A Chance To Make Things Right...

By Mavaezz_taetae

339K 18.8K 3.1K

(completed)✅ "I love you "--Taehyung "No you can't ... Don't waste your time on me cause I'm already dead "... More

Part : 1
Part : 2
Part : 3
Part : 4
Part : 5
Part : 6
part : 7
Part : 8
Part : 9
Part : 10
Part : 11
Part : 12
Part : 13
Part : 14
Part : 15
Part : 16
Part : 17
Part : 18
Part : 19
Part : 20
Part : 21
🔸Important 🔸
Part : 22
Part : 23
Part : 24
Part : 25
Part : 27
Part : 28(🔞)
Part : 29
Part : 30
Part : 31
Part : 32
Part : 33
Part : 34
Part : 35
Part : 36
Part : 37💗
Part : 38
Part : 39
Part : 40
Part : 41🔞
Part : 42
Part : 43
Part : 44
Part : 45
Part : 46🔞
Answers of QNA
Part : 47
Part : 48
Part : 49💗
Part : 50
Part : 51
Part : 52 💗THE END

Part : 26

4.7K 335 26
By Mavaezz_taetae

"OH MY GOD! NO WAY! NO WAY! NO FUCKING WAY!" The elder shouted from his room. After a few seconds of silence, he again shouted...


The pretty boy hear him and simply shook his head and continued working on his laptop. Few minutes later, he hear a loud knocking on his door. Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed loudly. He got up from his bed and opened the door only to see Taehyung with glossy eyes.

Is there a problem?

"Yes?" the elder shoved his phone to the pretty boy as soon as he spotted him. Jungkook did not like where this was going, but then he had never had something that he liked for a long time.

"ku wants to talk to you."

"ku?" Jungkook asked.

"hyeko. The woman with whom I wanted to sit you know what I mean! Just take the call." Taehyung gestured to the phone in the pretty boy's hands.

Jungkook closed his door and pressed the phone to his ears.


"Jungkook, long time." he heard a familiar voice speak from the other end. He had no interest in talking to anybody and he did not plan to be on speaking terms with anybody from the wedding.

But there' was a man standing right outside his bedroom door...

There goes that strange voice in his head. It was been troubling him for the past few weeks and he couldn't even get it out of his head.

"Yes." The pretty boy mumbled.

"I hear you're still alive and ignoring." She giggled from the other line. "How have you been?"

"I'm fine! What do you want?"

She sighed. "I called to tell you something. I'm expecting a boy and a girl."

The pretty boy's face remained blank. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "So?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell you and check up on you."

"So what? You don't have to check up on me. It's my life and I decide what I want to do with it." Jungkook snapped.

"Fine, fine. How's Taehyung treating you? He doesn't disturb you much, does he? If he does, tell me now. I'll set him straight."

How Taehyung treating him? She wanted to know how the elder treating The pretty boy ? He treats with those damn cookies he leaves on The pretty boy's doorstep.

Jungkook still did not understand why the elder does that and why he eats them.

Things have not at all been fine here.

There was a strange atmosphere looming around and it's been bugging The pretty boy for a


"Jungkook? Hello?" The pretty boy heard hyeko's voice.

There was no point in talking to the lady. Jungkook was not going to talk to anybody from the blasted wedding about anything.

Well, except Taehyung.

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe. Definitely maybe.

It had to be maybe.

No, maybe not.

It' was confusing his mind! he really hate the elder's overstaying at his house so much that wherever he go, the elder's there. he works in his study, the elder's there. he walks out of his room, Taehyung's there or his mouth melting cookies are there. Jungkook eats his breakfast, the elder's there.

The pretty boy don't want him here.

"Jungkook? Hel-" The pretty boy cut the call and opened his door only to see Taehyung jumping around in his living room.

"I'm gonna be an uncle to twins!" He shouted. Few minutes later, he finally dropped on the couch. His one leg was over the headrest and the other was touching the floor.

He panted heavily then his head turned in The pretty boy's direction. "I'm gonna spoil them to diabetes!"

The pretty boy frowned and gave him his phone back. The elder took it and then he grabbed Jungkook's hand. That same strange shudder ran through his spine and he pulled it back quickly. Taehyung's face fell for a second but he quickly hid it.

"Well, what did she say?" He asked The pretty boy, giggling.

"Uh..." The pretty boy avoided his piercing browny eyes on him. "She said she is going to have a boy and a girl."

"I know! Gosh! I'm so happy." He smiled at The pretty boy.

"Okay then, I'll be...um...in my room." What in the world is wrong with him? Jungkook didn't understand. He didn't want to talk to him, but he get this nagging feeling which says to talk to the elder.

Ever since that indefinable moment in his study, things have escalated a bit. For the first week, he spent his time mostly in his office and avoided Taehyung.

During the second week, he started feeling uncomfortable around him. Even though he knew that Taehyung usually spends his afternoons out on shop searching or whatever, somehow he was always there sitting in the living room when Jungkook came back from work.

Things got worse when the third week with him started. The tension between them arose a lot and Jungkook, on the other hand, fights that strange voice in his head which tells so unusual things. It makes him want things. Things that he hadn't had in a long time.

he knew that he wants it, but it was so wrong that he couldn't do it. he won't do it. Instead, he started doing other things. One might say that they were very small things, but for him, they are not small.

he started doing things like waiting for The elder during breakfast by drying those bacons and only start eating when he sits and starts eating. Jungkook left the door open when he sees the time when the elder usually returns from his morning jog.

The pretty boy never leave the door open for anybody.

he refused those cookies the elder makes at first then eats them like a person who has never had any cookies in life.

The pretty boy had started noticing the elder. he just hopes the elder doesn't realize this because if he does he was going to make hell bent to get to know The pretty boy.

Jungkook noticed how the elder scrunches his nose up when he eats a raw pineapple during breakfast and the way he whistles around the house whenever he walks into the kitchen and stays in there for what it seems like forever. The pretty boy had caught him staring at him so many times that The pretty boy had lost count of. At first, it was very irritating, but then it subsided and Jungkook stopped saying.

he stopped saying anything and let him do whatever he wants.

What was wrong with him?

In time, the warm rays of the sunshine summer were gone and dark clouds and strong winds accompanied by heavy rain came over Inchon. Seasons changed and Jungkook was still here.

he was supposed to be long gone. he was supposed to be with his babies. he still want to be with them very much, but whenever he look at the person in the room a few steps ahead of him, something happens to him.

Something so strange yet so familiar.

he put the blame on the tension between them. It was practically screaming to surrender but he won't let it happen because he knew what that tension was.

It was strong and wild. It can make any person go crazy and it used to make him crazy long back. It used to make him squeeze his thighs together and turn him into a wildress that only one person got to see.

It was sexual tension.

After that incident in his study, Jungkook tried to ignore it by ignoring Taehyung. Then he spent his days mostly in his office and study but soon it increased when Taehyung started spending time with him in The pretty boy's study.

There was no need to take any sort of action regarding it because Jungkook knew soon a time will come where Taehyung will leave and things will go back to where they were.

He Just had to be patient and wait..


"are they any clubs around here?"

No reply

"Any malls where I can shop for the twins?"

No reply again...

"can we go to the market again? I need to buy a few strawaberries.."

"no" The pretty boy growled..

"Has Chim gone to your office?"

No reply .

"Is it true that he has caught the flu?"


"I see. Then how come you didn't catch it? It would have been an honor to take care of a sick Jungkook."


"Was the dog really named Jungkook?"


"Interesting. You know I always wanted a dog."

"No." The pretty boy said, hiding his surprise.

"Are these the only words you know? Yes and no?"

"No! I mean y-yes! No!" Jungkook spoke the unspoken profanities under his breath and continue working.

"Aha!" Taehyung exclaimed. "You lost!

"I am not wasting my work hours playing a game with you." Jungkook grumbled.

"Aw come on! That was so fun. I wanna play." The elder whined in a five year old little person 's voice.


"You are no fun." He pouted.

"Oh." The pretty boy raised his eyebrow. "Bring me the brown file from that top shelf behind you." he said flatly.

The elder looked back and then shook his head.


Jungkook rolled his eyes and got up from his chair. The elder turned around in his chair and Watched the pretty boy e in amusement. the pretty boy took out the file from the shelf and turned back only to see the elder sitting in his chair, rotating in circles.

"This is so fun!" Taehyung shouted. the pretty boy did not understand. What was so fun about rotating in a chair?

well Of course there was the fun in it. It was the thrill and that excitement.

But this was highly inappropriate. The elder could rotate in any chair he wants but not the pretty boy.

"What are you doing, Kim? Get off my chair!"

Taehyung stopped rotating and faced the pretty boy . He gave him a very mocking smirk which now the pretty boy wanted to punch very badly then he placed his elbows on the pretty boy's table and joined his fingers, tilting his head slightly.

"Are you sure? I don't see your name written on it." He said, putting stress on the word 'name'

Jungkook's jaw clenched and the grip on his file tightened so much that he could hear it getting crushed.

This jerk wants to play? Fine. Let's play.

"I bought it. It's mine." the pretty boy said, staring right into those challenging browny eyes.

The elder raised his eyebrow. "Really? Why don't you prove it to me?"

"I don't see the need to. It's my house, my chair."

"House?" Taehyung questioned. "Very well then, where's your home?"

"Somewhere far away." the pretty boy found himself saying.

"Oh, I see." The elder nodded his head. "How come this chair is yours? I don't see your

name. Your name has to be there."

"It's not necessary Everything here does not have my name but it's mine."

the pretty boy explained.

Why in the world was he even having this nonsensical, illogical conversation?

Taehyung smirked. "Why don't you write your name and prove it?"

Jungkook shook his head.

Taehyung's smirk turned to a big smile. "I know you want to. Take this as revenge for the dinner."

Jungkook shook his head again.

"Fine," He shrugged. "I'll write mine then. I'm sitting here, so it's my chair."

"No!" the pretty boy shouted. He didn't listen and took a marker from his pen holder.

There was no way that this jerkhead will write his pathetic name on this chair. The chair was Jungkook's ! Before he could even touch the tip of the marker on his chair, Jungkook launched on him.

he sat on the other handrest of the chair and pulled the elder's arm upwards.

"Oof! What are you doing boy?!" Taehyung shouted as Jungkook tried to snatch away that marker from his hand. He struggled from the pretty boy's hold and tries to at least touch the tip on the hand rest of the chair.

"Give me the marker Kim! And get out of my study!"

"No! I will write my name!"

"Stop this childish game of yours Kim and leave me alone!"

"Try to stop me!"

the pretty boy gritted his teeth and tried to snatch the marker again, but Taehyung lifted it up in the air.

Jungkook shifted his body and tried to reach it up.

Suddenly, Taehyung dropped the marker on the floor. Jungkook's eyes furrowed at this sudden action of his. he looked down at the elder's face and realization hit him.

they were close. Too close.

Jungkook did not realize that he had shifted to the elder's lap and the elder was holding his waist firmly, their legs tangled. Jungkook's other hand was actually on his chest while the other slowly came down to the elder's shoulder.

Jungkook felt him shudder under his touch. Taehyung's grip on his waist tightened and pulled him closer to himself. the pretty boy gasped softly when the elder's finger started tracing lines on his arm which made goosebumps arise on Jungkook's skin.

The elder should not have this effect on the pretty boy.

It was so wrong. He couldn't have this effect. It doesn't belong to him.

Jungkook's throat went dry when he saw that his was deep browny eyes were already lost in him. For weeks the pretty boy avoided them and now they were right in front of him, only inches apart.


Was that the pretty boy? It sounded like his voice, but it was somehow so much different than he actually sound.

Taehyung hummed in response and that did something to the pretty boy's knees.

he felt their noses slowly touching each other, their ragged breaths mixing, their eyes lost in each other's and then the pretty boy felt the soft touch on his lips.

His body went rigid and he pulled back.

he stood up, but his knees went weak, making him stumble and his butt landed on his desk.

the pretty boy avoided his eyes and looked at the shelf on his left.

"I-I have to work. Leave."

Taehyung didn't say anything for a few seconds then cleared his throat loudly.

"Yeah, yeah. I should-yeah. I'll be in my room."

Seconds later, the door shut and Jungkook broke down. Tears spilled from his face and still, after a month and a half, they didn't hurt him.

"What am I doing?" he hiccupped. "What do y-you want from me?" he asked as he looked down at his ring.

he closed his files and shut down his laptop. he crawled his way to the small leather couch in his study and spooned himself in it. his eyes were closed and he was sobbing profoundly.

Minutes later, he heard the door open and he felt being scooped up in strong arms.

he fell asleep right there.
A/N : don't forget to vote ! Comment ! And follow !

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