PURIFY : Fred Weasley

By curiosityanddreams

349K 10.8K 3.3K

Blood so traitorous it curdles. Larkin Travers is a pureblood, through and through. The sorting hat barely h... More

00: Contaminated
Year 6
01: Sullied
02: Tainted
03: Spoiled
04: Stained
05: Tarnished
06: Polluted
07: Blemished
08: Degraded
09: Damaged
10: Scandalized
11: Ruined
12: Debased
13: Besmirched
14: Defiled
15: Disgraced
16: Dishonoured
Year 7
17: Shunned
18: Repudiated
19: Denounced
20: Abandoned
21: Disavowed
22: Deserted
23: Discarded
24: Abjured
25: Denied
26: Deserted
27: Rejected
28: Ditched
29: Forsaken
30: Disowned
31: Released
32: Manumitted
33: Detatched
34: Redeemed
35: Saved
36: Delivered
37: Rescued
38: Loosened
39: Unshackled
40: Discharged
41: Unchained
42: Liberated
43: Emancipated
44: Freed
45: Reborn
46: Resuscitated
47: Recovered
48: Rejuvenated
49: Resurrected
50: Invigorated
51: Renewed
52: Revived
53: Awakened

Tangentially related books!

1.9K 28 1
By curiosityanddreams

Hey everyone! I've been working on a sequel for this book forever, and it might not happen, but if it does happen it will be after I finish these two books!

Banality is about Draco Malfoy and an OC and it is ongoing. If there was ever a time to check it out, it is now. There are absolutely huge spoilers that I think would make it not as fun to read for the first time, but if you are in a binging mood, today is the best day to binge. As of now, there are no appearances of Larkin, or Robbie, but both are mentioned (and there are a couple of easter eggs about Larkin's friends too). It takes place beginning in September of 1999, so over a year after Purify ends. It's there for you!

Also, I have Obfuscate on my profile, which is about Robbie and Cedric. I'll be honest, I find it hard to write for so there isn't much there, but if any of you are interested in it, I might pick it up. It takes place at the same time as Larkin's sixth year, so during the Goblet of Fire. Honestly, I think my problem is that Robbie and Cedric are too cute, and I love the suffering. No matter.

Also, there are a ton of other books on my profile, but none of them are related to Harry Potter. I'd list them all, but if you are interested, they are there for you to check out! Thanks for listening to my little ad. Hope to hear from you soon!

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