Izuku Yagi - All For You

By Prttygoodnoob

449K 8.6K 3.9K

Izuku Yagi was once a bright and happy kid. Until he was diagnosed quirkless. There his life fell into darkne... More

Quirkless Loser
What is this Power
What Now
Did I miss Something
You Don't Deserve Quirks
The Gang
The Shadow Kid
Blood Sucking Teen
Himiko Toga
Vigilante Duo
Old Friends
I Understand Now
Crazy Blondes
Birthday Brawl
Facing The Past For The Future
Just Before UA
First Class 1-a
Class 1-b
Class 1-a Quirk Assessment
Problematic Class 1-b
Himiko has fun with 1-a
What Was That
Sports Festival
Undeserved Chance
Nomu Attack
Public Appearance
Still a Child
Fight For Your Life
New Term
Improving Heroes
Quirk Limits
Final Exam - A
Defeating Shigaraki
Thrive to Survive
Burned Ashes
The Rescue Mission
All For One
Dorm Rooms
Answers To Why
What The Past Has Become
The Pressure is on
One For All
Head In The Game
Children In War
Burning Defeat
All For One Is Gone
The End?

Invitation For War

1.4K 26 10
By Prttygoodnoob

Toru and Yuga sat in a black car, thick one-way windows blocking any potential vision to see who the occupants of the car are. Yuga was bubbling with excitement as he was excited to meat Uwabami, one of his most idolised hero. Toru meanwhile wasn't as siked about being interning under Uwabami. 

Uwabami was Japan's number one fashion icon, way above Best Jeanist. The only reason she is near the bottom of the top one hundred compared to Best Jeanist is how they go about their jobs. Best Jeanist manages a hero agency while Uwabami manages a fashion agency, Best Jeanist takes a lot more dangerous and dirty jobs while Uwabami is mostly unknown in the crimes she handles with. The only fights she is seen in are ones near her agency.

Tory felt self-conscious in being their because Uwabami mainly takes students who are traditionally good looking or have great fashion sense. Yuga fits that bill and Toru doesn't doubt that he'll work amazingly with Uwabami. Toru, however is invisible, she has no attractive ability which is Uwabami's entire brand. Did Hope assign her to the wrong hero?

Yuga and Toru pill into the parking space below Uwabami's agency, they each having their own reactions. Yuga was ecstatic to meet Uwabami while Toru sat nervous in the car, but no one could tell how she really felt. She was invisible. 

The driver of the black car opened the door and walked over the back doors of the car. He opened Toru's side door and stepped away, allowing Toru to get out. Toru thanked the man and got out of the car; Yuga quickly shuffled after her and bounced out behind her. A bright smile consumed his face as he stared at the pretty lighting and unique designs over the walls. This parking lot was certainly more vibrant and appealing then the regular dull shopping centre ones. 

"This is eh magnificent!" Yuga gushed as he looked around with sparkles in his eyes. While Yuga was busy ogling at the strangely beautiful parking lot, Toru heard the clacking of high heels. The man that was driving the car turned and walked over to the noise while Toru looked over to the new arrival. Uwabami in all of her glory was strutting down towards her and Toru like she was on a runway. 

Uwabami was just as stunning in person and maybe even more so than looking at her through a screen. She wore a purple dress that clung tightly to her fabulous figure and if you looked closely, you could see zipped areas that could be open to allow better movement if she got into a fight. Her hair had been styled incredibly as it was spun like golden threads, mimicking a nest. It seemed that she had brightly coloured snake headpieces in her hair, but looking closely, you could see them move.

Yuga's eyes gleamed in utter joy as Uwabami walked over to them. Toru on the other hands gulped, pushing her feet together and twiddling with her fingers nervously. Thanks to her invisibility, those actions were hardly noticed. 

"Ah, there are my two heroes! I'm so thrilled to have you both here!" Uwabami yelled out with a proud and vibrant smile as she swayed her arm dramatically. Yuga couldn't contain his excitement anymore and rushed forward to Uwabami.

"Uwabami, oh it is a great honour to meet you. I've always been a fan of your beauty and excellent fashion that shines through the screen!" Yuga exclaims happily. Uwabami laughs heartily, she leans forward to the boy who had rushed over to her and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Aoyama, that means a lot. And I must say, I was dazzled when I saw your performance at the sports festival," Uwabami spoke back before winking at him, making the boy gleam brightly, sparkles practically flew off of him. Uwabami laughed and stood back up straight. She was already naturally tall but her heals just added to her height. She looked back over to the car where a certain floating pair of clothes was still nervously standing.

"Come on Hagakure, don't get cold feet now. I have orders from Hope to get you both ready," Uwabami called out with a smile. Toru stiffened which the hero noticed through her clothes.

"Ah sorry, I'm coming," Toru responded quickly before rushing over. The male who drove the car nodded before turning around. Uwabami smiled at the two hero hopefuls and jerked her head towards the retreating male.

"Well, come on now, no time to waste," Uwabami said before turning. Yuga was very excited and kept pace with the hero while Tory nervous moved behind the three. The man got to the elevator and got out a card before placing it over a sensor. The sensor buzzed and the elevator door opened. The four got into the elevator, Toru was still a bit apprehensive compared to the rest. 

While in the elevator ride, Uwabami leaned down to Toru, guessing about where her ears would be and whispered. "No need to be nervous, you were assigned to me for a reason." Toru flinched and sucked in a breath. She nodded but was unnoticed by Uwabami so she nervously whispered back,

"Yes, I understand Uwabami," Toru responded. Uwabami nodded and stood back up, waiting with the other two for the elevator doors to open. But even after Uwabami's reassurance, Toru's confidence didn't increase. She still felt insignaficant and wasted in being interned under such a beautiful model hero. Toru has always had problems with her quirk and despite her accepting herself for who she is, it gets hard at times when she has never even seen her own face. 

The elevator door dings and the four step out. The male bows to Uwabami before walking away, Uwabami waves before moving in the other direction.

"Come on, we don't have all of the time to waste. This way you two!" Uwabami sang as she started walking quickly. Yuga kept pace but Toru struggled to chase the two. The two reached a large lobby type area where people were working on clothing and design. Yuga was practically drooling. 

"Hana, Hana get here now please!" Uwabami called into the crowd of people. Many people turn Uwabami but they all go back to what they were doing. Except for one woman near the back. She had big bulky glasses and long black hair that fell straight down past her shoulders. She seemed to panic slightly as she looked around frantically for something.

Her eyes lit up and she dove forward and grabbed a small item close to her. She then threw the item like a frisbee over crowd, and it landed near Yuga, Toru and Uwabami. The item was black with some reflective plating that hangs out in three prongs. The odd part was the circle screen in the middle of it. Toru and Yuga looked at the item confused and when the circle screen of the flashed and glowed light blue moved back in worry of what it was.

Then the woman ran around a few people and dove into a television screen. She then appeared from the frisbee, launching out of it. The woman then straightened herself up and moved her hair out of her face before smiling over at Uwabami and the two hero students. Uwabami smiled and moved over to the shorter black-haired woman. 

"Aoyama, Hagakure this is my sister Ikonashi, otherwise known as Frightware in the underground world," Uwabami stated, she moved her arm around her sister's shoulder and Ikonashi awkwardly waved. 

"Hi," Ikonashi replied nervously. 

"Nice to meet you," Toru also replied awkwardly. Yuga just seemed confused.

"Eh hang on, an underground hero, just like Aizawa-sensei works here?" Yuga asks. Uwabami laughs and nods her head.

"Correct, it is the perfect business model," Uwabami states but the two just look at her confused so the hero elaborates. "I'm obviously a very flashy person, in the spotlight and attention over a lot of things, good and bad. But there are a lot of things I can't do as eyes are constantly on me, which does make hero work difficult to do. That is why our agency is split, between spotlight heroes and background heroes. You Yuga will be with me, drawing attention and dazzling our audience. While you Hagakure will be working with Ikonashi, getting information we can't get and giving it to us to act," Uwabami finished while shaking Yuga's shoulder. 

At her words, Yuga immediately got excited, and he gleamed brightly as he talked adamantly with Uwabami. Toru on the other hand felt unsure, she felt a pang hit her as she realised that Uwabami had wanted nothing to do with her, she was just her for her sister. But Toru should have seen something like that coming. She was just an invisible girl. 

Ikonashi nervously moved forward with a tentative smile towards Hagakure. She put her hands on the girl's shoulder and got her attention, but it was hard for her to tell.

"Um hey, I know I'm not as cool as Uwabami, or as hot. But I know we'll work great together, and I'll be happy to help you become a hero!" Ikonashi said vibrantly. Toru smiled at the woman, despite being in her twenties, she can really see the similarities with her classmates with this woman. 

Toru hopes she doesn't disappoint. 

Hanta and Mashirao looked around the agency apprehensively. This place was wild to put it simply. Hero sidekicks were bouncing over the walls and hanging down from the ceilings. Some were even fighting each other, only stopping when a bigger hero of the company came around and made them stop.

The two looked at each other worryingly. There was some sense of order at this place, but the conventions of how it operated seemed insane. This is not what they had in mind for the hero Shishido. He was a top hero and had a high competitive spirit that translates through his fights with villains and rivalry with other top heroes. 

"So when do you think Shishido will get here?" Hanta asked, turning to Mashirao. The tail teen looked concerned before turning back to Hanta.

"I don't man, and I'm a bit more worried about how Shishida will act. This isn't what I thought a top pro heroes' agency will act like," Mashirao observed, wincing at some of the loud noises and violent words that were being thrown out. Suddenly the two turned around when doors slammed open, Hanta and Mashirao's eyes widened as Shishido angrily made his grand entrance into the room. 

"What the hell is going on? I leave you all alone for a few minutes and you become monkeys in a zoo?" Shishida roared out angrily. People in the room suddenly froze, a few of them cowering behind objects. He really did have a lion quirk with how powerful his roar was. 

Shishida growled as he looked around, his eyes in a menacing glare as he moved his head to look at his employees. His eyes then landed on Mashirao and Hanta, the two didn't know what to do as Shishido laid his eyes on them. The man then groaned and cracked his neck, turning his powerful gaze off and marching over towards the two hero students. 

"Ugh, what a crappy start. I thought my guy was late in getting you two here, the moron dropped you off at the wrong spot," Shishido grumbled, Hanta and Mashirao looked over to each other with a raised brow. Shishido then moved his hands through his hair, which was more like a main and started shaking his arms and hands. "No matter, we still got time, follow me," Shishido told the two. 

Mashirao and Hanta agreed, although they did feel like they didn't have a choice. They looked back to the other people still in the room and a lot of them looked terrified. Hanta and Mashirao walked out but Shishido stayed for a second, looking over his shoulder to his employees. A lot of them tensed and yelped in fright. 

"All of you that was involved with the shitshow I saw earlier, you better put in extra work today because if I find you don't, I won't pay your hospital builds," Shishido threatened with a sinister look that put the fear in place of those who saw. 

Shishido lead the two boys around the agency, seeing several more bizarre things. Two men with a quirk that gave them horns were bashing their heads against each other like rams. A woman was annoying a clunky rock man by slithering like a snake around him so he couldn't see her. It was weird watching a person move like a snake while having four human limbs.

"So do you boys now why Hope assigned me to be your teacher of heroics?" Shishido asked as they three entered a gym area. The usual gym equipment laid around, but it had much more wall climbing areas and punching bags around. There even was the machine that gaged how hard a person could punch. The three moved over to an open battle ground arena, Mashirao spotted a cage above the place that looked like it could be dropped over the ground area.

Hanta and Mashirao shook their head, indicating that they didn't know why. Shishido smirked, seemingly liking that answer. Again, he cracked his neck, concerning the two boys for why he still had a concerning smile. 

"Well allow me to show you why I am in charge of you boys," Shishida laughed before charging forward with the assistance of shoving his hands into the ground to move faster. He sprung onto Mashirao quickly, but the boy managed to act fast despite the incredible speed Shishido achieved. 

Mashirao whipped his tail around and slammed it onto Shishido's stomach. Shishido grunted out in pain as Mashirao's tail continued to jolt the man to the ground. But Shishido didn't stop as he gripped Mashirao's tail to prevent the boy from getting way. Shishido launched himself back up with great speed and power, getting above Mashirao and rendering his tail useless.

Mashirao got his face smashed and the tail bearing hero student was launched away. But the blonde rolled and got back up, but he didn't rush back as his head hurt pretty bad from that incredibly hard overhead punch. Shishido however wasn't letting off the boy easy. Despite knowing of the second student, his focus was locked on the blonde.

"I am relentless, I don't hesitate," Shishido called out before sprinting over to Mashirao. Mashirao's eyes widened, he used his tail to spring him up like a kangaroo and launched himself back to create the most distance possible. Shishido hardly seemed fazed as he rushed the boy.

Tape then covered Shishido's chest, and his momentum halted. A strong force pulled him back and Shishido slid across the ground. Shishido laughed as he acted quickly, revealing his claws and turning quickly. He cut the two pieces of tape that ensnared him with ease before he continued his rush at Mashirao. 

Mashirao quickly understood that Shishido was faster and even with Hanta using tape to slow him down, the man was too quick for it to be effective. Mashirao would have to be offensive. He moved towards Shishido and got low, swinging his tail at the lion heroes' shins. But the man saw the attack way before it happened.

The man shoved his arms down and slammed the tail on the ground, effectively pinning it for a brief moment. Shishido continued to act quickly, moving forward and grabbing the teens face before smashing his head into the ground a couple of times. 

Mashirao was struggling, he wasn't recognising a pattern in the man's movement and nothing he did seemed close to a kind of martial arts. He seemed to be acting quickly and striving for damage then an effective strike. So Mashirao had to act instinctively like the man as well. Mashirao smashed his tail against the ground and got it underneath him. With his arms and legs, Mashirao launched Shishido off of him.

Shishido laughed as he was airborne temporarily. He was preparing another assault on Mashirao as he saw how the boy would attack. But more tape covered him, this time his legs and neck. Shishido gargled a yell as he was thrown away from Mashirao. Shishido managed to cut the tape around his neck but left his legs too late. 

Hanta cut the tape from his elbows and started firing long strips of tape at Shishido, constantly hitting the man and impeding his progress of escaping. But even with Hanta's insane speed of producing tape, Shishido was just faster. After a few seconds, he managed to jump out. But instead of attacking he laughed and clapped his hands.

"That's the ferocity I was looking for Sero, that is why I am in charge of both of you," Shishido yelled out. Mashirao and Hanta relaxed as they believed the sudden fight to be over. Mashirao held the back of his head as it started to pound quite painfully thanks to Shishido. "You two have huge potential, but you are patient and perceptive. Those are good qualities to have, but you have to speed up your actions when in a fight. I can make those observations very quickly and act instantly, and when you guys become as ferocious as I am, you'll be nearly unbeatable.

Tenya Iida got off the metro, he had a duffle bag over his shoulder and rested on his back. Inside the bag held his hero gear and items. His entire clunky, metal costume was neatly assorted in containers in his bag to make it neater and less clunky to carry.

Tenya looked off, determined. He needed to become a hero, more than ever and he was ready to protect Japan from the looming threat of Shigaraki. He looked at the address Bullet Head left on his phone. Bullet Head, that was a hero Tenya had never heard before.

Tenya did a bit of research when he found out who he will be interning under. Bullet Head was a retired hero, someone who was the third rank hero 50 years ago. He had a quirk called self-knockback which made it, so he got launched at insane speeds by slight jostle or hits. There even is a video of him breaking the sound barrier at one point

He was very good at his job, quick, efficient, careful and serious. But the odd thing that Tenya noticed was that one day, he just retired from hero work. It seemed that there was no reason behind it, the man was still healthy and didn't have a fatal injury and what the public knew, he had no wife or children. One day in his late thirties, he just quit. It confused Tenya but he put it to the back of his mind for now as he reached the address given.

Tenya looked at the building that he was in front of. It was an old, traditional Japanese home, quite small as well. Tenya was confused on why this was the meeting point, he then heard quick and powerful woosh behind him and what sounded like something landing. Tenya turned around and in all of his glory is Bullet Head.

True to his name, the helmet he wears is silver and in the shape of a bullet. Well, a thick one at that. But the rest of his hero costume was a tuxedo, the black material looked expensive but the dark colour looked worn out, his cuffed sleeves and pants revealed red under clothing, but it looked wrinkled. Lastly was his white tie that looked fine but obviously not brand new.

"Punctual, I like that. Hello Iida, I am Bullet Head," Bullet Head greeted. Tenya nodded his head and Bullet Head reached out his hand for a handshake. Tenya took it and gave the man a firm grip. Bullet Head still looked close to the images Tenya had seen of him, the main difference he could see was that he was not as muscular. But Tenya couldn't blame him, the guy was reaching his 90's and he hadn't been an active her for 5 decades now. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you Bullet Head, thank you for this opportunity," Tenya bowed. 

"Alright, let's get started. Come on Iida, I want to see something quickly before going into greater depth," Bullet Head said. Bullet Head then walked away and opened the door to the small house, Tenya followed after him. The blue haired teen followed the retired hero for a bit, before the man slides open a door. The two step in and Tenya takes note of the weird assortment of items in the room. 

"Okay Iida, what we are doing is going to be a little test. I want you to catch me," Bullet Head told the blue haired boy. Tenya's eyebrows rose as he looked around the room. Tenya then looked around the room and saw a few fragile items, not to mention the room was quite small to begin with those small items or not. 

"In here?" Tenya asked, confused and unsure.

"Yes, you have 10 seconds," Bullet Head replied. He then slapped his hip and suddenly he wasn't there, he had flown to the side of the room in the blink of an eye and stopped instantly. Tenya blinked but quickly shook himself into action, his engines revved up and he gave chase after the old hero. 

Tenya raced around the room, as he narrowly turned to move towards wherever Bullet Head was going. Bullet Head kept quite a secure distance the entire time despite Tenya keeping pace in speed. Bullet Head was practically running rings around him. 

Bullet Head raced around the room and picked up a piece of wood, one end looking broken, splinters spiking off. Bullet Head continued to move around and with the piece of wood he picked up, he used it to trip Tenya. Tenya quickly toppled, not expecting to be tripped. Bullet Head moved to the other side of the room and stopped his momentum and stood up straight, turning back to look at Tenya. The boy tried to get up and run again.

"Stop! This exercise is over," Bullet Head told Tenya. Tenya sighed and stood up, disappointed with himself for failing to catch Bullet Head. He knew the man would still have tricks up his sleeve, even in his old age but he ran rings around Tenya like it was nothing, he felt embarrassed. "I see, you haven't improved with the issue I spotted at the sports festival. You have tunnel vision," Bullet Head states. Tenya looks at the hero, confused. 

"Huh? I don't understand sir, you said to catch you. I tried to do that," Tenya argued, not seeing Bullet Head's point. Bullet Head shook his head. 

"Look around Iida, what do you see?" Bullet Head asked, gesturing to the room. Tenya looks around and winces at what he sees. Pieces of broken ceramic laid on the ground, broken wood smashed on the ground and several other items completely broken. "I can assure that none of the damage seen here is my doing," Bullet Head told Tenya. Tenya quickly turns back to Bullet Head, regret and despair in his eyes, and he quickly bows like a stiff robot.

"I am deeply sorry sir for my reckless actions, I'll pay for all the damages," Tenya quickly yelled out, slightly fearful that Bullet Head would drop him as an intern. Bullet Head weaved his hand dismissively. 

"Don't worry about it, I thought you would do that. This is my old home; I haven't been in here for more than 60 years. Now let's do a few things that can help you see a bit more and not be so focus on one thing at a time," Bullet Head told Tenya. The boy nodded and he followed the hero out of the room. 

Tenya still felt bad for mindlessly breaking all of Bullet Head's things, even if the man told him to not worry about it. But when Bullet Head reminded Tenya of his age, he asked a question that he had on his mind for a bit.

"Um Bullet Head, why did you retire early?" Tenya asked, hoping he didn't hit a sour spot with the man. Bullet Head paused, he didn't turn around and stood silently for a moment. He then sighed, dropping his shoulders.

"Sometimes expectations and requirements become unreasonable," Bullet Head vaguely answered. 

"Ah wait up Sensei!" Rikido called as he chased after Cementoss. Cementoss continued to move away from Rikido, using his quirk to move higher and away from him student. Rikido looked up in frustration as Cementoss wordlessly moved away from him without any explanation. 

Rikido then reached into his pocket and grabbed a small container. But before he could twist the lid off the container of sugar, cement quickly surrounded him and prevented him from moving. "Huh, hey!" Rikido yelled out frustratedly. 

"Stop thinking with your muscles Rikido," Cementoss called from his high place on the side of the building. Rikido sighed and looked up as his sensei stared down at him. "You need to use more than just your quirk in a fight. You are strong on your own, use what you know about yourself and analyse what you can do because remember, you shut down after a fight," Cementoss told his student.

Rikido rumbled at Cementoss putting him down but did agree with what the man was saying. Rikido nodded his head and the cement trapping him moved back down into the ground. He pocketed the sugar that he held and started to look around, trying to see if he could use anything. 

Rikido saw some pipe on a nearby building and ran over to that. He gripped it and pulled himself up and started to scale the building. He looked back to check if Cementoss was watching over him, but he couldn't see the man, so he continued to climb.

Nejire bounced around as she, Tsuyu and Mina entered the lobby of the Ryu hero agency. She was rapid firing questions at the two mutant girls. They politely nodded and rarely answered as Nejire often didn't leave room to speak back. 

Mina and Tsuyu were more interested in the building they were in than the spiel the periwinkle hair student spat out. They moved quickly through the agency and many people greeted them. Mina talked back with a lot of the scaly heroes she recognised. This agency was known to largely house heroes with noticeable mutations. 

It doesn't hold them exclusively, shown with Nejire but this place was an anomaly in comparison to other places in Japan. Tsuyu was amazed at how clean and prestine this place looked. Some rooms looked like a gallery a rich person would own. Not that the people in charge of the agency weren't rich, but they wouldn't waste the money in many pointless accessories. 

"Ooh we're here!" Nejire stated, her sudden rambling stopping when she realised they reached Ryukyu's office. The girl bounced over to the door and knocked in a strange, childlike way, making the knocks like drumbeats. Not long after, Ryukyu opened the door, and she smiled down at the girls in front of her. 

"Hello girls, glad that you made it on time," Ryukyu spoke. Mina bounced excitedly and Tsuyu bobbed her head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ryukyu, kero," Tsuyu responded and the woman smiled. Mina bounced up, hopping over to Ryukyu with her eyes wide with joy.

"Are you the one interning us? Do we get to see you in your dragon form?" The bubble gum girl asked with shaky excitement. Ryukyu chuckled while Tsuyu rolled her eyes. The girl was probably just excited to see her dragon form up close, usually it is a matter for everyone to be away if she goes dragon.

"Yes, I'll be the one interning you and as well as Nejire. This is a good opportunity for her to practice telling techniques and general hero etiquette to others," Ryukyu answered with a smile. Mina and Tsuyu turned to Nejire who posed playfully like a cat, winked at them and stuck out her tongue. Mina bounded up with energy and let out a high-pitched squeal. 

"Yes! So, what are we doing first, I'm so excited," Mina announced happily. Ryukyu laughed softly.

"Well, we'll start with what heroes do most of the time, paperwork," Ryukyu answered with a small mocking smirk. Mina's face dropped and looked up at Ryukyu with an expression that read, please be kidding.

Eijiro walked alongside the upcoming hero Suneater, otherwise known as Takami. The red head spoke excitedly with the awkward teen. Takami was only half paying attention to his knew enthusiastic partner as he tried to conceal himself from the prying eyes of the public. 

The two boys were walking behind from the greatly loved Fat Gum. While he is only the 256 ranked hero, he has a large popularity from his recognisiable character and looks. Plus, he is only that low because he doesn't have the same consistent brute force other top ranked heroes have, like Miriko or Gang Orca. Everyone has seen his iconic video of him decimating a dangerous hero that even All-Might had slight trouble with a powerful uppercut. It was also the first-time people saw him properly ripped and immediately everyone began to fawn over him.

"Wow, thanks Amajiki senpai for helping me get this job, this is awesome," Eijiro said, slapping the back of his skittish teammate. Tamaki flinched at the hard contact, it didn't hurt and Mirio did it a lot, but it still gets him every time. Takami rolled his shoulders and settled his nerves, reaching up for the top of his hood and pulling it down to further cover his eyes.

"Didn't have much of a choice, your persistent enthusiasm made it incredibly hard to say no, and besides I didn't have entire sway in where you go," Takami replied plainly, his eyes never leaving the large yellow jacket that Fat Gum wore in front of him. 

"Yeah, Hope and Nezu are very good at pulling strings. Even without you attacking Amajiki, those two still would have made it happen," Fat Gum laughed, momentarily ignoring the flock of people trying to catch his attention. 

Eijiro laughed happily and continued to assault Tamaki with social interaction, not to dissimilar to what he did with Katsuki at the start of the year. From time to time, he managed to drag Fat Gum into it as well. They were having a grand time, until gunshots fired out. Immediately Fat Gum sprung to action, moving over towards the place of fire, he quickly looked over Eijiro and Takami. 

"Suneater, follow me and restrain any immediate threats, Eijiro you help the civilians to filter out," Fat Gum ordered his two interns.

"Roger," Eijiro replied as he hardened his shoulders and his feet as he ran towards the civilians and moved them away from the villain actions. Takami mumbled 'right' but still looked serious and calm as he sprinted behind Fat Gum, his fingers slowly turning a reddish pink and morphing into a slimy composition. 

In the centre of the pandemonium was 4 villains. They were all male and none looked athletic or had obvious mutations to pick out. They all had guns except the one with his silver hair tied into a bun looked different from the other three, resembling a tranquilizer gun instead of the pistol the other three had. 

They were threatening civilians and two of the men were trying to get hostages. Fat Gum pounced over the rushing cloud; the sight was odd as a large obese man effortlessly dolphin dived over three people. He crashed onto one of the villains and locked him up into his flabby folds of his large body. 

The man next to him panicked as the hero showed and seemingly devoured his friend. He quickly swung his gun and wildly aimed at the large yellow target. The bullets hit Fat Gum, piercing through his jacket, but he hardly looked fazed. His quirk, fat absorption not only allowed him to trade his fat for power but increase the natural durability fat provides. The bullets only going 2 centimetres deep.  

The man firing the gun was clearly inexperienced and his horror-stricken face clearly showed that he had no plan to use it. With the man in an unstable place of mind, Takami effortlessly disarmed him with his octopus tentacles he ate for lunch. Then with a second tentacle, pulling his hands behind his back and pulling him to the ground with immense power. Takami then used the tentacles on his other arm to chase a villain that was attempting to run away, holding his arms to restrict him from using his gun. He then used more tentacles to try and pull him to the ground. 

The man with the tranquilizer dart struggled to pull it out from it holster in his belt but managed to yank it out. He then pointed it at Suneater and fired the dart. Suneater reacted quickly and added the shell of crabs over parts of his body. The man growled and started firing quicker, trying his best to hit Takami. He ran out of ammo after the sixth shot, but he lucked out as the dart stuck into his shin.

Takami then used more tentacles to grab the man, he then pulled the man to the ground and quickly restrained him. While moving quickly, his hood slipped off, fully revealing his face and his navy-blue hair tied into a bun. 

"Oh my god, he's so cute?" "Oh wow, I'd gladly be saved be him any day," What a cutie," some girls spoke loudly out from the remaining crowd of people. Takami blushed in embarrassment and his one free tentacle to shove his hood back on, he then faced the ground to avoid accidently making eye contact.

"God dammit," one of the villain's yelled out in frustration. Takami winced as he felt some pain his left hand's fingers, but it was relatively numb as the pain had struck the tentacle he made. The villain had knives sticking out from the tips of their fingers and underneath his chin. He stumbled his way onto his feet, clearly in a panic and shakily held his gun out in front of him. "No, no, no! I am not going to jail for this," the man shook.

Eijiro had seen the man get out of Takami's tentacles and move his gun shakily over to the teen. Eijiro had been busy pushing the civilians out of harm's way. But he immediately sprinted over to him, his body reactively hardening as he intended to take the bullet.

"Suneater move!" Eijiro shouted as he shoved Takami away. The villain fired the gun and the bullet whizzed through the air. The bullet collides with Eijiro's forehead, the force jolting the teens head back. Eijiro gasped at the powerful force but didn't let himself stagger.

Hardening his legs, he stopped his momentum by slamming his right foot onto the ground behind him. Eijiro pushed his head back up, revealing his hardened hard, the jagged areas sharp and prominent. The bullet fell from his forehead, the item squished like a soda can as it bounced on the floor. Eijiro huffed menacingly and his red eyes glared at the man with the gun. The villain shook with fear, and he dropped the gun on reaction. He shouted in a panic before turning and sprinting away.

"Hey get back here!" Eijiro shouted as he ran after the escaping villains. Takami sighed but raised his arm and looked over the running culprit.

"I've got him," Takami mumbled, inaudible for anyone to here. His fingers turned into the same reddish pink and grew out, but suddenly it stopped. Takami grunted as pain squished his hand as it felt like his quirk limit had reached. Suddenly his right hand tightened in pain and his quirk was beginning to retract.

Luckily the police had already rushed in and continued to subdue and arrest the villains Takami had wrapped in tentacles. Takami stared down at his hand and watched his tentacles shriveled up. He attempted to make them grow again but it was not happening. The teen looked down to his shin and bent down, he picked out the dart lodged in and stared at it. He then turned to look at the villain with a ponytail. 

"What did you inject me with?"

Lesson scratched the head of Wan, Koji's husky and the dog howled in contempt. Koji smiled at the interaction of his support animal and his knew teacher. Lesson then stood up, taking his hands away from Wan, the husky letting out a disappointed whimper. 

Lesson was a middle-aged hero, his hero costume looked closely to a samurai. Large scrolls with kanji hung down from his chest and back, as well as other areas but much smaller. Across his waist and hidden under his scrolls were kunai's and throwing knives. He had no helmet, fully showing his face, he was bald but had a thick black beard with something red inside. Koji couldn't identify what it was. 

The man started to use hand signs which was sign language to communicate with Koji. Koji quickly learned that the man was deaf and always had been so the boy didn't have to worry about his stutter or his problem with words. 

"I want to see how willing you are to fight Anivoice. Prove to me you have what it takes," Lesson signed. Koji nodded and smiled, Wan reacted to his owner's happiness and started wagging his tail and hung his tongue out. 

"Alright, I'll do my best," Koji signed back. Lesson nodded and held his arms out like he was about to ascend. He then started whistling and tunnels of wind sprouted from his mouth. Some tunnels swirled around him while others moved to his feet and lifted himself off the ground. With his mask voice modulator, Koji whispered words that only Wan heard. 

Wan got up and growled and stuck his head low. The husky huffed before letting out a bark. The force of the bark pushed Lesson back, but he flew back to where he was before. Thanks to him being unable to hear, the loud shout of Wan had no effect on Lesson. Lesson then noticed the flock of birds flying down, all of them squawking at him but he still couldn't hear it. 

Lesson clicked his fingers and smirked, his wind tunnels continued to circle him but now the grabbed his kunai's out and swirled them around him, making a tornado of kunai developing the deaf hero. 

Mezo stood in a ring, his guard up, protecting his body with his webbed arms. With one of his tendrils, he had created an eye and made it poke underneath his webbed arms to look behind him, it was to make sure no one snuck up on him. The ding of a bell sounded and people who were just sitting in chairs shout up and raced to the ring styled like a boxing one.

One of Gang Orca's sidekicks has a possession quirk and has the ability to manipulate objects. So, mannequins dressed in an odd purple leaped over the ropes and charged at Mezo. The boy didn't panic as the hoard of Mannequins entered the ring and he held his ground. Mezo curled his right arm to make it bigger before punching forward and instantly he broke three mannequins. 

With the help of his third eye, he had on the end of his tendril, Mezo spun around and decapitated another two mannequins with a side swing. Mezo moved his extra tendrils around him to trip the mannequins or help him grab them to be used as a close-range weapon or projectile. Usually, the latter as he was practically a battering ram as a person.

Gang Orca and one of his sidekick Thread watched Mezo decimate all of the mannequins with little issue. Gang Orca was leaned forward, elbows on knees and hands clamped together with his index fingers raised. He glared at the white-haired teen as he made the opposing challenge look like child's play.

"Wow, he's really good," Thread replied, slightly shaken at the sheer power Mezo was displaying and his insane speed and efficiency in dispatching his mannequins. Gang Orca grumbled in response but agreed. This isn't an easy challenge, all people, even when possessing a quirk that has crowd control abilities, humans can't multitask. 

Admittedly this is a warmup for Gang Orca as he's good enough to handle the onslaught of weak mannequins. But he still usually got hit or the mannequins futilely grabbing onto him. There were barely more than three mannequins in the ring at one time, he made this look easy.

There may not be a lot of Gang Orca can teach this kid after all. 

Denki and Ochako sat in the back of a car together. Night had fallen as they were one of the last ones to go to their internships and the drive was taking forever. Despite that, Denki had been jittering with excitement, smiling the whole time, electricity would occasionally spark off of him. Ochako was similar to Denki but a lot more nervous, biting her fingertips and playing with the pink clamps on her wrist. 

"Man, I just, I just can't believe this is happening. We are interning under three amazing heroes! Three, no one else has that in our class," Denki said excitedly, turning to Ochako. Ochako chuckled and nodded her head, but it was restrained from her nerves.

"Y-yeah," Ochako stuttered as she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. Denki smiled softly at Ochako's nervous actions. He then smiled cheekily as he got an idea. He yawned and stretched his arms before casually putting them behind his head.

"Yeah, yeah I know I'm not Bakugo, but you don't have to be so pouty about it," Denki replied, his face turned to hide his smile. Ochako's face turned red, and she quickly turned to the electric blonde, her hands waving in front of her sporadically. 

"No, no! That's not what I meant," Ochako responded in an embarrassed panic. Denki busted out laughed, he clutched his stomach as he jumped forward, his feet hammered the floor like a jack hammer as her put a hand on Ochako's shoulder.

"Hahaha! Chill, I was just messing with you Uraraka," Denki responded, still laughing. Ochako turned beat red and pouted and punched his shoulder. Denki managed to let out an ouch as he clutched his shoulder but still laughed. 

But Denki did really want Ochako and Katsuki to end up together. He had a lot of money residing on the class bet. 

Denki pressed his face up against the window to try and see, it was hard, but he managed. Luckily it was a one-way mirror, otherwise people would be deeply concerned of what they would see. Denki suddenly caught sight of Edgeshot further down the road and he excitedly turned to Ochako and pointed in the rough direction of the 4th ranked hero.

"I see Edgeshot, we're almost there!" Denki announced excitedly. Ochako's face lit up and enthusiastically nodded. But she was still nervous at what was to come. She pushed her fingers together and cracked them. That seemed to cause a chain reaction as Ochako started to try and crack more bones. 

The car finally stopped, and the driver of the car put in park. They unlocked the door and Denki quickly jumped out, Ochako not to far behind. She had to run around the car because she was on the other side, but she was astounded to finally meet the number 4 hero in person as she stood next to Denki.

But Denki wasn't looking at Edgeshot and Edgeshot wasn't looking at them. Suddenly the shouting nearby finally registered in Ochako's head, her nerves apparently stopping her from hearing it. Turning to see what was going on, she spotted Mount Lady and Kamui Woods in shouting match.

"Stop flirting with the men on the streets to get money from them, you are a hero for god's sake!" Kamui Woods shouted. Mount Lady stood with her arms crossed and jerked her head away from the wooden hero with her eyes closed, her hair whipping Kamui Woods in the face. 

"You're just jealous that people love me, and what I'm doing isn't illegal," Mount Lady responded, she turned and poked Kamui Woods chest. The man wacked her hand away.

"It is immoral, do you not feel shame?" he argued. Ochako stood still, completely confused at the events transpiring in front of her. Denki had a small smile on his face as he observed the heated interactions of two rising heroes right in front of him and Ochako. Edgeshot sighed, dropping his head and shaking it. He looked up and over towards Ochako and Denki, the two noticed his movement and turned towards him.

"I'm sorry about them," he sighed. "They had to start this again now," Edgeshot complained, rolling his eyes. Denki chuckled and turned back to the fight, the two heroes still going at each other. 

"What? You're only upset because you get no bitches with that tiny pecker you have?" Mount Lady cooed mockingly, raising her hand and squishing her thumb and index finger close together, but not touching. 

"You're only popular because you present your chest like it's a commercial. Enjoy it now because in about 10 years your audience will become disgusted with your saggy tits," Kamui Woods snapped. Mount Lady looked shocked before she gritted her teeth and growled at the adjacent hero.

Denki raised a fist to his mouth and made a shocked face as he quietly laughed to himself. With his other hand, he grabbed Ochako's shoulder and started shaking it as his excitement at this making him unable to contain his excitement. 

"You two are children, we've got things to do," Edgeshot responded angrily to his partners. Mount Lady whipped her hair again, slapping Kamui Woods with it and looked at Edgeshot.

"Honey, who do you agree, wi-," Mount Lady paused as she saw both Denki and Ochako standing next to Edgeshot. Kamui Woods and Mount Lady's expression quickly became mortified while Edgeshot disappointingly shook his head. 

"H-how long have you guys been there?" Kamui Woods asked, worried at how much they heard.

"Oh, long enough that I wanted popcorn!" Denki replied cheekily, smiling at the two heroes. 

Katsuki and Fyoki sat in the car silently, both of them starring out of their tinted window that allowed little view of behind them. Katsuki's face was straightened into a frown, and he was mindlessly flexing his hand, opening and closing it back into a fist. He was nervous at seeing Endeavour again. He hadn't seen the father Todoroki since Izuku ran away, over two years ago and his opinion of the man was shaky.

Fyoki could see Katsuki struggle but was contemplating whether or not to address it. The two didn't hate each other but they weren't exactly friendly either. She sighed, brushing her lavender hair out of her face before turning to face the Pomeranian. She debated on how to start the conversation and mentally berated herself for her indecision. 

"Hey, how long are you going to be a nervous wreck?" Fyoki asked passive aggressively. Not the best approach she admitted in her head, turning her head away from him with a slight wince. Katsuki scoffed and turned with a glare to the girl sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I am Sunburn, and you should be too? Are you not the least bit concerned with meeting Endeavour. He literally raised to sociopaths and his wife has been under a lot of controversy from lately with her lethal methods of force," Katsuki stated to the girl. Fyoki groaned quietly and turned her eyes over to Katsuki, not turning her head.

"Obviously I'm nervous about it, I know he isn't a saint by any means, but I've never seen him do anything heinous in the last decade or so. Besides Hope trusts him and if he was willing to give you a second chance, you can give him one to," Fyoki responded. Katsuki narrowed his eyes before huffing and looked away from Fyoki.

As soon as she said those words, Fyoki immediately regretted it. She hadn't meant to attack Katsuki like that, it just, sort of came out. Fyoki reached over to Katsuki before stopping her hand right before she reached him. She wanted to try and take back what she said, but now it felt awkward for her to do anything. She hated it when she went too far and sure, she may not be one of Katsuki's friends, but it didn't mean she hated him or anything. Fyoki pulled her hands back and looked dead ahead at the seats in front of her. Fyoki bit her lip and dropped her head as she fought to say the words she wanted to say.

"Sorry, I, I didn't mean what I said," Fyoki replied slowly. Katsuki sighed, resting his elbow against the window edge and pushing his cheek against the palm of his hand.

"Whatever," Katsuki replied. After that, no words were exchanged between the two as they silently reached their destination. Endeavour hero agency. 

At the front of the building stood a woman wearing heavy black leather. Her hair was on fire, flaming a distinct green colour and it moved unnaturally. The woman saw the car rock up and poked her head inside the building, she shouted something out but was inaudible to the two students in the car.

The car parked and Katsuki quickly unbuckled himself and opened his car door. Fyoki looked over at him guiltily but said nothing as she followed him out of the car. The woman with the fiery red hair walked over to them, a weirdly aggressive smirk resting on her face.

"Heya, I'm Burnin, Endeavour will be out here in a moment," Burnin told the two kids. Katsuki and Fyoki nodded at her words and waited. A few seconds later, the burning rank one hero stepped out from his agency, and he walked over towards the two heroes in training. People close by on the street all quickly turned at the sight of Endeavour and took out their phones to capture a picture of the number 1 hero. 

The hero of fire walked over to his two new interns with an unreadable expression. He stopped next to one of his sidekicks Burnin who still smiled wildly and her hair constnatly shifted in size and spiked weirdly in some places. It was obviously not normal fire with its green colouring but the movement made it look incredibly hard to look at. Endeavour looked over the two and they held his gaze, Katsuki seemingly challenging it, but Endeavour didn't seem to care.

"Alright, while you two intern under me, you will be working 100% the entire time. If I find any sought of slacking off, I'll send you out immediately and Hope will be notified. Am I clear?" Endeavour asked, raising his eyebrow at them. The two students held a neutral expression and nodded their heads.

"Yes Endeavour," they replied in unison. Endeavour nodded after a moment. Burnin rolled her eyes at the two's formalities and jumped away from them, taking the lead of walking back into the agency. 

"You guys are boring, let's get going already," Burnin yelled out, Fyoki took the lead and followed the woman's step. Katsuki moved behind her but paused when Endeavour put his hand on his shoulder. Katsuki said nothing, he made no noise or altered his facial expression and looked up towards Endeavour. 

"Bakugo, I want to just say that I am not looking to prove anything to you or say anything about the past. I can't fix that. So, while you work with me, focus on becoming a hero instead of looking into what had been done," Endeavour said. 

"Right," Katsuki answered quickly before turning away and following Fyoki and Burnin. He didn't care for what Endeavour had to say, Katsuki was already going to do that anyway. Because Izuku had told him to move on from the past and look into the future. 

Kyoka felt like this was a mistake. Here she stood, in front of the number 3 hero, a man intelligent enough to discover large villain organisations and strong enough to take them down on his own. He even has the time to model on the side as he works so efficiently that he leaves himself a ton of free time.

Now look at her, not appealing for any type of modelling style of any kind. Some weird emo punk rock girl that doesn't really fit in. She'd be a loner like in middle school if her classmates weren't so extroverted and upbeat, willing to socialise with even her. She didn't even have a quirk that stood out or had good uses. 

Sure, she can hear exceptionally well at longer ranges but that isn't always a blessing. She's had the feeling over her eardrums popping at least once a week and it is not a pleasant feeling. Then she can weaponise with the help of some equipment but isn't strong enough to take people down. Shatter windows and ear drums, sure but otherwise quite weak unless she wants to create a minor earthquake and more times than not, a small earthquake is a bad idea.

Best Jeanist has a strangely strong quirk. Controlling fabric doesn't seem amazing on paper but unless he is fighting a naked man, they are most likely constricted in their newly woven clothes.

"So, Earphone Jack, do you think you would work better in the front line or backline?" Best Jeanist asks as he moved through a few files of paper. Kyoka thought for a moment before she gave the jean wearing enthusiast an answer.

"Well, I can locate activity from quite a far distance away, but if you want me to pinpoint specific things at a location, I need to get close in," Kyoka answered. Best Jeanist nodded and pulled up a pen.

"Do you think you can handle things up in the frontline?" Best Jeanist asked. Kyoka paused to think for a bit before looking Best Jeanist back in the eye.

"I can defend myself, but taking the villain down is something I don't think I can do without help," Kyoka admitted. Best Jeanist nodded and wrote that down or at least something similar on the paper he grabbed from what Kyoka assumed.

"We can work with that," Best Jeanist said to himself. Kyoka stood there awkwardly as her earphone jacks moved slowly around to hear what people were doing in the building. A lot of them were gushing over Best Jeanist's good looks. "Final thing," Best Jeanist said as he opened the draw. He picked up the item and dropped it on the bench. Kyoka's eyes widened as saw that it was Jean clothing, pants, shirt, jacket and all.

"Could you wear this?" Best Jeanist asked.

"No," Kyoka replied with no hesitation. Kyoka knew her style wasn't model worthy, but she had no intent of changing it anytime soon. Her friends, Denki, Momo and Hitoshi all love her style and if Kyoka didn't like she wouldn't be wearing it. Maybe a year ago she would have relented awkwardly despite there being no peer pressure, he was the number 4 hero at that time. But with her knew friends by her side, Kyoka has attained a lot more self-confidence and respect for herself.

"Well, it was worth a shot," Best Jeanist sighed as he put the Jean clothes away.

Izumi gulped as she stood in front of the basic looking house. It didn't stand out nor have a good view of anything around. Why did Mayhem send her here? Was this her house? Why would a hero live in an old place like this? Izumi kept asking multitudes of questions in her head but had no bravery to ask Mayhem most of them. She didn't want to seem insensitive. 

Slowly Izumi knocked on the door. A voice in the back of her mind kept implanting but thoughts into her head how this was a twisted way of Izuku getting revenge on her. Sending her off to some anti-hero to get her ass kicked. She really wanted to believe that wasn't the case, Izuku wasn't like that, and he had never treated her differently from his other students. But she didn't understand why she wasn't interning under her mother.

Izumi waited a second for the door to open and unexpectedly, the door that was locked just a few seconds ago slowly opened. Izumi peered inside and saw a lit bulb. The light revealed a relatively empty room with the exception of a white mat and paintings on the wall. Izumi was unsure on what to do now but with no hero in sight, she stepped into the house.

She didn't know what to expect, Mayhem was a hero she had never heard before and even after a google search, Mayhem came up blank. Best she got was news articles about heroes with the word Mayhem in the title. 

"Hello, Mayhem?" Izumi called out. Izumi received no answer. Against her better judgement she walked further into the room. Dark black lines suddenly sprouted from above her, piercing the ground like a cage and stopping her from moving. Izumi let out a surprise gasp and more of the darkness swirled around the cage and held her face from moving. Izumi tensed when she felt something sharp on her neck and she registed breathing from behind her.

"What is your goal in coming here?" the voice asked. Izumi was scared but needed to act brave as she answered the assailant's question.

"I came here because my hero leader sent me to come to this address."

"No that's why, I asked what your goal was," the assailant reiterated. Izumi thought that the person sounded feminine, but it wasn't one hundred percent clear. Izumi steadied herself as she attempted to reason with the person holding her still. 

"I want to prove myself as a hero, redeem myself. I've done bad things in the past, things I can't fix. Now things have happened, and I've managed to make it this far in the hero business. I know I don't belong here, but I don't want to waste this opportunity and be the person I promised my younger self that I would be," Izumi answered, she tried to make herself punctual and show her sincerity to show this person something. Izumi didn't know what or who even was threatening her, but she felt like she had to prove something to her.

Suddenly, the darkness that had encased her in place shrunk down. It became thinner and thinner before it disappeared entirely. Izumi could move again and quickly she turned around to see the person who had attacked and was preparing herself is she had to fight or not. Surprising she saw a woman that still looked extremely young, maybe in her twenty's smiling at her. 

She had gold hair cut down to her shoulders and bright blue eyes like her but not shining like electricity. She had freckles adorning her cheeks and a birthmark under her nose. She wore a black cloak with a hood and dark grey underneath her cloak. Izumi looked closer and it seemed like the woman was wearing Kevlar. 

"Good response! Now that's done, are you hungry, thirsty, name something and I might have it!" the woman said to Izumi as she walked past her and out of the room, calling to Izumi as she left. Izumi stood there, stunned as she blinked at the now empty doorway. 

Wait was that Mayhem?

Hitoshi hobbled into UA's common room. He was clutching his ribs in pain and his face held a pained expression. He expected the common room to be empty as he presumed everyone had gone off to their internships, but he was surprised to see Fumikage sitting on a stool next to a kitchen stool, munching on an apple pie. The bird teen turned and stared at Hitoshi, obviously surprised the boy was here as well. 

"Shinso, are you alright?" Fumikage asks, standing up from his spot and running over to his classmates. Hitoshi winces when Fumikage reaches his side and helps him stand better. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Aizawa doesn't hold any punches," Hitoshi comments as he cracks a pained smile at the bird teen. Fumikage doesn't try and smile back at Hitoshi's obvious struggle.

"Do you need to visit Recovery Girl?" Fumikage asks. Hitoshi laughs.

"You know usually I'd tough it out and say no, but I can feel my ribs touching my lungs," Fumikage winces at Hitoshi's description. He orders Dark shadow to help, and the boy and his shadow help his injured friend over to the infirmary. When Fumikage left, Recovery Girl shut the door and once again the raven headed boy was left alone. He sighed and Dark shadow popped out again from his stomach and looked up to Fumikage.

"What now? Shinso needs to rest and we're still here doing nothing," Dark shadow stated to his quirk user. Fumikage grumbled and frustratedly nodded his head. Hawks was the hero in charge of his internship, just like last time. Now it looks like history is about to repeat itself as the man won't take it seriously again. 

He is the last one remaining at UA, aside from Momo but she's supposed to be here. He isn't! He is supposed to be taken out to get experience. Last time Hawks just used his quirk to fly around the city like normal while forcing Fumikage to play catch up. Fumikage was still learning to utilise his quirk for speed at that time so trying to catch up to the one of the most mobile heroes was impossible and infuriating. 

Fumikage can now achieve minor flying capabilities but even if he had them then, he'd barely keep up with the red winged hero. Fumikage flexed his fingers in anger at memory of his first internship and he still felt rage when remembering the horrible experience and actual knowledge he gained from it. Fumikage turned and started walking to his room.

"We're heading to our room, no point waiting for someone who has no plans on showing up," Fumikage told his quirk. Dark shadow wanted to argue but they weren't happy with Hawks either, so they accepted what Dark shadow thought.

The two or one entered their room, Fumikage turned his purple night light on to avoid Dark shadow from going insane much to the creature's dismay. Fumikage put his phone onto charge and set his room up ready for bed. When he was about to remove his shirt, Fumikage heard some knocking. But it wasn't coming from his door.

Fumikage turned around quickly, and Dark shadow grew from his stomach. Fumikage narrowed his raven eyes at the window but saw nothing but black with small lights very far off in the distance. Fumikage looked over to Dark shadow who was staring at him to. They both nodded their heads before moving towards the window. 

Fumikage quickly unlatched the lock and slid the window up, opening it as wide as it would go. Dark shadow shot outside and searched around for any clue to where the culprit of this attack or prank was. Fumikage stayed inside just in case the person was waiting to see him, he allowed Dark shadow to handle it as he couldn't exactly die. 

The black beast searched around; his yellow eyes narrowed into a glare as he looked for the person behind the knocking. He looked to the floor above and he spotted a person who clearly shouldn't be there. But instead of questioning the person like they had intended, Dark shadow squawked in shock as he recognised those bright red wings.

"Hawks?" Dark shadow squawked, shocked at seeing the hero. Fumikage's eyes widened and he ducked his head outside of the window. Fumikage stuck his head out of the window and looked up and low and behold, Hawks was perched on the top of the window of the room directly above him, his red wings spread out and his signature lazy smirk on his face. He raised his hands and touched his forehead with his index and middle finger before throwing them off quickly in the form of a greeting.

"Hey there Tsukuyomi, long time no see," Hawks greets. He drops down but stops himself from falling by manipulating the feathers of his large wings. Before Fumikage can even give a response, the hero grabs his shoulder. "Sorry I'm late, let's get going," Hawks smirks before he takes Fumikage out of his room through his window and flew off into the night. The bird boy yelling in surprise. 

Momo wrote words at lightning pace on the test paper Nezu had handed her. She was looking down at her paper from time to time, but she mostly kept her eyes on the tablet in front of her, playing the video she was analysing in real time. Her pen flew across the page with speed that made it hard to follow. But despite her quick writing skills, her handwriting was easily legible. 

Nezu was finding this extremely entertaining as he read what she wrote as soon as she wrote it down. She was doing quite well but Nezu's ever so perceptive eye could see minor improvements she could make. The chimera wrapped his paws around his cup that he had placed down and started drinking his tea.

"Are you sure that villain has a needle type quirk?" Nezu asked, noticing things Momo had written down. He had done this a few times before, either to distract her and make her second guess herself of have her look a little closer at a small mistake that can create many more openings. 

Momo stopped writing momentarily and focused on the needle man. The needles covering his entire body was small and thin, but he was still able to shoot them out like a few other needle quirks. But Momo noticed that areas she assumed was clothing was actually his skin, flabs of puffy green pads. The pink attributes also looked like flower petals. 

Momo dropped her head and quickly wrote that the man's quirk was a cactus quirk for further detail. Nezu smiled at looked back at the video as he watched the fight conclude with a few of the villains getting away. But they won't be on the street for much longer thanks to extensive analyses Momo just conducted while they thought. They'll have no clue what hit them and that made Nezu chuckled.

"Hah look at that, it's reached headlines everywhere. Himi is loving this," Dabi teased as he looked over Izuku's shoulder to look at his phone. Izuku blushed and elbowed Dabi's gut. The older man stumbled slightly but laughed at Izuku's attack, rubbing the area he hit. 

On national news everywhere is a single photo a journalist managed to take. The photo was of very high quality and perfectly captured Himiko giving Izuku an intense kiss. Izuku was now as red as a tomato while Dabi laughed at his embarrassment. 

"Whatever! It was just a kiss, there isn't a reason it should have blown up like this," Izuku yelled at Dabi defensively making the white-haired male laugh. Izuku angrily turned away and put some distance between him and Dabi. Dabi rolled his eyes at Izuku acting in embarrassment. Dabi turned back around and picked up the unconscious villain they had taken out. He had a really strong quirk called Chompers.

It was a transformation type quirk that morphed the users' hands temporarily and what it did was create a bouncing ball with a mouth that can contain things by eating it. From energy attacks to people and the user can have for active at once.

The villain was using this quirk to take people out without being able to see him and rob many places with no one stopping him. Now that he's been taken out, Izuku now is the owner of the quirk Chompers.

Izuku was still glaring at his phone, he was still upset at Dabi's teasing, but he couldn't stop the bright blush on his face as he saw the same photo on multiple headlines. Certain headlines catching his attention like cute couple, vigilante lovebirds and potentially engaged. Izuku covered his face with his hands as intrusive thoughts came into his head without his consent. But that didn't stop Izuku's small smile.

"Oh, get fucked," Dabi swore making Izuku turn around. Dabi was looking over towards a wall and he was glaring at it. Izuku was confused as he thought Dabi might have been talking to that man they had knocked out, but it seemed like he had gone insane.

"Who are you talking to?" Izuku asked cautiously, just in case Dabi was on some type of drug despite him not picking that habit back up since his kidnapping. Dabi turned to Izuku, looking slightly angered but he calmed himself down quickly. He reached up and massaged the marks under his eye lids before waving his hand in front of him.

"Sorry, don't mind me," Dabi dismissed. Izuku looked at the man suspiciously but shrugged it off. When Izuku had turned around, Dabi turned and glared at where he was glaring again and raising his middle finger at whatever entity he was annoyed at. 

Izuku was still scrolling through the news, still obsessed in seeing what people thought about his and Himiko's moment despite being heavily embarrassed about. He continued scrolling when the next thing he saw was Kurogiri. Izuku swiped past it as he was focused on news about him currently, but Kurogiri popped up again and again. Izuku then clicked on it and a video played, making Izuku gasp. 

"Dabi! Get over here!" Izuku shouted to the man. Dabi turned and rushed over to Izuku, slightly concerned about what Izuku found because of the smaller male's tone. His eyes widened at the video playing and his fist started to shake as anger filled him from what he was hearing.

"Citizens of Japan, I am Kurogiri from the League of Villains. We are allowing you a choice; you can stay where you are and maintain your place in this flawed society of false provinces and idiots in tights. Or you can move over to the south to join our new world, building a new society where these modern heroes won't belong. If you don't wish to be injured when we launch this attack, we suggest you move quickly because in near time, we will strike. Watch out heroes, you don't know what's coming." Kurogiri spoke with authoritative sincerity. His emotionless demeanor making the villain seam darker and sinister to install fear in the lives across Japan.

"Those bastards," Dabi growled, clenching his fists tight in rage. Izuku wasn't having as strong of a reaction, but he was staring at his phone with serious intent. He had a question, and he was trying to figure out the answer to it, but it wasn't coming. So, he turned to look at the enraged man next to him.

"Dabi, why didn't Shigaraki do the message?"

(Authors Notes):

Hah did you notice in what sections I gave up lol. I didn't intend to make them that long, so I had mind blanks for quite a while. One more chapter before the endgame I promise, and I hope all I listed in this chapter will be important instead of tidbits of detail I end up scrapping. Hope you enjoyed. The final fight is coming.

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