Infinite Blade 無限の刃 (gonna ed...

By anishias1

1.7K 59 29

This is a story about a young boy, who met a princess in his father's homeland. They fell in love and soon li... More

Prolouge/Chapter 1: The Boy from the Past
Chapter 2: He is real
Chapter 3: The Start of a New Beginning
Chapter 4: 20 Assassins vs 1 Swordsman
Chapter 5: Lost in the Wilderness
Chapter 6: The Village of Soaring Winds
Chapter 7: Twin Dragons
Chapter 8: Alcaida, The Demon Master
Chapter 9: The Power of Pegasus
Chapter 10: The Boy's Locket
Chapter 11: Does She Like Him?
Chapter 12:(part 1) The Secret

Chapter 13(Part 2): The Fire Mage

40 0 0
By anishias1

"Itachi.., Itachi hey, wake up!" Kikyo whispers, moving him slightly back and forth in a repeating motion.

"Rmmm..., huh? What's going on?" Itachi reads, trying to wake up.

"He's gone, I can't find Suguro anywhere."

"H-huh?" Itachi says, waking up completely with his eyes wide open.

Before they could do another action, a sudden burst of light flashes through the window sills of their sight as they hear a fire-like sound, setting towns ablaze from the horizon. Itachi and Kikyo stood silent as they heard a mysterious voice coming from the great havoc outside. They stay patient for an impatient moment as they try to hear what was going on.

Everyone from the Inn came out from their dorm rooms.

"Oh no, those monsters are back again..." An old man worries.

"They've already killed one of us, so why now?" Speaks a Mage who awoke from his sleep from the dorm beside Itachi and Kikyo's.

Kikyo looks to her left to Itachi. "Did you hear that Itachi?" Kikyo questions.

Itachi nods back.
"So this has happened to them before it seems." Itachi says looking concerned at the catastrophe the man outside is causing.

Kikyo looks out the window. In a short second she gasped.

"Hm?" Questions Itachi from the sudden gasp from Kikyo. "What's the matter Kikyo?" Itachi questions with a shocked face.

"...That Mage out there,....could he be, a Dark Mage?"

"Lemme see," Itachi says as he gets close to Kikyo, sharing the sight. "*Gasp*.." Itachi gasps. What came to his sight was a Mage, not like from the rest he saw from before...

He wore a pale blue shirt and jet black all over. He holds a wooden staff with a red orb mounted to the top. He looks at the age of nineteen. His dark hazel-like eyes glow through the harsh smoke as his black hair waves in the motion the fire assets.

They stood there silent behind the curtains of the window as they listen into what the Dark Mage wants:

"Where are you hiding Suguro? I know you're hiding somewhere! Show yourself! Surrender and I won't burn you into ashes."

The Mage waits a few seconds, awaiting for his reply until he realized there was none,
"Fine, looks like I'll have to burn down every building of your lovely village until you give up then!!"

The Mage lifts up his red orb staff with his right arm as he yells out to the dark starless sky, "Blaze Inferno!"

The house the Mage once stood upon the rooftop of, was soon burnt to a crisp in an instance.

"He's after the innkeeper Suguro?!" Itachi questions, looking intimidated.

"It must be, why would he leave the Inn unintended in such a short notice?" Kikyo replies, feeling worried for Suguro.

"But why would this man need Suguro? He's just an innkeeper after all.." Itachi wonders, trying to think it out.

But he was soon interrupted from the bell tower from the summit of the temple. It suddenly begins its uniformed chime,




"*gasp*!" Itachi gasps, "That sound..." Itachi soon remembers that when a temple bell rings, it means they're in trouble, needing someone to help right away.

"I wonder why it's ringing.." Kikyo questions.

Itachi stands straight up looking at Kikyo with a serious look, "They're in trouble and need help."

Kikyo nods, "I understand, just be careful okay?"

Itachi looks at Kikyo, "Don't worry Kikyo, I shall," Itachi says as he equips on his cloak, metal boots, gauntlets, and sword.

Itachi then opens up his room door and enters into the hallway. Itachi looks around for a way to the town rooftops. As Itachi was looking around, he immediately spots a window by his left. Every room in the Inn suddenly open up their doors. They all stare upon the unique looking traveler equipped for an occasion.

"Are you going to help them kid?" one old man questions him.

Itachi looks at him with a trusting look, "Yeah," Itachi then backs a couple of steps. "They won't know what's coming."

After finishing his final sentence to the man, Itachi immediately runs through the hallway, aiming for the window heading straight outside. He dashes with immense speed towards the window, jumping towards it, bursting the window into shards of glass out from the halls. Itachi opens his eyes up, trying to see through the broken glass shards flying out the window. He looks down towards a nearby town roof, landing feet first onto it, unscathed.

"First I have to find Suguro to make sure he's all right." Itachi instructs himself, then to run off to the next rooftop, onto the next, over and over.?

'I hope Suguro's not hurt, but where could he be heading at this time of hour?'

Itachi thinks, however he thinks a bit out of hand. As he focuses on Suguro, seems he hasn't noticed where he's stepping.

"Huh?" Itachi's left foot seems to have missed the roof's edge, and so he slips of the fifteenth rooftop.


Before he could act further more, he falls off twelve feet straight below.

"Gah! Crap!" He yells angrily.

Before Itachi could even reach the floor's reach, it seems as someone broke his fall just in time. Itachi flinches, hoping he would've hit the ground by now, seems he hasn't. Itachi was managed to be caught in the arms of a traveler around these parts of the village.

Itachi opens up his eyes. "Huh?"

"Where the heck did you come from Itachi?"

Itachi's heard that voice before, he looks up to notice it was,


"Yeah, why are you so surprised?" Suguro looks to his left then to his right, "And what are you doing here at this time of hour? I thought for sure you were fast asleep."

"I was gonna say the same thing." Itachi says as he crosses his arms, glaring suspiciously at him.

"That's not really your business." Suguro replies.

To Be ContinueD Lol

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