what the heck?

By never_lost_

13.2K 459 90

After a long school day Atsumu Miya the typical nerd decided on sneaking out and going skateing with his bes... More

1. lesson
2. You again?
3. end of the day
4. So... I won again
5. it's on
6. Let's start this mess
7. what's with him?
8. They are with us
9. My time
10. School incident
11. So this is the pleace
12. I am on fire
13. So he knows
14. truth or dare
15. breakfest
16 stiches
17. Crush?
18. Stuck together (forever I hope)
19. I am EVIL
20. Stardazing with you
21. The start of sleepover at Miya's
22. Oh my god
23. the eadge
24. What is he thinking?
25. 100 second knock out
27. In return
28. two weeks
29. What did he say?
30. My baby

26. At the door step.

234 12 0
By never_lost_

Sakusa POV

We walked home together. I was in utter shock, but he was still clinging to my arm like he was powerless. It felt nice to walk with him in the middle of the night, it was refreshing.

We walked to his house. He was a bit tired, so we cuddled on the couch until we both fell a sleep.


I woke up few hours later to Osamu and Suna shouting while Iwaizumi and Oikawa were watching. I stood up and greeted them good morning.

- Hey, what is this drama about? - I asked looking at Oikawa

- Suna wants to know the secret from last night and accidently slipped that he knows Atsumus secret and now Osamu wants to know. - HOLY SHIT THIC COULD NOT BE WORSE.

- and were is Atsumu? - I asked

- He went to the store - Osamu said and went right back to fighting with Suna.

- SAKUSA AND OIKAWA KNOW IT TO WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE TARGETED? - The way I was thrown under the bus. Osamu shot me a glare

- If you know somethink about my brother, that I don't know I will invert your rib cage - Hmmm that sounds familiar.

I hear the main door open, it was Atsumu. THANK GOD.

- I am back! - He shouted

- I need some time to think. - Osamu said walking upstairs.

Atsumu walked over to us, then somebody knocked at the door. Who could thet be?

- I will get it - Oikawa said standing up.

The next thing I hear Oikawa yelling

- Who the fuck are you? -

-...- I didn't hear this part.

- ATSUMU SOMEONE TO YOU! - Atsumu walked over and I did the same, just curiosity.

This guy pointed a gun at him, it was the guy from earlier the one that wasn't knocked out, the last one.

With shaky hands pointed the gun at Atsu. Atsumu in the middle Kawa on the left and i was on the right.

- I don't have the energy to deal with this right now - Atsumu said putting his hands in his hoodies pockets and cutely yawing.

- I-I will ki-kill you - Holey shit now I know how they are so bored fighting with punks like that all the time. This guy still had safty on.

 Atsumu yawed once again and did a double kick flip. With one kicked knocked this guys weapone out of his hands and with the other one he knocked the guy out of the door on his butt. Oikawa caught the gun and turned the safety off AND POINTED IT AT THIS GUY. Holey shit.

- So what's your deal ? - Oikawa asked. Holy mother of god. IS HE GOING TO SHOOT.

- wh-what a-are doing? - Guy asked scared shitless.

- I just want to know some random dude started to point guns at us. - Oikawa said

- Your friend crushed my whole trupe earlier today.-

- that's cause you threted me! -

- That's cause You broke my brothers arm! -

- That's cause he attacked me with stuff, WHICH IS ILLEGAL IN OUR MATCHES! -


- I BROKE IT CAUSE HE WAS USEING STUFF, WHICH. IS. ILLEGAL. IN. OUR. MATCHES. - Guy had a loading look on his face.

- Oh... sorry I didn't know. Rest of my family won't be nice about it tho. -

- Who are they exacly? - Oikawa asked stuffing his hand infront of Atsumu who was about to EXPLODE ON THIS DUDE.

- They are the Sakana yakuza - What did they step into, I looked at Oikawa who was squealing with Atsumu and behind them was as concerned as I was Iwa.

- Our second mafia! Eeeeeeek I can't wait! - What the fuck is wrong with my boyfriend.

- Yeah! The first one was SOOOOO FUN. - Now I was pale, it didn't get to me that they fought with yakuza before.

- W-wait! are you perhaps the grand king and midnight, that destroyed the Kenmono Mafia along with a crow and one other? - The guy spoke, I forgot he was there for a hot second.

- HELL YEAH WE ARE! - Oikawa shouted. Guy was in Awwww. It was visible that he admired those two.

- Ohh Oikawa add the gun to the list - Atsumu said

- Yes sir - he nodded and thrown the gun at the guy.

- You weren't as useless as I thought - he added. The guy thanked and bowed then run away.

As they were closing the door, I heard slow clapping from behinde us. I turned around to see Suna.

- Well, well well. - WE ARE FUCKED. when ever he starts by saying well, well, well. You know he wants something in return for keeping quiet to Osamu.


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