𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙚 �...

By Leyah_eroticstories

2.2M 48K 7.5K

❝You Might Be My Angel In Public, But You're My Whore In Bed.❞ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ "Are you ready for me baby?" I n... More

❝𝓒𝓸𝓹𝔂𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 & 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼❞‼️
44. |PT. 1|
45.. |PT. 2|
59. | Birth |
60. | Wedding |
Epilogue.. 1♥︎
Epilogue. 2♥︎
{THE END.} Aesthetics-★
New Story Alert🎉⚠️


28.3K 593 97
By Leyah_eroticstories

~ Recap ~

The coffee shop is about 30 minutes away from his home and I asked if he wanted me to pick him up after work but he declined and said he would take a cab home so I didn't pressure him.

"Bye M, text me when you reach home safely okay." I told him as we reached his work place.

"Yeah I'll text you guys, see you tomorrow." He winked at us as he got out and waved. We waited until he went in before we made our way home as well.


'This chapter will switch points of view, so please read carefully.'

We made it home in time to see my mother just about to leave, she has a night shift and won't be back till tomorrow evening.

"Hey mom." I said hugging her and she hugged back.

"Mom are you leaving already?" Luke asked with a frown and mom gave us a sad smile.

"Yes honey, my shift will soon start." She said taking up her bag.

"Okay you two, behave yourselves and lock the doors properly before going to bed. Do not open the door for nobody, you hear me?" She told us with a serious expression on her face.

"Yes mom." We both said at the same time. Every time she's leaving she tells us the same thing.

"Good, I love both of you and food is in the microwave. Heat it up." She hugged us as we replied back and then she left.

"So what's going on with you and Lilly?" I asked Luke as we went to the kitchen.

He blushed. "Nothing is going on, I mean I like her but I don't think she feels the same." 

"Why would you think that?" Even a blind man can see that both of them like each other, they're just so stubborn.

"Well after I left her house she started acting like nothing happened between us and it's frustrating." He said groaning as the food reheat.

"Maybe she's shy? or she just doesn't know how to act around you anymore after the peck?" 

"Peck? it wasn't a freaking peck, it was a kiss. A mind-blowing kiss." Luke said frowning at me  and crossing his arms.

I clutched my stomach as I laughed real hard, he really thinks that was a mind-blowing kiss? pecking each other's lips? this is too funny I can't. "Haha, you- nevermind. I won't burst your bubble this time." I was still laughing at this point.

"Leave me be." He shouted going upstairs but I could hear the laughter in his voice as he spoke.

After we freshened up, we took our dinner and started eating it after saying our grace.

I finally went to my room to finish my homework. While I was doing it my phone pinged and I went to check it. 

It was a text message from Enzo.

We continued texting for a while and he kept complimenting me constantly. I was a blushing mess, then he suddenly got busy, so we had to end the conversation.

After a little while I started feeling sleepy but then my mind instantly drifted to Marcus, I hope he's okay. I wanted to text him and make sure he's okay but I fell asleep before I could even find his contact. 

I feel like a bad friend.
• • •

⚠️TW: Violence Ahead. Skip if you feel uncomfortable.

I just finished my shift and now I'm in the rest room cleaning myself up. Honestly, I like this job because it's not crowded. I hate crowded places, I easily get social anxiety but I'll do anything to help my mom with the bills. She has been through enough, I can't let her suffer anymore.

After I was finished with everything, I went out of the coffee shop and into the pharmacy nearby to get some medications for my mom. She's been down lately and I pray that she doesn't get worse. I don't know what I would do if that happens.

After my dad's car accident, everything took a bad turn when he died. Dad's family cut us off immediately saying my mom was the one who made him crash because he was talking to her on the phone while driving. They threw us out of the house that they gave dad as a present. He did not take it out of their names so it was still theirs even after he died.

We were at my mom's friend's house for a while until we could afford our own little house. It took some time but we got there nonetheless.

My family is all types of fucked up.

I wrapped my jacket tightly around my body as I made my way out of the pharmacy and into the breezy streets. It's getting colder now because it's getting nearer to December. My best month even if I wasn't born in it. I just love the Christmas spirit.

I felt a shiver down my spine as I felt like someone was watching me, I looked around me but saw no one as I walked faster down the empty street. I lied when I told Bri I was going to take a cab. I was too embarrassed.

The truth is that I can't waste more money taking a cab when I could just walk for half an hour. I always do it anyways, it's not the first.

This time I felt someone following me and my heart started racing. I walked faster but realized that I turned into a dark alley. Shit why did I do that, am so stupid I thought to myself.

As soon as I was completely in it, I saw two guys come out of hiding and the one that looked like he was following me. I started freaking out, I mean I can do a little fighting of course but I don't think I can fight 3 big guys at the same time. 

I am doomed.

"Hello kid." The guy that was following me gave me a big grin.

"Leave me alone man, I don't have any money." I said trying to act brave. Don't show them your fear.

They all started laughing. "Oh I know, this isn't anything personal kid, but your life depends on the one million dollars I'm supposed to get." He smirked.

Say what now? 

How dare they sell me so cheap.

"You seem confused so let me clear it up in the nicest way possible. You're a dead meat kid. Someone sent us to get rid of you." He laughed like it was the funniest thing. Wait someone wants me dead? But why? I don't have any enemies. 

Or do I?

"Please just go away and leave me alone man." I said folding my fist.

"Oh he's acting so tough. Boss can I have fun with him first? he's handsome and you know I haven't get any good sex in a while." The big buff guy said looking at me while licking his lips lustfully and fixing his pants. 


What? Over my dead fucking body.

"Just hurry the fuck up, I need my money." The so-called boss said putting a cigarette in his mouth.

The man grinned coming near me and in defense I quickly punched him in the face and ran. I didn't get far enough when I felt the third man grab my jacket pulling me back, sending a punch right in my stomach making me fall on the ground. I quickly got up holding my stomach.

I saw a knife tucked in a knife holder on his leg. I let him come near me again and as he did I grabbed the knife out of the holder, stabbed it in his thigh and he screamed in agony moving away from me. Shit I should have taken the knife out as I stabbed him.

"Okay, this is taking way too long. Get the fuck up and you better stop screaming like a little bitch." The boss said as he dropped the cigarette stepping on it with an angry expression.

The boss stalked towards me like I was his prey and I backed up. He then reaches over and holds me in a choke hold. I tried my best pushing his hands away from my neck but he was much stronger than me. The thought of kicking him came in mind, so I kicked him in his crotch so hard that his hold around my neck loosened as he groaned out in pain. 

I moved away from him quickly taking my chance to escape. I started running away but a voice said something which made me stop in fear of my life. "Make one more step and I'll shoot your head off." I turned around to find the guy that wanted to have fun with me pointing a gun in my direction. 

Oh shit.

"Walk to me slowly." He said and I gulped walking slowly to him with my hands in the air. As soon as I reached him, he grabbed my shirt and hit me on the head with the gun. I fell to the ground groaning at the pain. I was slowly losing consciousness when I felt him on top of me.

The moment he zipped my pants down, a gunshot fired so loud my ear started ringing, but what shocked me more was the man that was zipping down my pants dropped dead right on top of me with a gunshot wound right between his eyes. 

Oh fuck, I'll be traumatized at this point.

I used all my strength to push him off as I heard footsteps running away from the alley, but before the rest could leave I heard two more gunshots fired and two bodies colliding to the ground.

If today's the day I die, I just want to say that I'm so sorry mom. I thought, before finally losing consciousness.
• • •

As soon as I received the message that said emergency, I got dressed in my hoodie and mask leaving the house.

I am Phoenix. I'm what they call an assassin, I kill people. Well let's rephrase that, I kill bad people, like those who tend to rape, abuse and kidnap. I'm nowhere near a hero like they proclaimed me to be, although I try my best protecting people but sometimes it's not enough because as you know I can't be everywhere at once.

It's a disappointment really.

I only do this work at night because I do have a job during the day. If I can't catch you during the day, I'll surely catch you at night.

"What's the emergency Geek?" I asked after connecting the earpiece to my ear and stocking my gun in my waist. 

"A boy on the Cayna Alley getting targeted." He rushed out and I could hear the clicking in the background. And yes he has a device that apparently beeps when someone is being targeted.

How? Don't even ask me.

Geek is my tech guy also known as the hacker. He hacks into any street camera. He's the best hacker there is.

"Phoenix, I'm outside with the car." I heard Viper say through the ear piece.

Viper is my get away, look out and back up guy in case something goes wrong. Sometimes he partners up with me when he's in the mood to kill.

Crazy, I know.

And last but not least. . . .

Blade is my medical guy, well he's not actually a doctor but he did go to medical school. He helps when one of us gets hurt or when the victim gets hurt, I take them to him.

We have an underground that we have everything set up in and that's where we do most of the work. Don't take me wrong, I do not find pleasure in killing people but if it keeps more people safe from bad people and after knowing what she went through, I'll do it without regrets.

Lets get going now." I said to Viper as he sped off to the alley. In no time we reached and he parked the car further away from the alley.

I instantly got out and climbed a low building that I saw and I got a clear view of three men trying to fight a boy that's no older than 17 or 18. 

Hm, now that's not fair now, 3 against 1.

I broke out of my thoughts just as I saw a big hulk man hitting the boy on the head and got on top of him as he fell, trying to pull his pants down. 

Disgusting motherfucker.

I held up my gun shooting the man right between the eyes. Say hi to the devil for me, I thought as he dropped dead. 

I kept my eyes trained to the other two as I cleaned my gun whistling, they ran trying to get away but before they did two gunshots fired making them drop to the floor dead.

I looked to my side and saw Viper beside me smirking. "Thanks brother." I told him and he nodded taking out a cigar.

We both looked at the boy on the ground who was now unconscious and sighed. We went back down closer to the boy and checked his pulse to see if he was okay while Viper checked his bag for a name.

"Marcus Carter, 18 years old." Viper said looking at the boy's ID.

"Is there an address?" I asked tiredly and he nodded giving me the location.

"Let's go drop him off." I said lifting him over my shoulder and carrying him to the car.

In no time we reached and saw a small house but it was beautiful with a garden filled with flowers which made me almost smile. 


The house was quiet. "You'll have to pick the lock so I can drop him off in his room because I'm definitely not knocking at this time of the night." I told Viper as we reached the door and he nodded picking the lock. No, we don't normally do this but it has to be done today.

"Done." He said as we took our time peeking to see if anyone was in the house but there was no one so I opened the first room I saw and put the boy on the bed. 

I left him a note telling him not to go to the police. I hope he listens or else they'll pin the murders on him when they can't find us and he seems too innocent for that. 

We then quickly get out of the house making sure we lock it properly.

A couple minutes later I reached home and went to my room taking out my burner phone dialing 911. "Hello, 911 what's your emergency?" A female voice came through the phone.

"There are three dead bodies at the Cayna Alley. They were trying to rape and murder a teenage boy." I said with my voice changer and hung up before she could reply.

I went and took a shower then got into bed ready to sleep my problems away, with one thing on my mind.


I- 👀

Things are about to get a little crazy. Buckle up, you're in for a hell of a ride.🌪𓀗

Wait, who's the masked guy though? Hmm💀



Stay safe. 🥰



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