𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

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𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗜 𝗦𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗹. More



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By kiikiisaidfuckyou

𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬

"I gah some shit in motion for us." He said as I finished up my edges as he touched my hips. He bent over and kissed my cheek as he watched me in the mirror. "You gonna be excited."

"Excited?" I reiterated with my eyebrow raised.

"Yeah," He said before moving away from me. He looked me up and down before pushing his lips out. "You ain't showing at all right now."

"I still look normal?" I asked, he nodded.

"You showing a little bit at the bottom of your stomach but like it's not noticeable." He said, I looked at myself before pushing my lips out as I eyed my stomach.

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Me either," he said before laughing. "Body look good though. Ass sitting heavy."

I blushed. "You gon take my pictures?"

He played with his hair. "I mean, I can try. Youn like when I take your pictures."

"I do," I said looking at him. "Stop doing that your hair. It's annoying." I said fixing his hair out of his face. I started moving his hair around as he stood there and watched me.

"Why you looking at me like that?" I said with a frown as he stared at me. He kept giving me the sex look and I wasn't falling for it. I had stuff to do today and I couldn't be late.

"Real fast," He said hugging my waist. "Before you leave. It's gon be quick, I promise Muga."

I started laughing as he pled. I knew I wasn't going to do it because I had to get ready. I wasn't messing around with him again this morning. The bed should've been enough so I know the shower was more than enough.

"Why you acting like that?" He said gripping my side.

"Acting like what Dejhari?" I asked looking up at him with a smile as he pouted at me. I wasn't going to let his little looks get to me. "We've had sex twice already. Im going to be late if we go again."

He smacked his lips. "Probably."

"But it's ok, I'll see you later after class. You have to go by the office today, right?" I asked touching his cheek. He looked all sad like he didn't have a day full of stuff to do. We would've had to be apart regardless of if I had something to do or not.

"Yeah," He said. "I'm going to go look at the renovations on the Rec Center I bought." He said with a smile. "Hopefully shit look good enough to open it next year type shit."

"Are you getting a pool?" I asked with my eyes wide. I knew Dejhari was excited about his Rec Center. He always was talking about it especially because it was in his neighborhood and he was making a Rec out of a school. It used to be a school but he bought it and is making it a Rec Center for the community.

He's going to build a basketball team to play for the Rec and host big summer league games for the community to play in. I was so excited for him because I knew he was big on making something in the community to bring everybody together.

"Im looking into it. Maybe I can do a swim team too." He said tapping his chin. "That's not a bad idea. I'll look into different programs to have in the Rec too. Thank you bae."

"Welcomeeee!" I said with a smile before fixing my hair in the mirror. I had to figure out what I was getting done to it because it was running my mind crazy thinking of all the different styles to get next.

"I think Demaya here." He said looking at his phone. "Her car pulling into the driveway. What y'all about to get into?"

"Breakfast before class." I said grabbing my phone off of the sink. "I want to tell her that I'm pregnant before I start showing. And I want to ask her to help plan my gender reveal."

"Why we can't just tell all our friends together?" He asked. "Cause if we telling one we practically telling them all if you think about it."

I shrugged. "I didn't think about it like that."

"But I'll send something over for your day. I'm finna head out and shit." He said getting in my face. He pecked my lips before touching my stomach. I watched as he walked out the door causing me to roll my eyes.

I didn't want to start crying so I hurried up and got my stuff so I could get out of the house. I always hated being here by myself. Especially without him. Even though this is our place now it always felt like it belonged to him in a sense.

I didn't pay any bills. I didn't do anything really but cook and clean. I don't know, I just always seen this as Dejhari's house so whenever Im here without him it feels weird. Like I'm out of place. I don't know.

I walked out of the house and locked the door. I got inside the car and put my bag down. "Hey!" I said putting my seatbelt on as Demaya drank her ice coffee.

"Hey girl, you look cute." She said backing out the driveway before looking over at me. I noticed she was eyeing me hard before pulling off.

"Are you nervous for your first day of classes?" I asked looking over at her with a smile. I noticed my phone was going off so I grabbed it. I had a few bank notifications letting me know some money was transferred into my account and then I had a text message.


I sent it over
Forgot to tell you I love you before I left
My bad
I love you mamaaaa! 💗

I blushed at the messages. He was so sweet sometimes.

I love you more Doo!

"I'm a little nervous considering I'm still getting used to being a mom sometimes but I think it'll be fine." She said waving me off. "Kassidy is just, hard to take care of sometimes when I have other stuff going on. I feel like I'm neglecting her. And then her mouth don't make it no better. She's like really combative."

I laughed. "What you mean?"

"Ever since she learned how to talk she says fuck after every sentence. It's weird. I don't know how to fix it."

"Fuck?" I reiterated in shock. That was odd.

"Yeah," She said. "She got on Jaylen this morning because he wasn't there when she woke up. She was going off about how she went to sleep next to him and how he wasn't there for her and he don't care about her."

I busted out laughing with her. "I know that's right."

"But I think I'll be fine academically." She said. "What's been up with you? I see that bag."

I blushed at the large Kurt Geiger bought me for the new semester. He bought me a new laptop too.

"It's so cute, right." I said rubbing the bag.

"Yessss!" She said. "I'm feening for the big one. That black on black screams in sex." That's the same thing I said when I first saw the bag. I was so happy when he got it for me because I was about to order it.

"You get me so well. I said that exact thing."

We pulled up at the restaurant and we got out. I started making my way towards the door holding my bag as she walked behind me. I was so hungry this morning so I was ready to eat good before class.

I had a long day ahead of me. I had 3 classes today. Luckily, I had a small break between my second and third classes because I knew I was going to be hungry.

"Damn girl," Demaya said. "That ass sitting heavy."

I smiled at her. "I'm getting thicker, huh?" I asked.

"Yesss, I love this for you." She said touching my butt as we walked inside. I was excited to tell her about the baby because I knew she would be happy for me. And I haven't really got a chance to talk about it with anyone except Dejhari and Treasure.

We sat down at our table and I instantly started looking through the menu for what I wanted to eat. I was starving and I needed something to eat. I had some applesauce and toast before I got ready this morning but I was still starving.

I liked to spread the apple sauce across my toast and it like that. It's so good, I love it.

"I think Ima get me some pancakes." She said, I nodded in agreement before smiling at her.

"I love buttery pancakes with extra syrup," I said. "I can eat it all day. I had a bad phase when I was younger but I'm better now."

She laughed. "That's good to know," She said. "I don't really care for waffles. They weird looking to me."

"Literally." I said in disbelief. She literally was so much like me it was crazy. I really liked hanging with DeMaya because we're always on the same page. We have so many similarities in likes and dislikes. I thought it was pretty cool.

We ordered our food and waited for them to bring our drinks. I was busy texting my mom trying to get Kaneeya for this pool day at the house with the kids. She wasn't really trying to let me have her so I was getting angry.

"So," I said looking up at her with a smile catching her attention. She put her phone down and smirked at me as I cheesed. I was so exited to tell her. "I have something to tell you about. I do wanna keep this between us because I wanna tell everybody in due time. I don't want everybody to make a big deal about it, you know?"

"Please don't tell me y'all broke up again?" She said with a frown, I chuckled.

"Noooo!" I dragged. "I ain't coming up off this one again. I'm good, thank youuuuu."

She started laughing at me hysterically as I looked around the restaurant. We were just at Ihop but it was a girl there with a baby. I guess she was with her baby daddy and they were arguing because she kept flicking food on him. He bucked at her and she immediately stopped and put her hand in her lap.

"What you looking at?" She asked looking over at them as well. I shook my head and looked at her. I felt bad for the girl but I wasn't going to jump in it and risk me and my baby life over a nigga I know you going keep fucking with. It's not even worth it.

"He almost punched her because she was flicking food on him." She said. "I think things are heated over there. They arguing and she holding the baby."

"Mm," She said. "That's crazy."

"But anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant."

Her mouth dropped as she looked at me in shock. I just sat there because I didn't know whether or not she was happy for me. Like you're just sitting there with your mouth open. "I'm so fucking happy for you bro."

I smiled. She started tearing up as she bounced up and down in her seat in excitement. "I just knew it! I knew it bro! I told Jaylen, I'm like Mama and Duke finna have a baby. I have a feeling. I'm so happy for y'all!"

"Thank you." I said with a smile as she wiped her eyes.

"So, wassup? Gender reveal? Baby shower? Baby shopping? Maternity pictures? Nursery theme? NAMES! We got shit to discuss. Figure out." She said moving her hands around causing me to laugh.

"Let's just focus on the gender reveal for right now," I said before laughing a little. "I don't want to think too much about all of that and get overwhelmed."

"That's a good point." She said nodding her head. "You haven't been stressing or anything?"

I shook my head. "Not really," I said. "I have a slight tension with my mom right now but Dejhari mostly makes me stay in bed all day."

She laughed. "Niggas swear they know sum."

"Literally," I said. "He says I don't need to do too much moving but actually the more moving I do it's best to make deliver easier." I explained.

"Yeah," She said unsure. "But you shouldn't do too much moving for safety reasons. It's still early on in the pregnancy so this is when you should be taking it as easy as possible. Emotionally and Physically."

"Yeah," I said nodding my head. "I went to the doctor. She didn't say anything about me being high risk due to my last pregnancy but she did say that I just need to relax and we'll keep doing routine check ups to make sure everything is going ok."

"Yeah," She said. "This is going to be our rainbow baby' I can just feel it. Don't get overwhelmed or start thinking bad because I know you always do that shit."

I laughed. "I be trying not to but it's hard."

"I know but when you believe everything's going to be alright it usually be alright." She said.

I shrugged. Maybe she was right. I sometimes do think the worst so when it happens I'm not shocked or surprised because I already saw it coming but I really want this baby. I know I'll carry full term and if not I atleast wanna make it to 33 weeks.

I wanna be pregnant until my water breaks. I don't wanna go to the hospital until my water breaks.

"So, birth plan?" She asked. "This where we get to the nitty of it because I truly had Kassidy halfway over the bathtub and halfway in the hospital bed."

"Huh?" I asked confused. We've talked about her birth plenty of times and she never said anything about a tub. Well atleast I don't remember hearing anything.

"When I was in the bath tub I was having contractions and everytime they got to bad I would push thinking she about to come out but whole time she wasn't down far enough yet. When I got out the tub, I didn't even know that her head was almost out. Like as I'm getting in the bed she coming out because I was having a contraction." She explained, my eyes were wide.

"Omg whaaat!" I dragged as she nodded her head.

"I had her on my knees and I honestly I think between that and squatting. Those are the best positions to give birth in if you ask me." She said nodding her head.

"Yeah," I said. "I'm interested in the squatting position. It sounds more natural considering I'm not sure about the epidural."

"I totally understand. I got mine for fainting purposes." She said before laughing. "I didn't wanna faint from the pain. I hate pain so bad."

I started getting scared. I mean, I knew it was going to hurt really bad but I can't wait to have whatever I'm having. I knew I was going to be a great mom. I just know I am because I'm really ready for a baby now.

"Do you know what you wanna have?" She asked.

I shrugged. I wasn't pressed about the gender. I just wanted to carry full term. I knew Dejhari wanted a girl but I wasn't pressed about what I was having. "Well, I'm not really pressed but I think I'm gonna have a boy honestly." I said.

"A boy?!" She said in shock, I nodded my head before laughing a little bit. I don't know everybody wants my baby to be a girl but I know it's a boy. I'm not even showing and I'm 3 months.

"Everybody that knows wants us to have a girl but I don't think I'll be having a girl." I said, she pouted.

"I want you to have a girl." She said. "But a boy is fine as well. What color nursery you want?"

I laughed. She wanted to make sure I was on everything which I really appreciated that she was accepting and interested in my pregnancy and motherhood. That was real of her to treat me the way I treated her when it came to her pregnancy.

"I think I'm going to go Grey." I said as the server put our food on the table. I grabbed my fork and began praying over my food so I can get ready to eat.

"That's going to be so cute." She said once I was done, I looked up at her with a smile. "I'm going to help you with everything and don't say I can't cause I don't even wanna hear it."

I chuckled. "No, I appreciate that. I need all the help I can get when it comes to this stuff."

"I got you girl," She said waving me off. "Don't even worry about it. Once you tell everybody, they'll all be here for you but until then. I'm here for anything you need, literally. It gets hard sometimes."

"Yeah," I said. "Only Treasure and Duke knows."

She nodded. "I won't tell Jaylen," She said. "He only gonna start crying and shit. I don't got time."

"Crying?!" I said in shock, she nodded.

"He really think Duke never gonna actually grow up. He think he going to start back playing basketball and not deal with no girls like it used to be." She said, I shrugged and stuck some pancakes in my mouth.

I didn't care about none of that. I was here to stay and he loves it here. Real bad like caresha say. Dejhari wants to go back to playing basketball which he's in the process of doing but that doesn't mean he has to break up with his one and only.

"I'm his one and only," I said. "He's not going to leave me to play basketball. He can do that with me."

"Literally." She said rolling her eyes. "He was just really strong on his goal. He always said he would never be in a relationship because he wanted to focus on basketball. It was literally his whole life."

I scoffed. "But I'm glad he found you. You're literally the best thing that ever happened to him."

I just stayed quiet and ate my food. I already knew that so there was no reason to respond. Not to seem weird or anything but I'm the best thing that happened to a lot of people but it's just like that sometimes.


I sat in front of my computer as I turned in a series of assignments I just finished completing. It was late now and I didn't really have any time to make myself any dinner and now I was hungry and it was starting to make me emotional.

I grabbed my phone and propped it up on the side of my screen. I went to my call log and immediately dialed Dejhari's number. He needed to bring me some food home, like now.

"Yo," He said into the phone. "You ok?"

"I'm hungry. Are you coming home right now?" I asked before sniffing. I really felt like crying but I was trying not to let him hear me because then he'll ask why and my explanation is embarrassing. It'll probably make me cry worse or something, I don't know.

"Now. What's wrong? Everything ok?"

"Yes, I just want some pizza." I said wiping my eyes as I cried. "Can you bring me some like right now?"

"Yeah Muga," He said. "I'm finna bring you some pizza. What are you crying for though?"

"I don't know." I said wiping my eyes. "What are you doing out right now anyway? It's 11:30."

He smacked his lips. "Don't do that. I told you about this meeting weeks ago. I said I was going to be out late and now that I'm done with paperwork I'm coming home."

"Why is your meeting this late at night?" I asked with my eyes squinted, he huffed. I looked over and noticed he was trying to FaceTime so I answered the phone. I noticed he was looking angry as I looked at the phone.

"Kat stop tryna start shit cause you hungry," He said chuckling. "I told you all of this already so what you getting at asking me again like I'm doing something."

"Come home then I won't be mad." I said with a pout.

He started laughing as he moved around. He looked so cute in his little hat. Well the hat isn't technically little because his head is huge like big as hell. "I'm coming home," He said. "Chill."

"You look good baby," I said. "Skin glowing."

He blushed as he got on the elevator. "You flirting and shit. What you finna ask me?"

I laughed in shock. "I always flirt with you!"

"No you don't," He said shaking his head. "Youn be flirting with me. You must got me confused with one of your other niggas."

I noticed he was outside and he was looking around as he walked to his car. He got in and put his seatbelt on before locking the doors and driving off. If he drove like that all the time in the dark, he needs to stop.

"I don't have any other niggas Dejhari, shut up." I said rolling my eyes as I pulled up Skims on my laptop, he nodded his head. I was gonna ask him to get me some.

"I know you don't cause I'll kill everybody." He said.

I raised my eyebrows. "Everybody?"

"All of em," He said. "You don't have no reason for getting other niggas cause I do everything you need me to do and more. I'm everything and more for your ass."

"Ok? I am too so not too much." I said waving my hand around, he laughed. "What? Don't piss me off."

"Nah, as long as we both know that we'll be cool. We don't even have those type issues." He said. I didn't understand why he was telling me this like I accused him first or something but I'll just let him rock.

"Did you already order the pizza?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said. "I had Tara do it."

Tara was Dejhari's new assistant. I hated his last one so he got rid of her and got a new one. The last one just kept making dumb mistakes that were risking him serious money. She would forget to put in orders which will cause him to have to pay more to get it on demand. She was just...unorganized and disconnected to the job so he fired her.

"You like Tara? Is she better?"

He nodded. "I fuck with her way more. She remember shit I like and dislike so I dont have to be mad walking around work all day cause my breakfast was trifling."

I laughed. "You want me to start cooking you breakfast in the morning before work?" I asked, he smirked.

"That would be nice but I don't want you stressing your body tryna make me breakfast every morning so only if you wake up and feel like it then yeah." He said, I laughed at him.

"I'll be fine cooking breakfast." I said.

"Just be careful that's all I'm saying." He said. "We taking it easy remember? No extra shit. We want a smooth full term pregnancy."

"Yes Dejhari, I remember the little plan you have." I rolled my eyes and started making my way to the kitchen to grab me a snack. I wanted some apple slices really bad so I grabbed some with some peanut butter.

He smacked his lips. "It's a plan for us. We discussed it and made it together. You the one pregnant, not me."

I mugged him as I sat my plate up. "Don't play with me. We're pregnant cause this your baby and we're going through all of this together. As one."

"You ain't gonna feel that way during delivery."

I laughed a little. "Probably not."

I knew delivery was going to be hard considering how small my frame is so I'm so scared like I'm terrified but I knew when I come up with my birth plan everything will be fine as long as I have a good support system that helps me through this. I was watching the videos on Youtube and all the girls were saying it's about support so I hope I have a good support system.

Even if I just have Dejhari. I'm not tripping if my moms not there because we aren't in the best place now so who knows where we're going to be in the next few months. I'm just over that stuff with her.

"I'm finna go get the pizza." He said, I squealed before biting into the apple slice dipping in peanut butter.

I was excited to eat.



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