Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



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By LettyTK

Jungkook was laying down in his bed and his brother was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You want to take me on a date?"the omega asked his brother

"Not you but the one you are carrying"

"So you are only being nice to me because I'm pregnant?"the younger asked with a tiny pout

"Of course why else.You know i never liked you.That shouldn't be a surprise"

"Then let's go for that date tomorrow"

Mrs Jeon walked into the room holding her phone.The situation seemed to be urgent.

"Who died mom?"Hanjoon asked

"It's going through."Mrs Jeon exclamied


"Taehyung's phone is now ringing Kookie.Take the phone and talk to him"

"Do you think he will pick up"

"He is upset with you not with Mom"Hanjoon reasoned

Jungkook got out of bed and took the phone from his mother.When the phone was picked up his heart stilled.

"Hello Mrs Jeon.How are you?"

"So you are alive after all.I have been looking for you everywhere Taehyung"

"What do you want Jungkook.Why would you even look for me.What business do you have with me"

"What's wrong with your voice.Are you ill Taehyung?"

"Jungkook if you don't answer my question then I'm hanging up"

"Please don't hung up.I want to see you.Let's talk Tae it's really important"

"I don't want to see you"

"I'm going to jump into Han river tonight and it will be all your fault"

"You will never stop manipulating me will you?Do you think I still give a fuck after what you did to me"

"I didn't do anything.Just tell me where you are.I will come to you"

"It's late .Go to bed"

"Just turn on your location and unblock me please.I have something important to tell you"

"Do you remember what I said will happen if I ever see you again"

"I don't care.I'm not afraid of dying"

"I will unblock you and turn on my location.Come find me"

"Thank you"

Jungkook hung up and thanked his mother.

"You are going to him?"

"Yea mom.It has to be tonight.I can't sleep when I'm feeling like this .I have waited for far too long to put this off any longer"

"I will drop you wherever he is"Hanjoon offered

"Thank you hyung"

"You will spend the night with him won't you.I'm saying this because it would be too late for you to travel back after talking to him"Mrs Jeon said

"I doubt he will kick you out so late at night after you tell him that you are still carrying his child"

"He won't kick me out"Jungkook said.Once everyone left he changed out of his pjs and wore his sweats.

Taehyung had unblocked Jungkook and switched on his location after ending the call.It wasn't hard for Jungkook and his brother to trace his location.After an longer long drive they stopped in front of a huge iron gate.

"Hyung thank you.Please drive carefully"

"Are you sure this is the right place?"Hanjoon asked after they had arrived at the location.

"Hyung do you think the GPS would lie?"

"I will leave after seeing you get inside.You might just get kidnapped as soon as I leave"


Jungkook stepped out of the vehicle and walked towards the gate.There were cameras around it and there was an electric sensor.Before he could think of pressing the intercom the sliding  gate opened on it's own.

Creepy,he thought.Hanjoon waved at him and drove off.

Jungkook stepped inside the gate and as soon as he did the gate closed on its own.Jungkook looked up ahead and found himself standing in one of the longest driveway he had ever seen.There were a lot of flowers and tower lights on each side of the concrete driveway.Once Jungkook had walked ten minutes further the driveway he found himself standing in front of a beautiful house made of wood and aluminum.You could say it was his dream house.

Between him and the house stood a beautiful and functioning fountain.The drive way went around the fountain and stopped in front of garage.

A minute later Jungkook took a deep breath while he stood at the porch of the house.He felt nervous now that he was so close to meet the love of his life.While he was busy pulling himself together the giant wooden door opened from inside.

Jungkook froze at the sight.Taehyung's face had become so thin and his hair grew longer and it seemed like he hadn't shaved his facial hair in a while.


"Are you coming in or are you going to stand there all night.I thought you had important things to talk about"the alpha spat

Jungkook snapped out of it and walked inside the house.They walked right into the foyer.Taehyung started walking ahead

"Don't wonder off.Remember what you came for"

Jungkook picked up his pace and followed closely.He didn't want to get scolded just because he was looking around.

They got to the living room and Jungkook couldn't stop his eyes from wondering around.The room was warm and cozy just like the alpha's apartment.There was minimal furniture,just the way Taehyung liked his apartment.

"Is this your house?"Jungkook heard himself ask

"You didn't come to ask me that did you?"Taehyung came face to face with the omega

Jungkook crossed the line and cupped his ex's face"What happened to you.Why are you so pale and thin.Weren't you eating?"

Taehyung slapped the omega's hand away"If you have nothing important to talk about then get out.I can't bear your sight"

"I'm sorry Taehyung...I just couldn't ignore"

"Why would you care huh?Didn't you do this to me?"Taehyung's tone was bitter

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to"

Taehyung gritted his teeth and gripped the omega's waist with both his hands"Tell me.Why are you even here.Are you here to gloat that you aborted my child and got away with it"

"Taehyung listen to me"

"Wait are you going to show me your fake concern and manipulate me into taking you back.Honestly nothing would really surprise me.You are capable of anything"the alpha spat

Jungkook shut his eyes feeling Taehyung squeezing his waist harshly.It wasn't because he enjoyed it.He was irked that Taehyung could possibly hurt their child without even knowing it.

"Why are you quite?"Taehyung asked,his tone taunting

"Get your hands of me Taehyung"he snarled

"Now that you came to me on your own do you think I will just let you go.You miss my dick don't you.That's why you have been looking for me like crazy"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and then slapped the alpha across the cheek.Mood swings.He had never easily lost his temper.

"Say that again.Do you even listen to yourself.Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?"Jungkook asked

"Shut up Jeon"Taehyung growled.

"I know you don't like surprises but I thought you would like this one but clearly the joke is on me.I didn't know you had changed this much"Jungkook said

"What's the surprise?You killed my child and you are here to end me too so I can be with my child.Isn't that right?Just put me out of my misery"

"Taehyung"Jungkook screamed ontop of his lungs."You are fucking crossing the line"

"What line huh?"Taehyung charged forward,invading the omega's personal space.

"I wish you would just let me speak will you.I get that you are older than me but you can't just talk over me all the time."

"You can speak"

"You have been drinking.I can't talk to you when you are like this.It was pointless coming here.I had my hopes up Taehyung...

"Nah ,the truth is you didn't have anything important to say.You just wanted to see how miserable I am after breaking me.You have won Jungkook.You always do"Taehyung's tone softened at the end

"I no longer care about what people say or think about me.You included.I don't owe anyone anything"the smaller said weakly

Jungkook planned to walk out of the house without saying a thing but his bladder started complaining.He couldn't leave the house without relieving himself.

"Can I use your bathroom."he forced himself to ask.He didn't want to be around Taehyung any longer but his bladder betrayed him.Pecks of being pregnant .

"Upstairs.Last door on the right"

Jungkook jogged up the stairs cussing at Taehyung all the way.Who did he think he was anyways.

While Jungkook was away Taehyung received a text on his phone from Jin.

Jin hyung
Taehyung you need to go to Jungkook.He has been looking for you for a month now.He didn't go through with the abortion.He even made his pregnancy public.He canceled his tour and announced his hiatus.Please talk to him.He needs you.

Thanks hyung❤

It was at this moment that he realized that he had fucked up.How was he going to make things right between them.Jungkook would probably tell him that he doesn't want him in their child's life just because he wouldn't give him the chance to speak.


Jungkook came down the stairs ten minutes later.After using the bathroom he had decided to take a sneak peek at the rooms upstairs.He low key loved the house.Taehyung had built it for them after all.

"Thanks,I used it well.I'm going.See you when you see me"

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist"Baby im sorry.Please forgive me I didn't know"

Jungkook frowned"What didn't you know?"

"That you kept the baby.I hated you and resented you a lot....I'm so fucking sorry"

"Who told you that?"

"Jin hyung.He texted me just now"

"I have been trying to tell you that one thing for the past month"Tears pricked Jungkook's eyes as he moved away from Taehyung.He was too upset with him.

"I'm sorry"

"No you aren't sorry Taehyung.The day you came to my place i wanted to tell you the same thing.I was already considering not having the abortion and you just had to be mean to me"


"You don't deserve this child nor do you deserve me"the omega spat and his words stabbed Taehyung where it hurt the most.

"You don't mean that"the older whispered hopelessly.

"Taehyung I have to go"

"Just tell me why.What made you change your mind all of a sudden?You had made up your mind didn't you?"Taehyung asked

"I didn't do it for you or your father.I did it for myself.I know this child will make me happy.Just because the child wasn't planned doesn't mean i should get rid of it"

"You canceled your tour.That tour meant a lot to you.I know that.You broke up with me because of that right?"

"My priorities changed Taehyung.In an instant.I don't believe it either but it happened"

"I can't believe it"Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face with the intention of kissing him but the younger slapped his hand away.

"I'm sorry.I'm just so excited"Taehyung knelt on the floor and hugged the omega's waist.He pressed his head against his tummy.

"What are you doing?"Jungkook asked in amusement

"Thank you so much"


"Yes baby"

"Let's get married like you wanted.I would be happy to marry you"

Taehyung was dumbfounded at first.He didn't believe that he heard the omega right.He didn't want Jungkook to say it twice.

"Does that mean you forgive me?"the alpha asked hopefully

"I'm not doing this for you.It's not about us.I know i have said a fair share of awful things that I can't take back and you will probably never forgive me but can we at least do this for our child.Can we please put our differences aside for him"

"Is that what you really want.For us to get married?"Taehyung asked

"I want to make it clear.I'm not marrying you because I love you.I know that our relationship will never be the same but I'm willing to make this sacrifice for our unborn child.Can you do it too Taehyung?"the omega's eyes twinkled

Taehyung nodded rapidly.Somehow his respect for Jungkook had increased a whole lot.The omega had put his entire career on hold just for their child"Let's do it.Let's give our child a family"

"In a way I'm doing you a favor.Your father won't ever pester you about getting married again"Jungkook grinned

"You are right.How can I ever repay you for that"

"You just have to take good care of me and keep  me happy"Jungkook blushed at his own words

"I promise"

"I trust you"

"Please wait here"

Taehyung ran up the stairs and came back with a familiar red velvet box.

"Give me your hand"

"You still have it?"Jungkook asked

"I couldn't just throw it away.I paid a lot for it.Now it will mean something if you wear it"Taehyung said

"Thank you"

"You are a celebrity.Your fingers can't be empty when you announce that you are getting married"

"Thank you"

"Im the one who should be thanking you.I think I should have gone on one knee and proposed.That would  be cool right"Taehyung smiled

"No one is watching.Besides you have already done that a year ago.You made a lot of decorations and got on one knee with the same ring and I rejected you.I'm sorry"Jungkook said

"Your reason there was valid"

"Maybe I made you think that I didn't love you enough"Jungkook whispered,his head hung low

"No I just thought that you weren't in the best position to handle a relationship because of your career"

"I'm so sorry for hurting you and being so piggy headed.I hurt you a lot didn't I?"Jungkook asked  his eyes moist.

"You didn't abort my child so how can you say that you hurt me in any way"

"I said a lot of hurtful things"Jungkook pouted

"I did hurt you too with my words.Your words never hurt me because that's just who you are.Us breaking up wasn't easy for me but when you brought up the abortion you broke me"Taehyung confessed

"Is that why you came here.So you won't have to see me?"Jungkook asked

"I just wanted to be alone and far from everyone and everything"

"Taehyung you know we have to tell your parents about the baby and the wedding before my agency announces it to the media"

"Aren't you scared of my father?"Taehyung asked

"You won't let him disrespect me will you ?"

"I won't have to do anything because I know you can fight for yourself"Taehyung winked

"That's not enough.I want you to stand up for me.How will you ever protect me.How can I trust you.Maybe we shouldn't get married.You aren't the kind of man.I want in my life"Jungkook frowned

"Baby what do I do.My father is scary"

"Then we don't have to get married.I will raise the baby alone and I don't want you anywhere near him"Jungkook said pouting all the way

"It doesn't have to go that far"

"Better man up"

"So here is what we will do.I'm going to work tomorrow and meet your parents somewhere before the week ends and on weekend we can drive to see my parents"

"This weekend right.You will keep your word won't you?This is really important"Jungkook stressed

"I'm a man of my word.Tell me when you want to move in?"the older asked

"I can't move in before we see your father.What if he forbids us from getting married"Jungkook said

"Jungkook he won't refuse since there is a child involved.Trust me he would want me to take responsibility for the child"

"Are you sure?If he is mean to me I won't stay quiet"Jungkook said

"Don't worry.He will only scold me for having sex before marriage but he won't stop us from getting married"

"Is he a church leader of some sort?"the omega asked

"More or less"

"Can you show me our bedroom now.I'm tired Taehyung"

"Sure"Taehyung smiled and took the younger's hand.They walked up the stairs.

"Has anyone else ever been here?"Jungkook asked


"So he knew where you were but never told me.That's a real best friend you have there"Jungkook said sarcastically

"Don't hate him though"

"I won't.He is your best friend after all"

"Baby do you mind stopping by the hospital tomorrow.I want you to get checked out.You make sure everything is going well"

Jungkook arched a brow"You don't believe that I didn't have the abortion do you?"

"Of course not.Please don't misunderstand me.I only want to make sure you and our baby are okay"


The master bedroom was the last door on the end of the hallway.It was just as Jungkook thought it would be.Minimalistic.

That night Taehyung's hands never stopped caressing the younger's stomach.They talked for most of the night.Everything felt surreal.They were going to get married soon and then become parents right after.

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