By YourMiee

145K 3.5K 1.9K

He is a force to be reckoned with. A lift of his finger & people are beheaded in seconds. A word from him & t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 24

2.6K 70 9
By YourMiee

Anastasia's POV~

By the time I get out of the bathroom using the new set of clothes and pads that Alessandro kept for me on the cabinet, the sheets are changed and I find him leaning against the head board.

Noticing my gaze, he motions towards the glass and strip on the night stand. "Drink that and take the medicine before you sleep."

The med is for menstrual pain, I guess. "What is it?" I eye the glass. Picking it up, I exclaim, "You got me hot chocolate!"

He just shrugs in return.

I do not know if he has any idea how much effect these small acts of his affection have on me.

Gulping the content of the glass and taking the pill after, I get under the covers. He wraps an arm around me, pulling me to his side and I put my head on his chest.

I decide to ask the question I have been wanting to ever since we came here.

I lift my head, my hairs falling on his bare chest and look at his face while speaking, "Where are your parents? You did not mention them." My curious gaze tries to gauge his reaction.

His expression hardens and he stares ahead as he says with a clenched jaw. "Dead."

I stiffle the gasp that is about to get out at his straight forwardness. Getting over the initial shock, I place my palm on his cheek, softly caressing the slight stubble with my fingertips and look into his eyes. "I will not say I am sorry. Because my or anyone else's apology is not going to bring them back. Neither can it fill that void. Ever." His face softens ever so slowly hearing my voice. "But what I want you to remember is that even if the people we loved are not here anymore. We can no longer see them. They do not really leave us." I then place another hand against his chest, right over his beating heart. "They live here. In our hearts. You feel them in every beat. So do not you ever think that you are alone."

He opens his mouth to say something but I stop him before he can. "Shh. You do not need to explain. Not to me." I shake my head, looking at him lovingly. "Just know that whenever you feel like taking if off your chest, I will be here to listen to everything." Saying, I lean over his stiff body and place a soft kiss on his forehead in a form of assurance.

I could have kissed him on the lips but decided against it. It felt like a show of intimacy which he did not need right now. What he needed though at the moment was affection and care and I hope, I provided him with those through that one kiss, conveyed that I will be there with him even if no one is.

Leaning back, I stare at him, waiting for his reaction. Alessandro just looks at me for minutes straight then wraps his hands around my frame, crushing me into his chest, his nakedness weirdly not bothering me anymore. Sighing, he kisses the crown of my head and tightens his hold on me.


My eyes fly open at the excruciating pain. Sitting up, I wrap my arms around my tummy and groan as slowly as I can, not wanting to wake Alessandro up. He has already done so much for me.

When the pain subsides, I tip toe out of the bed and the room. Descending the stairs, I wander inside the kitchen, taking a mental note to thank Laura in morning for showing me the route beforehand. Otherwise I would have definitely got lost in this maze of a mansion.

I open the fridge without turning on the light in the kitchen, the faint lights all around the house helping me see and duck down to scan the cabinets for my elixir. I pout, failing in my search.

Suddenly there is everything brighter and I realize someone must have turned the light. I jump up to my feet, turning around in a haste.

Then his voice booms around the room. "Why are you up this late?"

Focusing my stare on him, my eyes greedily take in the ink sprawled all over his skin.

Why did I not see these before?

Maybe because I was too focused on embarrassing myself.

There are two falcons drawn on the back of both his palms, human skulls inside their wings. His name written on the knuckles of his fingers in cursive, one letter on each, starting from his right hand to his left. Lifting my vision, there are two paragraph type of tattoes inscribed on his biceps and numerous others covering his arms. Right above the waist band of his sweat pants, there is a line, 'I più forti sanguinano in silenzio'

('The strongest ones bleed in silence')

Pheww! He is hot.

Biting the corner of my lip, I force my eyes away from him and say sheepishly, "Ice cream."

He shakes his head. "There is no ice cream."

"I just saw that." I mumble.

"No one eats that here." He pushes off the wall and strides towards me. "You want some?" He asks stopping before me.

"It is okay. I will manage." I shrug.

"Come. We are going out." Saying this, he turns around, not waiting for me and my eyes fall on his naked back.

Fuck me.

There is a huge sword tattoo on his back, following the entire length of his spinal cord and a crown placed on its head. A dragon is wrapped around it from head to tail. Above the sword is a year '2016' and under it is written, 'Famiglia su tutto'. Inside the sword there are four words in bold ---- 'Lealtà', 'Honour', 'Rispetto', 'Orgoglio'.

('Family over everything')

('Loyalty', 'Honour', 'Respect', 'Pride')

There is one more at the back of his neck - two hands stretched towards each other. One is bigger than the other and looks like it belongs to a woman while the smaller one is of a baby's. The tips of the woman's fingers are fading, turning to ash and the baby is trying to catch her helplessly. Something is written under it too- 'Qualunque cosa io sia, è grazie a te'

('Whatever I am is because of you')

It is crafted so wonderfully, one can almost feel the yearn they have for each other just by looking at it but not in a romantic way.

I have never seen a tattoo this beautifully painful. It perfectly portrays their desperation.

This one is definitely going to be my favourite.

I do not know what any of these tattooes mean or in which language these are written but I find them attractive on him.

I always find him attractive.


Alessandro's POV~

Parking the car, I turn to her. "Which flavour?"

"Choco chip." Her face lights up like a bulb at the name.

"Wait here, okay? Do not get out. I will be right back."

"No, I am coming with you." She whines.

"And your cramps?" I raise a brow at her.

She humphs, "They are fine now, Alessandro ."

"Come on then."

Unlocking the car, I walk up to the ice-cream parlour with her stuffed to my side.

The silent ambiance and an old man at the counter greet us.

"What can I get for you?"

Angel smiles looking at him, "One choco chip, please. " then turns to me, "What will you have?"

I just shake my head, one hand pushed inside the pocket of my pants and another on her back.

She twists her lips in distaste at my response, tucks her hair behind her ear and starts scanning through the menu herself while I scan her.

She is wearing my t-shirt and joggers, looking gorgeous as ever.

She always looks beautiful in everything and nothing though I will prefer the latter.

They say, there are a lot of beautiful things in this shit ass world but for me, she tops the list.

After a minute or so, she bites the corner of her bottom lip, obviously failing in her mission which I have come to notice she does whenever she is nervous, shy or overwhelmed by something.

She looks up at me, sighs and faces the man again. "Actually, double the order."

She takes the package and we get on the empty street again.

When I do not hear her footsteps following mine, I turn around.

"I have...I forgot something." She says, biting those cherry lips again and I internally groan, trying to keep my self-control in check.

"You go sit inside. I will get it for you." I go to move when she grips my arm.

"No. You go. I will get it. I have to ask something too."

"You sure?" I ask her unsure and she instantly nods.

"Fine then." I wave my hand at the gate.

She goes and stops at the door, turning back. Wiggling her brows, she silently asks me why I am still standing there. When I still do not move, she shooes me with her hands and I chuckle, complying her.

Sitting inside the car, I am waiting for her when I see her small head peeking outside the doors, looking sideways before she steps out. I watch her curiously.

What the fuck is she doing?

Then she turns the corner and I start the engine, silently following her. I do not doubt her actions. I am just cautious about her safety.

Turning the corner, I see her crouching in front of a man in torn clothes. Pulling out a bucket from the package in her hands, Angel gives it to him. Then she whips out something from her purse and hands it to him too. Though I can not see everything clearly from here, I know it can only be cash.

I do not call her Angel for nothing. She really is one. So damn precious.

I do not know what I ever did good to deserve her but I will cherish her for however long I can.

The man pats her head in return and she shakes her head, saying something to him.

Then waving her hand, she starts walking back and I reverse the car before she can see me watching her.

Closing the door, Angel plops on her seat, huffing. She opens her eyes and takes out the one bucket of ice-cream left.

She gave the other to that man.

How can a human be this good? It does not make sense.

"Where is mine?" I look at her, questioningly. I do not intent to eat, I just want to hear her excuse.

"You said you do not eat." Her eyes widen and she gulps, avoiding my gaze. "I-I dropped it. Sorry."

I just keep looking at her. Even though I know she is lying, I do not correct her simply because she will get uncomfortable then which I do not want.

"We can buy another one." I suggest.

"It were the last ones." She whispers, looking down and then faces me, "We can share you know." She forwards the bucket to me.

"No. You eat. I do not like anyways."

"So you do not want?" She asks me with her big beautiful eyes and I shake my head.


"Yes, Angel. Confirmed." I almost laugh at her cuteness.

She shrugs, taking the ice-cream back and murmurs, digging in, "Your loss then."

I continue checking my phone while she eats, moaning now and then and I have to stop myself from eating her right there, on the seat.

Halfway info her eating, I put my phone back into my pants and face her.

Bad decision, De Luca.

There is some chocolate smudged on the underside of her lower lip, melted by now and I can not focus on anything else.

She lifts her head up, frowning at me, "What?"

I point at her lip, "Chocolate. On your lip."

She darts her tongue out to clean it and my eyes darken at the movement.

"No." I stop her before she can do that. She looks innocently at me, startled by my words and my breathing quickens.

"Fingers. Use you fingers." My voice turns out huskier than intended.

She stares at me, quizzically but obeys nonetheless like the good little angel she is and I almost cum in my pants at her submissive nature.

If her god is really up there then I need his help the most right fucking now.

She taps her fingers on her bottom lip finally reaching the spot and is about to put them back in her mouth when I clasp her wrist in my hand, my grip on her tightening unintentionally.

Bringing her hand closer, I lick the left over chocolate from her fingertips while she looks at me, bewildered by my action. Then keeping my eyes locked on hers, I close my lips around her fingers, nearly swallowing her small fingers in my mouth. Twirling my tongue around them, I taste them to my heart's content, eyeing her reaction. I leave her fingers with an audible sound and as soon as my hold on her wrist loosens a little, she yanks her hand back, cradling it to her chest with blazing cheeks.

She looks up at me through her long fucking lashes, biting her lip. Again.

Do not blame me now.

Eliminating the space between our seats, I put my lips on hers, holding the sides of her face and everything inside me fucking explodes. Every little thing fades into nothingness and all that matters is her, her lips and this kiss.

I have never lost myself like this in a kiss before. Hell... I am a man of control and this beautiful angel here is proving me wrong every damn time, crumbling my restrain with one single movement yet I have never felt so content in my defeat before.

If it is her against me, I would gladly lay down my weapons at her feet anytime. Everytime.

I can go to war against the world but all my violence stops before her. I can never fight her and these feelings that she stirs inside the stagnant beating organ in my chest.

She moans in between the kiss as I bite her and my heart misses multiple beats at once. I pull her face to mine more harshly, my hands feeling like they can not bring her close enough to me.

I kiss her and kiss her. I keep kissing her until all I can taste is the authentic sweetness only she possesses. Until she is all that is in my mind. I keep kissing her until our lips get bruised and even then it takes everything in me to part from her, my demons growling in reluctance, wanting to ruin her innocence.

Yet when her soft hazels collide with my dark browns, all the evil inside me vanishes like it was never there. They burn. Burn for her, in the fire of her goodness; emitting a light in their wake that I did not even know I craved until now. Until her.

And suddenly, my demons do not want to ruin her innocence anymore, they want to treasure it.

Then I realise one thing,

Her innocence tames my demons.

And lord have mercy on the one who tries to snatch my light from me.

Cause I, Alessandro De Luca, fucking will not.

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