To Stand by Your Side (DekuBa...

By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

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Original writer is aeronines on AO3 Wanted to have a backup cause this is one of my favorite DekuBaku books I... More

Chapter 1: Start Line
Chapter 2: From a Distance
Chapter 3: Round One
Chapter 4: You and Me
Chapter 5: I Dreamt about your Ass Lastnight
Chapter 6: Paradigm Shift
Chapter 7: Well, If It Feels Good...
Chapter 8: Conceal Don't Feel
Chapter 9: The Cum Before the Storm
Chapter 10: Tipping Point
Chapter 11: Healing 101: A Three-part Guide to Stop Worrying About your Crush
Chapter 12: Texts, Tunes, and Turns
Chapter 13: The Best Damn Not-Date
Chapter 14: Ummmm Gay??
Chapter 15: Upsize
Chapter 16: Origin
Chapter 17: A Shakey Start
Chapter 18: Boredoroki
Chapter 19: Homecoming
Chapter 20: A Different Kind of Place
Chapter 21: Its All Fun and Games...
Chapter 22: ...Till Someone Gets Hurt
Chapter 23: Aftermath
Chapter 24: Why Confront Our Problems When We Could Just Go to an Onsen Instead
Chapter 25: A Litte Miscummunigaytion
Chapter 26: Maybe we Arent Such Useless Gays After All
Chapter 27: The Center of an Explosion
Chapter 28: BLAZE IT (with feelings)
Chapter 29: Sports Fest Redux
Chapter 31: Meet the Bakugous
Chapter 32: You Can Run...
Chapter 33: ...But You Cant Hide
Chapter 34: Oasis
Chapter 35: Media Management for Dummies
Chapter 36: To Stand by Your Side
Chapter 37: Tomorrow

Chapter 30: And Then They Fucked

2.9K 69 54
By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

"Are candles too much, Ochako? Too extra?"

"I dunno, are you aiming for romantic?"

"A-Ah, well... not sure, to be honest. Do you think he'd like that?"

"He's your boyfriend, Izuku! Not mine!"

"Right, r-right! Um, well—"

"How about this." Ochako interrupted his ramblings over the video call, her steady voice his only source of relief in these trying times. "Calm down. Let's focus on what you're wearing other than that harness first, okay? Can you show me a full-body view of yourself and your closet?"

"Oh, ah... yeah. Okay."

Izuku dropped his phone on the bed for a moment, abandoning it in favor of dragging his hands over his face and just breathing.

Why is this so scary right now? Why am I so anxious?

In, out. In, out. Breathe. Breathe.

I wasn't this nervous when I blew him... god, he knows how I look naked! He's well aware of how big my dick is! So why... why is the idea of doing something more making me feel like this?

"Izuku?" The familiar voice crackled through the phone on his bedsheets, so quiet and yet so sure all the same. "Hey, you there? You okay?"

I'm fine. I'm fine, really— was what he wanted to say. But he grabbed the phone again, slumped back into still-messy sheets, and sighed.

"Just nervous." He mumbled, comforter clenched tight in his hands. "Not totally sure why, to be honest. Logically, everything's gonna be fine. Might not be perfect, but it'll be fine. We both want this. I– I know we do."

She stayed quiet, almost in some sort of indication to keep talking.

Right. Right.

"I... I guess it's just been a while. Since I've done this particular sort of thing." Deep breaths. Relax. "I mean, I know his sexual experiences have been limited to just the oral stuff we've done before, but... doesn't that mean I should know what I'm doing in this regard too? I'm supposed to be the experienced one. Not... not all anxious about it."

Izuku had never been more thankful to have a friend like Ochako, someone who would listen to him panic about a crisis like this.

"Mm, okay. Anything else you wanna say?"

"Not, uh... not right now."

Quiet again.

"Izuku." She started—steady, sincere. "Is it because it's gonna be his first time doing this that you're nervous?"


Something clicked.

"It, ah... it could be?"

Just finding the reason would be helpful at this point.

"I have a feeling you wanna make a good impression. And I know you've been thinking about this for literal years, which probably isn't, ah... helping." She paused, and Izuku figured that if she had been there with him, she'd be smiling. "I think you've got this all built up in your head. Like it's gonna be some make-or-break. But remind me why you two wanna do this in the first place?"


"I love him." He swallowed, running a hand through his hair. "We're gonna do it because he loves me. Because he trusts me."

And because I trust him, too.

She laughed– a soft, warm, comforting laugh that sent some wave of calm through his mind and body, relaxing him like little else had. "God, you two are cute."

...yeah, maybe we are.

For as much as he wanted to stop it, a wobbly smile pushed up over his lips as a trickle of heat crept down his face. But Ochako wasn't done, not yet.

"Think about it this way. You get to be his first time. That's pretty cool, right?"

Kacchan's never been with anyone but me...

"I... yeah." He nodded, more for himself than anyone else. "I get to be his first time. I'm gonna be the first person he's with."

And with any luck I'll be his last, too.

He thought he heard another muffled cute from the other end, but didn't push it. Nervous energy was slowly being replaced with anticipation, with excitement, and the prospect that he was going to be the first one to fuck Katsuki's virgin ass.

That's... oh, that's a nice thought.

"Little more chipper now, hm?"

"A-Aha, maybe!"

"Alright, alright. So, clothes?"

The next twenty minutes were spent with Ochako on a video call, and him going through his meager closet in an attempt to find something half-decent to wear under the simple black leather harness he'd picked up after that one oral-filled day. It'd been a bit of an impulse buy after a late-night, spur-of-the-moment run through a shitty '69 Ways to spice up YOUR sex life' article, but really, no regrets. A strap stretched itself over each shoulder and met at a horizontal one around his waist, connected by a small, silvery circlet on each side. Three shorter pieces hung from the middle of his back to hook onto his belt, simple but oh-so-sexy all the same. Best of all, though—the small, simple leather loop around his neck that held the shoulder straps taut and provided all of the you can look, but you can't touch vibe he wanted.

In short? Hot as fuck.

I just hope Kacchan thinks so, too.

The rest of his nonexistent ensemble still left something to be desired, but the harness would at least serve as a little extra something for Katsuki after they delved deeper into their evening.

And, speaking of his boyfriend— he had no idea if Katsuki was going to dress up like he had last time. A part of him almost hoped not; after all, his boyfriend would probably show him up big time if he did.

I've gotta make sure not to lose my mind too soon, though... gotta make sure to take good care of him. I need to make this first time a good one, so—

"Why don't you own any pants aside from jeans and sweats!?" Came Ochako's scalding voice from over the phone, promptly snapping him from his thoughts.

"I-I mean, I'm in my hero costume most of the time..." He tried to reason, but to no avail.

"Me too, but at least I have some stuff outside of casual wear. Hm... gah, guess it's gonna be jeans again. Those other things aren't gonna fly."

"Not even for easy access?"

"Do you really want to fuck him in your four-year-old sweats!?"

"...well, when you put it that way..."

"Jeans, Izuku. The black ones. They make your ass look nice."

Ugh. Guess I can't exactly wear a belt with sweatpants either, and that means I'd have to do jeans so I have something to hook the bottom of the harness to anyways.

It wasn't as if he was bad at getting his pants off in the heat of the moment, but that didn't mean he had to like it. That said, it was already eight forty-five– only fifteen minutes before he'd asked Katsuki to show up, with a little bit of cleanup still needing to be done. No time left to spend complaining.

He's bringing the dildo, right? It's kinda factoring into what I wanna do with him, so... he better. Or I'm gonna be real sad.

"God, you're lucky you've got natural sex appeal. All you've gotta do is show off your body and he'll be begging for it."

"Show off... hm." Izuku shuffled through his shirts, not really seeing anything that would stand out too well against the harness.

Gotta be something, gotta be something—

It clicked.

"What would you think about something long-sleeved? Like, taking it off slow, doing a reveal, or—"

"Perfect. Yes. That works!" Ochako approved. "Alright, that means you need a top. Let's look at those button-ups again. The nice ones."

Right, right... nothing shitty. Huh...

" red an okay color on me?"

"If you're wanting to look like a christmas tree, sure." He could practically feel Ochako's eye roll. "Try... hm. Try white instead. And don't button it up all the way! Remember, you're not going outside. You can be sexy. Make sure you've got that harness fitted nicely on top of it, you don't wanna go through all this effort and have it look like you threw it together in ten minutes."

...hasn't it only been ten minutes?

But he nodded, agreed, and did as he was told.

"Throw a belt on, tuck in your shirt. You wanna look like you know what you're doing— yes, perfect."

In the mirror, Izuku could admit he looked alright. There was certainly no hiding the taut muscle under the thin fabric of his barely-modest shirt, the white sleeves stretched over his arms leaving no room for imagination. A wonky grin rose up on his cheeks as a hand rose to the back of his neck to rub at the harness, finally feeling satisfied with what he'd managed to throw together.

"Good, good..." Ochako hummed her approval. "I like the BDE you've got going on. Suits you."


"Big Daddy Energy, duh. Bakugou's gonna be on the floor the moment he walks in."

Izuku nearly dropped his phone.

"How– h-how about you never say that again, and we just go with hey, you look good!" He sputtered, trying to ignore the strange, possibly aroused feeling he got just thinking about that. "Shit, shit, okay. He's gonna be here in a few minutes. Are we good? Am I good?"

"Hm... did you put on deodorant?"

"'Course I did."

"Set out condoms and lube?"

"Pfft, plenty."

"Make the bed?"

"...I'll be right back."

But just as soon as he finished tugging the comforter up (which would only be thrown back later, he was sure), the knock he'd been waiting for finally came.


"He's here. Shit, okay, he's here." He said, only partly to Ochako.

"Deep breaths, Izuku. Deep breaths. You've got this!" She encouraged. "Pull out that charm. That confidence. I'll let you go, so make sure you have fun tonight, okay?"

Fun. Right. We're gonna have fun.

Izuku nodded, well aware she couldn't see. "I will. You're right. Everything... everything's gonna be good. Fun."

And maybe it can be a new, better first time for me too.

There was a second knock at the door, followed by a quiet you there? that finally got Izuku moving again, phone left on the couch to be forgotten for the rest of the evening.

Gotta turn on the confidence. Not too hard when he makes it so easy to want, but...

A firm, sure hand wrapped itself around the door handle, and with one last wish for everything to go well, he opened it.

Time to channel that, ah... BDE.


The name died in his throat as soon as he saw Katsuki.

Oh my god.

A large, dark jacket hung over his shoulders, the barely-visible neckline of some black shirt peeking out underneath. Coupled with that were black cargo pants hugging his waist, loose over his lean frame, only tight at the ankles. But in place of the studs he'd been wearing last time hung a new pair of earrings; a simple, thin, silvery chain on each side, one slightly longer than the other.

Izuku had never wanted to bend him over and fuck him so bad in his life.

"Hey." Katsuki started, eyes everywhere but Izuku's face. "You just gonna stand there and ogle, or are you gonna let me come inside and get this damn jacket off?"

Oh, I'm going to need to get more than just that jacket off.

"Inside." He said instead, far firmer than he'd intended. "Glad you made it on time."

"Wouldn't miss this for the world." Katsuki replied, a full smirk on his lips as he came in and shut the door. "Brought what you asked for, too."

Right. Yes. That. "Hand it over." Izuku's head cocked back, drinking in every bit of Katsuki's form as he shrugged out of the jacket to reveal the shirt as some sort of tight-fitting tank top instead. Strong, broad shoulders stood out against the dark fabric, and if he looked close, Izuku could've sworn he could see his boyfriend's nipples peeking through it, too.

No wonder he wore that jacket out here, just this alone is too sexy...!

"Still don't really know why you wanna see it, but..." Katsuki sighed, reaching into his overnight bag as a hint of resigned bashfulness tinged his face. "Here."

The dildo was shoved into Izuku's hands in a flash, almost as if Katsuki was nervous about him seeing it. Not that that'd be too much of a surprise, but...

Holy shit.

He'd recognize that shade of green anywhere, as well as the familiar black markings on the sides and the white-and-blue striped base, accented with a gentle touch of gold.

Kacchan's been shoving this up his ass for... a year? Two years?

"This is, uh. The second one." Katsuki mumbled, seemingly content to just stare at the floor.

It's a bit ribbed, too... oh, and it has a more natural, veiny texture... and a suction cup base? Has he attempted to do oral on this? Not enough, I suppose, but still.

"How long is this?"

"Uh, seven inches?"

"Mm. Width?"

"Two and a half."

Hm... about the same length as when I'm hard, but I'm definitely wider... not that that should be news to him at this point, though. I'll never forget the look of him literally choking on my dick.

Izuku couldn't help the small, nearly giddy smile on his face.

This'll be perfect for tonight.

"Wasn't sure if you needed me to bring any lube, so I went ahead and brought some." Katsuki shifted on his feet, clearly trying to not let the embarrassment get to him. "A-And I showered. Twice."

It's only been about four hours since the sports fest let them go, and he's telling me he showered twice?

"That excited, huh?" He said, and reached over to run a hand down Katsuki's neck, all the way to his bare shoulder. "You look really, really handsome, baby."

His boyfriend raised an eyebrow. "And cute?"

"God, always."

I have to take my time. Can't just bend him over the couch right now. Need to get him to my bed first.

He rolled the dildo over in his palms once more, the image of Katsuki pleasuring himself on it even more crystal-clear now.

Not that it'll stay just a vision much longer, now.

Izuku glanced over at his boyfriend to see him fidgeting with his arms and rocking on his soles, clearly unsure of what to do next.

"My room." He offered, though the phrase came out more as a statement than a question. But Katsuki just stared at him, mouth hanging open in a dumbstruck, stupefied fashion.

"O-Oh. Yeah." His boyfriend finally said as he tried to get back to the present, shaking his head in an attempt to get out of whatever fog he'd fallen into. "Your room."

"You're hesitating. Something the matter?" Izuku tilted his head, arms folded over his chest. "I thought you'd be more comfortable with your head on a pillow than the countertop."

And if Katsuki hadn't already looked drop-dead gorgeous, the bright red on his cheeks only made it better. "Are you, um. Gonna bring the dildo? Are we using it for something?"

"Well..." His thumb ran along the side and over the head, viscerally aware of Katsuki's blazing stare on him. "Why don't we head in there so you can find out?"

That answer had Katsuki spinning on his heels, racing towards his bedroom and only stopping at the door when he realized he should probably wait for Izuku. But he only urged him inside and onto the bed, and Izuku couldn't help but laugh as his boyfriend's legs began to spread apart as soon as he sat down beside him.

He's too damn adorable.

"Relax." Izuku ran his fingers through Katsuki's hair, nothing but gentle. "Do you trust me?"

"'Course I do."

"Do you want this?"

A frantic nod and a yes, fuck yes.

"And lastly—" He leaned in, Katsuki's face hardly an inch from his own. "You'll tell me if too much is too much, right?"

"You know I will." Nervous excitement streaked itself over his cheeks, but the reply was firm. "Like I always do."

Just as Izuku went to open his mouth again, though, Katsuki interrupted him. "Can I, uh, ask for one thing first?"

What could he... "Of course you can."

"Kiss me."

His first thought was surprise, maybe mild confusion. But it wasn't an unreasonable request, not by any means.

If that's what would make him feel happy... if that's what would make him feel safe...

Izuku nodded. Ran a hand along his boyfriend's cheek. Kissed him once, twice, let his lips meld with Katsuki's just as they had so many times before.

"Forgot to say it earlier—" Quick breaths, quick words. "Y'look damn good, Deku. Real good."

"Oh... that so?"

"Y-Yeah. Hot as fuck."

Glad the outfit's going over well, then. I owe Ochako lunch.

His mouth moved down, down past Katsuki's lips and onto his neck, teeth scraping against twice-washed skin with a force so painstakingly gentle that his boyfriend leaned into it for even the slightest hint of more, more.

Not yet. Be patient.

"Mm..." A hand ran up to squeeze at his boyfriend's too-perky chest, drawing out only the softest of groans. "Hot enough to fuck you into this mattress?"

Katsuki cursed louder that time, and the long, sultry whimper that followed nearly made Izuku cum on the spot.

"Y-You can't just– c-can't just say that...!" His boyfriend sputtered, but only arched further into his touch. "Shit, Deku!"

"Why not?"

"I-I mean, you can, but I..." Katsuki sucked in a breath, tried to meet his eyes. "We're. We're really gonna do this, aren't we?"

"As long as you're up to it. I'm more than ready, but—"

"I'm ready. I am. It just..." His boyfriend paused. "Feels like I'm dreaming, y'know? First there's the win at the sports fest earlier today, and now I have..."

"Now you have?"

Up against those flushed cheeks, Katsuki's eyes had never looked so beautiful.


There was no stopping the full-mouth kiss, nor the groping-turned-caressing that followed as Izuku pushed his boyfriend back onto the bed, head cushioned against a pillow as his heart throbbed almost as much as his dick.

"Are you trying to make me fall even harder for you?"

"H-Hah... s'it working?"

"God~, yes...!"

You're too good at making me feel, Kacchan. No fair. Then again...

He drew back from Katsuki's mouth, straddled his hips between his knees, and let his hands fall to his boyfriend's shoulders.

"I like seeing this confidence from you." He kept his gaze trained steady on Katsuki, not a single action escaping his view. "But I'd like to take a little control, if you don't mind."

This close, he could see his boyfriend's pupils dilate.

"Will you let me make you feel good, Kacchan? Just for tonight?"

He's beautiful. So beautiful like this.

"That harness... s'real nice on you." Katsuki said instead.

Wrong answer.

"Eyes up here, Kacchan." He flicked the base of his boyfriend's chin, just enough to bring him back to attention. "I need an answer before I can do anything further, okay?"

"O-Oh. Right. Yeah, it's more than okay." He tried to nod, though it was a failing attempt with his head against the pillow. "What else do you really need from me before we start?"

I guess that works as permission, but... hm.

"If you want this so bad, then what do you say to me?" Izuku kissed him once more, chaste, but enough to get his full attention again.

"Aren't you just, y'know, gonna fuck me?" Katsuki said, a slight huff at the end of his voice. "S'with all the formalities? What, do you wanna hear me say please? Want me to say Oh great hero Valiant, would you insert your dick in my ass? Want me to say—" Katsuki cleared his throat, lidded eyes drifting back up towards Izuku's own.

But unlike the quick, snarky reply he expected, his boyfriend hesitated.

What are you waiting f—

"...yes, sir?"



He must've made some sort of audible noise in response because Katsuki's breath hitched, face flushed an even brighter red than before.

Shit. Shit. I was expecting 'please' or something, not...!

"Again." Izuku managed, still in shock over the very effect that those words had had on him. "I wanna hear you say that again."

His boyfriend's eyes blew ten sizes wider, but the most of the snark had been replaced by raw lust. "Y-Yes, sir. I want– I-I want you."

Not fair. Not fair. Not fair.

Every bit of his self-restraint was being tested, and Izuku almost wished his boyfriend wasn't hot enough to make him melt with those two little words.

"Perfect, baby. So perfect. I'm gonna take such good care of you." He promised, shaky hands running back and forth over Katsuki's chest. "I'm gonna make you feel so good. But first..." Izuku reached back, and with his one free hand, grabbed the discarded dildo. "Would you mind giving me a little demonstration so I can learn how you like it?"

Katsuki stared at him, slack-jawed and open-mouthed. "W-Wait. You want me to get off in front of you? Is– is that seriously what you're talking about!?"

"Only if you're comfortable with it."

You have no idea how badly I wanna see this.

"Comfortable with it!?" His boyfriend exclaimed, surprising him. "F-Fuck, you say that like I haven't been fantasizing about it for years...!"

...holy shit.

He pressed the dildo into Katsuki's hands again and scooted back just enough to be able to tug down the hem of his boyfriend's pants. "Years, huh?" I can't believe this. "Would you tell me about these fantasies in more detail?" Come on, you've gotta be kidding.

"...s'lot of. Thinking about you walking in on me." Katsuki started, the wobble gradually disappearing from his voice. Down, down went his pants, over the slight curve of his ass and to his knees. "Of seeing me like... like... saying your name while I'm getting off."

You're shitting me.

Katsuki only continued, though, making Izuku's head spin on an even deeper level. "I think about what you'd look like if you saw me like that. About what you'd think of me doing that."

That's... what the hell, Kacchan.

"Baby," he started, hand pressed to Katsuki's thigh. "I think that's hot as fuck."

And I wanna see more of it. All of it.

Izuku pulled his boyfriend's pants from his legs and dropped them unceremoniously on the floor, just as Katsuki popped open the bottle of lube on the nightstand and drizzled it over the head of the toy. But through the flurry of movement, Izuku noticed that the tight green boxers he took off of him next were very, very familiar.

He wore these ones last time, didn't he? God, he's such a dork.

All the same, though, that dork was probably the hottest thing he'd seen in... well, ever. With legs spread just enough for a hand to fit through, dick lying half-hard against his stomach, and the tip of the dildo pressed just against his hole in a too-teasing, too-practiced fashion, Katsuki was everything he could've asked for and more.

"Not gonna finger yourself first?" Izuku asked, already feeling the strain of his own cock against his jeans at the sight of that silicone tip sinking in, in.

"I-I... well, y'know, I just...!" He started, only to be cut off by a small groan in the back of his throat.

Wait a minute... "Kacchan, did you finger yourself before you came here?"

No response, aside from the breathy little huffs and sounds his boyfriend made with each smooth slide in and each long, slow pull out.

"You totally did, didn't you." Izuku shook his head, more and more amazed by the second. "Baby... fuck, you're too perfect. You're beautiful."

"Perfect..." Katsuki repeated, eyes clenched shut through the pleasure. ""

"You. Yes, you~." Izuku praised, and unable to resist any longer, grabbed the base of the dildo and assumed control. "Can I play for a bit?"

Quiet, desperate— "Please, sir..."

Izuku shifted him from his side to his back, turning Katsuki's hips up just enough to comfortably angle the dildo and kiss at his boyfriend's bare legs, teeth sinking into untouched thighs and drawing only louder and louder cries of pain and pleasure out.

"Deku... D-Deku, please!" His voice cracked, hips pushing back against the agonizingly slow force. "More... m-more, please... need it so bad, need you so bad..."

Katsuki's now-free hands reached for his cock, though, and would've started jerking himself off had Izuku not stopped them in their tracks and leaned forward enough to move his hands somewhere different instead. "Not allowed to do that, Kacchan. Like I said– you'll let me take care of you, right?"

But the answer came in the form of an incomprehensible cacophony of sound, drenched in desperate whines and moans and glazed-over eyes that might've been shimmering with tears. Katsuki was gone, gone, so far gone, cock hard and red and nearly leaking as those hands clutched at the leather straps over his shoulders, hips practically writhing against the friction of the dildo and thrusting forward in a way that almost looked like—

Oh, fuck.

A hoarse, raucous cry forced its way from Katsuki's throat and hardly a moment later, something hot and sticky smeared itself over Izuku's cheeks and his boyfriend's thighs. His hand stopped moving for a moment, then pulled the dildo out as slowly as possible, and just watched, watched as Katsuki's chest heaved with every long, tough, desperate gasp at air.

I didn't– didn't mean to—

"Kacchan." He whispered, forgetting about the cum on his face to lean in close and see thin, crystalline tears trailing down the sides of his face and onto the pillow. "You okay? You need anything?"

I should go grab a washcloth. He might feel better if I clean him off a bit, and I don't think he's in the mood to move right now.

"...m'sorry." Katsuki whispered instead.


"Hey, no need to apologize, it's—"

"Didn't mean to cum that early." Katsuki's voice cracked, each word weak and thin. "I-I tried to hold out, I did, I promise, I—"


Please, relax, It's okay.

"Look at me for a minute?"

Disoriented eyes met his own, but for only a moment, Katsuki looked a little calmer.

Thank god.

"I don't mind taking a little break if you need to recuperate." He offered him a gentle smile, hand just barely cupping his boyfriend's cheek. "We've got all the time in the world tonight, Kacchan. It's okay. You looked absolutely gorgeous like that."

"But... I ruined the moment. Right when we were getting into it, I..."

For fuck's sake, Kacchan. It's okay. Not an issue.

Instead of engaging in useless argument, though, he kissed him. Long, smooth, slow... and after a few seconds, Katsuki began to relax under the touch as well.

"Better?" Izuku pulled back, relieved as the smallest smile worked its way over his boyfriend's lips.

"Still not feeling awesome about the fact that I came before you even got to, y'know, do it yourself, but... yeah, think so." Good, good. "But are you, u-uh..."

Huh? Why the—

"You gonna wash my cum off your face or what?"

This time, it was Izuku's turn to flush.

"O-Oh. Well, aha, um... kinda forgot." He stuttered, mildly embarrassed while at the same time, more than mildly aroused. "I'll go do that now, so just give me—"

"It's hot." Katsuki said, interrupting his quick climb off the bed. "Yeah, wash it off, but... I kinda like how I look on you."

Lying back on the bed in only that sinfully tight black tank top and those too-delicate earrings, bare legs spread wide in invitation as the well-used dildo sat next to him, Katsuki shouldn't have felt so...


Not that he minded. Nope, nope, not one bit.

I'd follow his directions anyday.

"You can stare when you come back." Came the voice from below, some semblance of confident humor in his tone. "I ain't going anywhere, and you still have a promise to live up to. Didn't you say you were gonna take care of me?"

Fuck you. Fuck you. I'm—

"Once I get all this cleaned off, I'm going to fuck you so, so hard." It was hard enough to keep his voice steady, stable. "So until I get back, Kacchan..."

He stepped off the bed, looked down at his boyfriend's ready form.

"Keep your hands above your head, and don't move."

The reaction was instantaneous. Katsuki's arms flew back and nearly slammed into the headboard behind him, legs spreading open just a little bit more as those eyes went wide, wide, looking at him as if he held every answer in the world.

"Y-Yes, sir."


Pulling away to go do something as simple as wash his face was hard when his boyfriend was being so damn perfect. There was no complaining, no begging, not yet— only the quiet trickle of the adjacent bathroom's sink and the the soft scrub of cloth against his face. He remembered to do the same for Katsuki, of course, and dampening a fresh one before returning back out to his room to see him still in pristine position. An undeniable whimper rose from above when he went to wipe down his thighs, and Izuku couldn't help but want more of that noise.

Maybe... ooh, his legs...

"Feels nice?"

"...y-yeah, but... I just, I want..."

His mouth moved back against those firm legs, tough from two intensive years of high school practice. "You want me to touch you a little more right here?"

All he got that time was a small noise of acknowledgement before he bit down a little more, a little harder, enough to make Katsuki's legs jerk a bit beneath him and an honest moan slip out. But he only bit harder, sucked firmer, kissed gently before moving onto another part and doing the same thing there.

Repeat. Repeat.

The small chorus of whines and whimpers and the occasional groan egged him on as Izuku stained those thighs with sunset pinks and twilight reds, a near horizon blooming over the expanse of untouched skin. Later, those colors would shift to midnight purple, to morning blue, to fade, fade away again into a noon sky, but until then...

He's mine.

And Izuku looked up, lifted his head, and saw those tears again– clear, silent, and shimmering on crimson cheeks.

Beautiful. So, so beautiful.

"You like that, baby?" He asked, heart racing as Katsuki nodded, hardly meeting his eyes. "You like it when I touch you there?"

He nodded, again.

Not good enough.

Izuku's hands moved to cradle at Katsuki's hips, to thumb at the skintight fabric that could hardly be called decent. In a way, it was fun to pull back the top just enough for it to snap back against his boyfriend's stomach, to punctuate his every word with that simple, tiny action.

"I know I've told you before, so remember this time." Izuku shook his head. "I want you to use your grown-up words, Kacchan. How am I supposed to know what you like if you don't tell me?"

It might've been a little mean, asking him for a verbal answer when he was already so far gone, but the broken, barely, whispered response that came next made it all worth his while.

"L-Like it. Keep... keep going..." Katsuki shuddered, those hands clearly struggling to stay in place above his head. "W-Want you so bad, dammit...!"

Maybe he did come too early the first time, but he's so aroused again already...! God, I've never had so much fun teasing someone in my life. Seeing him fall apart like this, a little bit at a time, wanting everything that I've got and more...

He made a resolution to himself, right then and there.

I'm going to fuck you so hard, so hard, and when we're done I'll kiss everywhere it hurts.

"Think it's time to play somewhere else, then?" He murmured, tugging up the hem of Katsuki's shirt for real. "I love your chest. So, so much."

"Yeah, you... you've made that real clear." Katsuki squirmed, air hitting the base of his now-exposed stomach. "So are you gonna touch it or not?"

"Mm, remember the words?"

That sent his eyes shut again, head shoved as far back into the pillow as far as it could. "F-Fuck... please~, sir."

There you go, baby. Just like that.

His hand slid further under the tight fabric, pulled it up slowly, slowly, kissed Katsuki's chest through it, and left the shirt bunched up right below his pecs.

"Why– why'd you stop?" Katsuki complained, fidgeting at the sudden halt. "Just take it off already...!"

But his questions only turned to cries as Izuku pressed the flat of his tongue against his boyfriend's stomach and moved, the smooth piercing only serving to send Katsuki's hips bucking up, vying for as much contact as possible. It was tricky enough to resist biting down hard on his stomach, on his abs, on his hips and all the way down to his dick, but it was only made more difficult by the gorgeous, needy little noises his boyfriend was making right above. It was perfect, really— teeth digging into carved muscle, tongue gliding over his stomach with a feather-light force to match the rough. As he kissed the skin all the way down to Katsuki's crotch, though, practically worshipping the man before him, something new tangled itself in Izuku's hair and pulled.

That's not going to work, Kacchan.

"Let go." He ordered, stopping everything he was in the midst of doing. "I didn't say you could touch yet."

"Please, s'just hard, I-I wanna—!"


Izuku cut him off with a grab at his boyfriend's wrists, pulling those needy hands from his hair and pinning them back behind his head. There was a push, a groan, a please, please, I just wanna touch, but when Izuku's lips met his again, the begging went quiet in favor of taking advantage of what contact he could get and kissing back.

"That's better, baby boy." He murmured, drawing off his lips with one last slow touch. "Are you going to be good for me now?"

"Yes... s-sir..."

"But even if you are going to be good now..." Izuku's free hand went back down to toy with Katsuki's rolled-up shirt, just for the moment. "I don't know if I can let that mistake go completely unpunished."

The shirt was pushed up and over his pecs, bunched up at his throat as Izuku's head dipped down again, restraint falling to pieces as he dug in hard. A long, sharp cry sounded from Katsuki's throat as those teeth did the same thing around a nipple, biting and sucking so much rougher than they'd ever done before.

Mm, yes, yes...

"You're so sensitive." Izuku breathed against his skin, awestruck by just how hard his boyfriend was in every place possible. "You always twitch when I touch your chest, like it feels so good you can't handle it. I could play with just these all day, y'know..."

"Fuck, I-I'd let you...!"

His voice is so perfect like this.

"God, I love your chest." He continued, holding Katsuki's wrists tighter. "Do you know how many times I've dreamed about marking you up?" Another kiss. "Do you know how many times I've thought about covering every inch of you in bruises?" Another lick. "Do you have any idea how many times I've wanted to fuck you up so hard you can't move?"

Another bite, another cry, another long, drawn-out moan.

"P-Please..." The tongue piercing swirled over an abused nipple, the simple change in texture earning him another, another, another shriek of desperation. "God, please~!"

Good. So good. So, so...

"Good, Kacchan." Izuku smiled, and allowed him a moment to rest. "I love it when you beg like that."

"You... y-you do?"

Those red eyes had never seemed so big before today.

"I do." He repeated, letting his fingers run down Katsuki's chest with featherlight touch. "You're so good for me, baby. Such a good boy."

It was only when Katsuki's let out a long, low moan that he realized just what he'd said, and that for whatever reason, his boyfriend appeared only more turned on.

"Good for you, sir... s'only... only you...!"

Fuck, I could get off on just listening to him...

"I think you deserve something nice for being so good." Izuku whispered, finally releasing Katsuki's wrists to unbuckle his too-tight belt. "Want something nice, baby?"

The answer came in a near-breathless yes, sir— two words Izuku wasn't sure he'd ever get tired of hearing. But as he went to chuck off his pants and finally get on with the main event, Katsuki propped himself up on his elbows and watched.

"I wanna take off your pants." Came the request, all nerves and all confidence. "Can I? Please?"

And with that sweaty, messy blonde hair hanging down in front of his face and that hint of a plea on the edge of his words, Izuku couldn't just say no.

"Of course you can." He reached out to his boyfriend, who took his hand and rocked up onto trembling knees in a heartbeat. "You've been so good today, so go ahead."

He'd expected excitement– maybe a little anxiety, too– but when Izuku pulled Katsuki's shirt off and let him at him, the sheer eagerness in his every move was something he'd hardly anticipated. Frantic, ready hands tugged his dark jeans down, and for as sloppy as the process might've been, Izuku had to give him points for zealous effort. The fear was gone, the embarrassment long worn off; for as much as this might've been one of their first times navigating something so incredibly intimate, Izuku could only hope Katsuki felt as safe as he did.

"Would... would you take your shirt and that harness off too?" Katsuki asked as the boxers came off with the pants. "Not 'cause it ain't hot, it's really, really hot, but I just... I dunno. I wanna see you."

"I thought you were already looking at me, baby." He teased, but gladly obliged. The harness was easy to slip off his waist, back, and neck after already detaching it from his belt, but he tried to make at least a little show off taking off his shirt. Katsuki wasn't much help with all of that, but he did give Izuku a stare so full of lust and utter longing that it made even him falter.

He's so bright. So beautiful. Blazing, radiant, shining... just like the sun.

"Hot as you remember?" Izuku grinned, flexing just for show. "Or close, at least?"

"Hotter." Katsuki said, hungry eyes tearing apart every inch of bare skin. "I don't think I've ever wanted your dick in me as bad as I do right now."

He grabbed the discarded bottle of lube from the corner of the bed, the box of condoms on the nightstand, and took care to roll one on before crawling back towards his boyfriend. But Katsuki's heady gaze never left, not with those eyes searing holes into his skin and setting his blood to a bubbling broil.

Kacchan, Kacchan... baby... god, I'm surprised you can still move so well after all that.

A deep, red flush ran from his boyfriend's face all the way down his bitten-up neck, but a cocky, half-fucked grin sat heavy over his cheeks.

"I'm kinda proud of you too, sir." Katsuki said, head tilted just a bit. "You didn't flinch when you were takin' off those pants, for once."

I didn't— "W-Wait, what?"

"Every time you've taken off your pants in front of me, you've always flinched, or cringed, or tried to hide your scars. All that stuff." He said, tone far more nonchalant than most anyone used when talking about his scars.

Oh, shit... he's right, I...

"I was watching." Katsuki hadn't sounded so certain all night. "You didn't. Not this time."

I didn't. I wasn't...

Izuku looked down at his own bare hands, bare chest, bare legs— and unlike all the times before...

I don't think it hurts as bad right now.

He cracked a small, small smile.

"Improvement, right?"

A nod.

"S'nice to see you get out of your head for once. Focus on, y'know—" Katsuki gestured towards his ass. "What's important."

Not fair. He's not allowed to make me feel so much, then pull this shit on me...!

But, still— "You're right." Izuku said, crawling closer to him. "Making you feel good is what's important right now."

"Hmph. Better make sure you're feeling good, too."

"Feeling good? Fuck, Kacchan..." He shook his head. "I've never felt better."

"Hope that'll change once you stick your dick in me." Those gorgeous hips rolled back, full of intent. "Ready when you are—" A pause, a wink. "Sir."

Oh, you little shit.

"Someone's getting a little cocky." Izuku grabbed his thighs and folded them back towards his chest, that tight ass just waiting for him to go in. "Let's see how long you can keep that snark up with me, baby."

"Right back at you." Katsuki rolled his head to the side, tongue peeking out between parted lips. "Huh... wonder how long you're gonna be able to keep that composure of yours together once you're in me...?"

"Keep my composure?" He grabbed the lube, thankful that he'd brought it close again earlier, and coated just a couple fingers with it. Katsuki was trying to toy with him too, and for as nice as that brash and stubborn confidence was, seeing that wall crack, fracture, and shatter from the pleasure was almost better. No time to waste— Izuku slid those fingers in, adrenaline spiking through his veins as Katsuki's voice broke to a sharp cry at just that little bit of contact.

Beautiful. So beautiful. It's been so long since I've gotten to do this, and it's... god, it's so much better with him...!

"Even after all that prep, you're still so tight." Izuku purred, taking his time to twist and stretch and scissor his fingers inside. "Gonna feel so good around my cock. You're gonna take it so good."

"I'm– I-I'm gonna take it so good..." Katsuki repeated, each breath faster, faster. "You're... yeah, you're gonna give it to me so good—!"

His words snapped off to another sharp scream as a new finger slipped inside, curling and stroking and teasing all too well. Even just this was fun, watching as his boyfriend's cries shifted from small and needy to drop-dead desperate.

"P-Please... please, c'mon, I-I want more...!"

"That bad, huh?" He pulled his fingers out, wiping the excess lube over Katsuki's ruined thighs. "God, I don't think I've told you enough times how much I love your ass. So tight, so smooth, so... god. Perfect~." Izuku paused, poured a little more lube over his dick, and traced the outside of that enticing hole again, again. "I'm so happy it's you I get to make mine, Kacchan."

For so many more reasons than this, too.

"C-Cut the sap." Katsuki stuttered. "Know you love me, so why don't you show it, h-hah...?"

"Katsuki," came the name– low, deep, husky– and those eyes, those gorgeous, gorgeous red eyes hung on him with a magnetic force so strong it would've had any lesser man on his knees. "I'm just getting started."

And for as beautiful as Katsuki was every day, every moment, nothing came close to the exquisite crease of his features and the twist of his mouth and the long, low, pleading moan that came out as Izuku finally pushed in.

"Y-You're—" Push. "God, so—" Pull. "S-So damn tight, baby—!"

He's warm. So warm. So good, so tight, so ready...!

"Like that, baby boy? Like how my dick feels in you?" He breathed, each sentence punctuated with another sharp thrust, another long, slow draw back. "You're so good for me, so good, so I'm gonna fuck you so damn hard!"

Tears swelled at the corners of Katsuki's eyes, glistening against the ruby-red flush of his cheeks. "S'big... s'big, really big, f-feels so—"

He broke into a spiraling cry, one that sent shivers down Izuku's spine and left him dying for more of that angelic sound.


"Bigger than what you're used to, h-hah?" Hands gripped Katsuki's legs tighter, something warm, heavy, and nearly electrifying flowing through even those. "M-Maybe— m-maybe I can get somethin' special for you. Just– just for you. Somethin' a little more accurate than that knock-off toy you've been using." He pushed in again, again, relishing in every little gasp and groan and moan that Katsuki offered in response. "T-That... y'know, let's worry about that later. This ass of yours is so, s-so much more important right now."

I can't believe how warm you are around me...!

One of Katsuki's hands twisted into white sheets, the other balled tight in a fist just above his chest. Those tears streamed down his face now, rivers of silver on blazing terrain, and crackling just above that fantastical vision were—

...wait, crackling? Fireworks? Explo—!

"Deku~, D-Deku, please... please, harder!" Came the begging, the pleading, the sobbing for more as visible sparks flared from those violently trembling palms, illuminating each and every drop of sweat on his lean, tight, heaving body. "Need you, n-need your dick, need more, please– p-please, sir...!"

What did I do right in my life to have you in it?

And before he could even think about what he was doing, Izuku bent forward, dick still firmly in Katsuki's ass, and kissed him.

I love you, I love you, I love you so much...

"K-Katsuki—" He fumbled, just trying to kiss him, kiss him in the hope that maybe he'd know some ounce of the fountain of love Izuku held for him. "Love you. L-Love you. Love you so much, baby, I-I just—"

"Why... w-why're you crying?" Katsuki asked, and one of those gross, sweaty, perfect hands came to brush up against his cheek. "God... such a damn... s-such a damn sap."

"S-Shuddup." He mumbled, stuffy and snotty, then kissed him again. Again, again. "Lemme be sappy. Lemme love my amazing boyfriend."

Katsuki only laughed, though– a small, simple, breathy laugh that could hardly be heard over the blood pounding in his head and running through his veins. "Dumbass... ain't like I'm any better."

They were both crying now, a total mess of tears and smiles and laughter and sex. Izuku couldn't help but trail kisses down his chest again, caressing all the harsh marks he'd left earlier, treating each and every spot on Katsuki's body like it was made of gold.

"You're so strong... mhm, so smart..." A pause. "So kind, so caring..." A kiss. "So beautiful, so hot, so sexy—" A thrust, hard enough to bring out another one of those breathless, priceless screams. "So mine."

"S-Shit, Deku, you can't just—"

"Can't just?"

"Can't... c-can't just say that...!"

"Why not, baby?"

Those palms reached up, up to brush at Izuku's face and weakly grab at his shoulders, as if all they needed was simple touch to survive. "Love you. Love you. Never— n-never wanna leave, wanna be with you forever...!"


Izuku hated how his first thoughts weren't of love and of a happy life, but of fear, of people finding out about what they shared in these precious times together, of the world fighting back and trying to tear them apart. But just one look at Katsuki's pleasure-struck face brought him back to the present, back to the good feelings and the good times.

Can't focus on the outside world. Can't focus on futures. Just... just need to focus on...

"How about you just think about right now." He murmured, picking up the pace. "About how my dick feels, about how great this has been, and how much of a good boy~ you are."

Fuck, why does calling him that feel so right...?

"Yeah..." Katsuki moaned, toes curling and sparks flaring from his palms again, again, possibly even charring the bed. "Mhm, y-yeah, I'm... that's me."

"S'you, y-yeah, s'you...!"

Those hips moved faster as Izuku clutched at Katsuki's hips with an iron grip, frantic movements tearing from a rhythm to an out-of-sync cacophony of feeling, of pleasure, of white-hot heat building and building to a toppling crescendo as each pant turned to a cry and each cry turned to a frenzied mess of faster, faster, and more, please, more...!

"Katsuki, you feel so—"

"H-Hah, keep going, harder~, harder, dammit!"

"G-Gonna cum, baby? Gonna be a good boy and cum for me?"

"Mhm, yessir, I'm gonna, g-gonna, g-gonna...!"

Izuku bucked his hips forward one last, one strong, one heavenly time, and—

"S-Shit, Katsuki—!"


Katsuki's voice shattered, splintered into a screech that carried with it the sudden smell of nitroglycerin and a near blinding explosion off to the side as Izuku rocketed through his own orgasm, screaming and shouting too loudly to be ignored. He tried to pull out, tried to get back to reality as the dizzying image of his boyfriend's cum-streaked body threatened to destroy what little sanity he had left, but even the smallest of actions was so hard, so hard.

"K-Kacchan. Ka... Katsuki..." Izuku might've said, teetering along the line of post-orgasm dreaming and reality. "C'mere... c'mere, baby..."

He managed to get the condom off and to the side before pulling Katsuki's limp, fucked-out body into his arms, hardly caring about the mess of cum and sweat and lube between them. There were no words, only breaths and a failing attempt to recover from the high they'd both just fallen from.

Kacchan's shaking. He's shaking a lot. Is he...

"You okay?" Izuku asked, not out of pity or fear, but in wanting to be a decent boyfriend and help him through this. "Aha, sorry if I, um... went a little overboard at the end there."

"Shh..." Katsuki mumbled, a little hoarse. "Don't 'pologize... you're perfect..."

However, for as cute as he was, those reactions didn't mean he was entirely aware of what he was feeling. This was all new to him, and Katsuki probably wasn't in the right mindset to really know what he needed at the moment.

He might be a little dehydrated, he was crying a lot, and just overwhelmed... hm.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get us some water." Izuku decided, and tried—tried—to pull himself away. "I'll be right back real soon, don't worry. Just don't want you or me feeling shitty later."

"Better come back 'n cuddle fast." Katsuki pouted, though the words were barely audible with his mouth half-pressed into the sheets. He gave him one last reassurance before limping out to the kitchen, legs still not used to being on the ground instead of bent before his boyfriend's ass. But he brought water and crackers back quick, sat on the bed, and had Katsuki come up and lean beside him to drink and eat. For as much as that seemed to help, though, Izuku noticed one more thing upon glancing over to Katsuki's side of the bed.

...oh my god. You're kidding me.

"Kacchan." He stared, dumbfounded. "Did you really...?"

His boyfriend turned towards what he had his eyes on, and flushed a deeper, more ashamed red than he had all throughout having his lights fucked out. "...fuck."

He... he burned... "You burned a hole through my bed!?"

"I didn't mean to, 'kay!?"

I can't believe this. "It's— it's fine, I can buy a new mattress tomorrow, but holy shit, Kacchan. Holy shit."

Guess I really did channel that BDE energy, then. My god...

Katsuki gave as much of a shrug as he could muster. "Felt real good. Couldn't, um. Stop it. I think."

Do they sell explosive retardant mattresses? Like, quirk-proof ones or something? Is that a thing? At least I didn't activate my quirk... accidentally powering up while I'm in his ass wouldn't end well, I think.

"It's okay, no worries. I guess now we know that that's a thing?" Izuku managed a laugh, and handed another few crackers to his boyfriend. "How are you feeling, though? Tired?"

"Exhausted." He mumbled, eyes shut as he fell against his shoulder. "Sports fest all day, sex all night..."

Shit, that's right. No wonder he's wiped out.

"I hope you planned on taking the day off tomorrow." Izuku ran a hand through Katsuki's slightly-matted hair, something warm bubbling up through his chest as his boyfriend leaned into the touch. "If you're tired now, well. You're gonna be sore as hell in the morning."

Katsuki didn't have much more to add to that other than a grunt and another sip of water.

Probably shouldn't leave him so messy before he falls asleep, though... and I definitely need to change these sheets.

"You up for a bath?" He shook Katsuki awake a little more, needing to make sure he didn't pass out before they had the chance to wash up. "I'll go ahead and run it, if you want."

"Mm, yeah... could go for a bath."

No complaints, no arguing.

This... this is nice.

For as fun as fucking Katsuki was, washing him off was almost just as nice, in a way. Izuku filled the tub, carried his boyfriend all the way there, and 'helped' in a way that may have involved more gentle teasing and loving gazes and stolen kisses than a normal bath should've. But once they both washed up, dried off, and got the sheets changed to something clean and not crusty and cum-stained, the two of them tumbled into bed (avoiding the fresh hole in the mattress) and kissed, kissed, kissed until finally curling up in each other's arms and falling asleep.

Or, so he thought.


"Mm? What's—"

"I love you." Katsuki buried his face further into Izuku's chest, blonde hair tickling his chin. "Just wanted to say it again."

Way to make my heart melt just like that...!

"I love you too, Kacchan." He murmured, coupled with one last kiss to the top of his head. "More than you know."

"Dunno 'bout that. Thought you made your feelings pretty clear tonight."

"Doesn't mean I don't have more, though! I'm... I'll make you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. Eggs. Real food."

There was a soft, small laugh from below, and Izuku couldn't get rid of the warm, blooming smile on his face. "Knew you'd come around eventually."

"Quiet, you. Or I'm gonna have to blow you extra hard tomorrow so you don't start complaining about my eating habits again."

They both laughed that time, but fell quiet soon after to just touch and hold. The moment for screams and cries and gasps of pleasure was gone, but for now?

" you, Kacchan. Sleep well."

"You too, Deku... you too."


"...oh, fuck."

"Hm?" Izuku's head swiveled towards the voice. "Something wrong, Kacchan?"

Breakfast had gone well, yet the most startling (yet satisfying) part of his morning had been waking up to see his boyfriend covered head to toe in innumerable bruises, bitemarks, and some suspiciously hand-shaped marks that Izuku hoped hadn't been caused by accidental quirk activation. But just as expected, his boyfriend hadn't been able to move for a solid hour or so after they woke up, sore as hell and unable to even drag himself to the bathroom to piss. And it was after their breakfast when this new complaint came, as Katsuki lay on his side under the sheets again, messing around on his phone with some sort of mild dread on his face.

"Ugh." His boyfriend grumbled, dropping his phone back on the pillow. "Forgot to call my mom last night. Missed her texts, and..."

Oh... "And?"

Katsuki looked at his phone more time, then back at Izuku. "...something tells me that shitty act you put on at the stadium wasn't convincing enough. Think she knows."

Izuku's blood ran cold.

Oh, shit.

"You– you think?" He stuttered, trying to pretend there wasn't sweat beading on his forehead. "Like, don't know for certain? Just a guess?"

"She may be an old hag, but she ain't stupid." Katsuki groaned. "Fuck. Well, um..."

Don't say it, don't say it—

"Maybe... I dunno, maybe we should..." His boyfriend paused. "Well... would you be willing to meet my parents?"


Izuku swallowed. "I-I, um... I guess it's gotta happen at some point, aha..."

Especially after I just wrecked his ass.

"She suggested Tuesday."

"That's— that's like, three days from now! A-And, wait, what exactly did she say!?"

Katsuki sighed again, and read. "'We'll be making dinner Tuesday night if your boyfriend's free. Tell him I'll kick his ass if he winds up in the hospital before then.'"

"What!?" He exclaimed, not sure whether to feel anxious or mildly offended. "I-I'm not that bad! Fine! Tuesday's fine! I'll be free after seven, I can shower and change into something other than my hero suit before we go over!"

He might've seen his boyfriend's eyes roll, but he punched in a quick message and dropped his phone back on the bed. "Told her that works. Now come cuddle with me."

"So demanding." Izuku complained, but happily obliged. "Maybe I should fuck you again today. Make it so you can't walk tomorrow, either."

But all he got in response was a cheeky, teasing grin. "Then I guess it's good thing I've got an extra day off."

God, you're so horny. Not that I'm any better, but...

"...y'know, I'll stick with cuddling for now."

We've got time. Even... even if it's just in this room we can use it.

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