𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙚 �...

By Leyah_eroticstories

2.2M 48K 7.5K

❝You Might Be My Angel In Public, But You're My Whore In Bed.❞ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ "Are you ready for me baby?" I n... More

❝𝓒𝓸𝓹𝔂𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 & 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼❞‼️
44. |PT. 1|
45.. |PT. 2|
59. | Birth |
60. | Wedding |
Epilogue.. 1♥︎
Epilogue. 2♥︎
{THE END.} Aesthetics-★
New Story Alert🎉⚠️


28.1K 663 104
By Leyah_eroticstories

Enzo's Outfit^^^

-Evil people always support each other, that is their chief strength.   ~Enzo

| Thursday | 8:50 a.m |

I heard a knock on my office door. "Come in." I called out.

My personal assistance came through the door. "Sir, Mr. Daniels wants to meet you."

"Okay let him in." I told her as she nodded and went out. I wonder what he wants now, I hope all is well with the children.

I got up from my chair and went to look out of my glass window as my mind went to Elle, we spoke the whole time this morning and she told me that her mom wanted me to come over on Saturday and I was so nervous.

| Flashback | 6:30 a.m |

"Morning baby." I greeted her happily through the phone.

"Hey Dari, I need to tell you something." She draws out sounding nervous.

"What is it love?" I asked as I went to the bathroom.

"My mom wants you to come over for dinner Saturday at around 6 p.m." She rushed out. I slipped and fell in the shower on my naked ass.

"Ahhh, oh fuck." I groaned out in pain.

"What happened? are you okay?" She asked in a panic tone.

"I- I'm okay, I just um, dropped my laptop?" I said more like a question, I didn't want her to know I fell. That's embarrassing.

"Oh okay, so what do you say?" She asked again.

"Do you think she will like me?" I asked worriedly. I want her to like me, no I need her to like me for the sake of our relationship.

"What's there not to like?" 

"Fine, I'll be there baby." I was stressed out at this point. Damn, that fall was hard.

| Flashback Ends |

I miss my baby so much, I can't wait to see her again. Maybe I'll sneak into her room tonight. I broke out of my thoughts as I heard the door opening and I stayed still not turning around.

"Mr. Romano, thank you for agreeing to see me." Mr. Daniels said as I turned around just in time to shake his hands.

"No problem, please take a seat." I said sitting down. "Petrina, please make us two cups of coffee." I told my P.A and she immediately went to make them.

"So, what seems to be the problem Daniels?" I asked the man in front of me and he sighed. He's the one I put in charge of the foster home with another lady.

"Sir, we were wondering if we could have a family fun day at the foster home, just to make the children have some fun for a day." He suggested nervously at the same time my P.A came with our coffees.

In all honesty I was thinking of having one for them. I would bring everything to them; Trampoline, bounce about, merry go round, pool. etc. I want them to have fun.

"That's actually a very good idea. When do you think we could make that happen?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee as I crossed my leg over the other. He started getting excited about the idea, I'm glad he genuinely cares about the kids.

"Well maybe we could have it in the next two weeks?" He said unsure. 

"Yeah I think that could work as well, by then I can get everything set up for them." I said with interest. This should be fun.

"Okay thank you sir." He said getting up shaking my hands.

"We'll be in touch." I told him as he went out the door.

After that I signed some papers and have meetings back to back. I really need a holiday. Maybe we all could take a trip somewhere and have some fun.

12:30 p.m

It was now lunch time and I went out of my office in search of my assistant Mark, I wanted to have lunch outside this time so I'm taking him. 

I would rather bring him than a female with me, I wouldn't feel comfortable having lunch with my P.A who is a female unless my girlfriend knows about it anyway.

"Mark, have you had lunch yet?" I asked as I entered his office and he jumped out of his chair dropping his phone.

"Don't tell me you're sexting Isaac again. For the love of God, can't you two wait until you're home?" I asked, cringing. 

Yes I know about his boyfriend Isaac. I met him at my club opening where I saw the both of them, then they begged me to have threesome with them claiming I'm a walking sex God. 

Whatever that means.

And yes Mark and I are very good friends, so he always flirts with me even though I know he's just teasing. 

I hope

One time I caught him sexting Isaac in the office when he should've been working. "Oh God no, we are definitely not sexting." He said flashing me a big smile after wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Give me the phone." I walked towards him and grabbed the phone looking at it. 

He was actually doing it on face-time instead, what the fuck. "Oh, hey sexy. Feel free to join us." Isaac winked at me on the camera. 

This motherfucker.

"No thanks, I'm stealing Mark for an hour so byeee." I rushed out saying and hung up before he could respond. I turned and glared at Mark.

"What? don't blame me, I was feeling horny and I had to turn to him since you're in denial right now." He said giving me puppy eyes.

"You- I- Forget it, let's get going. We're getting lunch and you better wash those hands." I told him as we left the office.

"Oh, are we going on our first big date. Wait you're paying right? and I didn't use my hands this time, I was just watching." He said, winking at me. 

I just glared at him while I continued walking and that was my first mistake because soon after I found myself walking straight into the glass door at the second entrance.

"Ahhh, fucking shit. Why does this day hate me so much." I whined, holding my head groaning and Mark started laughing at me loudly. He even dropped to the floor holding his stomach. 

So dramatic.

I really hope nobody saw that, so embarrassing. I quickly looked around to see if anyone saw it, but as soon as I turned around I saw most people turning away quickly holding in their laugh and I sighed in embarrassment. 

Can the ground just swallow me up right now.

"Get up drama queen, or else I'm not giving you the one night stand you wanted." I whisper-yelled to him, he jumped us within seconds and ceased his laughter. Gotcha!

"R-Really? when?" He asked hugging me, did he seriously believe that?

"I'm sorry but this dick is only for my girlfriend." I said pushing him away as he groaned out.

"I can't believe you played me like that." He exclaimed as we got into my car.

I rolled my eyes at him. We finally reached there, it was actually Zachary's restaurant. 

We walked until we reached the side of the restaurant and saw an old woman standing near the door begging for money so I went into my wallet and took out a 500 dollar bill putting it in her hands.

She looked at me in shock and burst into tears. "Oh my, thank you so much young man, may God bless your kind soul son." She said wiping her tears and I gave her a kind smile. Sometimes I wish I could help every single soul in this cruel world.

We walked away in silence until Mark decided to say something irrelevant again. "Big dick energy." He murmured.

"What?" I asked, not understanding what he's on about. 

"So you're a young handsome billionaire that is kind-hearted? This is the first time I'm hearing of this, those books made it seem like they only have cold-hearted and rude billionaires. Oh I can definitely tell it's big down there." He whispered the last part to himself while biting his lips, but I heard every word.

"Why would I be mean just because I'm rich? It doesn't make sense because I can end up losing everything tomorrow and anyways I wasn't born rich so I'm not going to act like I'm more than anybody just because I have some money now." I told him honestly.

In life you can't be too hype because you can end up hitting rock bottom at any given moment.

"Have some money? dude your a multi-billionaire. That's more than just some money." He threw his hands up in the air dramatically. 

I stared at him blankly, I just don't get the hype. It's just money.

I groaned at him. "And you need to stop reading those books, not every billionaire is rude." I told him, Mark and Elle love reading Wattpad. I actually think they're obsessed with it.

We went into the restaurant and took our seats as we looked at the menu and ordered what we wanted. After a couple of minutes we got our food and started eating.

Mark looked up at me. "How's Bri doing? I need that girl's number, she's about to be my bestie boo." He said with twinkling eyes.

"She's an angel, she's just so amazing you know." I blushed and smiled brightly at the mention of her.

"Woah, she's making the Enzo Romano blush? Is it really that good?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Shut up." I said as we laughed out loud.

When we finished eating I payed the bill and we went back to the office. Mark went to finish his work and I walked off to my office. As soon as I reached I plopped myself down in my chair and leaned my head back on the chair headrest. 

I suddenly felt too lazy to do anything.

I closed my eyes deciding to rest for a while. After about five minutes I got interrupted by the door slamming open which made me jump and started yelling. "What the fuc-" I cut myself off as I saw who it was but what I saw made me froze. 

Utterly and completely frozen.

"Um sir, she ran passed us before we could stop her." My P.A said, out of breath and I turned to her signaling with my hand. "Leave. Now!" I said loudly, I hadn't meant to sound so harsh but I was not in my complete senses right now.

She quickly left and I was immediately crushed into a big hug. She clutched unto me as she cried and my heart broke into a million pieces.

"Baby? what happened? who did this to you?" I asked Elle, she was bruised all over and her beautiful face was bloody.

"H-he-" She tried saying but she was hiccuping a lot so the words weren't coming out.

"Shh, take your time angel." I told her soothingly as I placed her in my lap massaging her hair. I was raging right now but I had to keep calm for her. I didn't even care that she was practically soaking my shirt with her tears.

"I-I ch-" She tried saying but stopped and hugged me tighter as she cried harder. I feel so helpless right now, I don't know what happened or what to do. All I can do right now is be there for her.

"You're safe now, it's okay. I'm with you now, I promise whoever did this to you will pay. I give you my word." I said as I whispered the last sentence.

We stayed like that in silence for about an hour until she calmed down and I took her to the room in my office, laid her on the bed and went to the bathroom for my first aid kit. 

Whoever did this to her, may God help them.

"Angel, can I take off your blouse?" I asked for permission so that I could take off the blooded blouse but she suddenly flinched moving away from me and shook her head no, looking at me in fear. 

I felt hurt that she looked at me like that but I didn't show it, this isn't about me right now. "I-It's okay then I won't remove it baby, I still need to clean your face though." I told her calmly.

She still didn't move or say anything, so I didn't move either just in case. "Elle, baby?" I called out again as I saw her eyes watering again. 

Fuck what should I do? 

"C-Can I at least hug you then?" I asked cautiously and she shook her head no, curling up further into the bed.

Fuck, maybe she needs a female company with her then? Ally? no she's still in school at this time.  Maybe her mom? but what if she gets upset with me for that, I'll rather not. "I'll be right outside this door baby, will you be okay?" I asked and she nodded still not looking at me.

I sighed and went out dialing the only number that came to mind. "Honey? Is everything okay?" She said worriedly through the phone.

"Yeah um, I need you, well not me but someone else might need you. How soon can you get here?" I asked in a shaky tone. She is actually a retired doctor, so maybe she can help?

"Maybe in the next 25 minutes." She said as I hear keys shuffling in the background.

"Okay come straight to my main office. Be safe." I hung up and went back into the room to see if she was okay.

I saw that she fell asleep and she was sweating a lot even though the AC was on. Fuck, I really want to wipe up all that blood from her face and cleaned her up but I didn't want to touch her when she clearly told me no.

I'll just wait until she gets here then. I turned up the AC and went back to my office after covering her properly. 

I pressed the buzzer on my desk and my P.A came running in looking scared. "Order some female clothes and bring them to me immediately." I told her Elle's size, she nodded and went out.

I dialed another number as she went out. "Mr. Romano, what a great pleasure to hear from you again." He said with is voice laced with fear.

"What happened in school today with Brielle Reid?" I asked in a serious tone. I had no time to be nice to anybody at this time.

"W-what? N-Nothing happened here s-sir." He said breathlessly.

"You don't know?" I asked with a dark chuckle. "I'll find out soon and when I do, you better pray to your God that you have a job after this." I said then hung up on him and threw the phone down. 

Fuck. I gripped my hair in frustration.

I heard a knock and I saw my P.A stepped in with bags and gave them to me. "Thank you." I murmured. She left leaving me with my thoughts.

I picked up my phone sending a private message just as the door burst opened. I looked up to see the person I desperately wanted to see badly.

"What happened?" She asked with worry laced on her face and my eyes teared up immediately for not knowing what to do to comfort my own girlfriend. "I-I don't know Ma. Please try to see if she'll talk to you or allow you to clean her up. She won't let me touch her again. Here are some clothes for her." I gave her the bag and she kissed my cheek then went into my office room.

I wanted to listen in to hear if Elle and my moms were okay there. Unfortunately I couldn't hear anything so I paced the floor repeatedly. 

While I was waiting for my mom to come out, my phone rang and I quickly picked it up. "Talk." I said to the person on the line.

I got angry at each word he said and that was enough to wake the devil inside me. They're going to wish they were never born.

Justin Greene, son of millionaire Austin Greene. 

When I'm done with them, they'll be begging off the streets. And that principal, Oh they made a huge mistake crossing me by taking advantage of my angel.

I chuckled darkly. "Welcome to the devil's den, Justin Greene."


#DoubleUpdates. 🥰😘

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to do double updates, not sure how that will work out.☺️

What do you think Enzo is going to do? 👀



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