Ben 10 Alien Girls x male rea...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including alien females from Ben 10 series. More

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Lucy Mann x male reader
Female Rook Blonko x male reader
EightEight x male reader
Luhley x male reader
Looma Red Wind x male reader part 2 Wedding
Female Albedo(Ultimate Alien)x male reader
Attea x male reader
Attea x male reader part 2
Looma x male reader x Attea part 1
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Attea x male reader x Eight Eight
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Tini x Male reader
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Looma Redwind x Male Reader part 3
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Female Vladat x Male Reader

2.6K 18 10
By gentelmanbeast

Auhtor:(I know the picture is basically a female version of Bens Whampire but consider the following.Omnitrix turns Ben into prime specimen of each species.If the specimen just happens to be female,Omnitrix would reconfigure the DNA to suit its host.So he would get the features,abilities and weaknesses but keep his gender.Id say he keeps his age but his tranformations,apart from Wildmutt,always looked adult.)

Scene starts at the press conference where a female Transylian was talking to the public.

Transylian:It is with great honor that I say how in this month old treaty between Anur system and Earth,we had hardly any issues.Im glad how we proved that different species can coexist in one socienty.Tossing off the shackles of ignorance and previous steryotypes.

Camera zoomed out to show it was just a broadcast on the TV of a H/C haired human induvidual called Y/N.

Y/N:And a couple of months ago,we thought monsters were just a myth.A celever way to make money.There these frankensteins monters,ghosts,werewolves,even mummies.I guess not even mother nature in space would come up with a creatue that looks like those original vampires.

Little did he knew,there was a proof against his statement,hurtling towards him.Scene changed to the scape,outside the Earths atmosphere.There was a purple coffin looking chamber floating around.One of the Anur system spaceships flew past it and sent it spiralling towards the Earth at accelerating speed.

Timeskip night

Y/N was laying in his bed and reading his book in peace.Out of nowhere he hears a deep whistle like sound,followed by a strong inpact that shook the house.Mayn things had followen over and the glass was broken.Y/N was startled out of the bed and quickly went to dress up.Whether it was an earthquake or robbery,he couldnt let anyone see him in his sleeping clothes.He grabbed the first thing that could be used as a bat and it turned out to be standing lamp.Crossing across the broken glass and other things,he searches for anything that was amiss.Apart from the obvious.He goes in his backyard and sees a purple metal coffin.He walks over to it and out of curiosity,pokes it with his standing lamp.

Y/N:What is this?

He rubs the top with his palm to remove dust and debree in order to see clearer,but burns his hand since the object fell from the sky.


Suddenly the lid pops up,releasing compressed air.The lid completly opens up to show a black and geen female humanoid with a bat like mask,white face and dark crimson lips.Her arms were folded in a similar fashion as a mummified pharoh.Y/N leaned in to get a better look,against his better judgement.

Y/N:Wow,she looks pretty cute for,whateer she is.

He eyes shot open and she luches out of her chamber.She grabbs him by the throat and pushed him against the outer wall of his house which made him drop his weapon.

Vladat:Finally!Times to feast!Wait,what are you?

Y/N:I-Im a human.

Vladat:Pfft,yeah right.Thats a myth.

Y/N:Lo(cough) look around.

She is confused for a moment and takes a second to observe her surrounding.The grip she has on his throaut loosens up and he fall to the ground on his behind.

Vladat:Where am I?Why is the sky black?

Y/N:Its night.Earth switches between night and day.Youre no longer on the planet you came from.

Vladat:This,this cant be.This must be a Transylian plot.

Y/N:Which one?

Vladat:Does it matter?!I have to go home,We cant lose the war because of this.

Y/N:Wait,you mean the war between Transylians and Vladats?

Vladat:Which other would I talk about?!

Y/N:OK,we need to have a little talk.Could you follow me inside?

Y/N stood up but his guest was still wary of his intentions.

Y/N:Trust me...

He tensed up stance eased up a bit and she followed him into his house.After some cathing up,the heavy burden of realization fell on her.

Vladat:The war is over?


Vladat:And-and my species is extinct?

She was so depressed.Since she was sitting on the couch,she slumped her back forward until her hands were reaching the floor.It was a lot to take it.Especially all at once.Y/N moved over to sit by her side and put and arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

Y/N:Im Y/N.


Y/N:Anything I can do to make you feel better?

She was about to say something when she got cut off by her stomach growling.

Simone:I guess its been some time since I ate.

Y/N:Then Ill make you something.Hopefully the electricitys still running.

He sat up and went to the kitchen.After pressing an ear to the fridge,it was apparent that it was still running.After opening the doors most of the contence fell out unfortunetly.

Y/N:Um,got anything against sandwitches?Or scrambled eggs?If I just toos everything in a pot well have a modern viking stew.

Simone:Just as long as it has meat.

Y/N:OK lets see.Meat,meat,meat.

He moved things around on the floor and in the fridge to find as much meat as he had.There was some sausage,salami and bacon.He used the meat slicer to cut it inot peices and seasoned it all with powdered garlic,red pepper and a pinch of rosemary.

Then he put it on the tables with some condiments and sliced bread.

Y/N:Its ready,come and get it.

Sulkingly,she slowly made her way to the seat Y/N pulled out for her.Once she sat,he pushed her in closer to the table.

Y/N:Now I dont know if you prefer ketchup or-

She didnt wait for him to finish and started eating the meat with her hands like a savage animal.

Y/N:OK then.There some bread if you want to feel full later on.

He offered her a slice of bread but she just growled and almost bite his hand from interupting her only meal in decade or maybe centuries.He dropped the slice and jumped away in fear.Once she realised what she was doing,she stopped bearing her teet at him and turned back to her plate.

Simone:Sorry.Im just a litte...shaken up.

Y/N:Being sole survival of your species will do that you.If you dont mind me asking,what was the war about?
Simone:It was a stupid reason.Weve been feasting on Transylians since the history books can tell us.They started fighting back in bulk and the food suply was getting dangerously low.Our best fighters were put in cryo chambers,like the on I woke up from,so they can be rested and ready for the most important missions.

Y/N:So youre one of the strongest of your species?

Simon:Of course,cant you tell?

Y/N:Not really.

Simone:Look at my markings.They are green.A symbol of power on Anur Vladias and Transyl.

Y/N:I didnt know.I guess the your lunch wasnt too keen on talking about you.

She gave of a short burp and wiped her mouth with her arm.Once she stood up from the table,only things left to be seen were crumbs,a plate and untouched condiment pacages.

Simone:Thanks for the food.

She started heading for the door which slightyl surprised Y/N.But just a little.

Y/N:Where are you going?

Simone:I dont know.Suppose Ill know when I get there.

There was a moment of silence apart from her walking.Y/N thought about it and throwing the caution to the wind spoke up.

Y/N:Why dont you stay here?


Y/N:Think about it.Youre on an unfamiliar planet that can potentially kill you every twelve hours or so.Depending when the sun sets and rises.And there are more and more aliens from your Anur system on Earth.If just one of them saw you,thered be panic.Youd get hunted down and your species would go extinct for good,and the Earth would be seen as enemy as well as had to go to war with Anur Transyl.

Simone:I...never thought about that.

Y/N:So is that a yes?

Simone:Yes.Ill stay here.I was raised to for combat so theres nothing much that I cant do besides fight.

Y/N:Maybe you can get job as a nurse.Sucking out blood after replantation like litches.

Simone just looked at him like he was talking gibberish.

Simone:Why would I suck blood?

Y/N:Well,youre an alien vampire right?

Simone:Im a Vladat.We conqur,eat inferior species and control them as beast of burden.

Y/N:I imagine its not with charisma and heartwarming speeches.

Simone:No,like this.

She inhaled and spat out a corrupture that landed and attached itself on Y/Ns forehead.

Y/N:Ow!What was that for?

Simone:This place could use a clean up.

Y/N:Well it didnt look like this before your coffin fell and woah!

His body tensed up and started to move against his his will,picking up various objects off the floor.

Y/N:Whats going on?I cant control my arms.

Simone:That little things on your head is a corruptura.We have a symbiotic relationship where they drow nourishment from us and they make our victim to anything we want from them.

Y/N:Can you make it stop?

She pressed her hand over her chin in thought and hummed.This wasnt a sight she couldnt live with.Actually,she kind of liked a thought of a personal servant.

Simone:Fine,come here.

He dropped what he was holding and walked up to her.

Simone:This might sting a little

Y/N:How much?

Simone:Think of it this way.The thing on your foreheadll feel a lot more than you.


Simone:Or is it the other way around?Anyway hold still,that that you can move if I dont want you too.


She grasped the corruptura with her thumb and index finger before yanking it off his skin.The corruptura was then chrashed in her fist until only black and green crumbs were left.

Y/N:OW!That hurts!

Simone:I did warn you.

Y/N:You know you couldve just told me how you do it.Not show it on me.

Simone:Well I...Theres a reason I was a fighter and not a strategic general something.

Y/N:How old are you exactly?

Simone:I dont.But from what I can remember in stories,it must be a lot more that your short human lives.

Y/N:(Sigh)Im too tired too argue.We should go to sleep,theres a long day of cleaning tommorow.

Simone:Im a proud warrior.I dont clean anyones mess.

Y/N:Tenchically,youre the one that caused this whole mess when you landed.

That made her cheeks turn a very light shade of gray in embarrasment.

Y/N:And since youre kind of forced to remain under my roof,you have to contibute as well.

Simone:That...sounds reasonable.

She folds her arms and turns away from him.

Y/N:Ill take what I can get.I trust you can find somewhere to sleep in the dark.

Simone:Of course.All species of Anur system can see in dark,how youd say.

Y/N:OK then,see you in the morning.Good night.

And with that,Y/N retired to his bedroom upstairs.Leaving Simone still bewildered about his hospitality.Something normally non-existent within her species.

Simone:Good night?

Timeskip morning

Author:(Did anyone else notice that I wote a confounding ammout of scenes where the reader wakes up?)

Y/Ns eyes start ro move under the eyelids and the sleeps hold of them is dwindeling.He slowly opens his eyes to see his guest upside down and right abouve him sleeping.But this was still far from what he expected and got frightened.



His scream woke her up and since she lost her concentration,she fell on top of him.With her height and body densityshe wasnt exactly light.Not to say she was big bone,she was very fit.But her body as as dense a tungeten,meaning no bruises,cuts or any body trauma.Just heavier than her body sugest and doesnt float.

Y/N:Ow!What are you doing in my bedroom?!

Simone:This was the only bedroom here and you didnt honestly expect me to sleep on a couch?

Y/N:Why didnt you just take the guestroom?

Simone:The what now?

Y/N:How many rooms did you actually check?
Simone:Well there was the bedroom aaaaand this room.I was tired.

Y/N:Youve slept for possibly few centuries and you were tired?

Simone:To me,you woke me up few minutes after I got inside that thing.

Y/N:I um,OK fair enough.Can you get off me now?


She looks down to see her knee digging into his small intenstine.


She got of him but accidently pressed her foot on his rib cage in the process.


Simone:You OK?

Y/N:Yeah,I still have twenty three and half of other ribs intact.

Simone:Well either way its time for breakfast.Im starving.

Y/N:You go ahead.I should clean up first.I cant eat right away when I wake up so Ill work up an appetite that way.

Simone:Dont commoners like you have to go to jobs of some kind?

Y/N:Id apreciate it if you dont talk to me like that way in the future.Im actually a safety engeneer at hydroelectric power station.I was the best one they ever had.But theres a little problem.Do you know what an alergy is?

Simone:To some extant.Why?

Y/N:Well it turns out I have a nasty alergy to to something at the station and until they found ot what that is,I perform all the system check ups over a computer.I just find out whats wrong and report it to someone whos physically there.

Simone:Sounds boring.

Y/N:But very important.If something goes wrong,half of a town would lose their energy.And it gives me a lot of free time.But yeah it can get very boring sometimes.

Simone:Just like I said.

She got out of his room and went downstairs to get something to eat.Y/N could only think of her as a mystery.She said she was a soldier but acts as clumsy,entitled a bit simple minded.Its a question wheter hes gonna survive having her as his new roommate.And only roommate.But what was he to do.He gets out of the bed himself and changes from his sleeping atirre inot some casual clothes.After making it down the stairs,he started to clean up.

Picking up various things,placing them back to where they were and as for those that broke upon falling,he grabbed broom and the vacum cleaner.There was a lot of the things that broke and it nearly took him two hours just for that.Since he woke up around seven,six and fifty something,he worked for almost full three hours.After head was done and exhausted he went into the kitchen to see Simone in a seat and picking her teeth with a toothpick.

Simone:Took you long enough.It was exhausting watching you walk up and down the house.

Y/N:Why didnt you help if you were done eating?

Simone:I didnt want to.

Y/N:What happened to that,it sounds reasonable,when I told you you have to contrinute since you have to live here?

Simone:I dont recall such thing.

Y/N:Oh come on.You woke me in the dead on night and I still remember that.

Hears started to water a ittle and shad her lips tightly shut,as if trying to prevent herslef from making a sound.And when she couldnt held it in any longer...she burst inot laughter.She was laughing so hard she had to hold her stomach and almost fell of the chair.

Y/N:Really mature.Sure you didnt wondered into that coffin when you escaped from the kindergarden?
Simone:Hahaha,I have no idea what that is,but I dont care,hahaha!

Y/N just rolled his eyes in dread that this might be something hell have to deal with on daily basis.Simone then began to lose her balance and fell on the floor still laughing.After giving a tired sigh,Y/N stepped over her and made his way to the fridge.Good news is,she didnt eat everything.Bad news is,that theres a big time shopping in his near future.He took whatever he could salvage and set on the the table to eat.Around the same times as he started to eat,Simone grabbed the edge of the table to pull herself up.

Simone:Hehe,sorry,I didnt have so much fun in years.And not just because I was asleep for so long.

Y/N:Didnt have anyone important to make fun of back on your planet?

Simone:I was raised to be a soldier from early on.I wasnt even fifty yearls old when dad brought me to my first hunt.It was pretty exciting.

Y/N:Fifty years is young for you?

Simone:Yeah,but you got to admit.I dont look a day over 246.

Y/N:Ill take your word for it.So you parents were also soldiers?

Simone:My dad was four red fangs general and my mom was a butcher.They met when they were hunting the same Transylian for a midnight snack.Ah,so romantic.

Y/N considered how unromantic it was for the Transylian,being hunted down as an animal for food.

Simone:How I miss the thrill of a hunt.Cold air on your skin,rustling of the bushes that hides the sound of your preys breath,the unpredictable chance of going hungry,the adrenaline rush as you stalk and chase after your meal.And sinking in the fangs,oh thats the best!

Y/N wasnt sure,but he could swore he saw her drool as she stared of in the distance.Then her eyes slowly shifted to Y/N.

Y/N:Why are you looking at me like that?
She shoke her head like a wet dog and regained back her composure.

Simone:Like what?

He could say hungry,starving,like he was a morsel and a defenseless prey.But he thought it best not to give her any ideas.

Y/N:Never mind.After Im finish I should go shopping so youll have to cover for me.


Y/N:Just go into my room and turn on the computer.Click and open the icon on the far right.Cant miss it,its red and yellow.Just start the program and if it detects anything wrong,press the blue button with a phone symbol.You with me so far?


Y/N:Great.That way youll call someone at my workplace and when they answer,tell them whats wrong and that Ill come back later.Got it?

Simone:Yes sir.

She gave a salute with her left hand as it is in her nature as a soldier.

Y/N:Wrong hand.Keep the house safe while Im gone.

He finished his breakfast,took his wallet,coat and went to do some shopping.With her appetite he might be gone for longer that usual.Simone yawned and stretched her arms.With nothing much to do but eat whats left in the fridge,she went up to the Y/Ns bedroom and turned the computer on.She followed his instructions and searched for what might be wrong.She found one of the icons blinking red and pressed the button with the phone symbol.After some ringing a voice came out of the computer.

???:Morning Y/N,whats up?

Simone:Hes out.Theres a problem with a elevetion system.

???:You mean ventilation system?Hey,who this?

Simone:Im Simone.Im living with Y/N.

???:Really?This is first Im hearing about it.For how long?
Simone:Some time know.

???:What?!I had no idea he was such a ladies man.Do you sleep in seperate rooms or?

Simone:I was with him last night.

???:No way.Oh I got to tell the guys about this.Thanks for the ventilation system tip,bye.


Before she could finish,the worker from Y/Ns hydro plant hung up.

Simone:-e.How rude,and even after I aswered all his questions.

She turned the program off and started to look for something to entertain her on the computer.She wanted to watch something with food so she looked at cat pictures.Unfortunetly there were no recipe for cat fillets.She tried to see something in more recent news and found something that cought her interest.

Simone:Four tips for looking like you favorite Anur Transyl alien?Hmmm...interesting.

Timeskip several hours later

Y/N just parked his car in his front yard and was about to bring the groceries in when he saw the front door open.

Y/N:Oh no.

Fearing for the worst,of which there were mutiple sceneries involved,especially wiht Simone around.What is someone broke in to steal something.He told Simone to keep the house safe,maybe she took it too literally.Maybe someone found out about her.He rushed in through the doors and started to call out for her.

Y/N:Simone?Simone please asnwer!Anyone?!

But the answer never came.He walked around trying to find the light switch when something hit him over the head.When he fell on the ground,a person came out of the shadows with a paint brush in hand,dipped in black paint.

Timeskip night

Y/N woke up,possibly hours later but in the forest.He looked around and recognised nothing in his surrounding.Then he looked at the ground and saw a peice of paper and hand held mirror.He picked up both of the and started reading.

Paper:Morning Y/N,slept well?Dont worry,its me Simone.OK you might want to worry a little bit.I missed my hunts like crazy and I have found the way to remedy that.Look at the mirror.Did you look at it?Good.Now the hunt begins.

Y/N gulped in fear and shakingly brought his hand that held the mirror to his face.

Y/N:Oh no...

Turns out that while he slept,Simone made him look like a Transylian.Her natural prey.A sound of chuckling is head throught the woods and Y/N begins to shake.

Simone:You better run Y/N.I waited too long for a hunt and youre gonna give me one.And you btter try hard,a hunt is not fun when the prey just quits.Now go!

The last sentenced sounded even louder,almost as if she was right behind him.Fear took over his rational mind and he quickly ran off at the opposite direction of the sound of her voice.

He was running for his life,ducking under branches and jumping over roots and rocks.He never had his heart pumping like fast and so loud in his entire life.What has he done to deserve this?He welcomed her in his home,fed her and offered her sanctuary.Why would she do something like this.He eventualy finds a for in the dirth path.One leading to a clearing of tall grass,that could hide him and hed have no obstructions in his path.

The other path however was more shadowy and rocky,hed still be hidden and if he walked on the rocks,that would hide his footprints.After making a decision,he runs at the rock covered part to so she would see his footprints leading there.Then he pass through the dense trees between the path,scrathing himself on some branches here and there before making it to the tall grass.He could only hope the blood on his scratches doesnt attract an animal of some kind here.Or turns some Loboan feral.He stopped for a moment to take some air.

Y/N:I think(inhale)I lost her.(inhale)

Or so he thouught until he heard rustling in the grass.

Y/N:Oh come on!

He took a deep breath and started to run again.He put every last bit of his strenght to push himself with every step.He jumped a bit to see the that the tall grass was coming to an end.Hes gonna be an easy target if he runs out of energy but theres nothing else he could do.Looking back,its obvious that Simone,or something else was not too far behind him.The forest beyond the grass becomes more and more visible as the creature behind Y/N gets closer.

Just before he crosses out of the grass,something slams into his back and they both roll on the ground until they stopped with Y/N on his back and the one persuing him pinning him down.It was of course Simone.

Simone:Neat trick,but I know your scent.Its all over your house.Shame you didnt last longer but you still gave me the hunt.Well,a hunt is a hunt.

She brings her head up,her fangs shining in the moonlight.


She slammed her head down at him and he didnt make a sound after that.When the camera moved closer to the ground.She was kissing the wide eye Y/N.From all the running and excitement,they both quickly seperated for air.

Y/N:I thought you were gonna eat me!

Simone:Im not a genius but that doenst mean Im stupid.

She went with over the stitches she painted on his cheek with her thumb and showed him the black paint on her fifth digit.

Simone:I know youre not Transylian,I painted you.And my species eats Transylians,not humans.But that rush,that rush was what I craved for.When we hunt its more that just getting a bite to eat.When two Vladats of opposite genders hunt together,they form bonds.Powerfull bonds of adrenalin and...some other chemical mumbo jumbo.I didnt pay attention of school.

Y/N:Wait,are you saying were,dating?

Simone:Oh its more than that.Were linked together in the most important thing their is.HuntWe have to do this again.

She jumps to her feet and pulls Y/N up.

Simone:Go.Ill give you two minutes before I start.

Y/N:Or how about,I hunt you this time?

Simone:Ooh,good idea.Youre it.

She ran back into the tall grass and desapeared from the view.Once Y/N was convinced she was far enough,he turned around and started walking the opposite direction.


She slammed into him again and after tumbling down hill,he was again on his back with her sitting on his abdomen with crossed arms and pouting face.

Simone:Thats not fair.

Y/N:How about this?Ouch.You spare whats left of my ribs,you hunt me one more time,we call it a day or night maybe and go for another hunt when my bones are al healed up.How does that sound?


She squeezed him tightly in a hug,simply overjoyed.

Simone:I always wanted a hubby.


Author:(Next girl arrives next week like always.This one will be as green but bigger.)

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