Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

Por LettyTK

41.7K 1.8K 217

Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... Más



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Por LettyTK

Jungkook returned to his parents's house around twelve in the afternoon.When he woke up in the morning Taehyung took him on a tour of their house.When it was time for breakfast Jungkook discovered that there wasn't any food in the house.

The omega immediately got upset because he couldn't handle the hunger.He was eating for two after all and staying hungry was a crime.Taehyung offered to take the younger out for breakfast.He promised he would take him somewhere nice.They got ready and left the house.On their way Taehyung gave Jungkook the spare keys of his house.It would surely come in handy someday.

After breakfast they went to the hospital and Jungkook had a thorough check up.Once that was out of the way he dropped the omega at the agency.Hoseok and Yoongi were the first to get the wedding news.They really weren't surprised to hear this.They were really happy for him and wished him the best.At this point Jungkook didn't want a lot of people to know about this.What if the wedding doesn't end up happening.

"So when is the wedding?"Mrs Jeon asked as soon as she saw Jungkook .

"What wedding mom?"Jungkook was shocked that his mother knew about this already.Who on earth had told her.

Mrs Jeon pulled the omega by the ear"I'm your mother.Weren't you supposed to tell me first "

Jungkook winced in pain"Whom did I tell what?"

"I wasn't supposed to hear it from Taehyung"Mrs Jeon complained.

"He told you?I wonder who else he has told"

"You got engaged.I'm so happy for you.What did you do to him?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I didn't do anything to him.I just told him that we have to get married for our child.I didn't beg him"

"However it happened..I'm glad that you two are going to get married.We should celebrate this important occasion"

"Not yet.You can't celebrate until I meet Taehyung's father.He could just turn out to be my worst nightmare"

"Oh come on.He is no lion.Just be positive.Taehyung will always be there for you"

"I know he will.I just hope that Taehyung doesn't change when we get married.What if he easily gets tired of me.We have been together for the longest"

"Are you getting cold feet?"

"I'm not.Who am I.Am I not your son"

"Aren't you going to show your mother your ring"

"Can we sit down first"

Jungkook removed his ring and gave it to his mother to study it.It was a diamond one with a shape of a teardrop and two clusters of tiny sapphires on each side.

"Its beautiful.It must have been quite expensive"

"Tae said it was.Do you know what else is beautiful mom"

"Tell me"

".Our house...I mean Taehyung's house.I forgot to take pictures mom.It's my dream home built on an estate.I really can't wait to move in with him"

"What are you waiting for?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I have to deal with his father first.I can't let my hopes up just yet"

"I have an idea that can get you in a good mood"


"An engagement party"

"Without his father?Bad idea.He will come and kill me"

"How about a house warning party then?"

"That's a great idea mom.I will talk to Tae about it"


"Mom I'm hungry"

"How will you ever live without me.Once you get married you will be staying with your husband and he will be going to work.Who will cook for you"

"I will just spend the entire day with you and then go back home in the evening"

"You are not serious.How will you ever get used to your new home"

"But I will be alone and I won't have anything to do.I will be bored the whole day"

"I have been there but now I have gotten used to it.I find ways to keep myself busy.I no longer complain"Mrs Jeon said

"Why did you even choose to be a housewife.You could be doing something great for yourself mom.Staying at home is a waste of good looks for you"

"Because I sucked at school I couldnt go to college.I didnt have anything i felt like doing either.I wasnt talented like you but was lucky enough that I got married to a rich heir.Staying at home was entirely my choice"

"I don't think I can relate.I'm too good for that"Jungkook said

"You started working and earning early so now give yourself a break.You can start working again once your baby is a little grown.When you start working again ,I will look after your baby"

"You will look after the baby for me?"Jungkook asked softly

"If you want to I will"

"I would really appreciate.You know what mom,you are the best mother in the whole wide world and I'm the luckiest child on earth"

"I'm flattered"


Jungkook stayed home for the rest of the day.Lately he had been staying away from social media.He was aware that he was still being critisized for living his life.It was better not to know.He didn't need the drama.

His brother arrived home a little before dinner.He greeted his mother and asked if Jungkook was home.After getting a confirmation he jogged upstairs to his younger brother's room.


"Hey hyung.We still couldn't go for that date.Can we reschedule?

"That can wait.I came here to tell you that my brother is trending again.Isn't that lovely.You are getting more famous lately.Sensational"

"What did I do this time?"he sighed

"You ought to know that someone would be following you.You just decided to ignore it"

"I know I was being stalked"

"And that stalker followed you to pretty boy's house"

"What?No way"

"Yes way.The stalker got photos of you in pretty boy's car leaving his place.The two of you went to have a breakfast at a cafe in the morning didn't you?"

"Yeah we did"

"You went to the hospital afterwards right"

Jungkook swallowed"We did"

"And then to the agency?You kissed didn't you?"

"Shit"Jungkook slapped his forehead.

"You got carried away didn't you?"

"So all those photos are on the internet and social media?"he asked in horror.

"Yes and now everyone knows who your boyfriend of eight years and baby daddy is.The media and your fans figured it out.It didn't need rocket science.You can't deny what people already saw.Public display of affection"

"So what now"

"Your relationship isn't a secret anymore.Now your fans are buzzing about when the wedding is going to be"

"I thought it was going to be a secret until I come back from Taehyung's home town"

"Some think you look good together"

"If this reaches Taehyung's father.I should call Taehyung"

"You should give him a heads up.He won't like what is going to become of his life"Hanjoon said

"Can't people just accept that I'm human too.They don't own me"

"That's what happens when people get too attached.They think they can tell you how to live your life"

"I will call him"

"I will be out."

"Thanks for letting me know.I don't even know what's going on social media right now.I just wish that they would leave Taehyung alone.I wanted to keep him away from the media"

"You are welcome.Now you should live your life freely and in the open.You no longer have any secrets"

"Yea I should.I guess"

Jungkook called Taehyung as soon as Hanjoon left his room.


"I can't believe you haven't called me since we last saw each other,Taehyung"

"I'm sorry about that.I was very busy.I will make it up to you when I get time"

"You are already being busy now.I can only imagine just how busy you will be once we get married"

"Baby I'm sorry"

"No I'm the one who should be sorry,hyung"

"Why would you?"

"You are on the internet.We got caught.I had forgotten that someone was stalking me.I'm so sorry.I didn't want the media to know about you when you weren't prepared for it"

"Don't feel bad.I knew what I was getting myself into when I asked you to be my boyfriend"

"But they will try to dig into your life and bother you.I don't want that.I just want us to live in peace"

"We weren't going to hide it forever.It's good now that they know.We can be with each other freely.People will talk and they will soon get over it"

"You are so sweet hyung."

"I know I'm the best"

"Mom was thinking that we should hold a house warning party at your house.What do you think.You can say no if you don't want to.It's your place after all"

"That's a pretty good idea but you have to handle everything.I might not have the time for it"

"We can hold it in the evening"

"Sure.When do you want it?"

"Wednesday night.Just invite some of your friends from work and I will invite a few"

"Eunwoo and the guys are not welcomed"


"We aren't going over this again ,Jungkook"

"Fine doctor Kim."

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing.I'm just being pregnant.You know laying down and doing nothing.And you?"

"I'm about to go into surgery"

"That's my man.Good luck.Go and save a lot of lives.You will be greatly rewarded"

"I have already been rewarded.I'm going to become a father.What more can I ask for?"

"You can't wait can you?"

"What do you think.I have been with you for eight years and I'm bound to get tired of you.I think a third person can make things better"

"Wow..thank you for being honest"

"You are most welcome"

"Anyways.I'm hanging up.I'm always hungry these days.You better hire a chef Dr Kim"

"A chef?"

"I'm kidding.I will cook"

"But we can get helpers.You can't do any work at home.I don't want you to work"

"Oh really.I'm floored"

"How dare I make a celebrity work?"

"Am I not a person?"

"You are pregnant"

"Tae tell me your dad doesn't use the Internet and social media right"

"No he doesn't"

"Then I'm relieved.I don't want him to find out about us before we tell him ourselves"

"I will let mom know.She won't let him get on social media.It's not like he enjoys it anyways"

"How is my number one fan doing?"

"She is great."

"I can't wait to meet her"

"You two will get along just great"

"Did your apartment get a buyer yet?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I want to sell mine too"

"Why do you want to do that?"

"Because you sold yours"

"What if you need it later"

"Do you plan on kicking me out of your house later when you get tired of me?"

"No,I won't but you really don't need the money.Just keep the asset"

"Taehyung I want to sell it so we can furnish the house.It's my house too isn't it?"

"You don't have to do that baby"

"Why not.It's our house.Why don't you want me to contribute to it.You have already folked out a lot for the house.So why can't I do the same?"

"Fine if you insist"

"Can we agree on something Tae"

"What is it baby?"

"We are equals in this relationship.You don't have to do everything on your own financially.I have been working for ten years okay.This might bruise your ego but you should let me help too.A marriage takes two people"

"I get you.Thanks for the lecture love"

"I have to go now.I should go into hiding for a few days.I will see you on Wednesday at your place"

"I will call you.I love you"

"I love you too"

Jungkook hung up and went downstairs for dinner.His parents and his brother were already seated on the dinning table.

"Good evening dad"

"Evening son.How are you feeling"



"Dad I'm getting married"

"To Taehyung?"

"Who else?"

"I'm really happy.More than you.I approve the him.You have my blessings"Mr Jeon said

"Thank you"

"When is the wedding"

"We are yet to discuss it.We have to visit Taehyung's parents.If everything goes smoothly we will come back and set the date"

"I can't wait"

"The day after tomorrow i will be hosting a housewarming party for Tae.Please make time for it.I would love it if you make it"Jungkook said

"Sure.What gifts shall we bring"

"Whatever you want but make sure it's something useful and meaningful"

"Kookie I don't think the boys understood what you meant.I will help them with selecting the gifts"Mrs Jeon said

"Please do so mom"

On Wednesday Mrs Jeon helped Jungkook with the preparations for the party.They had to do a lot of shopping for the party.They needed a lot of food but Taehyung didn't have any in the house.Goodness knows how he has been surviving.They had to add up on kitchenware and dinner ware.

Taehyung arrived home around ten and the party was already underway.Guests had started pouring in from around six am.Jungkook had been on his phone since then.Taehyung wasn't picking up his calls.

"Hey love.Great party I see.I expected no love from you my love"

"Is this what you when you said you would try to comeback early.Your friends arrived two hours ago.Where were you?"Jungkook asked

"I was at work.You know I have been on a break for a month and I have to make up for it"

"So you are punishing me for it?Because I'm the reason why you went into hiding in the first place"

"Of course not.I'm sorry.Let me introduce you to my brother.You still haven't met him in person have you?"

"I have met him.Jin hyung introduced him to me before he left"

"He left already?"

"The nanny called.Someone needed her mommy"

"How about my friends from work.You still haven't met them right?"

"I'm not interested.I'm tired and sleepy.How about you deal with the guests that are still here for the rest have already left.I'm going to bed"


"Don't baby me.I'm upset with you.I thought we could have fun with our friends and family but I was wrong.How was I supposed to enjoy the party when you aren't here"

"I'm sorry.I got caught up with work"

"No more excuses.I have already heard what you had to say and it didn't help.I'm still upset"

Jungkook legit went to bed ,leaving his fiance to entertain the remaining guests.His parents had already left but Hoseok ,his brother and Yoongi were still there.

Taehyung had no choice but to stay.He  couldn't go to Jungkook leaving the guests unattended.It was a perfect opportunity for Taehyung to introduce his best friend to Yoongi but before he could do that he found his best friend conversing with Hanjoon.That was quite unusual.Jungkook had to see this.But again the alpha reminded himself that the omega was currently upset with him.He wasn't going to push his luck.

When everyone left ,Namjoon stayed behind to help his brother clean up.They hadn't talked in a while.

Taehyung came to bed around midnight.Jungkook was now fast asleep.The older took a shower and came to hold the younger from behind.It was their favorite sleeping posture.

By the time Jungkook woke up the following morning Taehyung was already gone to work.There was breakfast in the kitchen and a note that had a heart on it.

Jungkook knew just how to get back at Taehyung for leaving him like that.

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