Philophobia (Bucky x Reader)

By penelope44ever

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TW: Mature Audiences Only (18+) Y/n has had major anger issues since she can remember. So bad, that Hydra kid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

667 11 15
By penelope44ever

Bucky woke up to you sprawled across his bed, one of your legs on top of his and one arm over his chest.

She can't be any cuter. He thought.

Then you nuzzled your head closer to the crook of his neck and his heart melted.

Never mind, she can.

He carefully grabbed your arm and leg and gently placed them back on the bed as he got up. He didn't want to wake you, so he tip toed to his dresser and grabbed a shirt to go with his sweatpants. He gave you a peck on the forehead and a sweet 'I love you' before he went downstairs to make you breakfast.

He saw Nat, Steve, Wanda, and Tony sitting at the dining table talking about some mission. He didn't want to make conversation so he just quietly started gathering the ingredients for pancakes.

"Oh, hey, Buck!" Steve grins.

Of course.

Bucky just smiles and nods at Steve.

"Watcha doin'?" Nat inquires, curious as to why he's making breakfast. Bucky never makes breakfast.

"Making pancakes. Want some?" He replies, mixing the pancake batter in a bowl. He remembers you saying you love blueberries in your pancakes so he adds some to the batter.

"Hell yeah!" Nat responds.

"Since when do you make breakfast?" Tony asks, genuinely confused.

Bucky just shrugs his shoulders. Wanda knows what's going on, but she just smiles as she sips her coffee, not saying anything.

Once Bucky finished making the pancakes, everyone started digging in. He plated a couple pancakes for you beforehand because he knew if he didn't, they'd be gone.

"These are good." Steve groans.

"Yeah. Who knew?" Nat says, biting into a pancake.

"I just followed the instructions on the box," Bucky softly chuckles, pouring you a glass of water.

"Yeah, but we all know you made them with extra love, huh?" Wanda teases, making eye contact with Bucky, knowing full well what she's implying.

Bucky just glares at Wanda and leaves the kitchen with a plate of pancakes and a glass of water. He opens the door to his room to see you sitting on the bed stretching your arms above your head, just barely waking up.

"Morning, gorgeous." He says, placing the plate and glass on the nightstand next to you.

"Good morning," You say, rubbing your eyes as you wake up.

Bucky leans down and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips, to which you hum happily.

"Made you breakfast." Bucky says, pointing to the plate he brought up.

You look at the plate and look back at him and smile. "Thank you, James." You stand up from the bed and cup his cheeks with both hands and give him another kiss.

You grab the plate and take a bite out of the pancakes, moaning from how good they taste. "Blueberries! Yay!" You giggle.

Hearing you moan made his cock twitch, but he quickly brushed the thought away.

"Only the best for you." He winks at you before he starts getting dressed.

Suddenly, Bucky starts thinking about how he's going to talk to Tony about this. Should he not say anything at all and keep it a secret? No, he doesn't want to keep you a secret. He wants everyone to know that your his and his only. He starts thinking about ways he can convince Tony to let it go.

"Buck?" You ask, pulling him from his thoughts.


"Are you okay?" You say, placing your finished plate on the nightstand and walking over to him.

"Yeah, why?" He says, trying to be nonchalant.

"You just seemed...out of it." You shrug, folding your arms. You start feeling insecure, like maybe he's regretting last night. "If it's about last night I-"

"What?" He looks shocked.

"I just mean...if you like- regret it...I-" You trail off.

"Of course not! No, never," He coos as he grabs you by the waist and holds you. You feel a shot of relief flood your body. "I was just lost in thought. I don't regret last all." he chuckles and kisses your nose.

"Okay, good. Me neither." You grin.

"I love you, y/n." He whispers in your ear.

"I love you too, James." You kiss his jaw and neck slowly.

"Oh, Doll. If you continue doing that, we'll never leave this room," He groans as he smiles.

"I'm okay with that," You pout, kissing his lips again.

Bucky shakes his head and kisses you one last time before he releases his hold on you. "So am I, but we have things to do." He says, going into his bathroom.

"Ugh. Yeah. I forgot Steve wanted me to train with him today." You say, taking Bucky's shirt off and putting your old clothes from yesterday back on.

"I'll see you later, right?" Bucky says, leaning on the doorframe of his bathroom, watching you get dressed.

"Yup!" You chirp and then make your way to his door. You slowly open it, peeking your eyes out to see if anyone is there. You still didn't know Tony didn't want you to be romantically involved with Bucky, you mostly just don't want anyone to say anything about you walking out of his room and causing unnecessary drama. Once you see no one is in sight, you blow Bucky a kiss and make your way to your room.

Once you close the door to your room, you lean your back against your door and let out a deep sigh. You involuntarily start smiling at the thought of last night's events and you start squealing and dancing in circles.

Your happy dance was interrupted by a knock at your door. You assume it's Bucky knocking so you open your door with a wide grin on your face, but it's soon replaced by a look of confusion when you see it's Tony.

"Disappointed?" Tony jokes.

You laugh nervously, "No! I just thought you were- Never mind."

"I'm just teasing." Tony says, "Just wanted to let you know we're having a conference downstairs in ten minutes." You nod your head and Tony looks at your state of dress, "Weren't you wearing that yesterday?" Tony asks, pointing at your dress.

"Oh...uh yeah, just forgot to change." You lie.

Tony just shrugs it off and starts walking away, "See you in ten!"


You close your door and immediately start getting dressed. After trying to tame your wild hair for five minutes, you give up and throw it in a messy bun. You head downstairs to the conference room to see everyone sitting at the table, waiting.

"Sorry," You whisper as you sit in the open seat in between Steve and Bucky. Bucky flashes you a comforting smile and you feel better.

"Alright. Now that we're all here, let's get started." Tony says, pulling up a hologram screen of a fancy building. "This is Robert Hugh's mansion located just outside of London. Who's Robert Hugh, you may ask?" He pulls up a photo of an older white man in his 50's. "He's a disgusting old man auctioning off very dangerous weaponry for loads of money, some of those people buying them is Hydra."

"Hydra?" Steve asks.

"Yep. According to SHIELD, he's been one of their main plugs when it comes to weapons." Tony explains.

"How the hell has he been getting ahold of these weapons. He couldn't be making them himself, can he?" Nat comments.

"We're still not sure where he's getting these weapons but we know he's not making them. That's what we want to find out. Tonight he's hosting a party where he'll be conducting his auction and we're gonna have several of you go undercover so we can have eyes on the inside." Tony says, "The whole purpose of this mission is to get into his computer so we can access information about these weapons like their location or manufacturer. But, it's not going to be easy. We have to get into his lab and we need his thumbprint to get access."

Tony further explains everyone's role in the mission, handing everyone a file that contained a fake I.D. so they could get inside.

You read the file of your role and you raised your eyebrows in surprise. "Wait a minute." You say, causing everyone to look at you, "I'm going on the mission?"

"Yeah, you'll be partnering with Pietro, posing as his wife." Tony says, to which Bucky glares at him, knowing damn well Tony did that on purpose.

You're completely speechless, not really sure what to say next.

"Don't worry, Pietro will walk you through the steps," Tony says, and Pietro shoots you a wink and smirk.

"Um..." You say softly, that no one can hear, except Bucky.

Bucky can see how nervous you are, so he's grabs your hand underneath the table and gives it a comforting squeeze. He gives you a look that says 'Don't worry.'

"Alright, y/n, follow Nat and she'll show you where you need to go to get ready." Tony says, dismissing everyone to do their part.

Everyone starts leaving the conference room except Tony and Bucky, and you follow Nat where she helps you get ready for the mission.

Bucky stays behind with Tony and waits for everyone to leave before he starts yelling at him.

"What is wrong with you?!" Bucky says with stifled shout, not wanting to be loud.

"I'm doing what I have to do, Barnes. You can be upset, but it's not going to change the roles I gave everyone." Tony mutters, as he types on his hologram.

"You know what, Tony? Fine." Bucky huffs, "I know I don't deserve her, but that doesn't mean you do. Maybe you should let her make her own fucking choices." He glares at Tony, and then storms out of the conference room, slamming the door behind him.

Tony feels slightly guilty since he is making all these decisions for you without you even knowing. He shakes his head, and tries not to let the guilt overwhelm him, and heads to his lab to help prepare for the mission.


You got on the quinjet with everyone else but went to the bathroom to change into your dress. You put on the black, halter styled dress and smoothed out the skirt. You looked at yourself in the mirror and pulled out some red lipstick to apply. You had your hair half up half down, and spritzed some perfume on your neck and wrists. Then, you pulled up gun holster to hide under your dress, as well as some knives. You put on a gold necklace and then touched up your eyeshadow. As soon as you finished, the quinjet landed, signaling you to get off.

You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, and then walked out.

"WOW!" Pietro wolf whistles at you. Wanda slaps him on the shoulder.

You just blush, and your eyes wander the jet, looking for Bucky, except you can't find him.

"He's already in the first car on the way to the party," Wanda says softly so only you can hear, and sends you a wink.

You just nod your head, and follow Pietro to the car.

"You look great," Pietro says.

"Thanks, Pietro." You say.

"Here. Tony says you need this to be able to communicate." Pietro hands you an earpiece and puts one in his ear himself.

"Okay." You put it on.

"Y/n, can you hear me?" Tony says on the intercom.

"Yep." You say softly.

"Good." He replies

You arrive at the party, clutching your purse as you exit the limo.

"ID." The guard says.

You and Pietro both show him your fake ID and he nods, allowing you inside.

Once you entered the mansion, you were blown away by the huge amount of space and luxurious furniture.

"Okay, Tony. We're in." You say softly.

Pietro extends his elbow out, waiting for you to grab ahold of his arm. You lock your arm with his and follow his lead. You both walk over to a very fancy bar with gold trims on the counter.

"Two dry martinis, please." Pietro says to the bartender.

Once the bartender walks away, you start looking for Bucky. Your eyes scatter across the mansion, trying to see if you have eyes on Bucky.

"What are you looking for?" Pietro asks lowly.

"Oh-" You stopped looking around like a maniac and focused your attention back to Pietro. "I'm just looking for Hugh,"

Pietro just nods his head and then the bartender brings your drinks. You take a sip of your drink as your eyes scan the room, looking for Hugh this time. You finally spot him across the room, the fat man hovering over some really young women.

You internally scoff at his disgusting face, watching him unable to take his eyes off the women'a breasts.

What a perv.

"I see him. Three o' clock." You say discreetly.

"Okay, slowly make your way to that side of the room." Tony says over the comms.

Pietro leads you to the other side, getting closer and closer to your target. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bucky holding a tray of drinks, posing as a waiter. It takes him a moment to recognize you in your outfit, but when he does, his jaw nearly fell open.

You walk up to Hugh, wearing a flirty face. Pietro introduces himself first and shakes his hand.

"Hi, Mr. Hugh." You say in a high pitched tone, arm still wrapped around Pietro. You twirl your hair, and look Hugh up and down trying to get his attention.

You were successful, and his eyes analyze your whole body from your toes and stops at your breasts for a brief moment.

"And who might you be, Beautiful," Hugh licks his lips, which nearly made you gag at the sight.

"Miss Winter. But you can call me Becky." You shoot him a wink, internally rolling your eyes at your behavior.

Bucky is watching this all go down from afar, completely uncomfortable with the situation.

"Darling, I'll be right back." Pietro whispers into your ears, following the plan.

You nod your head and turn your attention back to Hugh, giving him a seductive smile. Now it's Bucky's turn, and he walks up to both of you offering drinks to which you accept a glass of champagne. Unfortunately, Hugh declines and keeps his eyes on you.

Bucky walks away, "Change of plans, Hugh didn't get a glass." He says discreetly so Tony can hear.

"Shit. Okay, y/n. You'll need to somehow get him to hold your glass. We need that fingerprint." Tony says.

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