Blink and you'll miss it

By Tonkatsu__

108K 1.8K 1.1K

Hi. It me the author. I like RWBY, I also like reading fan fiction. Figured I'd try it out my self. I did thi... More

Chapter 1: Not so Little Red... Scythe...
Chapter 2: Making friends?
Chapter 4: Falling very very fast!
Chapter 5: Tis but a scratch!
Chaoter 6: Pieces in play
Chapter 7: A new team
Chapter 8: One of the boys
Chapter 9: One of the boys pt2
Chapter 10: True strength
Filler: Surprise!
Chapter 11: Not something to be ashamed of
Chapter 12: I'm sorry.
Vol. 2 Chapter 1: FOOOOOD FIIIIIGHT!!
Vol. 2 Chapter 2: Just say it...
Vol. 2 Chapter 3: Plans in motion
Vol. 2 Chapter 4: The plan falls apart
Vol. 2 Chapter 5: Unrequitted
Message from me to you
Vol. 2 Chapter 6: A moment of rest
Vol. 2 Chapter 7: The night they remember
Vol. 2 Chapter 8: The coolest History teacher in... history...
Vol. 2 Chapter 9: Never a dull moment...
Vol. 2 Chapter 10: For Vale
Filler: Boys night
Vol 3 Chapter 1: Fight
Vol. 3 Chapter 2: Family
Vol. 3 Chapter 3: The question
Vol. 3 chapter 5: The night they want to forget
Vol. 4 Chapter 0: A rough patch.
Vol. 4 Chapter 1: Life goes on
Vol. 4 chapter 2: The long road
Vol. 4 Chapter 3: Rogue Encounter
Vol. 4 Chapter 4: Savior
Vol. 4 Chapter 5: For myself
Vol. 5 Chapter 1: Mistral
Vol. 5 Chapter 2: Huh?
Vol. 5 Chapter 3: But at what cost?
Vol. 5 Chapter 4: Almost whole again.
Vol. 5 Chapter 5: Early bird
Vol. 5 Chapter 6: First blood
Vol. 5 Chapter 7: Hate
Vol. 5 Chapter 8: For Haven
Vol. 5 Chapter 9: The hardest battle yet
Vol. 6 Chapter 1: Motherfuckin Grimm on this Motherfuckin Train!!
Vol. 6 Chapter 2: Long way
Vol. 6 chapter 3: Side quest begins
Vol. 6 Chapter 4: What are we doing
Vol. 6 Chapter 5: IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!
Vol. 6 Chapter 6: High tension
Vol. 6 Chapter 7: Reconciliation
Vol. 6 Chapter 8: Operation Yoink
Vol. 6 Chapter 9: Brothers
Vol. 7 Chapter 1: A warm welcome

Vol. 3 Chapter 4: Fairy tale.

1.5K 24 7
By Tonkatsu__

(Y/n) and his team were walking to the air ship to go watch more fights at the coliseum. They heard that Penny was fighting team CRDL today and were excited to watch. Not only that but Team RWBY's doubles match was today.

When they got to the air ship they were stopped by General Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch.

Ironwood: "Excuse me Mr. Sato, will you come with us for a moment?"

Team RWBY looked at (Y/n) questioningly.

(Y/n): "Uh if this is about the thing with Winter and Qrow-"

Glynda: "No this is... something else. Please come with us."

(Y/n): "Uh sure?"

He turned to his teammates who were looking at him worriedly.

(Y/n): "I'll catch up with you guys later I guess?"

He walked beside Glynda and Ironwood back to the school.
They arrived at The elevator to take them to Ozpin's office. When they got inside and started moving (Y/n) decided to speak up.

(Y/n): "Am I in trouble?"

Glynda: "No, not this time. This is a different matter."

The doors opened to reveal Ozpin and Qrow in the office.

(Y/n): "Uhm hi Professor Ozpin, dad. What's goin on?"

Ozpin: "(y/n) please, sit."

(Y/n) sits in one of the chairs facing Ozpin. Glynda and Ironwood return to the elevator and go to do whatever it is they needed to do.

(Y/n): "Uhm what's this about?"

Ozpin: "Before I can explain, I need you to swear absolute secrecy. You must swear never to speak of what you hear here today."

(Y/n) turns to look at Qrow who looks at him with an even stare. (Y/n) turns back to Ozpin.

(Y/n): "Uhm ok?"

Ozpin: "What do you know about the story of the seasons?"

(Y/n): "Uh... four girls get magical powers from an old man, each correlating with the four seasons?"

Ozpin: "I'm going to guess that Qrow gave you his summary version?"

(Y/n): "Yah that's the kind of bed time stories I was given as a kid."

Qrow just shrugs and goes back to staring at the floor.

Ozpin: "Well what if I were to tell you that the story is real?"

(Y/n): "I'd call you crazy."

Ozpin chuckles

Ozpin: "Qrow said the same thing to me once upon a time."

Qrow walks up to (Y/n) putting a hand on his shoulder.

Qrow: "Oz is many things, but crazy is not one of them."

(Y/n): "Ok but if they're real what do I have to do with this?"

Ozpin: "In due time, please be patient. It will all make sense in due time."
Time skip brought to you by chibi Penny destroying chibi Russell and chibi Sky.
(Y/n) sat leaned back in his chair. He'd been in the office for a few hours at this point. He did get the news that Yang and Weiss won, but that Weiss was lightly injured because of it. (Y/n) wanted to go make sure his friend was ok but was asked to wait by Ozpin.

After a few more minutes of waiting the door to the elevator opened up getting his attention.

Pyrrha: "(y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Pyrrha?"

Ozpin: "Hello Ms. Nikos, please; take a seat."

She sits in the chair next to (Y/n) both of them looking at each other concerned.

Ozpin: "It comes as no surprise that your team chose you to move on to the final round of the tournament. Your performance was exemplary."

Pyrrha: (humbly) "Thank you, Professor Ozpin, but I would never have made it this far without my teammates."

Qrow: "Personally, I think it's the other way around."

Pyrrha turns to face the man in the back of the room.

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've been introduced."

(Y/n): "Pyrrha meet my dad, dad meet Pyrrha."

Pyrrha looks at (Y/n) a little shocked

Qrow: "Name's Qrow."

Ozpin: "Qrow is a trusted colleague of mine."

Pyrrha: "Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?"

Ozpin: (still smiling) "Please, take a seat."

She does so.

Ozpin: "What is your favorite fairy tale?"

Pyrrha: (confused) "I'm... sorry?"

Ozpin: "Fairy tales, stories from your childhood. Surely you must remember some of them."

Pyrrha: "Well, there's The Tale of The Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower..."

Ozpin: (leaning back forward) "What about The Story of the Seasons?"

Pyrrha: "Well, of course! A callous old man, who refuses to leave his home, is visited by four traveling sisters. The first understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate. The second brings him fruits and flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. And the fourth and final sister begs him to look at all that he has, and be thankful. In return for their kindness, the man grants the maidens incredible powers, so that they may continue to help others all over the world. They graciously accept, and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnant 'til the end of days. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall; the four maidens. My mother loves that story."

Ozpin: "Would you believe me if I told you that one's been around since I was a boy?"

Pyrrha: (laughing) "You're not that old, Professor."

Ozpin: (his expression turns serious) "Well, would you believe me if I told you it was true?"

Pyrrha: "I beg your pardon?"

(Y/n) sighs

Ozpin: "What if I were to tell you that there were four maidens existing in this world, that could wield such tremendous power, without Dust?"

Pyrrha: "You mean... like a Semblance?"

Ozpin: "Like Magic."

Pyrrha: (looks down) "I..."

Qrow: "Yeah. First time hearing it's pretty crazy."

Pyrrha: "You're serious?"

Ozpin: (straight-faced) "Do I look like I'm joking?"

Pyrrha: "... No."

(Y/n): "Professor I think we deserve an explanation. Why are we here? Why are you telling us this?"

Ozpin: "We are telling you this, Pyrrha Nikos, because we believe that you are next in line to receive the Fall Maiden's powers."

Pyrrha: "We?"

The elevator opens again revealing Ironwood and Glynda.

Ironwood: "Sorry we're late."

Pyrrha: "Wait what is this? Who are you?"

(Y/n) stands up defensively by Pyrrha.

This makes Ozpin smile a bit.

Glynda: "You know who we are. We're still the same teachers and Headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon."

Qrow: "'Cept we've got a little part-time job."

Ironwood: "We are the protectors of this world."

Ozpin: "And we need your help."

Pyrrha and (Y/n) look at each other before turning back to the others.
The elevator is rather small for 4 people, but 6? That's just uncomfortably close.

Pyrrha: "Where are we going?"

Ozpin: "The vault under the school."

The elevator continues downward through the vertical tunnel of dark green lights until it opens its doors and their passengers step out, with Pyrrha and (Y/n) being the last to leave as they absorb the sight of the large, sparsely-lit hallway they're now being lead through. Glynda waits up for her behind the others.

Goodwitch: "I'm sure you must have questions."

Pyrrha: (still taking it all in) "Maybe one, or two..."

they continue on walking.

Pyrrha: "I still don't understand. You said I was next in line to receive the Maiden's power. What do you mean by that?"

Goodwitch: "The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But much like in nature, the seasons change. No two summers are alike. When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring that the seasons are never lost, and that no individual can hold on to that power forever."

Pyrrha: "So, how does the power choose?"

Qrow: (over his shoulder) "Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules."

Goodwitch: "Qrow."

Qrow: "Hey, don't get mad 'cause I'm right."

Goodwitch: "At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process was much more... intimate."

Pyrrha: (concerned) "... Intimate?"

Goodwitch: "As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power."

Qrow: "Unless it's a dude or some old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and our job gets a lot harder."

Pyrrha: "Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until I've graduated?"

Qrow: "Honestly, we've run out of time. I don't know if you've noticed, but things are getting a lot scarier out in the world. Tensions are high. Grimm are growing stronger, more prevalent. And it's not going to be much longer before the peace we've been enjoying so much goes out the window."

Pyrrha: "You're not... talking about a war?"

Ironwood: "Not a war between nations."

Qrow: "We can fill you in on the details once we know that you're with us. For now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens has been attacked. And for the first time in history, part of her power was stolen."

A humming of electricity is heard as the group comes to their destination at the end of the hallway: A large machine with lit screens hooked up to two rectangular pods, one of which is upright to show through the glass window a young girl dressed in minimal clothing with a burn scar over her left eye and across her face.

(Y/n): "Is that.. her?"

Ozpin: (sighs heavily) "The current Fall Maiden, Amber."

Pyrrha: (holding herself) "She's... still alive."

(Y/n) puts a hand on her shoulder in support.

Ironwood: "For now. We're using state of the art Atlas technology to keep her stable. But there is a lot about this situation that is... unprecedented."

Pyrrha: "What do you mean?"

Ironwood: (sighs, eyes closed) "Well, we don't know what will happen if- when she passes."

Pyrrha: "Won't... her power... just transfer to the next host?"

Qrow: "Look who's been listening! She is smart."

(Y/n): "Dad."

Ironwood: "Under normal circumstances, yes. But this is a delicate situation. It's not uncommon for the last thoughts of the slain to be of their attacker."

Ironwood glances at Amber

Ironwood: "And to make matters worse, no one's ever seen the power split like this before. For all we know, it will seek out its other half."

Pyrrha: (connecting the pieces together) "... Her assailant."

Ozpin: (turning to Pyrrha) "And that would not bode well for any of us."

Pyrrha lowers her head in thought, then suddenly comes forward and places a hand on the glass of Amber's pod.

Pyrrha: "If all of this is true, why keep it secret!? If this girl is so important... if we're truly on the brink of war, why not tell everyone?"

Goodwitch: "From what we understand, it used to be common knowledge."

Pyrrha: "Excuse me?"

Qrow: "How do you think legends and fairy tales get started? Even the craziest ones come from somewhere."

He takes a swig from his flask

Goodwitch: "Our group was founded in order to protect both mankind and the Maidens. Those hungry for power hunted them with the hope of inheriting their strength."

Qrow: (finishing his drink) "And as you can imagine, the ones that succeeded weren't exactly the kind of people you'd want to have unimaginable power."

Ironwood: "And so this brotherhood chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye, allowing their existence to fade away into legend."

Goodwitch: "The things we're telling you go against hundreds of years of human history, religion."

Ironwood: "No one would want to believe us. It would cause an uproar."

Ozpin: "It would cause panic. And we all know what that would bring to clawing to our Kingdom's walls. Which is why we would like to..."

Pyrrha: "I'll do it."

(Y/n): "Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha: "If you believe this will help humanity. Then I'll become your fall maiden. That's what you wanted isn't it?"

Ozpin: (stepping towards her) "It is, but I'm afraid it's not that simple. Given Amber's condition, you won't be able to inherit her power naturally. However, General Ironwood believes he has a solution."

Ironwood: "For the past few years, Atlas has been studying Aura from a more scientific standpoint; how it works, what's it made of, how it can be used. We've made... significant strides. And we believe we've found a way to capture it."

Qrow: "Capture it and cram it into something else."

Pyrrha: (to Ironwood) "That's..."

Ironwood: "Classified."

Pyrrha: "... wrong!"

Goodwitch: "The feeling is mutual. But desperate times call for desperate measures."

Ironwood: "And these are indeed desperate times. We can't transfer Amber's power to you, but we can give you what those powers are bound to."

Pyrrha: "... Her Aura."

Ozpin: "Her life... would become intertwined with yours. The question is..."

Qrow: "What's that going to do to you?"

(Y/n)'s eyes widen in realization.

(Y/n): "That's insane!"

Qrow: "Kid-"

(Y/n): "NO!! You can't just force this onto her! It's beyond wrong! Not only could it make her a target it could possibly erase... her?!"

Qrow: "(Y/n)!"

(Y/n) stops.

Qrow: "That's enough."

He looks at Pyrrha. She looks scared.

Ozpin: "You have an important decision before you, Miss Nikos. There's no guarantee this transfer will work. And there's no telling if you will be the same person if it does. I advise you to take time on this matter. But understand that before the Vytal Festival is over, we will need your answer."

(Y/n): "Professor I still haven't gotten my answer."

Ozpin looks at the angry boy.

(Y/n): "Why. Am I. Here!"

Ozpin: (unfazed) "Due to the attack on Amber, we have reason to believe this may happen again."

Ironwood: "Amber was alone when she was attacked which may have been the reason for her condition."

Ozpin: "We want to establish a system of sorts. Between the maidens and a chosen protector, so to speak."

(Y/n): "You want me to be a guard dog?"

Goodwitch: "More of a Knight really. Someone who will defend their Maiden should the time come."

Ironwood: "It will only be temporarily, until we can find a suitable guardian for Ms. Nikos, we're asking you to stand in."

(Y/n) nods his head slightly

(Y/n): "Fine but I'm doing this for Pyrrha not you."

Ozpin: "And I wouldn't have it any other way. The assailant that attacked the Fall Maiden has made their first move. And there's no telling when their next move will be."
Pyrrha and (Y/n) stepped out of the elevator and into the courtyard with somber expressions.

(Y/n): "Well... that wasn't how I expected today to go..."

Pyrrha weakly smiles at him.

(Y/n): "How're you feeling?"

Pyrrha: "Scared..."

(Y/n): "I know... well I guess I should say this now."

She turns to look at (Y/n)

(Y/n): "No matter what you choose to do or what happens, I will be your protector, your ally, and above all else your friend."

He takes fatebringer off his hip and places it on the ground holding the pommel, standing like Ozpin.

(Y/n): "(Y/n) Sato temporary Knight at your service. Who knows, maybe if we train him a bit more Jaune can be your full time Knight in shining armor. Hint hint wink wink."

He gives her his signature goofy smile, she can't help but smile back. She was glad to have her friend's support.

That would make the choice a lot less scary...
The sky darkened. Everyone was excited for the tournament matches tonight.

Port: "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!"

Down in the arena stood all the finalists. Yang, Mercury, Sun, Penny, Pyrrha, and a few others that (y/n) didn't know. The entire stadium was alive with the cheers of the audience.

Team RWBY was sitting with JNPR and SSSN who all came to support their friends. (Y/n) watched a nervous Pyrrha. She was still worrying about the talk with Ozpin earlier.

Blake: "Hey? You ok?"

Blake saw the unusually serious look on (y/n)'s face and got concerned.

(Y/n): "Yah, I'm fine. Just worried about the matches."

Blake didn't believe him.

Blake: "Ok..."

Port: "Barty, why don't you explain the rules?"

Oobleck: "Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place!"

Port: "Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!"

Oobleck: "Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!"

The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes. Finally it stops revealing the first matchup.

Port: "Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black!"

Ruby: "Break a leg, sis!"

Port: "Would all other combatants please leave the stage!"

The rest of the lineup does so, and Yang starts walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two.

Yang: (smiling) "You better not go easy on me."

Mercury: (laughing darkly) "You wish."

Both brawlers face the crowds one last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, arms raised defensively until their hands can almost touch, as the final countdown commences.

Port: "Three! Two! One! Fight!"

Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to meet it, creating a shockwave between the weapons that launches him back. He closes the distance quickly and aims at her feet with Talaria, but she leaps over it and fires off a shot of her Ember Celica that he rotates to avoid. They fight fist-to-fist for a moment, Yang getting in a fiery blast on her opponent at the cost of him also landing a blow on her. She falls back on her feet when Mercury shoots himself into the air to get farther away from her, looking up and smiling.

Yang doesn't relent for a second, launching shot after shot only for Mercury to dodge each of them, sliding around the stage on clouds of air until he attempts to come down on her with his leg. She blocks and pushes away the attack, but he goes under her shotgun burst and manages to land a kick on her, though she still lands in a crouch, now grimacing. She launches forward with a double blast and continues landing blow after blazing blow on him, right up to when he roundhouse kicks her in the back and attempts to hit her with his heel. She gets out just in time and punches he ground trying to get him, but he leaps out and twirls to get a hit on her. One of his kicks seems to pass over her, but then he brings it down hard enough to shatter the steel underneath, which Yang narrowly rolls backward to avoid.

They exchange kicks after this attack until Mercury hits her backwards, and he rushes forward only to receive a fist to his chin, then his torso, knocking him on his stomach. He gets up right as Yang starts raining down fire again, causing him to somersault back until one explosion causes him to get knocked off of the stage. He saves himself by firing his boots downward and flying back in front of his enemy, unleashing a series of kicks that put Yang on the defensive. She ducks under one attack only to receive another as Mercury jumps into the air to knock her back, and he follows it up with a shot from his boots. Yang avoids it effortlessly, not noticing it still hanging around behind her.

Switching tactics, Mercury starts shooting his foot out in every direction, each kick into the air accompanied by a silvery blast that are barely even aimed at Yang. She dodges each one coming her way and gets in close through the circling barrage of shots, fighting with their fists again until Mercury kicks her into the air and knocks her right back to the ground, followed by the dozens of swirling shots that now converge right on to Yang.

When the blasts stop coming down on his opponent, Mercury gets up from his crouch and grins to himself, dusting off his outfit and seeming as happy as can be until the smoke from behind him erupts into flames. His momentary shock turns into another smile as he turns around to see the red-eyed Yang slam her knuckles together and come at him. Screaming, she lands a punch that sends him back, and she rushes up avoiding each kick and even taking one with no effect to pound at him with an unrelenting bombardment of left-right blows. He has enough time to let out a pained groan before she hits him in the stomach, his Aura sparkling up to try and defend him from the last hit to the face by the upset blonde. He lands on his back as the buzzer sounds over the roars of the audience.

Port: "What a way to kick off the finals!"

Oobleck: "Yang Xiao Long wins!!!"

Ruby: "YEAH! You did it sis!!"

Blake: "Way to go Yang!"


(Y/n): "JESUS!!!"

The entire stadium goes silent as Mercury screams in pain.

The faces of Oobleck and Port on the Jumbotron are in shock

Oobleck: (getting up from his chair) "My word!"

Port: (to someone offscreen) "Cut the cameras!"

Mercury: "My leg, MY LEG!"

Yang: (trash talking) "That's what you get, you little- Huh?"

She looks around to see herself surrounded by several atlesian knights and human soldiers all leveling their rifles at her.

Soldier: "Yang Xiao Long, stand down!"

Yang: (not having a clue what's going on) "What!? Why!?"

Emerald: "Mercury!"

(Y/n) hops the barrier and jumps down running to Yang.

(Y/n): "Yang! What the hell!"

Yang then looks up at all the screens in the arena showing a replay of her shooting a downed Mercury for no reason.

Yang: "You don't understand he attacked me!"

Soldier: "Stow it! You've already caused enough of a scene."

Yang sees (y/n) being held by a pair of soldiers.

Soldier: "Sir get back!"

(Y/n): "Fuck you! Let me talk to her!"

Soldier: "Sir if you don't step back I will be forced to detain you!"

(Y/n): "Get the hell away from me!"

Mercury: "My leg! My leg!"

Paramedics rush in bringing Mercury onto a stretcher. Carrying him away.

(Y/n) tries to struggle and get past them.

Soldier: "Restrain him!"

The soldiers move to cuff (y/n)

(Y/n): "Fuck off Tin face! Yang!"

Yang: "No! It's ok. I'll go."

The soldiers let go of (Y/n) who can't do anything as Yang is put into hand cuffs and dragged off by the soldiers.
A/n: and that's a wrap on chapter 5, I don't know how you feel about the whole guardian Knight thing but i figured why not. Make this a bit more involved. Anyway that's all for now I hope you enjoyed, and as always take care and have a good one. Cheers!

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