Little bites

بواسطة Gt-tiny-prince

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A book of vampire Eddie munson oneshots المزيد

Little bites
Curiosity killed the human
A sight for tearful eyes
Willing chapter 2
Hunting the hunted
Willing chapter 3
The warmth your love offers


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بواسطة Gt-tiny-prince

Requested on tumblr:

Hello I was wondering if you would write about Billy feeding on the reader after a basketball game and Steve confronting Billy

Vampire!Billy x Human!Male reader ft human Steve

"Great effort guys" the coach calls as the court breaks up, heading to gather their gear and discarded shirts. "Hit the showers and head home, I'll see you friday" their teacher exits the gym alongside a couple students looking for pointers on their form.

(Y/N) is quick to scoop his shirt up from the cool laminate floor where he'd tossed it mid game, he pants and takes a swig from his nearly empty water bottle, the liquid having long since warmed to room temperature. He huffs, turning on his heel, shirt swung over his shoulder as he takes another long drink from his bottle. The game had been a tough one, he could still feel the adrenaline buzzing like electricity in his veins. By now most of the group has left the gym, just a few stragglers stand around chatting as they gather their belongings, so (Y/N) isn't swamped by sweaty men as he walks to the auditorium's doors.

(Y/N) however is dragged into the darkness beneath the bleachers before he even knows what's happening. A strong arm catches his waist and pulls him while a hand pressed tight over his mouth muffles his startled cry of shock. Still caught in the momentum he's spun around, arms cage him in against the wall he's being pressed into. The first thing he notices in the dim light funnelling in through gaps in the benches are the familiar crimson eyes gazing down on him. "Billy" the man's name leaves his lips with a gasp.

Billy's chest presses against him with each laboured breath he takes, though (Y/N) is aware that unlike him water won't quench his thirst. "I startled you" he mumbles leaning down to brush his nose against the side of the other man's throat "sorry, but I really need you right now" the hands beside his head bunch into fists, showing his restraint as he holds back. He won't do anything, not if (Y/N) doesn't consent. He's a brute, but he still has morals.

(Y/N) tilts his head back to expose more of his neck "I thought you might need a top up soon" he agrees feeling the vampire mouth at his neck. Billy's into chicks, this is just him acting on instinct he reminds himself. He's just helping a friend in need. "It's been a few weeks" Billy's hands move from the wall to grip (Y/N)'s shoulders as he speaks, hot breath fans his neck as he drags his tongue up the man's throat, the action sending a shiver down (Y/N)'s spine. That was new, he had never done that in any of their other meetings.

Billy moves a hand up to cup the back of the man's neck "you have no idea how much I need you" he hums against (Y/N)'s throat and god, does he wish he wasn't just talking about feeding. "I'm all yours" the human releases a shaky breath and the vampire chuckles against him "is that so?" (Y/N) gasps feeling the twin points of Billy's fangs press into his flesh, not enough to break skin but enough that he preemptively grasps at the other man's shoulders. He knows the bite doesn't hurt for long but he still can't help but brace himself for the sting of it.

(Y/N) stifles a yelp against Billy's shoulder as he finally bites down, his fangs slicing into flesh like hot knives through butter. His breath shudders as the pain fades being replaced by a pleasant warmth that floods his veins. Billy's hand slips from his shoulder to the man's lower waist, pulling him in and pressing their bodies together. (Y/N) can feel the vampire's skin against his own as it begins to warm up, he hadn't even realised how cold Billy had been when he'd shoved him against the wall. Billy moans as he takes deep greedy mouthfuls of the sweet saccharine liquid (Y/N)'s throat offers him. He pushes his face further into (Y/N)'s neck, hands gripping him tightly.

Even through his hunger Billy can't help but revel in the feeling of (Y/N)'s body against his own, he hum taking his time to enjoy having the human so close to him. He brushes his thumb against the skin of (Y/N)'s back. He so desperately wants this more than just four times a month or so, wants to hold him as he wakes in the morning, run his hands through that soft looking hair.

Maybe even kiss him in the low light of the school parking lot after winning one of their games.

Taking one final mouthful Billy pulls back to look down at the man before him, (Y/N)'s head is tilted back, mouth open and eyes half lidded in bliss. Blood still pools at the puncture wounds on his neck, painting thin lines of crimson along his skin, down to his clavicle. He should really heal the bite before he loses any more blood.

(Y/N)'s head is heavy as he tilts it forwards to look at Billy. His lips are stained with blood that trickles down his chin. "You doing okay?" He asks running his tongue over his bottom lip to collect the red sitting there. "I'm good, just feeling heavy" Billy hums leaning over him once again "my bad I took more than usual" the hand on his lower back allows Billy to pull (Y/N) away from the wall and the human tightens his grip on him in turn to keep himself upright.

This is nice. Just the two of them, clinging to each other in the dim lighting of the bleachers. Billy can hear the man's heart beating with a dull steady rhythm, such a contrast to their first encounter. But he likes it. Likes that (Y/N) feels calm in his presence, that he's not scared of him or disgusted by his needs.

Billy presses his lips to the puncture wounds on (Y/N)'s neck, intent on sealing them and cleaning up the blood that he'd missed.

A shout from the bleachers entrance intercepts him "the hell are you doing under here Billy?" Billy clenches his teeth as he stares blankly ahead, he releases a deep breath as he pulls back to stare at the wall.

"Harrington" fucking Harrington, of course.

Holding (Y/N) tight to his chest Billy looks to where the voice had come from and sure as shit there Steve stands with his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. Billy watches his expression shift to that of confusion as he takes in the two of them. "What the fuck are you doing?" He begins marching towards them. Billy's sure he doesn't know it's (Y/N) in his arms as he has his face hidden in his shoulder, fatigued from giving so much blood.

"Go home Harrington, this doesn't concern you" Billy grinds out blue eyes narrowed in on Steve who's now within arms reach. "Like hell it does" Steve manages to push Billy back with one hand, the other wrapping itself around (Y/N)'s torso.

(Y/N) grips at the grey shirt he's pressed into, struggling to stay upright in his dizzy state. He blinks trying to get a hold of his surroundings. Billy borderline growls as he steadies himself "give him back!" He demands not having expected him to be so confronting. Harrington had never instigated before but this time he was being ballsy. "No fuck you, you're being a dick!" He denies readjusting (Y/N)'s body against his own. Fingers swipe over his skin and then there's a gasp from above him.

"Is this blood?" Uh oh. He can practically hear Steve scrutinising Billy for any signs of a weapon "did you bite him?" He exclaims.

Billy's mouth is smeared with blood, there's no misinterpreting what might have happened, everything clicks into place perfectly. Billy had bit the man, who had been too weak to fight back. But what kind of lunatic bites someone hard enough to draw blood in a fight?

Billy glares at him from where he stands "it's fine, he didn't hurt me" a tired voice mumbles from a place tucked into Steve's shirt. The ex-king furrows his brows at the sudden injection into the conversation "(Y/N)?" His reply is a small hum of acknowledgement, eyes flying up to pierce Billy with renewed anger "you went after my friend?" He seethes.

"No" Billy stalks forwards with a slow purposeful gait, ocean blue eyes staining a vibrant red with each step. He pauses only once he's stood with his chest pressing into (Y/N)'s back. "I was feeding on my friend" he emphasises the 'my', clasping a hand to (Y/N)'s shoulders. "Feeding on?" Now he's even more confused. Billy grins, lips lifting to reveal large pearly white fangs. The jock feels satisfied watching Steve's eyes widen in shock and fear at the revelation.

Billy cocks his head to the side "what? That make you nervous, pretty boy?" He taunts smugly. Steve holds (Y/N)'s body tighter to him earning a groan, the noise draws Billy's attention "I need to heal the bite" his tone softens a little, thumb rubbing circles against (Y/N)'s skin. "No way am I gonna let you continue making a meal out of him!" Steve shouts pulling away from Billy but the latter is quick, grabbing Steve by the bicep and pulling him back in.

"I'm full" he growls in Steve's face "but you're starting to make me think about trying you" Billy threatens baring his fangs at the man before giving him a harsh shove in the chest. Steve stumbles backwards landing on his backside with a grunt.

Now with (Y/N) safely back in his arms Billy can finish what he started. He's gentle as he rearranges the man in his arms so he can get his mouth back on the puncture wounds, laving his tongue against the wound. (Y/N) manages to gain enough strength to wrap his arms around Billy's shoulders. Lapping up the last smears of red he pulls back to look down at the man.

Billy helps him as he moves to sit down on the floor, leaning back against the wall. He came prepared as always, Billy hands (Y/N) a coke to sip from whilst he grabs a cookie from the bottom of his bag. He can sense the hurried approach Steve makes while his back is turned.

"Are you okay? Are you in pain?" (Y/N) looks to his friend over the glass of his drink, lowering the bottle he takes a breath "Steve, I'm fine" he tries his best to sound strong but he's clearly exhausted "Billy and I have a routine kind of. I feed him, he keeps me safe" admittedly (Y/N) is hiding information from Steve but it's for his own sake. If Steve freaks out Billy would undoubtedly put him on his ass or worse. He's been pretty good today and (Y/N) doesn't want anything to ruin that.

In the beginning (Y/N) had agreed to being Billy's blood donor, or blood bag as he had so delicately put it at the time, for his own safety. Between giving some blood every now and then or being drained completely, it wasn't too hard of a choice to make. Billy had been harsh and abrasive their first few feedings, only staying long enough to get his fill before quickly leaving. But over time it shifted, the change was slow but welcomed. Soon he started hanging around after feeding, checking to make sure he ate something and stayed hydrated and eventually the vampire began bringing sugary drinks and snacks as a small thank you for helping him out.

"He's gentle about it and makes sure I'm alright" (Y/N) reassures taking the cookie Billy holds out to him. Steve startles not having heard the vampire approach. "Feeling any better?" He asks ignoring the human beside him in favour of checking on his friend. (Y/N) nods swallowing a mouthful of cookie "I'm good, just dizzy. you're looking a lot better" (Y/N) resists the urge he has to cup Billy's cheek. The vampire nods "you're coming home with me" the human laughs "again? Aren't you scared I'm gonna get too comfortable being there, maybe even make myself at home?" He jokes fondly and Billy gives him a genuine smile. Steve however cuts in before Billy can reply "I'm not letting you go home with him after he took a chunk out of your neck!" The jock exclaims.

(Y/N) sighs "Steve. I'm a grown ass man, I can make my own decisions" he starts and Steve doesn't look happy that he's being ignored "I trust Billy, we've been doing this for awhile." Billy places his hand on his friend's knee in silent support. He appreciates that Billy is letting him handle this even though he's clearly riled up.

Steve is silent for a moment eyeing Billy's hand as he thinks "if it's bothering you that much you can come with us, he just needs rest" (Y/N) is suprised at this, he hadn't expected Billy to act so mature about the situation. Steve seems equally as suprised about the offer "ugh okay, yeah sure" he agrees and with that matter settled Billy wastes no time in scooping (Y/N) up into his arms bridal style, tucking him in close to his chest. "Grab my bag it has my keys in it." He calls back over his shoulder, making his way out from under the bleachers whilst Steve grabs their things.

Arriving at Billy's place he reassures them that Susan and 'the brat' are out. (Y/N) laughs at this knowing that even though Billy acts callous when talking about Max something had changed a few months back. He doesn't dote on her or anything like that but he's softer on her more accepting of having her in his space. (Y/N) thinks it's sweet.

(Y/N) is laid down on Billy's bed as he leaves to go fix him something to eat. Steve sits beside him on the bed, the two silent as they listen to Billy shuffle things around in the kitchen. "So" Steve begins awkwardly and (Y/N) peeks an eye open to look up at him "Billy is a..." he runs his tongue over his lips in thought, staring straight ahead. "A vampire?" (Y/N) finishes the thought for him and he finally looks at him "yeah. Sounds insane right?" He laughs, shrugging his shoulders as best he can against the bed. "How long have you known?" Typical curious Steve. (Y/N) smiles as his friend shuffles down the bed to lay down beside him "about six months. I found out by accident, kinda like you did" he replies with a smile.

"He's an asshole sometimes" Steve knows he's talking about Billy "but he's not going to hurt me" Steve doesn't say anything to that, he simply nods " you know he's gonna want you to keep this secret?" Another nod "I will, if you genuinely think he can be trusted then fine" the jock agrees giving (Y/N) a small smile.

"Good, I'd hate to have to kill this loser's only friend" Billy leans on the door frame eyeing the two humans, he holds a plate with some kind of sandwich in his hand. "Billy" (Y/N) groans rolling onto his back, the blonde gives his signature smirk before pushing off of the doorway towards the bed. He hands (Y/N) the plate and the two make room for him on the bed. They sit and talk whilst (Y/N) eats, there's still an obvious tension in the air but they put that aside for now.

Only once the plate is cleared does Billy let (Y/N) lay back down for some proper rest, framed on either side by his friends. His heart slows to a resting rate and Billy finally looks over him to see Steve staring back at him. "This doesn't mean I like you" he says sternly and Billy smirks.

"Right back at you, pretty boy"

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