Son of a gun

By Nelly_Biersack2013

216 6 1

A story about Andy Black's father. One of the most feared Mafia bosses in town. But there is this one girl hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

15 1 0
By Nelly_Biersack2013

"Can we go to the movies tonight?" Caitlyn asked me. Of course I said yes. I can't say no to her beautiful face. Now I'm on my way to my Dad's office. "Hello, son. You know, that you have to be somewhere today, don't you?" he looked at me. My eyes widened. "I completely forgot about that. Caitlyn want's to go to the movies with me." I explained. My father clenched his jaw and furrowed his brows. "You need to go with CC! It's very important. Get that girl out of your mind, son! You have more important things to do!" He got mad, speaking the last sentence. "I'm sorry Dad...I will be there." I said and got out of the office.

Why does he hate her like that? I really fell for her. It hurt so much, that I couldn't be with her. I want to be with her and that I can't go to the movies with her breaks my heart. But I think it's better for me and my future to not mess with my father. Better for me AND for Caitlyn.

"Princess? I questioned, standing infront of her room. She opened the door "What is it, sir?" "Please, Caitlyn...don't be mad. I can't go to the movies with you. My Dad needs me." I said. She smiled at me "It's okay, Sir. I stay home till you come back..." She said. Why is she so adorable. I saw that she was sad about it, though. I just tell CC to hurry. I really wanna take her out. I am fucking sure that I'm gonna do that. "I'm gonna head off, wait for me, I'm gonna be there!"

I go with CC. He waited for me in our mustang. I saw the car and started chuckling. "Gimme the keys, I drive!" I yelled and he did. I got in the car, started it and headed off to the location CC put into our navi. It was an old house behind some other creepy houses. CC went inside and I had to watch out for people. Suddenly some all black dressed guys came for me and pinned me against a wall. "What are you doing here?" They asked. "I'm just taking what's my father's." I answered. That wasn't a good answer I guess, because one of them slaped me, the other one got a knife.

I fought myself free and tried to run, to warn CC but in the next moment, the guy with the knife came and threw it at me. Lucky me, the knife didn't fully hit me. It just slashed me. But now I called for CC, wich came out pretty fast, with a little black box. I still don't know what's inside. We got into the car and CC drove off. I had to hold my side. It was bleeding pretty heavily. "We should bring you to Kolleen, man." CC said. Kolleen was our personal doctor. She wasn't supposed to talk. She gave her signature to my Dad for that. So we brought me to her. She cleaned the wound and patched me up.

"How late is it?" I asked CC. "9:50 pm." He said. I sigh. "That is so fucking rude!" I yelled and slammed my fist onto the console of the car. "What's wrong, bud?" CC asked. "I can't talk about it with people who like my father." I said, an annoying tone by my voice. "We're buddies, don't pull that on me." he reassured me. "I wanted to go to the movies with Caitlyn, but we're to late." CC's eyes widened. "Why is that such a big deal for you? You like her?" I nodded. CC starts smiling and instantly drove faster. He didn't even stop on redlights. He literally was my best friend.

Ashley was supposed to be my Dad's bestfriend too, but he slept with my mother back in the days. That's why they became enemies for life. I wish they would just talk it out. CC and I would do that. "She IS kinda cute, though." He said. I smiled on that. "Did you see her smile? I was allowed to see her in lingerie the last time we went out!" I smiled. CC chuckled at that. "You really like her, dude. You get passionate, talking about her and you instantly smile by the sound of her name." CC exclaimed. "Oh man, I know. But I'm not allowed to. She's the daughter of purdy." My buddy reacted not like I thought. "And? She's obviously a great person. Your Dad doesn't need to know." He then said. I thought about that, till we arrived at home. I directly rushed up to her room, where she still sat and waited.

"I'm sorry baby girl...let's go out. I wanna bring you somewhere." She jumped up and happily put her jacket on. I took her hand and pulled her after me. "When exactly will you turn sixteen?" I asked her. She answered pretty fast "On tuesday, sir." A shy smile rushed over her face. I wanna do something for her. But first I need to know how she feels about me. So I'm taking her to my favorite place to think. It's the roof of the supermarket a street away from my home.

The view was a wide field with cows and horses. I loved watching peaceful animals. They'll never kill somebody. A good change to my normal life. She was so surprised about the place. "Princess, can you come here for a second?" I questioned. She nodded and came over to me. I pulled her in a big, warm hug. "What is it, sir?" She asked. I loved that about her. She respected me. I looked into her eyes and there it was, her first reaction to me. She instantly went shy and no words left her mouth. She also looked a little submissive. ADORABLE!

"Do you like me? Like...really?" I asked. She nodded submissively. Her face turning crimson red. I could tell, though. "Would you be by my side if I killed people?" Again, she nodded. "Baby girl, I need you to talk." I smiled. Her shyness was adorable and shit, but I really needed to hear it. "Yes, Sir, I would." She finally answered. I smirked on that. "You don't need to call me 'Sir' all the time caitlyn. I'm Andy. And I really like you too." I said, picking her up to kiss her beautiful lips. I wanted to do that for so long now. "You don't know how long I wanted to do that now..." I told her. She smiled. "I never cared about boys. But you were so interesting..I fell in love with you the second I saw the painting of you in the hallway." She exclaimed.

"I'm just not allowed to love you. Because of your Dad." I sadly said. She shrugged "And? I'm sure we can get over that. I can't miss you at night anymore." "You're so damn cute...I can't fuck with my Dad baby girl. He's the boss of all criminals in town and could kill me without hesitation and get away with it..." I told her. Her look went sad. I hugged her even tighter. I could hear her taking a big sniff of me. That made me chuckle. "You smell so good, Andy." She sniffled.

"And you're so fucking adorable honey." I said. She looked up at me and smiled. That was the first time, she called me by my real name since she's livin at my house. I smirked at her and bend down to kiss her.

"We have to go, love." I said. Again her look went sad. I can't do anything against the fact, that we're still not allowed to be together. The people from my Dad would talk to him. If somebody would see me with her, getting closer to her than protecting her, they would instantly talk to my Dad and then I had to give her up completely and she would loose the complete protection. All just because her father had to be that purdy-asshole.

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