When I Met You

By RayniaJonson

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Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 5: Another Asgardian
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 32: Old Forest
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer
Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line
Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 56: Meltdown
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing

Chapter 60: I Do

73 4 6
By RayniaJonson

As you got ready for the day, putting on your makeup and doing your hair, you couldn't help but think about how you got here, it seemed so unbelievable. For one thing, it had already been over 7 years since that night you proposed, so much had happened since then and at times you found it hard to process. You were the head designer of a major brand, designing clothes for different body shapes and sizes, which included height, as well as options for those who covered up more. You also made apparel for individuals with special abilities, customizing all types of fashion styles to accommodate their powers or size, even making the occasional super suit. While Loki became a full-time instructor at the Shield Academy, specializing in understanding the criminal mind and how to play your enemy right into your hand by means of deception. The God of Mischief also taught a little magic and hand-to-hand combat here and there, but he oddly enough preferred teaching in a classroom. It was overall really great, even though you had ups and downs, you and Loki would work together to get through your problems. You smiled to yourself as you thought about the past, how everything began to fall into place after that night, the one you could still remember it very clearly as if it all just happened. You giggled a little bit as you recalled how grumpy and happy you were as you arrived at the party, officially engaged while surrounded by friends and family, wearing one of your favourite dresses of all time. 

It was a green high-low tulle ballgown, with the many layers being several different shades of green to give it depth and dimension. You had added over 100 multi-coloured butterflies and they covered every part of the outer skirt, they even lit up in the dark, it was truly magical. The top was a halter with a deep v-neck and criss-cross straps in the back that accommodated your wings, although you had to admit it was a little hard to do them up. You paired with it a lovely pair of custom shoes you also made, they were gold, over-the-knee, Gladiator-style platform footwear. You couldn't exactly wear heels so adding a few centimetres to the sole of the shoe worked wonders, you weren't as tall as Loki but you were taller and that made you happy. You ended up wearing matching gold bracelets on your arms, as well as a gold choker, earrings, and a circlet, looking absolutely stunning. You did keep the makeup basic, just mascara, lipstick, and a little bit of extra sparkly highlight, what did take you forever was your hair, as you straighten it. You pulled it forward, splitting it up and having it hang down in the front on either side of your boobs, looking truly elegant. 

You did dance with Loki and with a few of your friends but you spent more than half the party off by yourself, trying to relax as you were very overwhelmed. You had to leave almost every time after a new song came on, finding it very hard to not explode from happiness, from Loki accepting your proposal. You had a really hard time keeping still, even when off the dance floor and although a few others took note and asked you didn't tell them why lying by telling them that the party was too much for you. They seemed to buy it but you still worried, you would often second guess yourself like that, taking extra time by yourself so the truth wouldn't come out. As much as you wanted to tell everyone, you didn't want to make the celebration all about you and Loki, it was supposed to be about Surtur's defeat. As you thought about it more you remembered something, letting out a loud gasp to yourself before running off to get it.   

Loki also had a hard time keeping it under wraps, he kept smiling, and he couldn't control himself he was so happy and in love, he couldn't help it. The God of Mischief did his best to keep to himself as it was his only hope, unfortunately, his brother noticed his seemingly odd behaviour and came over to see him. Loki managed to keep it together at the start but as soon as Thor brought you into their discussion he cracked, letting his sweet genuine smile seep through. The Thunderer asked about it immediately and for once Loki was completely honest with him, saying that you asked him to marry you and that he said yes. "She just blurted it out, all grumpy with the cutest angry pout on her face, it was kind of hilarious now that I think about it..." Loki admitted while thinking about just how precious you were, even when pissed off you were absolutely adorable.  

The Thunderer congratulated him immediately, but the God of Mischief quickly shushed his brother, Loki didn't want it getting out right now. The God of Mischief was certain it would overwhelm you badly, to the point your powers would get out of hand and that was a mess he did not want to clean up. Loki told his brother that you and he would be announcing their engagement another time, tonight they were to celebrate defeating the Fire Demons and saving the universe. So after swearing Thor to secrecy, he excused himself to go check on you, hoping you were calm enough to allow for some human company as you were chilling with Pharaoh the last time he checked. However, when the God of Mischief headed over to where you were sitting he couldn't find you, your wolf was there but you were not. Loki was trying to stay calm, you probably just went to the bathroom or went to get a drink or snack but he couldn't help but feel a little tense, or at least he did until you appeared behind him a few seconds later. 

Loki inquired about where you disappeared to while doing his best not to sound too overprotective but you just smiled, saying that you had to fetch something. You held whatever it was behind your back, asking the God of Mischief to close his eyes before you pulled it out and reluctently, he agreed. When Loki opened his eyes again he was met with a small box, quickly revealing its contents, which were two lovely wedding rings, one for you and one for him. You explained that you got your hands on a lot of different materials while designing specialty garments and made these rings yourself, hoping you'd be able to give him one. "They're made from meteorite, petrified wood, and dinosaur bone, with Amber instead of diamonds, they're all anicent materials and you know me and dinosaurs, I hope you like them, if you don't we can get different ones" you say as you hand the little box over to Loki so he could take a closer look at them. They were really beautiful and the God of Mischief wasn't sure how you managed to but the three materials you used to make the band were braided together. The dinosaur bone was a white ivory colour, the petrified wood was black, and the meteorite was a very dark grey with flexs of other precious materials inside. There was a small Amber stone sitting at each interval in the wide braid, 5 stones in total per ring and they had two little hearts on either side of each others name carved onto the inside on the bottom.  

Loki thought they were perfect, saying as much as he put his ring on before getting down on one knee to place yours on your finger. It made you blush incredibly hard and you ended up turning away as you began muttering absolute nonesense, feeling too embarrassed to say actual words. The God of Mischief than stood back up, pulling you in for a passionate kiss which lasted a lot longer than either of you thought it would. After you pulled away you managed to find your voice again, expressing that you had a lot of time to think while here in this other universe, telling Loki that you made the rings a while ago, soon explaining why. You took Loki's hands and looked him right in the eyes, soon saying "I want us to stay together, I know we have issues, lots and lots of issues but I don't want to give on this, on you, or on us, I love you, I really do, and this is my vow, my promise, to stay by your side if you'll stay by mine". "I will, now and forever" the God of Mischief spoke calm and soft, soon giving you another kiss which made you start blushing all over again, leading to you looking away again.  

After that, Loki took you onto the dance floor again, holding you as close as possible, slowly moving and spinning around to each song, having a really good time. You were wearing your sound-cancelling earbuds to help filter out some of the noise as it was a little too much for you, but Loki didn't mind. The God of Mischief was content to just hold you close, he was planning on never letting go again, promising to do whatever it took to make you happy. Anyone who looked the God of Mischief's way could see it, just how in love with you he was and how safe and relaxed you were with him, it was an "aww" kind of moment.

But not to far away, someone else was watching you and your Loki, thinking about what you did for him despite everything. It was the other God of Mischief watching from the shadows, part of him wondering why he was even here, as he certainly had better things to do than watch a stupid party. He thought about how you saved him after what he did to you, how you acted like it was no big deal, the other Loki wasn't what it made him feel but he didn't like it. Eventually though, after watching you and your Loki dance for such a long time, with him stealing the occasional kiss and blushing as if it were the first time, the other God of Mischief decided to leave. He wasn't sure exactly what he was going to do next but he had several ideas, the problem was they would take time to execute, but being a God and all, he had all the time in the universe.  

You snapped back to the present as you heard MJ walk in with a bunch of makeup, asking if you were ready yet. She was already all done up and in her bridesmaid's gown, it was sunshine yellow, although you could have called it a soft lemon yellow, either way it was a lovely colour and sparkled like gold. It had a clean plain v-neck and had a full-length skirt that was somewhat fitted, it was somewhere in between a column and an A-line style. MJ's red hair was pulled up into an elegant bun, with simple but sparkly makeup on her face, not to mention a nice necklace, pearl earrings, and a flower that was the same shade as her dress. You smiled wide saying she looked super pretty but Watson quickly hushed you, saying it was your special day and they didn't have time for that right now.  

You let out an awkward laugh and MJ raised an eyebrow at you, inquiring quite seriously if you actually forgot that you were getting married today. "No, I didn't... maybe? I just zoned out and forgot about all of reality, not just the wedding..." you pouted a bit, rather embarrassed that you were caught drifting off into your own little world. To be fair though, the two of you had know each other for over a decade, and personality-wise you hadn't changed all that much, yes you came out of your shell and all that but you were the same at your core, as was she. You had been zoning out all of the time over the years, did she really expect today to be any different? MJ let out a huff, "well, what was I expecting, it is you we're talking about, you'll drift off at any point if left alone for long enough", she then let out a small laugh before getting started on your makeup.  

You became overwhelmed with nerves as MJ did your hair and makeup, finding that any time you were able to talk, you did. You expressed how worried about today, how something could go wrong, how you still couldn't believe that you manage to get here, considering how many times you had to postpone the celebration, and you were terrified something would go wrong and you'd all be trapped in this dimension. Seeing as you wanted to invite people from the other universe you visited, you talked with both of the Sr.Stranges that you knew. As a wedding gift, they along with a few other sorcerers created a temporary pocket dimension in which guests from both universes could get to, it was amazing. It was basically an island just existing in the middle of an endless starry void, and on that floating landmass was a large castle where the wedding would take place, it was all so beautiful. Loki was a little nervous about allowing people from the other universe to attend, but as inviting everyone you cared about made you very happy, he agreed, while also making sure to put up several protective and defensive spells.  

By the time MJ was done with your hair and makeup, Ms.Potts came in to inform you that they were starting in about 20 minutes, which definitely caught you off guard. You were certain that you had more time and started to panic slightly as a result, but a certain wolf who had been chilling not too far away on a bed came over to calm you down. Pharaoh trotted over, shifting from his normal size and transformed into his puppy form, soon hopping onto your lap. "Thank you, I certainly needed this," you said before taking a deep breath, soon finding yourself calm again, or at least calm enough to continue with getting ready. You stood up, putting your good boy down and headed over to the large closet where your dress and other accessories were being kept. MJ offered to help but you said "I got this, although I might need your help with the veil and stuff" you admit, with Ms. Watson more than happy to help you out. You came out a few minutes later with your wedding dress on and your accessories in hand, and with MJ's help, you were soon completely ready, at least physically as internally, you were still kind of a mess. 

The dress was a ballgown made of silk tulle, the top and skirt were a lovely shade of very light mint green, with the very top layer snow white in colour to give it more of a bridal feel. This top layer was embroidered, with a branch and leaf design running along the bottom of the skirt and on the corsetted top. It had a deep sweetheart neckline and a low scoop back to accommodate your lovely wings, along with sheer off-the-shoulder mutton sleeves with wide cuffs that went over your hands. On your head was a crown of beautiful flowers and a long veil that was also as white as snow, it trailed behind you and sparkled so brilliantly. As for jewellery, you wore your favourite pieces, Loki gave you more than a few pieces over the years, he had good taste, not to mention knew you well enough to know what you would like. Of course, somehow he missed the fact that you didn't like it when he tried to spoil you, but he would always say that his lovely princess deserved to be spoiled.  

You let out a romantic sigh as you thought about it, as you thought about all the sweet things he'd say to brighten up your day, nearly ruining your makeup when you tried to hide your face. MJ caught your wrists before they touched your face, which caught you off guard, scaring you for a second but in the end, you thanked her as you certainly wouldn't want to redo your makeup. You took a deep breath and locked your hands together as you walked over to the window, looking out at the endless void, finding it quite relaxing to stare out at the billions and trillions of stars. "Okay, I'm good, let's get this wedding started!" you cheered, literally throwing one of your arms up in the air in excitement. You made your veil float a little so it wouldn't catch anything, before immediately picking up your skirt and heading for the door.  

You carefully walked down the spiral staircase of the tower you were getting ready in, calling out to make sure Loki wasn't there, as it was bad luck to the bride before the actual ceremony. You couldn't sense Loki nearby but still, he had gotten the drop on you before so you had to be extra careful, you really didn't want him to see you yet. Pharaoh was kind enough to hop out ahead of you to check the area for you and the only people who were waiting for you were Logan and Mr.McCoy. "Dad, Hank," you smiled wide as gave them both a hug, very happy to see them, feeling as if it had been a lifetime when you literally saw them this morning for breakfast. Hank said you were the most beautiful bride he had ever seen and that Loki was a lucky man to have you, he then went on to say some old poem about marriage. This made you smile and crack up for a second, once you calmed down you turned to Wolverine, inquiring if he was alright as he looked sort of stunned.  

Your father continued to look at you funny until Hank popped a hand on his shoulder, snapping him back to reality where you asked him again if he was okay. Wolverine looked away, rubbing the back of his neck as he said that he had seen a lot of pretty things in his life but none more lovely than you. "Aww, Dad," you said giving him another hug and once he locked eyes with Hank and the X-Men who were suddenly there he knew they'd be giving him a hard time about it, probably forever. Of course, Logan immediately went back to his rude and gruff self, grumpily saying that they needed to hurry this along or else they'd be late. You smiled wide at this, agreeing wholeheartedly, taking his arms as you walked down the hall to where the ceremony would be held.  

You stood nervously in a room off to the side with your father, waiting for the music to start and for everyone to get into position was an eternity of suffering. You didn't know why you were so anxious, Loki loved you and you were certain he wouldn't get cold feet and run away, there were no problems with the guests, the food, or anything else, at least to your knowledge but they might hide any issues from you. Okay now you gave your brain a somewhat legit reason to freak out and you began pacing back and forth in a continual loop as you began muttering to yourself, completely unaware that you were doing so out loud. You didn't realize that your dad had called to you a couple of times and eventually he came over and placed a hand on your shoulder as he was kind of annoyed. You immediately pulled away and snapped back to reality, as much as you hated being touched there, it was certainly a good way to get your attention. "Are there anything you guys are hiding from me, any problems or issues that need fixing? You wouldn't lie to me, right? I need to know, I need to know now" you said rather quickly, and in a nervous demanding tone, convinced that something bad was happening. Your father put his hands up and took a step back, knowing he was in the middle of a minefield, there wasn't any problem or situation he couldn't handle unless they involved you anyway.  

Your father told you everything was fine, there were no problems and everything was running smoothly, that they had everything under control and that even it something did go wrong they could handle it as pretty much everyone here had superpowers. You slowly began to shake your head yes before admitting that you were just really nervous, you wanted everything to go right, you needed it to go right. "We've been putting it off for so long now, I just want everything to be perfect..." you whisper as Logan did his best to comfort you, getting you to breathe and rationalize the situation. After another few minutes, you were calm and ready, that was until your Dad told you it was time and you got all nervous again. However, like several times in the past, you broke through your nervousness, becoming really determined, nearly walking out the door without your father and once you caught yourself, you began to giggle a little.  

You hear the music playing and close your eyes as Logan led you out of the castle and into the garden where the wedding ceremony would be happening. By the time you outside you had opened your eyes again, soon walking down the aisle, seeing so many friends and family members, it made you really happy. You saw Hank who was the officiator, Natasha and MJ who were your bridesmaids, Pharaoh who was the ring barrier, and behind them all was Lily. She was taking up quite a bit of space as she was huge, but you were so happy that she agreed to come, not to mention you secretly enjoyed seeing several of the guests freaking out by her presence. You then spot Thor and Spiderman, still a little surprised when he was asked to be a groomsman, considering the past he had with your bow. Speaking of, there he was, the most beautiful creature in all creation, Loki, your sweet God of Mischief, the man who drove you crazy in the best way.  

You couldn't help but let out a romantic sigh as you spotted him, finding yourself waving at him with the hand holding your bouquet. This made him smile even wider as he gazed lovingly at you, his heart full of so much happiness, more than he ever thought possible, soon giving you a little wave back. The God of Mischief thought you were the most beautiful creature in the universe, in every universe and knew you thought the same of him, he was so damn lucky to have someone like you. Of course, by the time you reached Loki you were practically vibrating with excitement and joy, very much wanting to jump up and down, but you kept it in, with much effort. Before handing you off, Logan cleared his throat, telling Loki that if he made you cry and or hurt you in any way, he'd kill him, saying that it wouldn't just be him, the God of Mischief would have to deal with all the X-Men. You then turned to where most of the X-Men were sitting, they all nodded their heads in confirmation, with Kitty and Kurt even giving you thumbs up which made you giggle and facepalm.  

After that, everything was relatively normal, you both said your vows and all that, with you crying a little bit, Loki pulled you into a hug to calm you down, it was so cute. After you were pronounced husband and wife, the God of Mischief picked you up and swung you around, before carrying you back down the aisle, with you giggling and squealing the entire way. You were so happy, kissing Loki non-stop on the cheek as he took you away, with everyone clapped and cheered for the two of you, it was wonderful, but a little loud in your opinion. Loki ended up taking you to the room he was getting ready in as he could tell you needed time to calm down, placing you down on the bed as he summoned your fancy sound-cancelling earbuds. The God of Mischief could tell at a glance how overwhelmed you were with your emotions, rocking slightly as fidgetted with your fingers, so he did what he could to help. Loki made the room a little darker before coming over to sit next to you, helping you remove your veil before you rested your head on his lap, requesting for your husband to pet you softly, which he did and happily so. 

After taking a few minutes to calm down you headed out to greet all the guests, which definitely took a while considering a lot of people came. The Howling Commandos, Namor, the Fantastic Four, a few Elves, and even all of your friends from the other universe came, including the other Avengers, you were so happy to see them all. Even Deadpool was there, an anti-hero you hadn't met before, in fact, you weren't sure he was on the guest list, but you didn't mind as he seemed nice. He was acting a little strange, saying how this was one of the better fanfictions he's been a part of, not that you had any idea what he was talking about. 

Wade then went on to complain about not getting any time in these stories, as the world around him seemingly paused and he began speaking to the Writer directly. He knew the Writer liked his character and demanded to be in more stories, but the Writer refused, saying no and to stop breaking the Fourth Wall. Of course, Wade continued, listing all of the reasons why he should be included more but half of what he said sounded like nonsense to her so she told him to can it. They needed to get back to the wedding as this was the final chapter, there was no space for this but Deadpool refuses to budge, not until she promised to put him in another story. The Writer eventually caves, promising to have him in as a quote "guest star" in the story Nightmare, which made him very happy as he loved the attention. The Writer then let out a huff, inquiring if they could get back to the story now and Deadpool shook his head enthusiastically. Deadpool then ripped off his red and black suit to reveal a tuxedo, which included his mask and a large top hat, the Writer didn't even question it, despite wanting to. The Writer just resumed the story as she was certain the Reader would find this Fourth Wall break overplayed, unamusing, and perhaps even a little annoying.

You spent the majority of the evening dancing, mostly with Loki, your Dad, Mr.McCoy, and a few other people, the scariest being your Father-In-Law. Odin was a scary guy and the other Odin wasn't really any different, but seeing as you danced with Lily and Pharaoh afterwards, everything was all good. The music was great with each song seemingly following into the next one and the food was all super delicious, you of course made sure to try a little bit of everything. Anytime you'd get nervous you'd take a minute or two and step to the side and stare off at the sky, you really had never seen anything so beautiful. Before you knew it, everyone was relatively drunk and ready to head home, with you feeling sad as it meant you'd have to say goodbye to everyone you knew from the other universe and you had no idea when you'd see them all again, assuming you'd see them at all.  

So with everyone returning to where they came from, you ended up having to take a drunk Loki home, surprised that he was actually drunk. This was a form of his you had never really seen before, but it was one you certainly enjoyed, as he was extra cute and flirty like this, you couldn't help but baby him the entire time. You gave him plenty of kisses and even helped him get undressed and into bed, quickly taking off your wedding dress to join him under the covers. Loki wouldn't let go, holding you tight, planning on cuddling you for the entire night, but the God of Mischief quickly fell asleep. You didn't waste any time adjusting yourself, finding a comfortable position and joining Loki in the dream realm, super excited for the honeymoon the two of you were going on. You'd first be heading to the Savage Land for a few days and then Atlantas, a visit to Alfheim before spending the rest of your time in Asgard, where you'd have to go through your mountain of gifts. You really looked forward to spending all this time with Loki, it was going to be an amazing adventure, one of many, and you couldn't wait to get started. 

*+.:* The End *:.+*

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