latent love [eddie munson]

By obsessedmunson

57.3K 900 33

Emily is Dustin's older sister, she only recently moved back in after years of being away with her abusive bi... More

Part 13


2.7K 45 0
By obsessedmunson

Emily's POV

Thursday finally arrives and I couldn't be more excited to make my way to Hawkins. I had to wake up at five in the morning to make it to the airport at six. The plane leaves at eight, I don't understand why we have to get there so early but I don't complain. Aunt Susan says it's a four-and-a-half-hour flight. I don't  understand why Susan has to come on the plane with me. I'm seventeen years old, about to be eighteen soon. Mom claimed it was for her own peace of mind so I didn't protest it.

Susan has been so kind to me. She took me shopping so I'd have new clothes and other necessities. Susan said that I needed a brand new start, for my new life in Hawkins.  Claiming that she was making up for all the birthdays she had missed over the years. I tried to decline but Susan wouldn't take no for an answer. She was nothing like my dad. They looked so much alike but so different from each other. I am so thankful for her. Not sure how I would have navigated this difficult situation without her.

When we finally got on the plane after two painful hours of waiting, Susan immediately fell asleep. Which just left me alone for the whole four and a half hours. I just sat there with my thoughts. I tried my hardest not to think about everything that had happened to lead up to this point, it was impossible not to.

My dad never allowed me to do much besides go to school and come straight home. I lived a very unfun life. Dad never let me have friends. I remember in middle school I met Taylor. We became really close friends. When my dad found out, he forbid me from talking to her. Told me if he found out he'd homeschool me. So I stopped being her friend.

My freshman year there was this boy who had an innocent crush on me and left me a note. I cherished that note, my favorite thing I had ever been given. My dad ended up finding it in one of his weekly room checks. He yelled at for me hours, calling every name under the sun that meant I was a whore. Making me watch as he tore the note into a million pieces. The next day he showed up at my school demanding I needed to be taken out of any classes we shared. Told me if he found out that I was talking to that boy, in any way he'd hurt me and then the boy for taking advantage of his little girl.

I was sitting there thinking about how miserable of life I had lived for too long so I focused on the future. I thought to myself that I should make a list of things I wanted to complete my senior year. I pull out a notebook and pen. Then begin writing a list of all the things I wanted to do but was never allowed to. This list included:

○ Make a friend
○ Cut and dye my hair
○ Nose piercing (If mom lets me.)
○ Have my first REAL kiss
○ Have my first boyfriend
○ Go to a party?
○ Drink? Get drunk...
○ Smoke weed...
○ Graduate

I smiled at my list assuming I would add to it as I thought of more things I wanted to experience. Eventually, the plane landed and I had to wake Susan up. I gently touch her shoulder and get no reaction. So I shake her harder, eager to get off this plane and to my family.

"What? Are we there yet?" Susan stretches and starts moving around.

"Yes, let's go please!" I plead to her while grabbing mine and Susan's carry-ons.

"Okay, okay." Susan groaned getting up from her seat to follow me.

We were greeted at the gate by my Mom and Dustin. Dustin runs toward me while Mom follows along trying to keep up. She hollers at him to slow down but he doesn't listen. Once he reaches me he hugs me. Mom catches up and takes her turn hugging me. Only my mom doesn't let go as quickly as Dustin.  Which brings a smile to my face, so I squeeze back tighter. After what felt like a couple of minutes, my Mom lets go of me. I take a mom moment to look at my mom and then at Dustin, noticing all the things that had changed about them since the last time I was allowed to visit Hawkins a few years ago.

"Wow Dusty, last time I saw you I had to look down to talk to you now we're eye to eye." I tease him, letting out a little laugh.

"Please don't call me that." Dustin whines which just causes me to laugh even harder.

"You're still dusty. So I will continue to call you Dusty." I retort, smiling.

"Whatever," Dustin mutters with a half smile on his face, only kind of annoyed. I pass my suitcase to Dustin. He rolls his eyes at me but doesn't argue.

Aunt Susan and my mom greet each other like friends who haven't seen each other in so many years. Mom thanks Susan for everything she's done for me. They notice me and Dustin taking off towards the car so they hurry to catch up.

"This will be your room." My mom smiles and pulls me in for another hug. She's been doing that a lot since I've been back. Not that I mind, I miss this feeling.

As she pulls away she doesn't look as happy anymore, "I'm so sorry."

Confused I ask, "For what?"

"Everything. I should have known he was treating you so terribly." She explains as tears begin to fall from her eyes.

"You couldn't have known it's okay," I reassure her and use my sleeve to wipe her tears away.

"It's not okay. You deserve so much better. I should have fought harder to keep you." She speaks through her sobs.

"It's not your fault mom. Dad was an evil manipulative man. He was great at making everything seem okay. I should have spoken up or tried harder to get away." As I try to console her, I don't realize the tears that start to flow from my own eyes. This time I'm the one pulling her into a hug.

"I promise to make it up to you." She whispers between sniffling, her hand rubs my back trying to soothe me and herself.

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