By Firdosefk

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With no memories of her past, Alice lives a new life with her best friend Tristan, while her ghost squad desp... More



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By Firdosefk

"My son is dead." Ela said, as she looked at Alice with empty eyes. There were no tears, and her voice was firm. 

They were both sitting on Tristan's bed. His room which was always so lively, now seemed so lifeless without him.

Alice wished for Knave beside her, but she had insisted to go alone to break the news to Tristan's mother, since it seemed to be the right thing to do. She had found Ela in Tristan's room, staring at the pictures that hung on the wall.

 Alice was still devastated over the loss of Tristan, and perhaps even her mother, but somehow she was not completely shattered. She was sure of one thing however, that once she would let herself alone with the knowledge that Tristan was gone forever, her strong facade would break.

Ela had taken the news in a way Alice had not expected. She had not given a single expression as Alice told her everything, including the truth about her mother. She had not shed a single tear even as Alice got to the part where they had lost Tristan. 

"I am so sorry!" Alice said, feeling how worthless and pathetic the words she were uttering were.

 "Tristan did visit me before he...," Ela broke off.

Alice should've known that. Tristan would never take such a big step without bidding goodbye to his mother.

 Alice wondered if he knew the truth when she had last met him and if it was at that moment that he had made up his mind to sacrifice himself for her. If so, who had told him?

"My son did the right thing and I have no regrets," Ela said, breaking her thoughts. "My son was very brave and he has made me proud!"

"I have no doubt," Alice said. She squeezed the older lady's hand. "I can only hope you can forgive me for taking your only son away from you."

Ela looked shocked. "It's not on you, dear! Whatever happened was not your fault." Alice knew that wasn't true. Ela gave her a small smile. "However, it will take me time to come around the fact that I will never see Tristan again, so forgive me if I distance myself in the future."

"You don't have to ask for forgiveness," Alice said, unable to believe Ela was not the least bit angry. "The fact that you are not angry with me is enough." She admitted.

Ela reached out and moved a strand of hair that had been stuck on Alice's face. "You should go and take some rest now," Ela said. "It's been a long day, and you must be tired."

Alice could see how much it was taking for Ela to hold herself up. Sparing her the torture, she got up to leave.

As soon as Ela got up, Alice pulled her into a tight hug. As the other woman hugged her back, she felt her shake in her arms. However, when they broke the hug there were no tears on Ela's face. 

This woman had lost her husband and had raised a son all alone. Now, she suffered the loss of that same son and still managed to hold herself up.

 Alice felt all her grief trivial compared to what Ela was going through. Alice still had people who loved her, Ela had no one. Or maybe she did, and that was what she needed to hear at this moment.

"I am always here for you, Mother!" Alice said. Ela's eyes filled with tears for the first time since she had arrived. Looking at her, Alice couldn't stop her own tears.

"I know, my daughter!" Ela said, as she leaned down to kiss Alice's forehead.

"How's Ela?" Asked Knave, as Alice entered Mendaline's cave.

"She's sleeping now." Alice replied.

 Ela had finally broken down, and Alice had let her guard down too. They both had grieved Tristan's loss together, until Ela finally fell asleep on Alice's lap, who had very carefully tucked her in bed, leaving a note beside her so she would not worry once she got up.

"Ela...," Alice corrected herself. "Mother already knew about Tristan!"

Knave gave a small smile as she referred to Ela as, 'mother'. He hugged her. "How are you holding up?"

Alice closed her eyes, letting his presence soak up a little of her grief. "I'll survive."

"You have to!" Knave replied.

Alice looked up at him. "I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you," She said, remembering how helpless she had felt when Knave was almost dying in her arms. "I almost lost you, Knave!" 

"But you didn't," Knave assured. "I am still here!" Alice hugged him tightly.

"I know who gave Tristan the poison!" Mendaline suddenly said, entering her cave.

Alice broke the hug. She had not even realized when her friends had arrived. The witch looked much better now, including Charlie and Maria, however, Alice couldn't bear to look at Mike without tears. He still looked the same, but now where his left hand once used to be, there was nothing. 

Alice felt immense guilt. She had dragged her friends there, and she was the reason they had all been through what they had.

"While you were visiting Ela, Mendaline and the others were trying to find out who compelled Tristan to take such a step." Knave explained.

"Who was it?" Alice asked, trying her best to keep calm.

"What's the guarantee you won't kill the culprit once we tell you?" Mendaline asked.

Alice bit the insides her cheeks. "There is no guarantee," She admitted. "But if you don't tell me, I will find out myself and once I do, it would be very hard to stop me then!"

"Who is it, Charlie?" Knave asked, looking at Charlie, who looked the palest. Mike and Maria who were floating behind him, had their heads down.

Somewhere deep down, Alice was glad Knave could see them again, which meant Mendaline had fully healed. This also meant that Alice could force the answer out of the witch.

Thankfully, she did not need to since Mendaline finally blurted out, "I'll tell you!" 

"Who was it?" Alice asked again.

The witch swallowed. "Luna!"

"What do you mean, she's gone?" Mendaline demanded.

As soon as Mendaline had told Alice that it was her step-sister who had provided the poison to her best friend to sacrifice himself, Alice had rushed out of the cave, not knowing what she was going to do or say, but just wanting to see Luna.

When she had arrived, with the others right behind her, she had found Luna's house door locked.

 Alice had then made her way to Luna's neighbour, an old lady named Joey, who had informed them that Luna had left about an hour ago.

"I mean, she left!" Joey replied, sounding annoyed and half asleep.

"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Alice asked.

"Do I look like her PA?" The old woman demanded in a creaky voice. "That girl always kept to herself. I did not even know her name was Luna, until you folks told me," She gave a loud yawn. "Now clear off! You've already ruined my afternoon nap and now I don't want to waste any more time!" The old woman said, slamming the door on their faces.

"Well, that's just rude!" Mendaline shouted.

"Did you know Luna was going to leave?" Alice asked the witch.

"If I did, I would've avoided getting a door slammed on my face by a grouchy old woman!" Mendaline replied.

Alice said nothing because what the witch said was true. Mendaline loved herself too much to have a door slammed on her face.

"I will continue looking for her!" Alice said.

"So will I," Mendaline assured. "But for now, I suppose we have one last thing left to do."

"And that is?" Mike asked.

Mendaline smiled slyly. "Fix Lorine!"

"For the third time Lorine, I did what was best for you son." Mendaline said, looking at Lorine, who had grabbed her son in a tight embrace as soon as he had appeared in front of her.

"How is making me forget my son best for me?" Lorine demanded, slowly releasing Knave, who gasped for air as if he had been held underwater all this time.

Alice exchanged a quick glance with Knave's father, who now had a hand on his son's shoulder. Mason had been quite expressionless upon seeing his son alive, but Alice had seen the relief in his eyes. At least she now knew where Knave had learned to hide his true feelings.

"I did not say it was best for you." Mendaline casually replied.

Alice smacked her forehead. Mendaline seriously needed social skills. Perhaps Charlie would've guided her now, but the twins and Maria had decided it would be unwise for them to accompany Mendaline as she apologized to Lorine for playing with her mind. What they did not know was that Mendaline never apologized.

"Do you hear yourself?" Lorine demanded, looking at Mendaline in disbelief. "I have so much to say to you, but I'm afraid what I will say is not suitable for a dignified woman, so I will settle on this, GO TO HELL, MENDALINE!"

"Personally, I prefer heaven." Mendaline replied, looking unbothered.

Alice looked around for Aria. Usually, she always managed to control Lorine's temper, but Aria was nowhere to be seen.

"Not to justify Mendaline's actions, but she did do what was needed to be done, Mother," Knave said. Mendaline gave a satisfied grunt. Knave gracefully ignored her. "However Mother, I think you need to do some explaining on your part."

Alice began shaking her head, trying to tell him to knock it out, but Knave was Knave. "I know you care about me Mother, but you had no right to tell Alice to leave!"

Lorine looked ashamed. "I know, I have made a mistake but I also know how to rectify that!" She walked up to Alice and took her hand in hers. "Will you do the honour of marrying my son?"

Knave's mouth dropped open. Mendaline reached out and closed it for him, whispering something in his ear as she did. Mason watched his wife with wide eyes.

"I....I...," Alice broke off, not knowing what to say.

 It was as if her life was on fast-forward mode. She loved Knave and wanted to marry him someday, of course she did, but it was all happening too fast. She had just lost Tristan, her best friend. She had lost her mother, who had been torturing innocents for who knew how long. She had almost killed Knave and her friends. Ela was in a condition Alice had never seen her in. 

Knowing all this, Alice could not move on so easily. All this was like a burden on her chest. A burden she still had to learn how to live with.

"Alice needs time, Mother," Knave said, reading her mind. "She is going through the toughest time of her life and she needs time to heal. At a time like this, marriage is the last thing she needs!" He walked up to his mother. "Please?" He begged with pleading eyes.

Alice resisted the urge to run to him and grab him in a hug. He knew her so well. "I appreciate what you're doing for me, Ma'am," she said, joining Knave. "I really do, but forgive me for having to say no at this moment."

Lorine looked at her, and Alice forced herself to remain still. "If you are truly sorry, then stop calling me Ma'am," Lorine ordered.  "I am mother for you!"

Alice smiled. "I will keep that in mind, Mother!" 

Surprisingly, Lorine hugged Alice. After a little hesitation, Alice hugged her back. A moment later, she felt Knave as he joined in the hug.

"Aren't you family, Mason?" Mendaline teased, bumping Mason's shoulder.

Lorine broke the hug, cupping Knave's and Alice's faces with both hands. "Whatever you both decide, I will always support you!"

"I love you, Mother!" Knave said, planting a kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Where is Aria?" Mendaline suddenly asked, looking around.

"That was exactly what I was wondering," Knave said. "It's unlikely for her to be missing."

"She has been acting unusual for these past few days," Mason said. "I thought it was because she was worried for your mother, but now I think that was not the only reason."

"I will talk to her! " Knave said.

"I will come with you!" Alice volunteered. She knew she should not be interfering between two friends, but something told her she had to talk to Aria.

"Are you sure?" Knave asked.

Alice nodded. "I don't know why, but something tells me I have to see Aria too!"

As soon as Aria saw Alice and Knave enter her room, she ran to give them both a tight hug. "I am so glad to see you two!" She said, pulling back. 

As she did, Alice couldn't help but notice how miserable Aria looked. Her eyes looked sunken, surrounded by dark black circles. Her face was covered in sadness, even though she was smiling.

Knave seemed to notice this too. He grabbed Aria by the shoulders, guiding her to her bed. "Are you okay, Aria?" He asked.

Aria shrugged. "I am surviving!" She looked at Alice. "You look like you've been through hell and it's still traumatising for you, which I'm translating as, you lost Tristan!"

Alice and Knave exchanged a shocked look. "You knew?" Alice asked.

Aria's eyes filled with tears. "He told me." She whispered.

Knave looked as if he had just realized something. "The boy you began to like was Tristan?" Aria said nothing.

Alice felt as if someone had smacked her. She stumbled back as she remembered how happy Tristan had looked a few days ago. She had been so caught up in her own problems, that her best friend could not share his biggest happiness with her. 

Alice couldn't take it anymore. She fell to her knees in despair. "If only I had known!" She cried out.

Aria shook her head and went down on her knees, joining Alice. "You can't blame yourself, Alice! This was completely Tristan's decision. Besides, do you really think he could live with himself after knowing the truth and still not helping you?"

Alice looked at the other girl incredulously. "How can you not hate me? After so long you both found happiness in each other, and I crushed it!"

Aria reached out and gently wiped her tears. "There is no reason to hate you," She said. "Whatever happened was not your fault, it was Cora's. You were trying to make things right by taking on Cora by yourself. That is a sign that you are a true friend!" Tears escaped Aria's cheeks. "And I would be grateful if you could love me as much as you loved Tristan. As a matter of fact, I want you to love me more than Knave, just so I can make him jealous!" Aria turned to look at Knave, who had gone really quiet.

Alice got shocked when she saw him. He was crying, actually crying. Tears were falling down his deep blue eyes as he looked at Aria. Pain and hurt were clearly visible on his face. Alice had never seen him like this before, and it broke her heart into pieces.

"Please Aria," Knave begged in a tight voice. Alice could see how much it was taking him to say the words. "You are allowed to cry."

Aria's smile dropped. She reached up and wrapped her arms around Knave's neck, allowing herself to finally cry. "Why is my love always left incomplete?" She cried. Knave hugged her tightly, closing his eyes. Aria broke the hug and looked at Knave. "What do I do wrong every time? Why does everyone I love leave me? First my parents, then Aunt Pearl, and now...,now Tristan!" 

Knave cupped her face with both his hands, wiping her tears with his thumbs. "There is nothing wrong with you! Life is often unfair to people who have a golden heart, who always wants the best for others. You are one of the most selfless person I have known, Aria, and I am grateful to have you in my life!" Tears were rolling down Knave's face but he made no attempt to wipe them. "Everyone loves you, Aria, I love you, and I am so ashamed that I was not there when my best friend needed me the most!" Aria began shaking her head, but Knave continued, "I promise you that I will never let that happen ever again. I will never ever let you feel alone! I cannot replace what you have lost, but I will try and help you until you feel whole again, and I know you will because you deserve endless happiness!" Aria wiped Knave's tears, before reaching up to hug him again.

Alice smiled. "And now you have me!"

Aria pulled back from Knave. She looked relieved, as if she had not expected Alice to say that. "Thank you!" She whispered.

Alice hugged the girl. "Thank you, Aria, for being you!"

Aria broke the hug, looking at both, Alice and Knave. "If you two really mean what you just said, then prove it!"

Alice and Knave exchanged a glance. "What do you mean?" Knave asked.

"I want something only the two of you can give." Aria replied.

"Anything you wish!" Knave said. Alice nodded in agreement.

Aria broke into a small smile. "Get married next month!"

Alice had never imagined what Aria would ask, but even if she had, she never would've guessed this. 

Knave looked frozen in shock, which was why Alice took over. "How could we after everything?" She asked.

Aria reached out to hold her hand. "I know it's hard, but next month is Tristan's birthday and I know this is what he would've wanted." She wiped a tear that had escaped her eyes. When Alice did not reply, Aria added, "The best way to keep someone alive and to honour them is to do the things they would want you to do. Living in his memories would only hurt him more! Wherever he is now." Aria closed her eyes as if she were hurt, but when she opened them, the smile was back on her face. "Do you think you two could give this to me and him?" She asked, looking from Alice to Knave, and then back.

Suddenly, Knave got up and left, leaving Alice and Aria looking after him. Aria had grown pale. Both girls did not say a word and remained how they were, until Knave returned after what felt like a few hours, but Alice knew it had just been a few minutes.

"Stand up, Alice!" Knave ordered. His face was expressionless which made it hard for Alice to read what was going on in his head. However, she did as he had asked and stood up, pulling Aria up in the process.

 Knave swiftly bent down on one knee in front of Alice, as if proposing. When he produced a small diamond ring, Alice realized he was. Distantly, she heard Aria gasp.

Knave reached out and held Alice's hand. "Will you marry me, Miss Alice Vincent, and do me the honour of becoming my wife, Mrs Alice Wentworth?" 

Alice remained how she was, with her hand in Knave's, still trying to process what had just happened.

When she said nothing, Knave cleared his throat. "It's been five minutes, now would be a good time to say something!"

When she still did not say anything, Aria joined Knave, going down on one knee. She grabbed hold of Alice's other hand and asked, "Will you please marry my crazy, self-obsessed and yet, incredibly handsome friend?"

"Thanks for the handsome part!" Knave said.

Alice gave a startled laugh. "Yes, I will marry Knave!" She finally said. In her mind, she saw the image of Tristan smiling at her, and Alice knew at that moment, that she had made the right choice.

"What was wrong with my proposal?" Knave asked, breaking her reverie.

Alice shrugged. "It was too ordinary."

Aria chuckled, rising to her feet. Knave, who was still on his knee, just stared. "What did you expect me to do? Sing a song?" He demanded.

Aria looked horrified. "Goodness no!" She quickly said. "We wouldn't wanna be deaf at your wedding!" Alice laughed. Before Knave could protest, Aria added, "Put the ring on her finger, would you?"

Knave nodded his head exasperatingly. "I can already see whose side you're going to be on, Aria." He returned his attention to Alice and smiled a smile that reached his eyes. Alice's favourite smile. He winked at her before slipping the ring on her finger, gently kissing her hand before releasing it. "And at this moment, the hearts of thousands of young ladies broke!" Knave announced, standing up.

Alice looked at Aria. "Look what you got me into!"

Aria laughed. "Deal with it!"

"Too late to back out now, Mrs Wentworth!" Knave reminded, squeezing her hand to support his words.

Alice smiled at him. "Wasn't planning on, Mr Wentworth!"

"How did you get the ring so fast?" Alice asked Knave, as they stood outside Mendaline's cave.

"It's my mother's ring," He replied. "She had it ready for a long time."

Alice looked at the ring again. Part of her was still getting used to seeing the ring on her finger. The other part of her was already so used to it, making her feel as if it always belonged there. 

Alice still couldn't believe she was engaged. After everything that had happened, she supposed it would be a long time until she even thought about it.

"I still feel like killing myself for what I did to Aria," Knave suddenly said. "She was always there for me! She always fulfilled her duty as a friend, while I failed her!"

He had his head lowered, as if he wanted to hide his face. Alice gently raised his chin, making him look at her, only to see tears in his beautiful eyes. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. There were no words that could rid them of the guilt they both felt. 

Knave hugged her back with the same intensity she showed. She felt him bury his face in her hair and she let him.

They stood like that for quite a long time, until Alice finally broke the hug and looked into his blue eyes, which were still moist. "We cannot change what has happened," She began. "However, we can promise that we will try our best to give Aria all the love she deserves!"

Knave nodded. "We owe it to her!" Alice couldn't help but agree.

 Knave put a hand over his eyes, and she let him collect himself. When he removed his hand, his eyes were dry and he had a small smile on his face.

Knave reached for her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing it. His thumb grazed the ring on her finger. "Shall we go tell our friends the good news?" He asked.

Alice smiled. "I guess, we can!"

Alice and Knave entered the cave, only to find Mendaline on the ground, unconscious, while Charlie, Mike, and Maria hovered over her in concern.

"What happened?" Knave demanded, as he bent down to examine the witch.

"Why is Mendaline on the floor?" Alice asked, joining Knave on the ground.

Her ghost squad looked at each other anxiously. "Charlie, would you want to say what you did?" Mike asked.

Knave looked stunned. "Are we expecting good news?" Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"What good news?" Charlie asked.

Knave licked his lips. "Is Mendaline...., ummm.., you know....," Alice narrowed her eyes at him. She had never thought Knave could hesitate.

"Is Mendaline what?" Maria asked.

Knave looked at Maria in surprise, as if he had not expected her to ask this question. He shook his head and tried again. "Don't women fall unconscious when they're pregnant?" He finally asked.

Charlie started choking, while Mike and Maria tried to hide their smile.

Alice broke into laughter. "Oh my, Knave!" 

"What? It's a reasonable question!" Knave said. "And Mike, do help Charlie out before he dies choking!" he said, looking at Charlie, whose eyes were starting to shine with tears.

Charlie stopped choking and looked at Knave. "Firstly, I can't die," He reminded. "And second, she is not pregnant!"

"So what the heck happened?" Knave demanded.

Charlie looked embarrassed. "I told her I love her and that I want to marry her, and in response, her eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground."

"YOU PROPOSED?" Asked Alice and Knave at the same time. Charlie nodded.

Alice couldn't take it. She stood up and hugged her brother. "Oh Charlie, I am so happy for you!"

"She didn't say yes," Charlie pointed out. "In fact, her reaction scared me!"

Knave chuckled. "Yeah well, that's Mendaline for you!" He said, as he touched Mendaline's cheek affectionately. "Give her time, she'll come around."

Charlie nodded. "I got to say, I had thought of a number of things Mendaline might do or say after I proposed to her, but falling unconscious, that was just....," He looked thoughtful. "That was unimaginable!" He finally completed.

Alice grabbed his shoulders. "I don't think she can ever say no to a wonderful guy like you!" She said. Charlie smiled at her.

"She could!" Knave said. Alice gave him a look. "What?" He demanded. "She's Mendaline! She's  capable of anything!"

Alice tried to shut the part of her that agreed with him. She looked at Charlie. "She will agree!" She assured. Charlie nodded, but now looked unsure.

Alice shot Knave a murderous look. He held his hands up, as if to ward himself. "I was just preparing him for the worst!" He said.

"Not needed!" Mendaline said, opening her eyes. She sat up with a grunt. "I need time to think this through!" She said, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"And time you shall get!" Knave assured. He looked at Charlie, who nodded. Knave stood up. "I have something to tell you all too," Alice shook her head, but it was too late. Knave already began speaking. "Alice and I are engaged!" He announced.

Mendaline immediately looked up in surprise, while Charlie, Mike, and Maria looked flabbergasted.

 Charlie was the first to recover. He broke into a smile and grabbed Alice in a hug. "My turn to be happy for you!" He whispered in her ear. She laughed, and a moment later, Charlie broke the hug and lifted her in the air. "My sister is getting married!" He shouted. Alice squeaked as he spun her around.

"It's our turn now," Mike said, as Charlie slowly put her down. "Congratulations, my sister!" Mike said, hugging her.

"You're finally getting married!" Maria said, teary-eyed. She hugged Alice, who was overwhelmed by her ghost squad. She supposed they were much happier than she was.

Knave stood a little distance away, arms crossed. He cleared his throat loudly. "I am engaged too, just so you all know!" He said, sounding offended.

Charlie's smile slipped away. "Seriously Alice, this guy? You could've done better!" Mike slapped his brother lightly on the shoulder.

Knave rolled up his sleeves. "I will show you what this guy can do!" He said, looking at Charlie, who ran as Knave chased him around the cave.

 As soon as Knave caught up to him, he wrapped his shoulder around his neck with such gentleness, that Charlie relaxed into his hold.

"What did you say?" Knave demanded.

Charlie looked at Alice. "I said marry him because you will not find a better guy than him!"

Alice laughed. "I know! Besides, he's hot so I have no choice."

Knave laughed and released Charlie. He turned to look at Mendaline, who was now standing, but still looked as if she had been asked to choose between life and death.

"I hope you're not going to faint again!" Knave teased.

Mendaline turned to look at Alice. "Seriously Alice, this guy?" She looked at Knave as she said that, as if daring him. 

Knave returned her gaze. Mendaline was the first to look away, leaving Knave pleased with himself.

 "Anyways, congratulations!" Mendaline said. "And Alice, good luck with him!" She said, pointing at Knave. "You definitely chose a tough path!"

 Knave raised an eyebrow but said nothing, which seemed to surprise everyone. Alice however, knew that Knave only backed down out of concern for Mendaline, who really looked as if she would faint again.

"You could choose an easy path!" Alice whispered to Mendaline. She pointed at Charlie, who had proceeded to hug Knave. Alice let her eyes linger on them for a while. It was not every day she saw that happen. 

Mendaline fell silent, and Alice left her to her thoughts. She had something else she had to take care of.

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