A Sister's Love (Frozen)

By I_doNOT_cArE_AnymOrE

65.9K 1.1K 253

Kristoff x reader. Y/n is okay with people near her but if they get near her hands, well that's a different s... More

(1) The Accident
(2) Growing Up
(3) Coronation Day
(4) The Monster!
(5) Meeting a Stranger
(6) Wolves
(7) A Talking Snowman!
(8) Confronting Elsa
(9) Marshmallow
(10) "They're Trolls!"
(11) Fixer Upper
(12) He Loves Me? He Loves Me Not.
(14) The Sacrifice
(15) A Sister's Love
It is Finished.
Important Note (If you want to read more of my "Frozen Series")
Final Update Please Read!

(13) "What is Love?"

3.2K 61 20
By I_doNOT_cArE_AnymOrE

The Duke looks out the window at the growing snowstorm. He rubs his arms and shivers.

"It's getting colder by the minute. If we don't do something soon, we'll all freeze to death." The Duke informs the other men of the troubling news.

Hans comes in, putting on his most distraught face.

"Prince Hans."

"Princess Anna is...dead." Hans tells the Duke and dignitaries, his words laced with false grief.

The group is pushed into a world of shock. Hans stumbles, weak with "sorrow". The men help him to a chair.

"What happened to her?" The Duke asks.

"She was killed by Queen Elsa." Hans Lies.

"Her own sister." The Duke acknowledges.

"At least we got to say our marriage vows...before she died in my arms." Hans hangs his head in a brilliant display of fake teary grief.

"And Y/n?"

"She is in no condition to rule right now. She... I went to go check on her to see if she was okay but... she was gone." Hans continues to lie.

"There can be no doubt now; Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger." The Duke voices his thoughts.

"Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to you." The Spanish dignitary tells Hans exactly what he wants to hear.

Hans nods; he knows what he's being asked to do, and he'll do it with the perfect amount of authority and dignity.

"With a heavy heart, I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason and sentence her to death.


Kristoff heads into the mountains. Sven lags behind, not wanting to follow. He looks back at the kingdom, then shakes his head. Enough. He runs past Kristoff. Stops and turns to face him. He snorts and grunts.

"What is it, buddy?" Kristoff asks.

Sven walks forward making Kristoff backup.

"Hey, watch it. What's wrong with you?" Kristoff asks.

Sven snorts with more firm, moos, and grunts.

"...I don't understand you when you talk like that." Kristoff says.

(Y/n: Pfftt Like he could understand him before.

Kristoff: Hey I can understand him we have a ✨special connection✨

Me: Hey! Both of you out! ...Anyway...)

Kristoff tries to walk on ahead, but Sven uses his antlers to lift Kristoff off the ground.

"Ah! Stop it! Put me down!" Kristoff shouts at Sven.

Sven drops him hard then "yells" at him once more.

"No, Sven! We're not going back!" Kristoff tells him.

Sven shakes his head, angrily.

"They have everything they'd ever want."

Sven makes an "of-course-they-don't" face. Kristoff gets it; he's made his point. Just then the wind picks up. Kristoff looks back at the kingdom, and sees a violent winter storm swirling over the castle.

"Y/n. Anna."

Without hesitating, he dashes back down the mountain. Sven runs after him, catches up. Kristoff grabs Sven's harness and jumps onto his back.


Y/n is in a ball, trembling by the door. She tries to get up but fails. All of a sudden the door handle starts fidgeting. Then it stops. Y/n looks at it questionably. CLICK. The door opens to find a snowman plucking his nose out of the lock, and putting it back in his face.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Olaf asks, concerned.

"I'm okay." She says, nodding.

Olaf thinks of a moment.

"Ooh! Let's get you to Anna's fire!" Olaf thinks of one of his best ideas, in his mind.


Olaf helps Y/n up and they start on to Anna's room.


Anna shivers by the door. She looks up to see ice overtaking the ceiling. The door handle suddenly jiggles. Stops. Jiggles again.


CLICK. The door swings open. Anna sees a hand pulling something out of the lock and hears a snowman giggle of victory. Olaf pulls Y/n along as she's putting the bobby pin back in her hair. Then he sees Anna lying there.

"Anna. Oh no."

He runs to the fireplace. Throws in some fresh wood, including one of his own arms, which he quickly rescues, before striking a match and relighting the fire. Y/n sits down next to her sister and helps her sit up.

"Olaf. Get away from there." Anna orders him.

"Whoa! So this is heat.... I love it." Olaf stands mesmerized.

He reaches a twig finger toward the flames, but It catches on fire.

"Ooh! But don't touch it!" Olaf takes a mental note.

He shakes the flame out, as he rushes over to help Anna & Y/n to the fire.

"So, where's Hans? What happened to your kiss?" Olaf asks.

"I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love." Anna informs Y/n & Olaf.

"But we ran all the way here?" Olaf says innocently.

"Please Olaf, you can't stay here; you'll melt." Y/n tells him.

"I am not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you two." Olaf says determinedly.

He sits down behind them, stubbornly. He leans his back against the two girls sitting together, holding hands, and thinks.

"...Do you happen to have any ideas?" Olaf asks.

"I don't even know what love is." Anna looks at Y/n weekly, offended. "No, I know what the "I love you" "I love you more." Family shi-'' She stops herself remembering there is a literal newborn in the room. "Family stuff is. But I don't know what Love is."

"That's okay, I do...." Olaf starts.

Olaf hops back up and puts a soothing hand on her shoulder.

"Love is...putting someone else's needs before yours, like, you know, how Kristoff brought you back here and left you forever." Olaf explains.

"...Kristoff loves me?" Y/n asks surprised. Anna smiles weakly, happy for her sister.

"Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?" Olaf's nose starts to droop.

"Olaf, you're melting." Anna notices.

"Some people are worth melting for." Olaf smiles.

But then...his face REALLY melts. He panics, and pushes the snow back in place.

"Just maybe not right this second." Olaf says his face smushed.

Suddenly, the window blows open, a cold wind sweeps in. Both girls huddle together to stay warm.

"Don't worry, I've got it!" Olaf reassures them.

Olaf flitters to the window. He pulls one panel of it shut but struggles with the second panel.

"We're going to get through- Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something."

He breaks an icicle off the window, uses it as a telescope and sees... Kristoff and Sven running back down the mountain.


"It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way."

"...They are?" Both girls ask, simultaneously.

"Wow, he's really moving fast. Huh.... I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind."

Y/n stares in realization. She tries to get to her feet.

"Help me up. Please." Y/n asks.

Olaf hurries over, tumbling over the couch, knocking over the chess set and water jugs.

"No, no, no, no, no. You need to stay by the fire and keep warm." Olaf tells her.

"I need to get to Kristoff." Y/n tells him. Anna gives her a playful nudge.

"Why...?" Olaf asks clueless. "Oh, oh, oh, I know why!"

He hops around in an excited display of hope.

"There's your act of true love, right there, riding across the fjords like a valiant, pungent reindeer king! Come on!" Olaf helps both of them.

Olaf pulls them along running. Icicles invade the walls. The walls crack under the ice's pressure.

"Look out!"

They rush out the room just as the ceiling collapses.

Anna, Y/n, & Olaf struggle down the hall. Ice spikes grow and block their path.

"Uh back this way." Olaf pulls them the other way.

Even more Icicles develop.

"We're trapped."

They look around desperately for a way out.

(Words: 1191)

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