Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

42K 1.8K 217

Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



2.1K 92 6
By LettyTK

Taehyung was scheduled to have dinner at the Jeons on Thursday night but Jungkook was no way to be found.His family didnt know about his whereabouts and to make the alpha more unsettled the younger's phone was off the entire afternoon.

Jungkook arrived home around ten when Taehyung was about to leave.They bumped into each other in the foyer.


"What?"the younger grinned

"Did you forget that you were supposed to be there for dinner"

"I was busy.I couldn't help it"

"Busy doing what?"

"Why would you care?"Jungkook asked

"Jeon Jungkook don't be a brat.You kept me waiting for hours and didn't even pick my calls"

"You did the same to me didn't you Taehyung.Now it hurts doesn't it"

"So this is your way of getting back at me?"

"No this isn't about you.I went out to have some fun"

"Fun?At this point in time.What happened to keeping a low profile until the situation blows over"

"I have never missed TXT concert ever since they debuted and you know that.I wasn't going to stop because I'm being critisized by social media for living my life.I'm so sick of it.How does social media get to tell you how to live your life"

"Okay,I get that.Who did you go with?"

"Hoseok and Yoongi hyung "

"Why was your phone off"

"I have been out all day so my battery died.Anyways what's with this questions Taehyung.My father has never nagged me as much as you did"

"Am I naggin"

"No you are not.I'm sorry for saying that .Just go home now and get some rest.I will see you on Saturday."the omega said

"Just stay home until then alright"

"I will"

"Promise me Jungkook.This is important"

"I promise baby.Just go home early and drive safely.I love you"Jungkook said

"I love you too"

Taehyung then watched Jungkook walk into the living room.The omega took a shower when he got out of his room.When he came out later he saw his fiance sitting on his bed.

"Taehyung what are.You scared me.I thought you left"

"I was about to leave but your mom asked me to come and see your room.I get to see your room after dating for eight years.Funny right?"

"Mom is just too much"

"Let me help you dry your hair"


Jungkook made himself comfortable on the bed and handed Taehyung the towel he was drying his hair with.

"Did you eat"

"Twice"Jungkook replied


"I told you that I'm going to take good care of our baby Taehyung.She is going to be so healthy and fat"

"That's good.You should stay away from stress too"

"The only thing that can stress me is you Taehyung"

"I will admit"

"Whatever is going on social media isn't affecting me at all.I'm just worried that the media will start bothering you"Jungkook said

"Don't worry.No one has been bothering me"

"For your sake I hope it stays that way"

"Don't worry about it.I'm an adult.I can handle whatever happens"

"You know maybe being a celebrity was a bad idea after all.I should have gone to college and have a normal life.I didn't know that I did something so horrible and unforgivable by falling in love.We wouldn't have hidden our love for eight years.We..."

"Don't think about it anymore.You followed your passion and that isn't a crime"

"I didn't know things would come to this.I guess there is a price to pay for being being rich and famous"

"Forget all that"Taehyung placed the towel down and walked over to the omega's dresser.He grabbed his lotion and walked back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to apply lotion onto your skin.It's nothing I haven't done before"

"You just want an excuse to see me naked"

"Just open up"

Jungkook undid his bath robe and also removed his arms from the sleeves.Taehyung knelt down and started from the omega's legs.

"Guess whom Jimin was chatting with at the housewarming party?"Taehyung started

"Yoongi hyung"

"My soon to be brother in law"

"No ways do you think that...That moron isn't interested in anyone romantically"Jungkook exclaimed

"Who knows.Maybe they just could be friends"

"Don't allow him to play with your best friend's feelings"Jungkook told the alpha.

"And how do I do that"

"I don't know.The bottom line I have told you what my brother thinks about relationship.The rest is up to you"

"Let's just see where this goes "

"I still haven't got the prenatals the doctor prescribed to me.I just remembered it now"

"Why not?"

"I haven't got the chance"

"Just text me the picture of the prescription.I will go get them for you"


"You should have told me earlier.How could you be so irresponsible.This is important"

"I didn't tell you  so you could yell at me.Sometimes I wonder how I managed to date you for eight years when you are a decade older than me.You act like a parent sometimes"

"And you act just what you are.A spoilt brat"

"You better take that back"

"Else what?"

"I'm kicking you out"

"I was going to leave anyways.I don't want to get tempted"

"Tempted?You better get rid of those dirty thoughts.I would advise you run for half an hour every morning because Taehyung there is no way I'm allowing you to touch me again.Ever"

"Are you punishing me for getting you pregnant.Is that why you don't want me to ever touch you"

"Precisely.Did you think I will just let it go like that.If I forgive you like that you will do it again in the future"

"Now who is scolding who like a parent"Taehyung laughed lightly

"You scold more than me though"

"Okay baby.I heard what you had to say"

"But that doesn't mean I'm giving you the go ahead to cheat on me"

"I will try not to cheat on you but I'm not making any promises"the older said teasingly.

"Taehyung I'm being serious here"

"Is that tone supposed to scare me"

"You are dead meat.Do you think I will let you live in peace if you do that to me?Hell no.If you don't know me then you will get to know me then"

"Oh I'm so scared Kookie"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and wore his robe back.Taehyung was having fun messing with him.Somehow they ended up cuddling on the omega's bed.Jungkook was resting his head on Taehyung's broad chest.

"Baby I have to go.It's late"

"I'm sleepy.Can't you stay here.It feels so nice,the hugs,the cuddles and the kisses.It feels good"

"I can't stay here.We aren't married yet and I have just met your parents recently.It would be awkward"

"Then just go.It's just too bad.This pillow is too comfy.I can get used to it"

"Let me tuck you in before I go"Taehyung said as he stood up.Jungkook curled up into a ball.He could already feel the empty void his fiance had left

"Say bye to our baby"the smaller said

Taehyung went on Jungkook's side and kissed his flat tummy.He then went for his forehead,nose and then the mole under his lip.

"Take care of our baby and i will see you on Saturday"

"But you owe me remember.You said you would make it up to me for coming late to the party"

"Saturday baby.I promise"

"Okay.I love you"

"I love you too.Good night"

"Drive safely.Don't over speed.For me"

"Anything for you"


On Saturday Taehyung turned up at the Jeon residency at five in the morning.They had to start on their long drive early.Jungkook barely got any sleep because he was anxious.

"Ready to go?"

"I guess"

"Baby you arent going to get executed.My dad liking or not won't change anything between.I'm still going to marry you,no matter what"

"I hope you mean what you say Taehyung because if you don't marry me ..I will"

"What will you do?"

"Don't dare me"

"Come on"Taehyung picked up Jungkook's traveling bag and the omega carried the two gifts he had bought for Taehyung's gifts.Mrs Jeon was awake so they said good bye to her before taking off.

"I have been meaning to ask you,what do you have there"

"I brought your dad's favorite brandy and your mom's favorite chocolates"

"Is that your bribe?"

"Shut up"

On the long journey Taehyung couldn't help but notice that Jungkook was drinking way too much water.

"Are you that thirsty?"

"I'm trying to stay hydrated here"

"How many times have you asked for the bathroom since we left?"

"Just thrice"

"Get a grip"

"You should be comforting me"

"How many times do I have to do it.Go ahead and whine like a baby all you want"

"You can't be getting upset with me over this.It's not my fault that you have an impossible father.What century is he living in?"

"I'm sure you can ask him when you see him"Taehyung said

"You really don't have any chill do you?"

"I have been thinking"

"About what?"

"How about we set up a studio for you at home.That way you can work from home"

"That's a wise thought.Why didn't I think about that"

"You aren't that smart"

"Excuse me?"

"Ah sorry"

They arrived just in time for dinner.Taehyung had never told Jungkook that his family owned such a huge plot of land.They pulled through the gate and only got to see the huge mansion only after driving for a kilo meter.

When they got out of the car Taehyung could clearly see Jungkook sweating.He spanked his ass just to tease him but he almost got slapped instead.

A short lady with a boxy smile came out of the mansion to welcome them.Jungkook recognized her from the photos Taehyung had showed him.Mrs Kim hugged Jungkook and took him inside.Taehyung was left behind to bring their laguage.

Mrs Kim sat Jungkook down and very soon Taehyung was besides him.Mr Kim walked down the stairs a little later after Taehyung's mother had asked the couple about their wellbeing.

Taehyung shook his father's hand and bowed to him.Jungkook also did the same as Taehyung performed the introductions.Soon they took their seats on the leather couch.

"Jungkook is that right?"

"Yes sir"

"Do you think you are good enough for my son"

"I'm not"

"Then why do you want to marry him"

"Because I love him and I'm carrying his child"

"Who can know for sure that the child you are carrying is his"

Jungkook's heart sped.He glanced at Taehyung expecting him to speak up for him but he didn't.He was looking away as if it wasn't his business.Jungkook was going to kill him once this is over.

"I don't need to prove myself to anyone.Taehyung knows more than anyone that he is the father of my child.There are no doubts about it.He knows what he did"

"Why were you with him in the first place.Money?You are ten years younger than him am I right.Don't you think he deserves someone who is as mature as he is"

"Excuse me sir.With all due respect I'm not with your son for his money.I have my own.I didn't mean to bring this up but I actually earn more than him.And as far as our age difference is concerned ,age is just a number.And another thing it was your son who asked me to date him.I hope we are clear sir.You know what,being hated on is nothing new to me.I'm hated by millions and one more won't ever make a difference"

There was silence in the room after Jungkook delivered his blow.

"Welcome to the family"Mr Kim said with a smile.

Jungkook was bewildered"What's going on?"

"It was a drill"Taehyung said


"I told you that he is one of a kind didn't I dad"

"My dear I'm sorry.I didn't mean to do this to you.I really like your spirits.You know how to stand up for yourself.I'm proud of you for the fact that you are bold and independent.And most importantly i admire you for sticking with my son for eight years despite being so famous.It shows how loyal and committed you are to him"

" knew everything?"

"Yes Taehyung told me about it.If he had told me earlier that he was in love I wouldn't have pressured him into marriage"

"I actually hate you sir"Jungkook said

"You can call me father"

"I'm not going to forgive anyone for this prank.Especially Taehyung"

"Come on"

"You had fun seeing me suffering didn't you.I was almost out of breath.Did you want me to have a heart attack"

"I'm sorry"

"You don't get to be sorry yet.By the time I'm through with you ,you will know who i really am"

"Baby i said I'm sorry"

Jungkook remained quite.He was still processing this whole thing.For a second he was convinced that his fiance's father didn't like him.

"Did I say too much?"

"I'm the one who said too much"

Taehyung gave his parents the gifts Jungkook brought for them.The omega was no longer in the mood for anything.The older couple thanked the youngest for the gifts and then instructed the helpers to to serve lunch.

Jungkook didn't even eat a mossel and the three Kims felt bad for ever pulling that stunt.Jungkook later realized that his soon to be mother in law had cooked his special dishes.He then forced himself to eat.

After lunch Taehyung offered to take the omega around the plot.Jungkook just observed things without saying anything.

"We went too far didn't we?"

"I have never seen so many big sprinklers before"Jungkook said

"Overheard sprinklers"

"How many workers do you have around here"

"Last time I checked there were a little over a hundred"

"Wow that's a lot"

"Yeah.Do you have anything else you want to know?"

"What do you specialize in"

"Uhm grains,fruits and vegetables.Beef,pork,poultry,milk.You know.Also goats and sheep.We do a little bit of everything"

"Whoa.Your family must be filthy rich"

"I really don't know much about that"

"How long has this plot been in your family"

"I heard for many generations but I don't know how many"

"Is there a water source nearby.The irrigation scheme requires a strong water source"

"There is a dam nearby"

"This place is really beautiful"

"Do you want to stay here?"

"Not permanently but I don't mind visiting often"

"Have you ever been on a tractor before"


"Do you want to try it?I will drive"Taehyung offered

"Won't we get in trouble with dad?"

"No you should be afraid of the foreman.He is the scariest around here"

Jungkook laughed lightly"Yet you still want to take the risk"

"He isn't too strict about the tractor though.He is particular about the other equipments"

"Let's go then"

The couple spent the entire afternoon exploring the plot.Jungkook looked like a first grader that was on a field trip.

Mrs Kim was going to get Jungkook and Taehyung for dinner.She could hear a commotion as she was drawing closer.Someone wasn't happy.She didn't mean to pry but the door to Taehyung's room was slightly ajar.

Jungkook was sitting on Taehyung's stomach while hitting the alpha across the face with a pillow.

"You thought I was going to forget about it easily didn't you?"

"No baby"

"Don't baby me.Do you know how I was feeling then.Do you understand what it feels like to be rejected"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't talk back to me.I'm the one who is doing the talking"

"Yes sir"

"I'm not going to forgive you for this.I'm not even sure I want to marry you anymore"

"You don't mean that.I will make it up to you.I promise"

"You only know how to make fake promises Taehyung and then keep on apologizing.I end up feeling bad when you are the one who upsets me "

"Jungkook dear,if you are done disciplining my son please come to have dinner"Mrs Kim called softly

Jungkook blushed in embarrassment.Only goodness knows what his soon to be mother in law thinks of him now.

"Mom i owe you one.Thank you for saving me from Jungkook's mood swings"Taehyung said

"I'm not on your side Taehyung"

"Really mom"

"Kookie ,come on.You have to eat.I don't want my grandchild to starve"

"Let's go mom"

"So now you have my mother wrapped around your chubby finger*

"I don't have chubby fingers.Whatever"

After dinner Jungkook offered to do the dishes but Mrs Kim said he shouldn't.There we servants in the house for that.She said that Jungkook deserved only to be pampered.Taehyung got the message loud and clear.

The four went to bed after having a casual conversation.They talked over tea.

When Jungkook went to bed two of Mrs Kim's cats followed him.They slept next to him.

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