Is this love?

By TonysPointBreak

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This is a vkook fan fiction in which v and kookie are in high school. They meet and become best friends. Both... More

Prologue (Continued)
How they met
Best friends
The plan
The real plan
Knight in shining denim
The land of anime
High on air
Journey back
Forgotten meds
I'm allergic to apples
Ass is ass
Fan fiction
Broken Promise
Mental Breakdown
Beach break
High school blues
I don't wanna lose you
Awkward distance
Minjae and Tzuyu
A ghost from the past
I loved you
Second chance
Childhood memories
I forgive you
The accident
I don't care. Will you marry me?
I care about you
The prom outfit
The Namjin wedding
Better late than never
First date

Past trauma

20 1 0
By TonysPointBreak

TW: Mentions of SA


By the end of the night everyone was super drunk. Yoongi could handle his alcohol and Jimin could handle it to an extant too but the rest were either about to pass out or barely walking except me. I was the designated driver cuz I never drank.

One by one Yoongi and I helped the others walk to our car. Yoongi settled into the passenger seat as I went back for Jungkook.

I walked into school to see that he was gone. I looked around to see if he had passed out in some corner but he was nowhere to be seen. I walked to the rest rooms to see if he had gone to throw up or take a leak when I heard thuds and muffled voices from a classroom.

I ran towards the classroom and burst in to see Hyun woo cornering a very horrified looking Jungkook who had his arms in front of his body in a defensive position. That's when I noticed Hyun woo's belt buckle was undone.

That sight set me off. I tightened my fist as I felt pure unbridled rage course through my body.

"Shit." Hyun woo cursed under his breath.

"Look Kim. There's no need to get ha-"
He couldn't finish his sentence as I punched his face fracturing his jaw.

"FUCK! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He yelled hissing in pain.

I punched his face again and he fell on the floor and passed out. I sat and punched him again and again and again as my knuckles started to get bloody.

I stopped when I heard Jungkook's voice.

"They'll come back and get you." He sobbed.

I came to my senses and saw what I had done. Fuck. I moved towards Jungkook who had slid down and was hugging his knees on the floor.

"They said they'll get you. They will come back." He repeated frantically.

"Hey. Hey it's okay. Hyun woo knows better than that. He'll never mess with any of us again." I said taking Jungkooks hand.

"No no. They. They will get to us-" He paused as I pulled him close and hugged him as he cried into my chest. He sobbed uncontrollably for a while and I let him lay there as I rubbed his back.

After a while Jungkook calmed down.

"I was 11 when my uncle..." He paused unable to say it.

"He said he would come back with people. Bad peaple..and destroy my family if I told anyone. It happened three times before my parents found out and told the police. But I was never the same. After all he'd be free some day and i couldn't live with that thought. That's why we moved here." He said.

"I just stood there and let him. I didn't fight back. If you wouldn't have come.." His voiced cracked. "And now you are hurt." He said holding my hand and looking at my knuckles as tears filled his eyes.

I held his face and wiped his tears.

"Hey hey look at me... It's not your fault okay? This...this is too much to process let alone react. I chose to do what I did and he had it coming." I said giving hyun woo a look of disgust. Jungkook stopped crying and looked into my eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"We'll be okay. I promise. I'll... I'll never leave you." I said as I kissed his forehead.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE Y'ALL DOING AT 1 A-" Yoongi said before stopping in his tracks as he burst into the room after looking at the scene before him.

He gave Jungkook a reassuring look and glanced over at a passed out Hyun woo and looked at me frustrated.

"Take Jungkook to the car I'll handle this piece of shit." He said.

I walked Jungkook to the car and he got in and sat beside Jimin who immediately hugged him.

"Don't leaaaveeee Kookieeeee. You are my faavorite bitchhhh." Said a drunk Jimin who was the only one awake.

Jungkook gave a small smile and turned towards me and nodded.

"I'll just go give Yoongi a hand." I said jogging into the school.

I walked into the washroom to see Yoongi splashing water on Hyun woo's face.

He coughed and came to, backing away.


Yoongi held his collar and shook him.

"You will get up, go home and not speak a word of this to anyone. You know what will happen if you do." Yoongi said in a calm but dangerously threatening voice.


Yoongi let go of him and he ran out and kept his promise. We never did see him again.

We walked back to the car in silence. This was gonna stay between the three of us.

As I drove home head filled with thoughts, Jimin broke the silence.

"Tae why didn't you drink today?" He asked. It seemed he had sobered up a little.

"I never do. You know that." I answered not really paying attention.

"No I know there's a story here and I wanna hear it." He said. I guess he wasn't that sober after all.

I made eye contact with Yoongi who knew what the story was and sighed.

"Well there's no story. It just doesn't appeal to me after seeing my uncle come home drunk and abuse my aunt for years until she got the courage to divorce him. She says it was the alcohol and that deep down he was a good man but I think it's bull shit. Either way doesn't matter." I said looking at the road.

"Oh.. I'm really sorry about that." Jimin said.

The rest of the car journey was silent as I dropped everyone off at their homes and reached home my head filled with thoughts.

I pushed them away as my exhausted body took over and I fell into a disturbed sleep.

Couldn't sleep today either so wrote this chapter on an impulse. Is it too angsty? I don't know. I felt like I needed to talk a little about the character's past and I was neglecting that. Also spoiler alert. Don't believe anyone who says college life is the best. It sucks and life only gets tougher as you get older unless you find a way to either beat capitalism or live out side it's influence. Anyway peace out.

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