Eyes of an Uchiha, Body of a...

By elicixcook

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Glowing red eyes glinted in the moonlight as she stared with wide, terror filled eyes at the bloody scene in... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1 - An Eventful Morning.
Chapter 2 - Team Selection
Chapter 3 - Team Introductions
Chapter 4 - Team Survival Exercise Part 1- Morning.
Chapter 5 - Survival Exercise Part 2.
Chapter 6 - Survival Exam Begins!
Chapter 7 - Missions... yay?
Chapter 8 - Zabuza Momoochi
Chapter 9 - Fighting Zabuza
Chapter 10 - Tree Walking
Chapter 11 - Water Walking
Chapter 12 - Midnight Trainings.
Chapter 13 - Zabuza and Haku
Chapter 14 - Back to Konoha!
Chapter 15 - Stealing Scrolls and Meeting Sand Nin
Chapter 16 - Chunin Exams!
Chaper 17 - Chunin Exams Part 2
Chapter 18 - Chunin Exams Part 3
Chapter 19 - Chunin Exams Part 4
Chapter 20 - Chunin Exams Part 5
Chapter 21 - Chunin Exams Part 6, The End of the Third Hokage.
Chapter 22 - Journey to Find Tsunade!
Chapter 23 - Back to Konoha.
Chapter 25 - Akari vs Naruto & Sasuke

Chapter 24 - Why..?

211 4 2
By elicixcook


"Sakura.." I said, staring at her. We get lost in each others eyes, her eyes spark with an emotion I can't decipher. I want to protect her, to keep her eyes as bright as they are. To shield her from the horrors of our world, to keep the spark in her eyes. The thought of having to go to Orochimaru makes me frown, thinking about how I have to abandon my friends, my new family and her... I don't want to leave her..

I don't want to live with the amount of guilt that will fall upon me. The thought of betraying everyone I've grown close bonds to.. I could've helped rebuilt the Uchiha Police Force with Sasuke by recruiting members, Have ramen eating contests with Naruto, have fun hangouts with Sakura and mess around with Ino. Hell I'll even miss Kakashi, he is a bad teacher but I know he would be a great friend if he gets his head out of his book. My eyes water but I don't let any tears fall. I clutch onto Sakura and she collapses onto me, her head on my shoulder.

She lets out a little 'oof' as she falls. I clutch onto her for dear life, scared she could disappear at any moment. 'I.. don't want to go...' my heart beats loudly in my chest. "Sakura... let's go to sleep." She nods into my neck and I switch off the lamp in the room. It goes dark. "Akari.." I heard Sakura's quiet voice echo in the room. I hum in acknowledgement. "Whatever happens.... Please don't leave me.." She said and my body tenses. 'Does she know? She can't have known because Orochimaru's plan would have failed. She's probably scared to be alone again..' My eyes soften. "You won't be alone... You have Team 7 and our friends. I'll be here for you all the way..." I said, she holds me tighter. "Promise...?" I grit my teeth. Knowing I can't promise anything, but I have to reassure her.


~~~~~~~TIMESKIP: 1 week, 6 days and 23 hours and 50 minutes.~~~~~~~

10 minutes until I have to meet Orochimaru's henchmen. I glance at Sakura sleeping on the bed as I pack my stuff. I grab my photo of Team 7. I sigh sadly staring at it. 'I'm going to miss them, but it's to protect them so it's for the best.' I thought, gritting my teeth and carefully putting the photo in my bag. I take one last look at Sakura before closing the bedroom door. As I'm walking to the front door of the apartment, I knock over a plant. I quickly catch it before it drops before placing it down with a small thud. I check to see if the bedroom door moves but after a second, it doesn't.

I sigh in relief and leave the apartment carefully. Shutting the door behind me. I walk out of the building, admiring Konoha one last time. It's too bad really, I could've become a Chunin and Rebuild the Police Force. But I have to do this, I will not only get stronger but my close ones will not die. My plan is to get stronger, to protect my loved ones, Kill Orochimaru and find out the truth about the Massacre... I walk past Naruto's apartment. I sigh and jump up to his window, attaching myself to the wall. I look inside and see he's asleep, snoring with ramen cups everywhere. I send a clone to quickly clean up his apartment.

I sigh and jump down as my clone finishes cleaning his apartment. I'd feel bad if I left without doing something for him. Orochimaru's henchmen should arrive at the gate in 5 minutes. I continue to walk until someone walks out in front of me. I stop in surprise. Sakura stands there looking at my bag, confused. "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night.. Sakura?" I ask her. She looks down. "Everyone who leaves will have to pass through this road... It's always the road over here.." She said, her eyes looking dimmer. "You should go back to bed, Sakura.." I said, going to walk past her.

She holds an arm out, stopping me. "Do you still remember.. When we first became Genins.. the day four of us formed a group together... a bond. The first time I talked to you, we were fighting.." she said, a tear falling down her cheek, a sad chuckle following with it. "I remember all five of us, Me, You, Kakashi-Sensei, Sasuke and Naruto would complete many missions. Sasuke and Naruto would always get in a fight and we'd be there to stop it. It was tiring and difficult. But more than anything... it made me happy." She finishes. I look down and grit my teeth.

"But a thing like revenge.. can never bring anyone happiness... even you Akari.." she said, my body trembles as I clench my fists. "We have different paths that we must walk.. When the five of us had those missions together. I always thought that was my path. But after everything.. my heart tells me.." 'To protect all of you, to fake hating everyone of you, to keep you and the village safe!' "I am an avenger..." 'I am the Shinobi who will do anything for their village.' "This is why I am alive.." I said, voicing the last of my thoughts.

"I will never be like you, or Sasuke, or Kakashi and Naruto." I said, looking up to her. She grits her teeth. "Akari, do you really plan on being lonely, Again? Please.. don't leave me, even though I have Naruto, Kakashi and Sasuke as-well as my other friends, I'll still feel lonely because you won't be in my life!" She said, more tears rolling down her face. I look down at the arm that is blocking me. I don't want to move, but I must. But as soon as I walk away, I'll be gone until Orochimaru is dead, until I find out the truth..

I slowly push her arm down. I go to walk but she steps infront of me again. 'You're not... making this any easier for me..'  I look down. "These are the new steps we must take on our individual paths, Sakura.." I said and she gasps before gritting her teeth. "I LIKE YOU! So please! Don't leave cause I can't stand it!" She shouted. My eyes widen and I look up at her. She looks at me with determined eyes.

"If you and I were together.. I swear I won't let you regret it! I'll do anything for you so please just stay! I'm begging you!" She said, sobbing. My body trembles in guilt. 'I'm just hurting her... she likes me and I'm leaving her..' "I'd kill for you! Anything you want me to do.. I will do it for you! Please! Stay here together with me.." I start to walk forward as my eyes water but she stops me. "I-if that's not possible.. take me with you!" My heart drops. 'She would abandon the village... for me? I can't let her do that! I have to.. break my bonds otherwise she will just follow after me!' I thought as the guilt comes crashing down 10x harder than before.

(In this paragraph, bold will be Akari's thoughts.)
I gain all the confidence I need to turn around. "You.." 'You..' "Really are.." 'Really are..' "Annoying.." 'The best girl, I could have ever met.. you have always been there for me and my heart cracks at the thought of breaking our bond, as well as your heart...' I said, before walking past her.

I hear her gasp. "DONT GO!!" She shouts at my back and I stop walking. "If you take one more step I'll start screaming!" She shouted. I sigh. I speed behind her. She gasps. "Sakura... Arigato." I whisper in her ear. I get a glance at her eyes and I see the light fading. 'You don't have to forgive me.. but just know I'll always be here for you. I can't say it but I'll always be here.' I thought in despair, before hitting her neck, making her gasp before she goes unconscious. I catch her before she can fall.

I walk over to the bench next to me with her in my arms. I place her down and I take off my hoodie, leaving me in a t-shirt. I put it on her due to the cold weather before unsealing a thick t-shirt, folding it up and placing it underneath her head. I kneel down as tear still run down her face. I wipe it away and I make a clone. "Stay here until she wakes up, don't let her see you. I wan't her to be safe. If anything happens, send a signal to Kakashi without anyone seeing you." I commanded, keeping my eyes on Sakura. It hides in the trees without a second to spare. I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too, Sakura Haruno."

I said, walking away. I see 4 other ninjas. "Nice to meet you, Akari-Sama..." I narrow my eyes. "What's the meaning of this..?" I asked. "We've been sent by Orochimaru-sama.. we've decided for you to lead us.." I hum. "Let's go.." I said.


Izumo and Kotetsu walk down the road where Akari left Sakura last night. "Damn, it's already 4 in the morning." Kotetsu yawns. "The Fifth is pretty harsh to use people.." Kotetsu complains before Sakura asleep on the bench catches his eye. "What's wrong.?" Izumo asks, suprised at Kotetsu suddenly stopping. "Hey! Wake up! If you sleep at a place like this you'll catch a cold!" He said. She shifts away before she remembers. "AKARI-CHAN!" She shouts, jolting up - taking Kotetsu and Izumo by surprise as she pants.

Tsunade snores as she sleeps in the Hokage's office, a knock wakes her up. She yawns slightly as Kotetsu and Izumo open the door. Tsunade waves with a smile. "Thanks for the hard work!" Kotetsu narrows his eyes. "The Fifth! You were just sleeping right now weren't you?.." he asked, well more like complained. "You made us get those documents while you slept?!" He complained. Izumo sighs. "Anyway, Hokage-sama there is news I'd like to report..." Izumo interrupts, catching Tsunade's attention at his words. "What is it...?" She asked.

"Akari Uchiha has left the village..."

Tsunade's eyes widen in shock. "WHAT?!" She shouted in shock, fully awake now. "IS THAT TRUE?!" She demands. "Yes.. from what we heard from Sakura Haruno, there seems to be no mistaking it.." Izumo said. Tsunade's eyes widen at the name. 'Sakura Haruno? This Sakura-chan Naruto told me about? To think that... He'd start taking action already..' She thought, thinking of what Orochimaru said at their battle. "Besides taking the thing I want... This time I will completely destroy the Hidden Leaf!" Orochimaru said in their battle. 'He wants Akari Uchiha's ability... That twisted bastard!' Tsunade gritted her teeth "Izumo, Kotetsu! There is someone I would like for you two to bring to me.." She demands, looking up.

Shikamaru stands in the Hokage's office. "Last night, Akari Uchiha left our village.. There's no doubt in my mind she's heading for the sound village." Everything stops for Shikamaru as he processes Tsunade's words, he tenses. "She left?! Why?!" He said, in shock, anger and sadness. "Because Orochimaru persuaded her to..!" Tsunade said. Shikamaru does a double take. "Whoa Whoa! Wait a second here!" He said, holding up both his hands. "Why would Akari be persuaded by such a Dangerous Guy!?" He shouted in disbelief.

Tsunade grits her teeth. "That's beside the point Shikamaru! We are running out of time! For the time being Shikamaru.. I'll be giving you your first mission right now!" Sweat trickles down Shikamaru's face as he gets told the details of his mission. "So, you want me to follow Akari and bring her back?! Well if we don't run into the enemy, it shouldn't be much of a problem..." He said, looking at Tsunade in apprehension. "That's true.. However this mission needs to be completed quickly above all else. There will be a high probability of running into trouble" she informed him. Shikamaru's eyes shoot wide open.

"What?" He said, sweating a bit more. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened... There is also a high probability Orochimaru's henchmen are showing Akari the way.." Tsunade sighs. 'This... this has become a pretty troublesome situation. God dammit Akari..' "For this mission.. I ask for a team compromised of only Jounin and Chunin" Shikamaru requests, Tsunade looks at her hands. "That, I cannot do.." She revealed. Shikamaru gapes. "Wh..Why?!" He asked. "You should know.. Asuma, Kakashi, and even your father. Right know most of the upper shinobi's, besides the important ones that stay here, are out of the village doing missions." She said.

Shikamaru glares at the air in despair that he can't have a team to get his friend back. "You have 30 minutes.. Gather as many worthy genin that you see fit, and leave immediately!" Tsunade demands. Shikamaru nods and goes to leave the Hokage's office. "It's going to be troublesome, but it's someone I know, I can't just let it be. Well.. I'll do what I can." He said, looking at Tsunade. She glances at him with a smirk. "There's one person.. I'd like to recommend to you..." She said, catching Shikamaru's attention.

Shikamaru gathers a team of Naruto, Kiba, Neji, Sasuke, and Choji. Just as he finishes explaining his plan, they start to head off when they hear a voice. "WAIT!" Sakura shouted, running up to them. "Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, eyes wide. "I heard the story from the Hokage.. Sorry but I can't take you to the mission.. Even you couldn't convince Akari, right?" He asked. Naruto and Sasuke jolt in shock. "Wait, Sakura-chan you already met with Akari?!" Sakura looked down with tears in her eyes at the reminder of her exchange with Akari. She grits her teeth as a tear falls.

"Naruto, I beg of you. Please.. please bring Akari back. And if you don't succeed today.. then we will bring her back together! I couldn't do it, I couldn't stop her. On this mission, only you and Sasuke can save her now.." Naruto sighs with a small smile. "Sakura-chan.. You really like Akari, huh?" He said to himself with a chuckle.

"I know how much pain you're in because of her, I can understand." He said, Sakura's eyes widen. Sasuke smirks and sends Sakura a nod. "Don't worry! Me and Sasuke will bring her back." He said, giving a thumbs up. "Promise of a Lifetime." Was all Sasuke said as Sakura sobs, jumping at them and throwing her arms around them, taking them by surprise. "Thank you..." Sakura said, sobbing. "Well.. we've wasted quite a bit of time.. let's hurry." Shikamaru said. "Aye!" Naruto responded.

"Akari-Sama.. I think this will be a good place. We've gone far enough from Konoha." One of Orochimaru's henchmen informed. Akari narrows her eyes in confusion and suspicion. "What is it?" She asked. "Well, we've got an important order from Orochimaru-sama. The last and final one." She said. "I'm asking what the hell that is?!" Sakon (the girl) smirks. "You... must 'die' once." Akari shifts slightly at Sakon's declaration. "You're telling me to... Die, once?" Akari asked in confusion. Sakon takes out a bottle which catches Akari's attention. "Seishingan.. The hell is that?" Akari demands.

"Your current cursed seal is level 1. That pill will forcefully increase the curse's level to Level 2." Sakon said with a smirk. "However the level 2 seal will dramatically increase its contamination speed.. If we don't do anything, you will die. In other words, in order to control the level 2 power. Your body needs some time to get adjusted to the level 2 curse. With the level 2 curse, you will probably possess the same level of strength as us." Akari narrows her eyes in offense. "When the seal is awakened to level 2, there will only be a few minutes.. until you die." Sakon smirks, Akari's eyes widen.

"What will happen after I die?" Akari asked, a bead of sweat runs down her face. Sakon walks towards Akari. "Don't worry. That's what we are here for." She hands me the pills and I swallow my saliva.

"Our barrier Jutsu will reduce the side effects of the curse. It'll soften the effect of death to a temporary coma." Akari looks down at the pill bottle in her hand. "Your barrier skills.. how reliable are they.?" She asked, glaring at the sound nin.

"Hey Akari-sama, We four are usually the elite guards of Orochimaru-sama. See, our strongest skills are creating seals and barriers." Akari hums, before taking a pill out of the bottle. "I'm counting on it." Akari said, swallowing the pill.

Immediately, She started choking as pain wracks through her body, she falls to her knees clutching her neck. "GAH!" She shouts in pain. "HEY, HURRY UP YOU IDIOTS! OR AKARI-SAMA IS GONNA FLIP!" Sakon shouts at her teammates, slamming her hand on the ground, a seal appearing.

In a poof of smoke, a barrel appears. Akari looks up with half lidded eyes as one of the Sound Nin picks her up and puts her in the barrel. Sakon looks at her teammates. "Alright! Get ready!" she said, putting her hand in the tiger sign, the other sound nin's following. "Lets begin..." They all slam their hands on the ground and smoke appears at the top of the barrel in a tornado shape. A Black lid appeared on top of the barrel. Sakon threw some seal tags to keep the barrel shut. "Alright... First step is done."

They walk through the forest, one of the sound nin has the barrel attached to his back, containing Akari. Sakon jolts as she feels a presence. "Dammit... this means trouble." She said, glancing at the trees. "One- No two of them." The other female sound nin said. "THEY'RE COMING!" Said one of the male sound-nins, alerting his team.

They all jump away as the ninja lands where they once were. "On your way back from Konoha, eh?" The Konoha nin asked. The other Konoha nin narrowed his eyes at the barrel on one of the male sound nin's back. "What's in the pail?" He demanded. The other male sound-nin smirks and the team activates all their curse marks. "Two Jounins are a bit of a heavy load eh..." They all charge and battle it out, ending in the two Konoha nin in critical condition. Shizune arrives, healing them the best she could. The other shinobi which accompanied her offered to chase the Sound Shinobi, but she declined in panic.

Akari's rescue team come upon traps and explosive seals. Neji uses his Byakugan to track down the Sound Team, but they are not careful enough as they step on one of the Sound Nin's ninja wire, alerting the sound nin. He threw a kunai at one of the explosive bombs he set up, making it explode sending Akari's rescue team flying. Shikamaru and Neji land infront of the Sound Team. "Eh? Whats this? Poked the bush and got two bugs instead of rabbits." One of the sound nin snarks.

The biggest sound-nin was ready to pounce, which caused Shikamaru to panick. "Hey! Wait, WAIT!" He shouted, holding up his hands. "We didn't come here to fight! We came here to negotiate!" The other male sound-nin smirked. "Hmph Then what are these?!" He asked, pulling his arm back, his hand having strings attached to his fingers, he pulls Naruto, Sasuke, Choji and Kiba out the bushes.

Shikamaru managed to get this in his Shadow Mimic technique. But they broke out of it, causing alot of destruction. Trapping them in a dome of chakra-absorbing clay, thanks to Neji's byakugan. Shikamaru surrenders and the Sound-Nin holding the dome laughs as Shikamaru asks if only he could leave the dome, making his teammates shout in confusion.

Choji tells them to shut up as Shikamaru gets in a familiar pose. Neji finds the weak spot of the Dome and Choji uses his dagger and expands. Neji tells Naruto and Sasuke the situation. "Like I said before, the wall around us is shielded with Chakra, However Shikamaru hypothesized that there may be points where the Chakra on the wall is low in concentration." Sasuke throws his Kunai at the weak spot, damaging the dome a bit and Choji breaks them out with his expansion jutsu.

~~~~~~~~~~TIMESKIP: Naruto and Sasuke reach Akari as she has broken out of the Pail~~~~~~~~


I stand on top of Madara Uchiha's head at the Valley of the End. Looking out at the forests and water. I hear Sasuke and Naruto drop behind me. I pay them no mind, I take a step forward. "WHAT, ARE YOU GONNA RUN AWAY?!" Naruto shouted, I halt my step, close my eyes a sigh. I turn around slowly. I open my eyes, feeling the power of the curse mark flowing through my body. The white of my eyes turned black and the eye turned yellow, the flame patterns on the left side of my face. "Hey, Dumbass." I greeted him with a menacing smirk. Naruto sweats at the curse mark effects. "I told Sakura this, don't bother me anymore." I said, hardening my stare at Naruto and Sasuke.

I laugh at their grim faces. "What's with the grim faces boys?" I laugh like Orochimaru. I see Naruto and Sasuke clench their fists and I smirk. "Why...?" Naruto started. I turn my stare to him. "Why.. Akari What made you like this?! WHY!" Sasuke shouted at me, pain in his eyes almost making me falter at the heartbroken look on his face.


I glare at him. "What does any of this have to do with the both of you?" I asked them. They go to speak but I beat them to it. "I have my own path. I won't let anyone lead me the other way, no matter who it is!" I shouted. Naruto and Sasuke grit their teeth. "Let me make this clear to you.. My childish games with you leaf's are over, Go home." I said, making their eyes widen. "Chouji.. Neji.. Kiba.. Shikamaru.. Bushy Brows.." Naruto started looking down.

"They all risked their lives for you Akari." Sasuke said sternly. I narrow my eyes at him. "Good for them, But I don't get why you are talking.. You would've done the same thing if you had the curse mark. Am I right, Sasuke?" I asked him with a sadistic chuckle as he gasps in shock. "I wouldn't! But if I ever did! Then it would be the influence of the curse mark, just like what's happening to you.!" He shouted. I laugh. "Go home and play Ninja, I don't have time for you two." I said, walking away.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN THINKING ABOUT YOUR LEAF COMRADES.!!" Naruto shouted in rage. I hear the wind shift and I look back and see Naruto and Sasuke lunging at me. My eyes widen, I cant move in time as Naruto punches me as hard as he can, sending me flying. He jumps on my stomach, clutching the collar of my shirt. He brings his fist up and aims to punch me. I just stare at him as he brings his fist down to my face. His eyes widen in shock as I don't do anything as my head is turned to the side, blood dripping down my chin. I spit blood at his face and he grits his teeth. He grabs my collar and lifts me up slightly. I stare into his eyes. "So do I get any stronger staying with those 'Comrades'..?"

Naruto's eyes widen as I glare at him. "I'm going to Orochimaru!" I declared as Sasuke narrows his eyes at me. Naruto gasps. "OROCHIMARU WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED THE THIRD AND TRIED TO CRUSH KONOHA! YOU THINK HES JUST GOING TO GIVE YOU SOME POWER FOR FREE?!" Naruto shouted in my face. "HE JUST WANTS YOUR BODY TO USE AS HIS CONTAINER! YOU MIGHT NOT COME BACK, YOU MIGHT BE KILLED!!" He shouted again in rage. "We can't let you go somewhere like that!" Sasuke shouted, looking down at me, making me grit my teeth in anger.

"I DONT CARE!!" I shouted back at them, making Naruto click his tongue. "All I care is that I accomplish my objective!" My lips lift up in a bloody smirk. "I cant help it if you boys are going to get in my way." A Seal appears on my hand, catching Sasuke and Naruto's attention. "YOU CANT DO IT! WE WILL TAKE YOU BACK WITH FULL FORCE..!" Naruto declared.

I laugh, remembering the fight on the rooftop of the hospital. "If I remember, You wanted to fight me right?" I asked with a menacing grin, making Sasuke gulp at the look on my face. "Th-that wasn't the fight we wanted." Sasuke said, looking down. "Even now.." Naruto said. "And Why the hell should I care about you!?"I grab the collar of Naruto's jacket and rise off the ground. Sasuke lunges at me but I grab the collar of his turtleneck. They pry at my arms, trying to get me to let go as I raise them. I let go and pull both my fists back and punch them in the stomach, sending them flying, coughing out blood.

'Don't kill them Akari.. Control the urges of the Curse mark..' I hear Mito-neesan in my head. I pant as I try to calm down the curse mark. I watch as Naruto and Sasuke fall into the depths of the water below. I see them rise up and stand on the water. "Heh.." I chuckle before jumping down of Madara's statue. Meeting Sasuke and Naruto mid air as they lunge at me. I kick Naruto and use him as support to swing around and kick Sasuke away.

"KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU" Naruto shouted, clutching on to each of them, catching Sasuke. He kicks me into Hashirama's Statue. "Did that wake you up?" Naruto glared, him and Sasuke standing next to eachother. I laugh. "Yeah.. ive been awake this whole time! From a dream by my foolish self! .. Who dreamed of a future with comrades drunken on the assurance of PEACE!" I shouted making Sasuke and Naruto gasp. "That's why I left the leaf village! THATS WHY I DESIRED POWER!" I run at them, punching them again, making them fly away. Memories of the Past go through my mind.

Itachi, Shisui, Aunt Mikoto, Uncle Fugaku, The Massacre, The Academy, The Team Selection, The survival test, Sakura, Old Man Hokage, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Ino.

Naruto and Sasuke rising out of the water, coughing breaks me out of my memories. "You are actually serious about this.. Damn it.." Naruto said. I smirk darkly. "Do you.. no longer consider me as your friend?!" Naruto shouted. "Everything we did together as Team 7.." Sasuke exclaimed. "Was it all just meaningless to you!??" Naruto roared. "No.." I said, making them jolt in shock.

"it was not meaningless, to me you guys have become.. My Closest friends, almost Family. so thats why.." I started. Naruto and Sasuke look up confused.



4640 Words, yay

How was this chapter? was it good? Tell me what you think!

Akari breaks her bonds, leaves Sakura heart broken and intends to 'KILL' Sasuke and Naruto.

Have a good Day/Night ~ Author.

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