30: Disowned

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I spend a month in the infirmary. Professor Snape is less than impressed with me, and I hear that he is being formally reprimanded by Professor Umbridge. Most of the time I'm just throwing up and shaking, and unsure of everything. My luck has swung the other way around.

Nothing will get me to brew Felix Felici again. At least, not for my own purposes. When Robbie visits me, I am sure that she hates me, and is only visiting because she pities me. When the Professors come with classwork, I am sure that they are just giving me good grades so that I don't have to come back next year. The whole world flips topsy-turvy.

It comes out that Voldemort is back. Officially, even though half of the Slytherins knew, as well as anyone who would believe Harry Potter. Madam Pomphrey whispers with the Professors when they come in, and she delivers me letters.

One is from my father.

Larkin Travers,

As far as I have come to understand, from my relationships with the Selwyns, you have not come around quite yet. If I am correct, you are still associating with the Weasleys and worse. You are of age now. You know better. It is time for you to come home. Things are going to get very dangerous for you very quickly if you aren't on the proper side of history.

Your brother has been promoted to the ministry. If you come home, I am sure that he can arrange for you to meet up with Marcus Flint once more. The Flints are still interested in our arrangement, as they thankfully have not heard of your discretions. Please, come home now.

Your father.

Another is from my brother.


I've heard you've made friends with a mudblood. Quite a new low, even for you. I've told Marcus because he has a right to know, and thankfully he is not holding it against you. If he were, I don't know what you'd do. Especially since I've heard some unsavoury rumours about your precious Ander Ander. Quite disgusting actually, all of it.

Anyway, you really ought to come home. Mother is quite sick. She can barely walk on her own now. We had to buy her an animated quill because her hands shake too much to write herself. I fear that if you don't come home, mother will die unhappy. That's your choice to make, but it would be pretty pathetic of you not to rejoin us. Quite pathetic indeed.

Regardless, good luck on NEWTs. They'll impress Marcus's parents, but not much else use, since you're going to be a stay at home mother, whether it's to a disgusting Weasley or to Marcus (and it ought to be Marcus).


Landry Travers

Another letter that I receive is from my mother. It isn't written in her handwriting, though I suspect that this is because of the quill which father purchased for her.

My lovely Larkin,

I got a letter from the school, saying that you've been hospitalized after being bewitched. Headmistress Umbridge has been sending me more updates than the previous Headmaster. I quite appreciate that, as I do worry about you. I trust that you are in good hands, but I still can't help the ball of anxiety in my stomach. Are you alright?

Your father and brother have been grumbling about a certain Muggle-born you've been associating with. Is this true? Remember that people are watching us all the time. We need to put family first, always.

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