To Stand by Your Side (DekuBa...

By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

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Original writer is aeronines on AO3 Wanted to have a backup cause this is one of my favorite DekuBaku books I... More

โš ๏ธDisclaimerโš ๏ธ
Chapter 1: Start Line
Chapter 2: From a Distance
Chapter 3: Round One
Chapter 4: You and Me
Chapter 5: I Dreamt about your Ass Lastnight
Chapter 6: Paradigm Shift
Chapter 7: Well, If It Feels Good...
Chapter 8: Conceal Don't Feel
Chapter 9: The Cum Before the Storm
Chapter 10: Tipping Point
Chapter 11: Healing 101: A Three-part Guide to Stop Worrying About your Crush
Chapter 12: Texts, Tunes, and Turns
Chapter 13: The Best Damn Not-Date
Chapter 14: Ummmm Gay??
Chapter 15: Upsize
Chapter 16: Origin
Chapter 17: A Shakey Start
Chapter 18: Boredoroki
Chapter 19: Homecoming
Chapter 20: A Different Kind of Place
Chapter 21: Its All Fun and Games...
Chapter 22: ...Till Someone Gets Hurt
Chapter 23: Aftermath
Chapter 24: Why Confront Our Problems When We Could Just Go to an Onsen Instead
Chapter 25: A Litte Miscummunigaytion
Chapter 26: Maybe we Arent Such Useless Gays After All
Chapter 27: The Center of an Explosion
Chapter 29: Sports Fest Redux
Chapter 30: And Then They Fucked
Chapter 31: Meet the Bakugous
Chapter 32: You Can Run...
Chapter 33: ...But You Cant Hide
Chapter 34: Oasis
Chapter 35: Media Management for Dummies
Chapter 36: To Stand by Your Side
Chapter 37: Tomorrow

Chapter 28: BLAZE IT (with feelings)

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By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Katsuki was reaching for his phone in a haze as it went off for what had to be the fiftieth time that morning. He was fairly sure that he'd woken up at least once, maybe twice to the sound, or that the ringing had wormed its way into his dreams– even after all that time, though, it still wasn't stopping.

Who the fuck is calling me at...

Katsuki glanced at his bedside alarm clock, and upon recognizing that it was already eleven in the morning, understood.

...oh. makes sense.

He'd been trying to wake up earlier– really, he had, especially considering that the new semester would be starting in only a couple days– but for as much as Katsuki liked early-morning jogging, there was something special about sleeping in till noon with the knowledge that there was nothing on his plate.

Not like I get the chance to do it that often, anyways.

But he gave in, grabbed his phone, checked to see who it was, and was almost immediately overwhelmed by notification after notification on his home screen. Texts from friends, acquaintances, extended family who he saw once a year, and all with the same message.

Happy... birthday.

"...oh." He swallowed, suddenly far more awake than before. Usually, he wouldn't care all that much. Another birthday, another year, another chance to give it his all. And yeah, maybe it was just another birthday– but.

It's... my eighteenth. And that means...


I have plans today, and I'm nowhere near ready!

Katsuki (metaphorically) blasted himself out of bed, scrambled to his closet, and spent a wild, frantic few minutes searching for something that wasn't dirty to wear. He'd meant to do the laundry this morning– and with a sigh, realized that that was probably one of the other reasons his alarm had been screaming.

We... we're gonna meet up at noon. Go out for lunch, then to the beach together, and head to his apartment afterwards so we can have...

Well, all Deku had said was that he had something special in store. That meant he needed to look good, right? Or at least, not like he'd come wading out of a dump?

Fuck, I can't look like garbage, not when I think we're gonna get to...

Katsuki yanked the nearest muscle tank from his closet (Deku liked this one, right?) and pulled it on, then grabbed a pair of slim-fitting, probably-clean sweatpants (for easy access?) and did the same.

Good enough, yeah? Maybe?

The tank did provide a nice outline of his chest, and he knew that Deku was fond of that, but...

Doesn't feel like it's... enough.

But it would have to do for now, because Katsuki had not given himself enough time to do much of anything else.

I hope Deku doesn't mind. Er, well, that he likes it enough. Likes me enough.

A part of him wondered if Camie would be disappointed– after final exams were all over, he'd let her and a disgruntled Yaoyorozu in on what Deku had said at the end, a promise regarding something special for his birthday. And while Yaoyorozu hadn't been in a great mood after barely passing the final via other points, even she was excited. Because it was no secret, none at all, that 'something special' almost always meant—


It still hadn't hit him.

I mean, it wasn't like he explicitly said we were gonna have sex, but the chances are... uh... pretty high? I think?

He was eighteen, now. He was an adult. He was an incoming third-year at U.A. High, and he was Deku's goddamn boyfriend of nine whole-ass months.

Almost a year if you count when we first kissed.

It was too early for nervousness– too early for anxieties, for hesitations, for maybe we should wait a little longer? If it's not okay yet? But, fuck. This– if it happened, anyways– was something that they'd both been waiting for far, far too long. The onsen was as close as they'd gotten to anything legitimately sexual, and with that having been as amazing as it was?

God, what's it gonna be like when he actually touches my dick?

The rest of Katsuki's mid-morning hours were spent getting off in the shower, biting his hand hard enough so as to not to scream Deku's name in his parent's home, and hoping, hoping that it would be enough to keep him from getting too hard till they made it to his boyfriend's apartment.

Making it through this afternoon is not gonna be easy.

But it was only once Katsuki washed up and got dressed did he actually decide to check his messages. He hadn't looked all that carefully earlier, opting to instead try and get ready while he still could. But down, down near the bottom of the pile sat two missed calls and a voicemail from Deku.

Wait, was he trying to get ahold of me earlier?

Katsuki frowned, opened up the voicemail, and listened.

"...this on? O-Oh, okay. Hi! Ah, well, first off... happy birthday, Kacchan! Sorry if the calls woke you up at all, aha... but I, just um, wanted to let you know that... u-uh..."

The voicemail paused for a moment, and Katsuki could only imagine that Deku had stopped to breathe, to think.

"I-I promise I tried to get the whole day off– I really, really tried– but they went ahead and scheduled me till eight tonight because someone got injured on duty yesterday and they had to fill that spot today, and I couldn't... there wasn't anyone else remotely available."

Whatever boner Katsuki might've still had died in an instant.

"God, I'm so sorry, I didn't wanna delay tonight...! But I was thinking about some slight alternatives! Either I can bring in dinner, or we could try to find someplace to go out to, or if you really wanted we could just have a dessert? If that's okay? I wanna do what you're gonna be happiest with!"

On second thought, more time meant more time to prepare. Maybe a delay wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Oh, and Kacchan? Just, ah... one last thing."

His boyfriend's voice dipped a little lower, grew a little more serious.

"We should still definitely have time for—"

"Katsuki! It's noon. Hurry up and get your ass downstairs!"

He nearly snapped his phone in half right then and there, just as Deku was getting to the good part. Damn his mother's timing, just giving him another reason to be frustrated.

But we should still have time for... for that thing, Deku? That special thing?

"Katsuki Bakugou, get down here right now!"

"I'm coming, coming!" He barked, but didn't move right away. Instead, he pulled up the group chat he had with Camie, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki, and filled them in on the situation, because while he was definitely going to be keeping his mouth shut about the details of what would be happening that night, Katsuki couldn't be expected to keep all of his excitement to himself. After one quick text, though, he flew downstairs before his mother had an excuse to start yapping again.

What's the deal with her, anyways? We hardly do birthday celebrations to begin with. I'm an adult, and I should be allowed to sleep in if I want to. Asshole.

But when he got to the bottom of the stairs, Katsuki was met with something entirely unexpected. Sure, there was his mother, arms crossed and staring at him with the same glare he saw every time he looked in a mirror. But behind her, crowded around the door, was—

"The fuck?"

Camie, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki.

Katsuki remembered the hasty text he'd sent them, wondered when the fuck they'd arrived, and hoped, hoped that they hadn't had any sort of dramatic reaction in front of his parents once he'd sent it. Yeah, he was planning on telling them about his relationship eventually, but...

Not quite yet.

Back to the matter at hand.

"What's the problem? Were you not wanting to see us, Baku?" Camie asked, voice dripping with honeyed sweetness, as if trying to hide what an ass she could be from his parents.

"Yes, Camie thought it would be a good idea to..." Yaoyorozu paused, a slight bit of pink dusting her cheeks. "Ah. Well. Say happy birthday, of course!"

He had the sneaking suspicion that there was something more behind those words, that the true reason for the sudden visit was due to his now-moved plans tonight, but someone else cut him off before he could think further on that.

"I thought you said you wanted to come support him?" Todoroki frowned, slightly confused. "You know, for his da—"

Camie slapped her hand over Todoroki's mouth, and let out a small, faked laugh. "Well! It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Bakugou. But if you don't mind, do you think we could take your son out for the night? He did tell you he was planning on coming and spending the night with friends, right?"

His mother tilted her head, and something about the way she looked at him made Katsuki think that she could see right through him.

"He did mention he was spending the night with a friend..." She started, and all Katsuki knew was that he did not like the grin on her face, not one bit. "Must've forgotten about the part about being with more than one friend, hm?"


Katsuki's throat went dry as he prayed that there was no obvious sign of the slip-up on his face. "Friend, friends, whatever. Same difference. Language sucks ass."

He was pretty sure that she didn't believe him one damn bit, but his mother didn't push it.

"Alright, alright." She dipped her head. "Well. You better behave, alright? I don't wanna hear about you doing something stupid now that you're an adult."

"I ain't stupid." Katsuki growled, and crossed his arms over his chest right back at her. "And I'm gonna be the best damn adult there is, got it!? So fuck off. We're gonna have a great time."

His mother's eyes rolled to the back of her head, but she didn't argue back for once. Maybe this was some sort of birthday miracle after all.

"I'll leave you guys be." She finally said, and gave his friends a wave before walking back out to the other room. "Don't forget your overnight things, Katsuki."

"I was just about to go get them!"

But his friends were beside him in a flash, effectively twisting the conversation to something far, far better. Katsuki knew better than to discuss anything further downstairs, though, so with a quick point and a run up the stairs, they followed.

"Can't believe you guys came out to my goddamn house for this." He muttered as he swung open the door, letting his friends file in before shutting and locking it tight. "Was there something else that I needed to prep? Or did you seriously just show up to say good luck with the sex?"

God, even saying it out loud made his face burn.

Is this actually gonna happen? Like, for real?

"Partly 'cause of that." Camie said, but after looking him up and down and whispering in her girlfriend's ear, then Todoroki's, continued. "Today's special, babe. I know you know that."

Special... special, right.

"I'm a bit glad that Midoriya had to push back you two's date tonight." Yaoyorozu picked up. "It gives us a little more time to, ah... fix a few things."

Fix? "Fix what?" Katsuki scowled, and shoved his hands into his sweatpants' pockets.

"Don't worry, the tab's on Endeavor." Todoroki finished. "They didn't tell you?"

"No, what the hell are you guys talki—"

"Kacchan." Camie sighed, and shook her head. "If you really want that dick, you gotta try a little harder! Your normal clothes aren't gonna cut it, hon."

"The hell's wrong with my clothes!?" Katsuki retorted, arms pulled tight to his chest. "Deku likes this tank. I know he eyes me up all the time when I'm wearing it."

"Oh, no. Midoriya likes what's under it." Yaoyorozu deadpanned, and coming from her, Katsuki started to take what they were saying a bit more seriously. "Please, Katsuki. You can't tell me you honestly think that your wardrobe isn't a bit, ah... plain."

Todoroki snorted. "Looks like you haven't bought new clothes since you were thirteen."

"Oi, I remember that god-awful first hero costume you had!" Katsuki scowled, feeling very, very attacked right now. "I don't think you have the right to speak, dipshit."

"Oh, but I'm paying, dipshit." Todoroki mocked, but he knew there was no lie in the fact that he'd brought along his dad's credit card. "Look. If even I can see that you need some help, then I'd assume that indicates some sort of problem at play."

For as much as he wanted to argue back on that, though, he didn't have the words.


"...fine. Okay." Katsuki huffed, relenting. "We're going shopping? Or did you guys already, uh..."

On second thought, the idea of them picking out clothes for him in advance to literally get fucked in was admittedly, kinda weird.

"We're going to the mall!" Camie exclaimed, and stepped forward, hands flying all over Katsuki's body. "Oof, babe. You could go for a bit of cleanup all around. This hair?" A hand darted through it. "You could use a trim. And these nails? Hm, you at least need to get them filed down."

Katsuki shoved his hands back in his pockets and stepped back before she could go and point out anything else of his that needed some work, getting the point. "Alright, alright." He groaned. "We gonna go, then? Or are we just gonna stand around here and waste time?"

For a moment the three stared at him, stunned. Yaoyorozu might've whispered a he actually agreed and Todoroki might've smirked a little wider, but Camie looked thrilled as all get out.

"You grab your overnight stuff– remember, don't forget the lube and condoms– and we'll head out!" She laughed, and clapped him once more on the shoulder. "And I know, I know he'd like you just as well without a little something extra. But consider this our treat to you too, 'kay?" Camie smiled. "And if you feel like anything's too much, you can always just say no. We won't be weird about it! Promise."

"Lies." Katsuki grumbled, but couldn't deny the warmth spreading through him. "You guys are always weird." But he went ahead and shoved the remainder of his stuff in a bag, threw it over his shoulder, and followed them downstairs.

"We've got eight hours." Yaoyorozu announced as they stepped out of the house and made their way to the station.

"Eight hours." Todoroki repeated, eyes narrowed in some strange, faux-dramatic fashion.

"And in those eight hours, we're gonna make you drop-dead gorgeous." Camie smirked. "Pro Hero Valiant's gonna be on his knees before you can say blow me, daddy."

Katsuki stared at her for a solid few seconds, along with probably everyone else in the group, until finally managing to form a response.

"I don't– holy shit, I don't call him daddy!" He protested, but couldn't shake the thought of Deku– fucking Deku– on his knees for him.

That's... almost hotter than the thought of his dick in my ass. Oh my god.

For once, he kept his mouth shut as Camie continued to tease him, dumb-struck by the mere thought of that scenario.

"Your mouth's open." Todoroki snorted, and nudged him forward. "Come on. We've got stuff to do, so quit looking like you're catching flies."

He went along with a grumble, boarded the train, and half-listened in on his friends going over plans for the afternoon. First would be lunch, then shopping, a haircut, then maybe more shopping if needed.

Wonder how this all is gonna wind up playing out.

Their conversation slowed to a halt with the stop of the train, and just as soon, they got off and walked to the mall nearby. Todoroki kept beside him as Camie and Momo went on ahead, pointing out restaurants and places to hit up. For the time being, he'd let them lead and do their thing– not like the cost was coming out of his pocket, anyway– and tried to strike up a conversation to quell his bubbling nerves.

"S'been a while since we've gotten to hang out." Katsuki started, hoping Todoroki would pick up with more than a one-word answer.

"You've been busy." He shrugged. "I've been busy. Family, training, all that. It happens."

Katsuki hated the bit of distance in his voice.

"We should train together again." He suggested. "I miss fighting against you."

"Same, honestly." Todoroki sighed. "You're a good sparring partner. Shindou is fine, but..."


His friend rubbed the back of his neck, not meeting Katsuki's eyes. "He likes turning it into sex more often than not. I mean, it's whatever. It's fine. I'd tell him to stop if it really bothered me. But it gets a little... I don't know. Predictable? Annoying if I'm not really in the mood? I don't know how to describe it."


"You could just tell him to fuck off." He muttered, more than a little pissed at hearing that. "I'm sure you could find other people to train with. Hell, you're welcome to hit me up whenever. You know that."

"I know, I know." Todoroki shook his head, and waved him off. "Seriously, don't worry. But I'll text you if I'm free– maybe once the semester starts up again?"

"Works for me." Katsuki nodded, and only could hope that his friend would follow through.

If he doesn't, I'll bother him. The last thing I want is him thinking I'm too busy with Deku to spend time with him.

But at Yaoyorozu's sudden call, the two were freed from their slightly-awkward conversation to grab some lunch. That part went smooth enough– food was easy, good, typical– but when they steered towards some upscale clothing store, Katsuki would be lying if he said he wasn't sweating.

This is actually happening. This is a thing. It's... I'm gonna...

He couldn't think too hard about it, though, not if he didn't wanna get hard.

They're just clothes. Just clothes. And I...

Katsuki looked ahead to see Camie and Yaoyorozu veering towards the racks, followed closely by Todoroki.

I'm gonna look hot as shit. Deku won't know what hit him...!

"We're not going back to your place, so you're getting a whole new wardrobe for the night." Camie started, already shuffling through a row of pants. "Hm... alright. So, me and Momo were talking, but I wanna get your thoughts too. We already know he likes your chest, and since he's a little older, something a bit mature would be nice, yeah? We're not going for like, super thotty or anything. More like, hm..."

"Didn't you say something along the lines of classy hoe earlier?"

"Yes! Exactly." Camie exclaimed at her girlfriend's input. "Classy hoe. That means no trashy tank tops, no baggy pants, and no, um... whatever those shoes are you're wearing." She gestured vaguely at him, and for as much as she was right, Katsuki couldn't help but feel a bit insulted upon the uncalled for critique of his typical day-to-day clothing.

"It's simple to get off." He grumbled, but joined her in sorting through and looking. "Don't think Deku would really mind easy access, y'know."

"I'm sorry, do you really want to go straight to dicks!?" She sighed, positively exasperated. "Oh my god, Baku. Don't you know about foreplay?"

"I-I mean, yeah, bu—!"

Camie grabbed him by the shoulders and stared him straight in the eyes, and Katsuki wasn't sure he'd ever been more threatened in his life.

"You gotta give him something to mess with, alright? Something that shows off what you've got, but makes him work for the prize a little." She said, squeezing his shoulders. "Most of the time, your usual is gonna be alright. But today? Today is special." The last word was punctuated with a slight huff, and Camie let go. "Valiant's a big boy. He knows how this stuff works. So show him that you know what's up too, yeah?"

Show him that I... know what's up.

Katsuki knew that Camie only meant those words as some sort of encouragement boost, but that didn't mean the swells of I'm too inexperienced for him weren't starting to churn again. Deku was in no way a virgin, and...

No. Don't start thinking about that. I know he wants me, know he trusts me, and I know that he'll help every step of the way. This... this is his area of expertise. Or, well, one of them.

"...okay." He finally got out, swallowed back his fears. "Right. Let's do this."

First item on the menu– pants. They wound up settling on a nice pair of black skinny jeans after Yaoyorozu had promised him they couldn't go wrong, despite the obvious constrictions at play. With those on, even he could recognize what ass he did have, and maybe, just maybe, Deku would notice too.

They tossed a pair of short, black, low-heeled zip-up boots at him too– trendy and simple to wear. Done, done. Easy.

Alright, alright...!

Next was a top. That topic, however, sparked some sort of heated debate between his friends. Camie vouched for one style, Yaoyorozu argued for another, and Todoroki advocated for something that Katsuki could only consider grandpa fashion. That said, he was the only one with apparently no say in the matter, despite it being his damn clothing.

"We're not putting him in a suit. Not that he'd look bad! It's just too much for the occasion!"

"All you're putting on the table are low-cut tees and button ups. Isn't that going against your self-implemented 'something to mess with' policy?"

"A suit like that won't show off his chest. You know how nice boobs are! And babe, you have nice boobs! So think kinda like that, okay?"

"...I don't think that it's entirely the same, but—"

"Oh, same concept! His chest and shoulders are what we have to work with, so that's what we're gonna do, right?"

"I know that's all he has, and that's why I'm thinking that..."

Their bickering carried on, on, and Katsuki eventually walked away in an attempt to drown out their arguing. They were both right, in a way. Yaoyorozu tended to lean more towards classy to begin with, while Camie had always been more casual, but...

There's gotta be an in-between in there. Hm...

A look to his left had him staring at a group of more casual blazers, while on his right lie a bunch of nicer button ups. He did have a nice chest, something he'd come to accept long ago, and with the ideas floating around in mind...

Katsuki pulled a nice, fitted, sleek black blazer from the rack, grabbed a red button-up from the table, and ran to the changing rooms before any of his friends had the mind to stop him. It was almost fun, throwing off his tank and pulling crisp fabric over his body, feeling the familiar stretch of it across his chest and shoulders while it stayed a little too loose at the waist. But that was fixed today with the help of the blazer, buttoned once near the bottom while the shirt stayed undone two– no, maybe three– down.

Chest? Check. Classy? Check.

Hot? Sexy, even?

A hand pushed back at the shirt collar, then trailed down, down, further than he could with anything else he owned.

I hope so.

Katsuki's breath hitched at the thought of his hand being Deku's hand, touching, feeling—

I'm not getting hard. Nope, nope, I am not gonna get hard right now...!

He pulled his hand back before that thought could linger on his mind any longer, and realized that yeah, maybe he should check in with his friends to see what they thought first. So he poked his head out of the changing room, called them over from halfway across the store, and stepped outside when they arrived. Katsuki wasn't sure what kind of response to expect, not really– but by the look on Camie and Yaoyorozu's faces and the small grin on Todoroki's, he had to have done okay, at least.

"...not bad, Baku." Camie said, her expression slowly shifting into a smile. "Not bad at all."

Step one, complete.

Next stop– the hairdresser. He'd needed a trim for a while, no question about that. Katsuki didn't plan on anything particularly special for this, just a little shorter all around, but when Yaoyorozu suggested slimming it down in the back a bit, well– the idea appealed to him more than it should've.

I'm not getting an undercut. That's Deku's thing. But, uh... shorter might be nice. More mature looking and all that.

Katsuki left the hairdresser with a new, fresh, stylish confidence, slightly faded sides trailing into his usual length up top. Camie had cheered as they left the place, and Todoroki had even given him a high five.

This... this is kinda fun, I guess...!

That said, when Yaoyorozu proposed heading to the nail salon as their next stop, Katsuki's hesitations began to return. Not that any of it was a bad thing, not at all! Just...


But he followed them there, let himself be sat down, and squirmed as soon as they began to scrape the callouses from his feet. His friends were as useless as humanly possible, too, just sitting and watching, sipping water and sodas as Katsuki hoped that it would end. There was a bit of grumbling after he was done, but for as much as it had sucked, he could admit the final result wasn't... awful.

"They didn't even take that much off." Camie had said, as she carted him over to the other side of the salon. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

She was right– but after they'd finished pushing back his cuticles, and trimmed and filed down his nails (after all, who knew where they were gonna go) they asked him something he hadn't been prepared for.

Do... do I want some color? Some paint?

This was new. All of this was new, really, but hell.

Fuck it, why not.

Katsuki settled on something simple– just a matte black polish, nothing more– and endured his friend's teasing over his supposedly punk color choice and flipped them off when he was done.

I look great. Deku's an idiot if he doesn't like all this.

He wasn't sure what more they wanted to do. After all, this was the stuff that usually constituted standard procedure, right? Nothing else came springing to mind, but when Camie and Yaoyorozu started walking towards the other side of the mall, towards something that looked like a waxing spa, he stopped.

"Nope." Katsuki swallowed. "Fuck no. Not doing that shit."

"What's the problem?" Yaoyorozu asked, all-too innocently. "Camie and I do this all the time."

"Y-Yeah, well..." He mumbled, slightly-sore feet suddenly much more noticeable now. "Uh..."

"I won't make you do it if you don't wanna!" Camie reminded him. "Your choice. But just think about it! I mean, if you wanted, you could just get your brows waxed or something."

That didn't sound all that bad. But just as he was about to accept his fate, Todoroki beat him to the punch.

"Maybe you shouldn't, Bakugou." He tilted his head, a hint of a challenge in his words. "Bet you couldn't handle getting your brows waxed, much less your legs and chest."


"I can handle it, asshole!" Katsuki growled, and stormed towards the door. "Bet you're just saying that 'cause you're too afraid to try too, though!"

"I– I can take on my own bets!" Todoroki protested, and in no time, the two of them found themselves in the salon, both afraid but neither about to back down.

Katsuki vowed he wouldn't be the one to scream first, but after they finished up with their brows (which had been bad enough on its own), it was all he could do to grit his teeth and try not to cry when they started on his legs.

This is– fuck...!

"Having fun over there?" Yaoyorozu teased, listening in on the both of them squirm. "I'm sure that's not enough to bother you, right?"

"Oh, I'm having a f-fucking blast!" Katsuki grit out, just as Todoroki echoed his sentiments beside him. "Agh, y-yeah, c-cant get enough of this good–SHIT—!"

That said, the sounds that left his mouth when they did his chest would never be spoken of again.

"Can we... just... sit down for a minute." He shivered as they left, the sensation of sweatpants on waxed skin something he was nowhere near used to. "We've got, what... two hours left...?"

"Two hours, yep." Camie nodded, and sat down next to him on a nearby bench. "There's just one more thing we really have to do before you head out, but we've gotta stop by my place to do it."

"Oh... m'kay." He sighed, knowing nothing, nothing could be worse than the goddamn wax at this point. "Cool."

"Was there anything else you would like, though?" Yaoyorozu asked, joining them. "We have enough time to go around a little bit more."

"I dunno. Can't really think of anything." He mumbled, and pulled up his phone, only to stop and stare at his lock screen– a nice picture he'd managed to catch of his boyfriend during one of their training sessions– and noticed something small, silvery, and shiny in Deku's ear.

That's right... he's got nice earrings. They really do look good. Piercings suit him.

But one look up, and Katsuki noticed something staring him right in the face. Straight across from where they were sitting was a small piercings shop, and a small idea dawned on him.

This whole day has been a series of why nots, so...

"I think there's one more thing I wanna do while we're here, actually."

It didn't wind up being anything more than a quick stop, really. In, out, with pain that was hardly comparable to what he'd just endured. This part especially, though, was for him.

It's... kinda cool. Matching this way.

Katsuki was still nervous, no doubt, but the whole day had definitely been a confidence booster. Only one last stop remained, and for that, their small group wound up grabbing a quick dinner before boarding the train and hopping over to Camie's place for final touches. He couldn't say he didn't have his suspicions about what was going to happen, but...

They haven't screwed me over yet. I trust them.

He'd only been to Camie's home once before– it wasn't much, really, just a small apartment in the city center. Neither of her parents were home that often, and for as confident as she was, Katsuki couldn't help but feel she was a bit awkward in showing Yaoyorozu and Todoroki around considering their wildly different living situations. But today, she didn't let it show one bit. The group made their way to her small bedroom, crashed on her bed, and waited while Camie readied the last part of Katsuki's makeover. A chair was then dragged in from the kitchen, a small side table pulled next to it, and Katsuki was swiftly sat down and instructed to look up.

"M'kay, babe." She murmured, only gentle. "Can I put a little makeup on you? I promise it won't be much. Just enough to bring out what you already have."

Just what he'd expected.

"Y-Yeah. For sure."

It was all new, all different, but not bad. No– if he was being honest, having his friends take care of literally everything for him, from plans to physical care to costs, was about as amazing as it got.

They... god, I love them all so much.

He was glad these last moments before leaving were more intimate, though. The familiarity of Camie's voice and the knowledge that his friends stood beside him, with him all the way, was so, so much more than he could ask for. Deku hadn't had this support, and while that fact was something he hated to think about, all he could do now was better.

"Close your eyes, babe. Relax, okay? It'll just take a moment."


"...alright, you can open them now. Look down for me a little... perfect, perfect... now blink a few times."

Something on my waterline, too...?

"Not gonna bother with foundation right now, but... hm." Camie stood back, and beckoned Yaoyorozu closer. "Anything else, baby?"

"Hm... oh, maybe right here...?"

"Ooh, yes! Good call!"

Camie kissed her girlfriend, nothing long or deep, but just that reminded him of Deku waiting, waiting for him to do that with...

Shit, I want him so bad right now... ugh, just a little longer. Just another hour or so.

Something was applied up on his cheekbones, just below his eyes, and his friends finally gave him a nod of approval.

"Just a little highlighter." Yaoyorozu assured him. "Would you like to see?"


Todoroki handed him something they'd dropped on the bed earlier, just a small, cheap hand mirror, and Katsuki stared.

Oh... oh my god.

He didn't move for a good five–ten–fifteen seconds, absolutely floored.

I look... fuck, I look hot...!

Seeing the new, simple black studs in his ears was still new, still fascinating, only furthered upon bringing his hand upon to his face and running it through his freshly-cut hair, abruptly reminded of the striking matte black on his nails. Camie was right– of course she was, really– that the neatly applied eyeliner brought out the rich color of his eyes to their full extent.

So cool... so, so cool...!

Katsuki was absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent glowing.

I love this. Deku's gonna love this.

"You feeling alright?" Camie said, coming up from behind and hugging his shoulders. "Everything okay?"

"Perfect. It's– god." He swallowed, still staring at the mirror. "You gotta teach me how to do this shit at some point."

"You really like it?"

"Fuck yes, I love it!"

The four of them laughed, maybe cried, maybe didn't know exactly what to do except celebrate in what little time they had left. But when he got up to go change into the new stuff they'd bought, Yaoyorozu placed something else into his hand.

"Lip balm." She supplied. "Trust me, it helps a lot for kissing, and, ah... other such things."

He nodded, took it with him along with the clothes, and locked himself in the bathroom alone for just a minute to change. That minute took a bit longer, though, as Katsuki sincerely hoped Camie wouldn't mind him getting off in her bathroom as a final attempt to quell his inevitable hard-on for the next while.

This is happening.

He tugged on his boxers– they'd picked up some new, tight ones in a familiar green.

This is really, really happening.

Next was his shirt, left open far more than was allowed at school.

Deku's gonna... well, we're probably gonna...

He pulled up his pants, fabric hugging his freshly-waxed legs in a way that was both alien and so, so welcome.

...gonna have...

Lastly, the blazer went on, stopping at his forearms and buttoned only once at his waist, bringing his figure into full view.

Katsuki knew he looked hot– knew every inch of his body was something most people would die to get their hands on, knew that people stared, that people wanted, that people couldn't have what belonged to only one person.

No getting cold feet now.

He brushed a stray strand of hair from his eyes, drew the balm onto his lips, and popped the cap before giving the mirror one last sultry, needy look.

I'm doing this, and we're both gonna love it.

And with that, he stepped out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

"Holy shit, Baku...!" Camie squealed, clutching her girlfriend's arm. "Fuck. If I wasn't taken, I'd bone you."

"I'll, uh... pass on that one."

"You look good." Todoroki nodded, and Katsuki could've sworn there was some sort of pride in his eyes. "Valiant's going to love it."

"He better."

"Katsuki..." Yaoyorozu stepped forward, and adjusted his collar just a little. "Everything's lovely." She smiled. "I'm serious."

"Might wanna button up that shirt before you head out, though!" Camie said. "Save the sexy for when you're at Midoriya's place."

"Right, right." He ducked his head, and to his relief, his fingers weren't shaking near as much as he'd expected. "I think I'm, um... gonna head out to the train. It's a bit of a ride from here, and he'll be home soon, so..."

"Yeah, of course!" Camie smiled again, pride swelling in her face. "You look amazing, and you've got a boyfriend that I know loves you. So be confident, okay?" He wasn't sure if the tear she wiped from her eyes was real or not, but– "Repeat after me. I'm gonna get that dick!"

"I-I–" He started, unfairly flushed. "I- I'm gonna—"

"Come on, I'm gonna..."

"I'm– I'm gonna get that fucking dick!" He shouted, and Katsuki could only hope Camie's parents hadn't come home.

"That's the spirit, babe!"

Everyone gave him one last pat on the shoulder before sending him off, and Katsuki, hyped up as could be, got on the train with every vein thrumming and every nerve spinning with anticipation. Each minute passed by in a hazy blur, and all he could do was check, check, check his phone by the second in the hopes that somehow, it'd make the journey faster. But the train arrived on schedule, Katsuki got off at the usual stop, then made his way to the familiar apartment complex before his heart could beat out of his chest.

No need to be nervous.

It was harder when his friends weren't around.

No need to be afraid.

He looked hot as hell, and he knew it.

No need to be scared of him seeing.

Because Deku– Deku, above everyone else– would treat him right.

Katsuki only knew he'd climbed up the stairs after he found himself standing in front of Deku's door, the place he'd come to call a third home. No time to waste on sentiments, though.

Knock, knock.

...and, nothing.

He knocked again.

Thirty seconds later, still nothing.

Katsuki huffed, momentum slightly killed, and realized that he probably beat Deku home.

Well, dammit.

Sure enough, Deku wasn't late– it was definitely pushing at the end of the time he'd allotted to come home in, but technically, he wasn't late. So Katsuki settled against the wall for the moment, pulled out his phone camera to check that his makeup was still intact (it was, of course it was), and waited.


Deku... Deku, where are—


He thought he'd been prepared to see him.

"Oh– oh my—"

His boyfriend had stopped for a moment in the mouth of the stairwell, but not seconds later, raced down the hallway. A shopping bag swung back and forth by his side, a backpack slung over his shoulders, but Deku—


Deku was hot. Not dressed up near as much as Katsuki was, no, but the undershirt clinging to his abs and the undone button-up rolled up and stretched over those perfect, perfect arms was more than enough to have him weak at the knees. Scars drawn across gorgeous muscle, visible only through what little skin his boyfriend had decided to show, only served to accentuate every bit of strength rippling through his body.

But the crazy part– the unbelievable part– was that Deku looked absolutely awestruck by Katsuki in front of him.

"Kacchan." His boyfriend breathed, as if saying his name would somehow break the spell. "Oh... oh my god." Deku shoved his hand in his pocket, digging out his keys with the intensity of a high-level mission. "We're going inside."

Deku's partly-free hand grabbed his shoulder while the other shoved the keys in faster than what had to be humanly possible, and Katsuki could've sworn his boyfriend's hand was shaking.

Because of... because of...

He wasn't given time to think on it, though, not before they were inside and Deku had dumped everything he'd brought onto the ground, not before he was pinned against the quickly-locked door by strong hands and a strong leg between his own.

...oh my god.

"Kacchan– s-shit, Kacchan—" Deku murmured, staring at him with every bit of analysis Katsuki had ever seen and more. "I was– I bought cake, y'know. For your birthday."

"Cake, huh?" He rasped, unable to tear his own eyes away from Deku's.

"Yeah." His boyfriend murmured, and something strange– silvery, shiny– flashed in his mouth. "Chocolate. Like you said you liked. But..."

One of Deku's hands wound its way around his waist, squeezing, squeezing.

"I think you'd taste better right now."

Everything he'd ever known, ever thought, ground to a complete and utter halt.

"That so?" He finally managed, his hands on top of Deku's own. "Is that what you want?"

"Not about what I want." Deku said, every inch of his voice drenched in need. "It's your birthday, isn't it?"

Definitely something in his mouth.

"Y-Yeah." He mumbled, trying to keep his composure as best he could. "S'my birthday."

"So tell me what you want, baby." He whispered. "What would you like?"

Only one right answer.


That was all it took. Katsuki's bag was torn from his shoulders just before Deku scooped him up in his arms and carried (carried!) him to his bedroom, past the blooming flowers by the window and through the door with only I love yous and you look so good, so good along the way. But for as excited as they both were, Deku sat down, back against the bed with Katsuki in his own lap careful as could be.

"Sorry for getting so, um..." His boyfriend's gaze trailed up and down his body, drinking in everything he could see. "...aggressive. Out there."

"You say that like I didn't like it." Katsuki raised an eyebrow, and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead. "I've been excited to see you all day, y'know."

"Same. I... god, I tried to get off work earlier. Called in, argued with my manager, tried everything I could think of..." He sighed, shook his head. "Today was a bad day, apparently."

"You don't smell like you've been running around, though."

"Showered and changed at my agency. I brought along clothes just in case." He said, attention obviously elsewhere. "Speaking of clothes, though... this–" Hands came back up to trail along his sides, as if exploring some new, uncharted territory. "When did this happen...? Like, all of this."

"Put the extra time you provided to good use." Katsuki grinned. "I was out with friends for a bit. Had some fun. The usual."

"The usual, huh...?" Deku's hand trailed further, further up his chest, and slid beneath the shirt opening and over smooth, sensitive skin. "Oh... is that what they're calling this these days?"

"Calling what?"

"You know what." Too teasing, too knowing. "With these clothes? Your hair? Your nails? These earrings? This... waxing?" A soft, gentle, laugh fell over his ear. "Kacchan, I'm talking about making yourself look like the very definition of sex."

There was a quiet can I and an echoed yes, please, and Deku's fingers were tracing, tugging, fondling a nipple from beneath his clothing.

"Is that a problem?"

"God, no." A kiss to the collarbone. "Not today." A tug, a pop of the blazer button off. "I trust you, Kacchan."

A promise.

"I– I-I know you do."

"Trust me?"

"Fuck, what do you think?"

Deku drew his hand away, if only for a moment.

"I think I want to hear it from you."


"I...I trust you." He got out, still trying to even comprehend what was going on. "I want you."



In his mind, it was a strange question. Where didn't he want Deku? But he acted on his first thought, grabbed his boyfriend's wrist, and pulled his hand flat against his chest.

"Here." Katsuki said, just as Deku's eyes went wide and his face grew into something more. "I-I... I want you here."

Always feels good when he touches there, when he kisses and bites me th—

"Holy shit, Kacchan."

...wait, what?

"You– you realize—"

Katsuki looked down at his chest, then back at Deku, then back to his chest.

What the hell is he—

"You put my hand... over your heart...?"

He froze.


For as beautiful as Deku was in every situation, every possible scenario, Katsuki wasn't sure anything had ever beat what he had on now.

"Wasn't on, uh, purpose." He stuttered, but his boyfriend stayed, stayed. Stared in shock, awe, disbelief, and...

Is that what you'd call—

"I-I..." The hand shifted, squeezed his chest just a little, still locked in Katsuki's grip. "I'll be honest, I thought you were gonna do something more like..."

Now it was his own wrist that was tugged away, soon pressed against Deku's abdomen and led down further, all the way to his crotch.

"Like... this."

He'd known that this night would be full of new experiences, new territory, new sensations, but nothing, not even seeing Deku's dick, could compare to the feeling of cupping his hand over it and just feeling.

My god... so warm, so firm, so big...!

Katsuki scooted forward, hand still against his boyfriend's clothed crotch and reeling over the fact that Deku's damn dick was right there. It was all he could do to bury his face in the crook of his neck, breathe in every bit he could find, and hope for more, more.

"You like that?"

"Love it." He whispered, kissing up his boyfriend's neck while palming, touching, squeezing harder and harder. "I know you have a good dick. I've seen it."

"Don't you dare tell me the onsen ruined the surprise for you."

"Ruined?" He scoffed as the barest hint of a whimper escaped Deku's lips. "Fuck, no. Just made me want it more."

"Mm, okay... good to hear."

Fingers shifted upwards, upward, just enough so that Katsuki could tease and tug at the hem of his boyfriend's jeans. "So do I get to see it again?"

"Not even a kiss first, huh? For as sappy as you were just a minute ago, I had half a mind to think you wanted to take this slow."

"Slow!?" Katsuki sputtered. "For fuck's sake, Deku, I've been waiting literal years to do this with you!"

"Then what's a little longer?" His boyfriend grinned, and pulled Katsuki's too-excited hand away. "Let me make you feel good. Trust me, I know how."

For as much as delay sounded like a literal death sentence, the idea of Deku taking care of him in this way wasn't half bad either.

"Fine, then." Katsuki kissed him on the neck again, mildly confused as to why his boyfriend hadn't initiated one yet himself. "Show me what you've got, Mr. Experienced."

"Little shit." He shifted back a bit, just enough for Deku to get at his front again. "Well. I'd say shut up, but honestly?" The buttons were popped off one by one, too much time taken between each snap. "I think I'd rather hear you right now."

You're gonna kill me. You're gonna kill me, and I'm gonna die, and—

There were lips on his chest, a tongue on his chest, and something smooth, round, and completely new. didn't. No... no fucking way. No way that you...

"Something wrong, Kacchan?" Too innocent. "You alright?" Fuck, more than alright.

"Don't stop." He insisted, falling into a sharp, sudden cry as Deku moved to suck at a nipple, teeth scraping and biting and that small bit of something only serving to send his heart shooting out of his chest. "K-Keep– keep going, dammit...!"

"God, you're so cute. So turned on from just this." He switched sides, mouth replaced with a hand as Katsuki bucked in his lap, barely able to even see straight. "Like this, baby?"

Oh, keep calling me that... s'kinda hot.

"Mhm, y-yeah, s'really good..."

"Like my mouth?"

"I like it when it's on me."

"Me too." His boyfriend laughed, but drew back before Katsuki was ready for him to go. "Shit, I don't think I've gotten the chance to mark up skin this smooth before."

"This smooth, huh?" This time, he touched his own chest, an invitation for Deku to come back, come back. "Then you better take the chance while you've got it, cause I don't know when the fuck I'm gonna get this done again."

"Still can't believe you went all out like this for tonight." His boyfriend shook his head, smiling stupidly.

He shrugged. "S'not like it's just for tonight. The earrings were kinda spur of the moment, but..."

"They're kinda like mine." Deku said, brushing over them. "Aside from the color, but... was that on purpose?"

"Would you mind if it was?"

"God, no." He said, only to stop, to stare for just a moment. "But if you're trying to match, I think you're one piercing short now."

Oh... oh, shit. He was actually serious about that...!

"I'd hope you'd have noticed by now, but in case you haven't..." Deku leaned in closer, closer. "Let me show you~."

No warning, no mercy, only Deku's mouth on his own and that tongue forcing its way further, further, the small piercing a too-thrilling change of pace from their usual makeout sessions.

I can't believe you.

Hot, heavy, perfect.

Doing this just for me...?

"I hope you like your gift." His boyfriend murmured, mouth open just enough for Katsuki to see the innocuous silver ball lying inside. "I had it done a few weeks ago. Kinda glad I didn't have time to meet up with you much over your break, to be honest. They told me I was best off waiting a while before doing anything like this." He clicked his tongue, and Katsuki swore that he could hear the small tick of the piercing against his teeth. "It's too bad, really. I wanted to practice a little more before I got to see you again."


"Like you do with your dildo. Practice." Deku said, kissing him again, again, the piercing pushing his senses to the limit. "Remember what I said I was good at?"

Fuck! Me!

"'Course I do." He managed, the memory of those confessions something that'd never managed to leave his head. "It was something, kinda like..." Katsuki grabbed Deku's hand on impulse, and before he could stop, brought the tip of his finger past his lips and sucked, a genuine blush spreading over his boyfriend's cheeks as he took another in alongside it. Ridges of age-old scars, battle worn skin, and the familiar taste of Deku. Deku swelled in his mouth as he kept going as best he could. Oral had been the one area he hadn't quite managed to get a grasp on, but maybe tonight...

I could try again?

"That's a good look on you." His boyfriend said, less steady and more heated. "One more... c'mon, baby~. Take one more for me?"

A third finger slipped into his mouth, and Katsuki nearly moaned at just that. Deku was pushing in, nearly choking him, but—

If I can take this, maybe a little something more won't be a problem...!

He pulled at the hem of his boyfriend's pants again, harder this time, and wasn't stopped.


Low, powerful.

"Is that really what you'd like to do?"

All he could do was nod, nod, nod and choke out a needy please...! as Deku pulled back his fingers and let him recover for a moment before practically diving towards his crotch, tearing at the button and zipper of his goddamn jeans all in the same moment. He'd never wanted, never needed this as much as he did right now, needed to discover what Deku would really taste like in his mouth, needed to know, needed to feel everything and more.

I... I wanna...

"H-Here, lemme help."

With a quick lift of those strong hips and a swift tug, Deku got his pants past his perfect ass enough for Katsuki to maneuver them off the rest of the way. But for as much as his boyfriend's cock showed his excitement, already hard and straining against his boxers, upon tossing the pants to the floor did he notice Deku's sharp flinch as his legs instinctively snapped towards his chest in some attempt to hide the thick scars decorating bare skin.

Not today, fucker.

"Oi." He hissed, hands pushing those knees back down against the bed. "Tell your self-conscious shithole of a brain to leave. We've been over this."

"Aha, you're right, right... force of habit."

Seeing Deku a little nervous, though, almost helped to quell any of his own lingering anxieties.

We're learning together, I think.

But Katsuki himself was sweating upon just seeing the outline of his boyfriend's cock against his boxers, and he realized that yeah, maybe the shirt still half-clinging to his shoulders wasn't helping.

Goodbye. He thought, throwing it on top of his boyfriend's jeans. You've done your part.

"Are you gonna keep me waiting?" Deku asked, voice too coy for the flat-out grin on his face. "Come on, now. Don't be shy."

I ain't shy!

His boyfriend lent his assistance again, lifting his hips in one graceful, fluid motion and letting Katsuki grab his boxers and pull, off in an instant with hardly a bump. And yeah, he'd expected Deku to be hard. Knew he was hard. Knew he was big, but this close?

...oh, fuck me.

Deku– Deku was thick.

I swear it wasn't that big at the onsen. Was it just 'cause of the water? Or is he more turned on now!?

"Deku." He breathed, suddenly very glad he'd put on the lip balm. "I-I want you to show me how to do this."


"You're the expert, right?" He said, on his hands and knees in front of Deku's crotch. "If I'm gonna be the best, I gotta learn from the best."

A soft curse fell from Deku's lips, almost in some sort of awe. "You haven't even felt what I can do yet."

"Don't care." Katsuki said, and reached for his boyfriend's dick for the first time in his life. "I trust you."

'Sides. If I go first, I'll come in a heartbeat.

Just one tug, just one squeeze, just one dip of Katsuki's head down to lick at the head of Deku's cock had his boyfriend entirely on board, though.

So teach me, babe. Teach me.

"Do that again." He heard, low and heady. "Hand on the base... yes, right there, perfect~."

I'm gonna die.

"Take it further, if you can– just a little at a time, just like that..."

Katsuki had never felt so full in his life. Sucking, swallowing, moving on pure instinct with a hint of Deku's directions guiding him along had never been so good.

But I... I-I dunno if I can...

He knew he had too much of a gag reflex. Knew he'd need to train it out. But fuck, he'd try his best to stay on for as long as he possibly could.

"You're doing good, baby, doing good... h-hah, yes~, I like it when you use your tongue right there...!"

...I'm doing good? Really?

Katsuki's head bobbed up, down, up, down, trying his best to go even just a little further. It wasn't his fault Deku's cock might be more than he could handle, wasn't his fault that he was inexperienced, wasn't his fault that the world was spinning, spinning with a haze that had to be due to pure lust. But Deku kept talking, talking, and Katsuki swore every word was more incentive to keep going.

Fuck, how far am I in...?

"Hey, you can—"

I can do more, I can take more...

"Kacchan, you're gonna cho—"

Come on, come on...

"Katsuki, stop!"


But he listened, drew back with a sharp, hoarse cough, silvery spit trailing from his lips to Deku's cock for a split second before falling.

Am I not good enough?

"Hey, hey. Need you to breathe for a minute." Deku instructed, pulling him close. "You're good, I promise. Just relax for me."

"D-Did I do something– s-something wrong?" He got out, heart racing, racing. "I was just– it felt good, and you sounded good, so I thought I was doing..."

One look at Deku's face, though, and he fell quiet.

"You... Kacchan, you were literally choking." Deku said, and kissed him on the forehead, still holding him close. "You didn't do anything wrong, it's all good! It did feel good for what was probably your first time. But you were way too red in the face, and I just didn't want you to– t-to—"

His boyfriend broke off into a soft laugh, and hugged him close. "Look. It's a good way to go out in theory, but I'd rather not see you legitimately asphyxiate on my dick, Kacchan."

"I—!" He started, but the utter rawness– and not necessarily the good kind– spoke louder than words. "O-Oh."

Well, fuck.

"That's, uh. E-Em—" He coughed, not sure if his face was hotter because of the lack of oxygen or utter shame. "K-Kinda embarrassing."

"You're fine, you're fine! I promise." Deku assured him yet again, and for whatever reason, he felt more comfortable than he probably should've. "You really couldn't tell, though?"


I guess I did get, uh. Into it.

"I mean, seeing you go to town on my dick was fun, but you've definitely got some technique to work on." Deku elaborated with almost too much excitement. "With that in mind... guess it just means we'll have to get some extra practice in, yeah?"

"Like, b-back when we made out for the first time...?"

"Just like that!" Deku nodded, some sultry look hidden beneath his enthusiastic nod. "Just like that... and if you want, maybe we could start off the lesson plan with a demonstration...?"

That shouldn't sound so sexy.

But just like that, his boyfriend had managed to turn every bit of humiliation into something far more fun. Deku slid off the bed and beckoned Katsuki to the edge, on his knees beside the bed and comfortable between Katsuki's legs. And if the position alone wasn't enough to get him hard again, the gentle encouragement he was met with when he moved to take off his pants definitely was.

"You're gonna tell me if anything's too much, right?"

"'Course I am, like I always do."

"Alright, alright." Deku nodded, and just as Yaoyorozu had predicted, somehow managed to get his skinny jeans off in two seconds flat.


"How is even your dick cute. This is unfair." Deku complained as he helped Katsuki out of his boxers, thumbing at it through green fabric.

"You sayin' it's small?"

"No, no! It's perfect!" His boyfriend shook his head, and finally threw his boxers into the rest of the discard pile. "Just like the rest of you."

Ugh. "You sap."

"Like you're one to talk, Mr. I-Want-You-To-Touch-Me-On-My-Heart." Deku snorted. "What, did you expect something different?"

"Gee, I dunno." Katsuki groaned. "Maybe something hotter? Maybe me not physically choking on your dick?"

"That part wasn't my fault!"

"...we'll go with sure."

But Deku leaned in close, kissed a long, soft trail up the inside of his thighs, and stopped just before he reached his cock. "You said you want something a little hotter, right?"

When he talks like that...

"Kacchan... if nothing else." He paused, and looked up, knowing he had Katsuki completely under his spell. "I aim to please."

Oh. Please.

"O-Oh." He fumbled, unable to tear his eyes away from his boyfriend's face. "Then what are you waiting for, huh?"

Deku cocked his head, thought for a moment, and pulled his shirt off too. All he offered Katsuki was a warm smile, an I didn't think you'd wanna be the only naked one in the room, and another line of kisses along his thighs, the contact good but not enough.

"Hurry it up." Katsuki huffed, reaching for Deku's hair with half a mind to pull him closer. "If you're supposedly so great at this blowjob thing, then I'm starting to get concerned over what your standards are if this is how you're going about it."

"It's called foreplay, Kacchan!"

"Didn't we already do that? Like, for fucking years!?"

"Fine, fine." Deku grumbled. "You're no fun. Here I am, finally getting to suck your dick, and what do you do? Complain."

"Oh my god, I never said—"

"Boo-fucking-hoo. Guess you'll lose your oral virginity with an ungrateful attitude." His boyfriend let out a long, dramatic sigh, and grabbed Katsuki's dick– carefully, of course. "Not like I'm about to give you the best– no, the only– blowjob you've ever had."

Nonetheless, Deku continued, falling quiet and taking the head of his cock between his lips, soft and tender and with so much more grace than Katsuki ever could've expected.

"It's been too long... I missed doing this." His boyfriend said, the volume of the room falling to a low hush. "Mm... god~, yes."

All he could do was look on, feel, and try his best to stay calm in the flood of sensation rushing his way. If even just Deku's lips were perfect, with just the right pressure and just the right timing, then he could hardly imagine what everything else would be like.

"Y-Y'know, I... take back what I said." Katsuki said, forcibly keeping his voice from pitching up at another tug, another move. "You're not bad."

"Not bad?" Deku repeated, eyes never leaving Katsuki's crotch. "Baby, I... I had a bit of a reputation in high school for a reason."

"A reputation?" Harder, harder... "T-Thought you were only sucking Red Riot's dick in high school."


Actually, stop talking. The more you're yapping, the less you're blowing.

"He was the only one I did more than once, anyways. It was, uh. Just an incident for a week or two, when I went around and b—"

"Y'know what?" Katsuki tugged his boyfriend's head forward, and Deku's face nearly smacked against his dick. "I've officially decided that I don't care. I'm the only one you're gonna be blowing now, right?"

And just like that, something changed.

"...right." Deku nodded, some new light dawning over his features. "Only you."

Only me.

"And you're gonna do a damn good job of it, aren't you?"

"The best job."

I'd kiss you if you weren't down there right now.

"Then quit talking." Katsuki said, and gave his hair another pull. "And start sucking."

No room for worries, for fears, for anyone but them now.

Just us. Only us.

Deku started again, put his tongue into it, and shit—

Almost forgot about the damn piercing...!

His breath hitched, hips bucked forward, and a long, shiver ran through his whole-ass body at the simple sensation of hot metal on warm skin. It was good, so good, and his boyfriend knew it.

"Do that– t-that thing again." He begged, drowning in the way Deku kept a simple and steady pace, drawing out each and every moan with purpose. "Oh... hng~, right there, k-keep going...!"

"Like that?"

"W-What.... w-what the hell do you– s-shit– think!?"

The response came in the form of Deku sinking deep, then slowly, slowly pulling back, that damn piercing running along every spot he didn't know he had.

"Speed it up... just a little." Katsuki asked, more a plea than a request. "Want you. More of you."

"Mm, so what should you say?"

Katsuki's head was spinning, spinning, and all he could sputter out was a breathless please. And again, his boyfriend complied, a little faster, harder, rougher than before. "God, yes...!"

"Love it when you talk like that." Deku mouthed around him, hardly breaking rhythm. "Keep it up. I wanna hear your voice, baby."

Anything you want. Anything for you.

If Deku's tongue was a sin, Katsuki was going straight to hell. Up, down, up, down, then drawn out, out—! ....and down, a desperate, awful, needy cry tearing through his throat.

"Keep going, k-keep—"

Another stroke,

"Please, babe, I need... h-holy shit!"

Another lick,

"Y-You're— I-I'm, I'm, I'm...!"

Another rough, teasing, drawn out tug that left Katsuki crumbling from the friction and trying not to cry, really, really trying not to cry, but—

"P-Please... please, Deku, please!"

Fat tears were streaming, streaming down his face and into Deku's hair, but even though his boyfriend had, had to have noticed, didn't do a thing to remedy it.

Feels so, feels so—!

He'd deny the begged, pleaded, broken whimper that fell from his mouth for the rest of his life as Deku worked him good, worked him harder, worked him better and better and better and better. And maybe he'd be ashamed of how long he'd lasted, in retrospect. Maybe he'd be disappointed that it hardly took one, maybe two minutes for him to be reduced to an absolute mess, but with those flushed, freckled cheeks and smooth, perfect lips wrapped tight around his cock, who the hell could blame him?

"Deku— please, D-Deku, I'm gonna—!"

I lo...

"Gonna what?" His boyfriend asked, a knowing, knowing glint in his eyes. "Use your grown-up words, Katsuki~."

Ka... Ka...

His boyfriend's tongue swirled around the head and that piercing, that damn, damn piercing, ran across the tip, hot and smooth and shattering any and every bit of flimsy restraint he had left.

Deku, Deku, Deku, Deku...!

"Fuck!" He cried, a choke and a sob and a laugh wracking his body in a mess of pleasure and frantic need. "D-Deku– I-Izuku, I—!"

Toes curled forward, hands twisted into rumpled sheets, and his head tipped back as he came with a violent, desperate, primal scream that had to have woken up the neighbors. Tears trickled down his fucked-out face and blurred his vision to a watery haze, but when he finally managed to look down at his amazing boyfriend again, Katsuki nearly came again on the spot.

You've... you've gotta be...

Because Deku– Deku— was still patiently on his knees, one hand wrapped around his own dick and covered in cum that had to be his own, and if the thought that Deku had come just from blowing Katsuki wasn't already incredible enough, his mouth– his mouth—

Oh... oh my god. Oh my god.

He froze.

Oh. My. God.

Sitting in Deku's mouth was Katsuki's own cum, streaked back across his tongue and smeared over the small, silvery, oh-so-innocent piercing in the center. Only for a moment did he get to see it, though, before Deku ran his shaky tongue over his lips, swallowed, and got to his feet.

"Hot enough for you?" he asked, the quiver in his words all-too noticeable. "Will you take that as a first time, baby?"

How is that... "How the fuck is that– i-is that even a question!?"

And Deku laughed, laughed, and hugged him. "I'm gonna go with yes, then?"

"Yes. 'Course it's yes."

You... haven't done me wrong yet.

"Good to hear. Like I said, I'm a little out of practice, but..." He paused, stopped, and met Katsuki with the warmest gaze he'd seen all day. "This was... this was really, really nice. To be able to do with a... um..."

What's got him all—

"Just, nice to be able to do this with a boyfriend. That's, aha... that's all." Deku he shook his head, pulled Katsuki close, and didn't let go. "This is what matters now. You're what matters."

"'Course I'm what matters, dumbass." Katsuki wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's bare waist, lazy fingers tracing over beautiful scar after beautiful scar. "And right... right back at you."

You matter to me. So, so much.

"Were you scared at all?"


"I mean, you've seen me naked before." Katsuki blurted out with a slight giggle, head pressed against Deku's slightly-sweaty chest.

"But this is different, y'know? When it's more... touchy-feely. That sort of thing."

"Why are you getting all shy now? Just a minute ago you were blowing me to pieces!"

"W-Well, it's just!" Deku stuttered, then sighed. "Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I was nervous."

"You were nervous!?" Katsuki's jaw dropped, absolutely aghast. "Why? I'm a– well, was– a total virgin not an hour ago, and you're like some sort of sex god!"

"I... uh, I just wanted to make your first time good enough. Something to remember." He said, that blush way too innocent to belong on those damn cheeks.

"Well, I can assure you that I'm not gonna forget choking on your damn dick."

"We can work on that!" His boyfriend exclaimed. "I-I just, y'know, wanted to make sure you were feeling good! Especially 'cause it's your birthday and all that... ah, yeah."

Katsuki could feel something vulnerable, something exposed in his voice, but decided that now...

Now's not the time to worry about the past.

"It was amazing." He smiled. "We should probably get, uh, clean now though."

"Ugh, yeah. I'll run the shower." Deku groaned. "I'd rather just pass out in bed with you right now, but we should wash off. Clean is... is good."

"I think I need to take care of these earrings, too? They gave me directions."

"Right, right. I'll help you if you need."

So natural, so easy, and so unlike all the hardship waiting outside the door.

That doesn't matter, though. Not right now.

"I'll grab my overnight bag, I left it by the front door when we came in."

School was starting back up in a fews days for his third year– his last year– but right now?

Nothing beyond these walls matters. Er, well. Maybe my friends. Nothing other than them, though!

"Water's warm, Kacchan!" His boyfriend called out as he dropped his stuff in the bedroom. "You can go first. I'm gonna throw some clean sheets on the bed.

But when he bumped into Deku on the way out, a huge, happy grin spread wide over his face on its own volition.

"Didn't you say you bought a cake?" He asked.

"Oh, that. Eh, it'll be better off as breakfast." Deku snorted. "I'm not going to work tomorrow. They are not calling me in. I deserve a damn day off."

"Damn right you do."

They stood there for a minute longer, though, and all Katsuki could think of upon seeing the tip of his boyfriend's tongue was how good he'd looked on it.

I came in his goddamn mouth. What the fuck...!

"I love you, Kacchan." Deku kissed him on the forehead, bringing him back to somewhere a little less horny. "And I'll love you even more when you smell nice. Go shower."

"Yeah, yeah, love you too."

And for as casual as it was, he meant it. They both meant it.

What we have, right here?

He stood there for a moment, watching as his boyfriend went to sort the discarded clothing into neater piles with legs still visibly trembling beneath him.

Deku might be my first, but this?

Katsuki laughed– a stupid, simple, happy laugh.

This is something special, I think.

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