries now, and when I caught her scent at the party, I knew I have to... More

Author note!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
[Author's note]
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's note
Choose my next book's theme
New Story Out Now!

Chapter 47

10.3K 334 19
By NiallFictionx



Today I fucked up.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I can't believe I let myself mess things up. It was bad. I'd never seen Riley so disappointed in me and I hated that I did that to her. I really wanted to blame my mother for all this, but I knew that my behavior was the one that ruined things. I should have handled things differently.

While I ran past trees with little snow in them, now melting as spring gets closer, I felt as if I was falling apart at every step I took. It felt like the first part fell the place where Riley left and now I am halfway from turning into nothingness.

I stop, not being able to bear the thought of losing Riley. She is my everything, I love her so much that the mere thought of not being with her breaks my soul. I needed to go to her, I needed to hug her and kiss her.

I. Just. Need. Her.


When I arrive back at the palace, something feels off. I go straight to our room, looking for my mate, but Riley wasn't there, and her scent was faint. I knew instantly that something wasn't right, but I just didn't want to believe it.

I walk into the common room in need of answers and when I arrive there, everyone was silent, Rebecka and Carmen with sorrowful looks on their faces.

"Where's Riley?" I growl out knowing already something happened.

The four of them look up at me. First, with surprise, and then with guilt and anxiety.

"Sit down, Alec," says Felix, as if he was choosing his words carefully to not upset me.

"Where. Is. My. Mate" I grit out.

Rebecka is the one standing up to stand in front of me. I could sense she was upset.

"She went back to America..." my breath hitched at her words but she rushes the rest before I do something stupid "She said she was not running away, she just needed to visit her adoptive parents. She just needs time for herself..."

I turn around, fighting my lycan who wanted to come out, as if he could cross the ocean by just running at full speed. I needed to think, be logical, and be reasonable. Because rushing to conclusions and quick action is what drove Riley away.

I pass a hand over my hair, pulling from the roots, trying to contain myself.

I close my eyes, breathe in, and force my body to relax.

"You let her go alone?"

"No. We sent two guards with her. She wasn't happy but was the only way if she wanted to go on her own" replies Rebecka quickly.

I breathe out a breath. I didn't want to explode and take my worries out on my friends, they didn't deserve that.

"I'm going to America, I need to be with her," I say quickly turning around to start packing.

Rebecka is quick to stop me.

"Riley needs time to think and her space, Alec. Don't push her and make it worse"

"I'll give her space, don't worry. I just... I just need to see if she is okay. Besides, I really want to meet the people who saved my baby's life" I smile sadly.

I owed them that much. I wanted to also make sure there are people taking care of Riley's adoptive parent's graves while she is gone. They deserve that.



The flight was long and boring. I sulked the whole way. The only time I got to rest from my raging thoughts was when I fell asleep for a few hours. I hoped to sleep more, but my brain wouldn't stop working. At least the food they gave me fixed my mood somewhat.

When the staff tells me to fix the seat and put the seatbelt on, I look out the window and my eyes instantly fill with tears. Oh God, I never realized how bad I missed America until now when I'm looking down at the city where I spent my teenage years.

Even though this wasn't where I was born as I initially thought, it still felt like home, somehow. Is that weird? To think of two places completely different from each other as my home? Is it weird that I still think of my adoptive parents as my parents more than just grandparents who took me in when I most needed it?

My lower lip trembles and I bit down hard on it, trying to control the sob that wanted out. I wasn't alone. There were two big men that will be my guards on this trip. I don't want them to see me this vulnerable. What would they think of me?

By the time the plane landed, my emotions were somewhat controlled. I take my bag and climb down the stairs of the yet and walk toward a car that was assigned to me to take me wherever I wanted.

I'll remember to thank the girls for this. I didn't know a thing about organizing a trip. Still wonder how they managed all this.

The staff closed the door once I was inside the car. I'll figure I'll keep myself busy until I gain confidence and visit my adoptive parents. Somehow, it scared me, though it sounds stupid. I bet they are waiting for me, but I'm too ashamed, scared that they felt I abandoned them. I am too embarrassed to show my face just yet.

So while I prepared myself emotionally to visit my adoptive parent's graves, I made my guards drive me to a store. I wanted to buy some supplies for the organization that rented my home.

I buy junk food because I know it will make the girls feel good (hope so). I buy tampons and sanitary wipes of all sizes. I buy a bunch of popular magazines to keep them busy. I get a few sleeping bags in case they are in need. I get toothbrushes and toothpaste and medicine for basic pains such as headaches or stomachaches. I also get a lot of stuffed animals in case someone feels alone and needs to hug something in their sleep, I know I would want that. And of course, I didn't forget good ice creams and movies.

With the help of Aaron and Nick -my guards-, I put everything at the back of the car, and once ready we drive to my home.

The whole ride my heart kept beating anxiously. I hadn't stepped foot in my adoptive parent's house since the day I left after my father died, so I was kinda scared that the memories and emotions I worked so hard to control and kept saved in a corner of my mind might come back to torment me. I am on my own right now, without Alec by my side, without my support system, so it scared me I might break down with no one to rely on.

Does that sound crazy?

The car stops right in front of the house and I concentrate to regulate my breathing.

You can do this.

Aaron opens the door for me and my mouth opens at the sight. The house looked the same if not cleaner and brighter. The front yard was full of colors with the many flowers that were planted there after I left. It looked alive and it made me happy that my parents' house was well taken care of.

The front door opened without anyone having to nock and Ms. Rose, the worker of the organization who was assigned to the house and to the girls came out, first scared of what the two men's presence meant, and then confused when she looked at me, but then her face broke into a big smile when she finally recognized me.

"Riley! So good to see you again!" she says giving me a hug. "I didn't know you were back. Are you claiming back the house?" she looked anxious at her last question.

I shake my head quickly.

"Oh, no. Don't worry," I reassure her patting her shoulder "I just came to visit my parent's grave and took advantage to bring some supplies for you. Hope you don't mind."

She looks over my shoulder, to the men that were unloading the car with the stuff I bought. Her face lights up and her eyes start tearing up.

"Oh, darling! You are a saint. I don't know how to express my gratitude toward you. You've done so much for us!"

I smile, forcing the tears to stay put.

"It's my pleasure, Ms. Rose. I'm just glad I'm able to help."

I look toward the house, noticing some curious and scared faces behind the windows. A slim guy appears at the door, shy to show himself.

"Uh... Ms. Rose... Is everything alright?"

Ms. Rose turns around and waves at him with the biggest smile on her face.

"Come out here and help take the stuff inside the house, would you, Tom?"

When he walks out of the house and sees me, his cheeks turn bright red, and rush past us to help my guards with the stuff.

"You look so different, darling. But a good different! Let's have tea inside. I'd love to hear the stories you have to tell after months of adventures".

She pushes me toward the house and I smile nervously.

Where do I even start?

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